3,183 research outputs found

    Hidrólise de diacetato de fluoresceína como bioindicador da qualidade de solo de várzea subtropical.

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    Influence of preparation procedures on the phenolic content, antioxidant and antidiabetic activities of green and black teas

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    The influence of common tea preparation procedures (temperature, infusion time, consumption time interval and tea bag/loose-leaf) and the type of water used, on the total phenolic content (TPC), the radical scavenging activity and the alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity were assessed. Higher TPC and antioxidant activity were obtained when using lower mineralized waters. Tea bags also evidenced higher antioxidant activity than loose-leaf samples. Under the same conditions (90 degrees C and five minutes of infusion time) green tea contains almost twice the quantity of polyphenols and the free radical scavenging ability of black tea. In the alpha-glucosidase assay all infusions were active (97-100 %). Furthermore, HPLC allowed to identify some of the polyphenols present in both teas and to monitor their composition change with time. After twenty-four hours, the antioxidant activity was maintained without significant changes, but a small decrease in enzyme inhibition was observed, although this activity was still very high.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Divergência genética entre clones de cupuaçuzeiro [Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) Schum], coletados em plantios comerciais.

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar e comparar a estrutura genética de 29 clones de cupuaçuzeiro, Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) Shum., oriundos de 27 subgrupos, para auxiliar no processo de seleção. Para a caracterização genética foram utilizados oito primers microssatélites específicos para cupuaçuzeiro. Foi estimada a heterozigosidade observada (Ho) e esperada (He), número total de alelos/loco, bem comoo valor real de populações desses indivíduos e a relação entre si. Foi observado um número total de 23 alelos com média de 2,875 alelos/loco, sendo que, o máximo encontrado foi 6 alelos/loco. A heterozigosidade observada, em sua maioria, foi maior do que a esperada indicando ausência de endogamia. Os agrupamentos I, II, X e VXI foram os que permitiram as maiores integrações entre clones. No entanto, todas as populações apresentaram-se de forma não estruturada, indicando que o individuo de um grupo, tem a possibilidade de pertencer a outro grupo

    Produtividade de genótipos de feijão-caupi avaliados para produção de feijão-verde no Estado do Ceará.

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    O presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar componentes de produção e produtividade de genótipos de feijão-caupi avaliados para feijão-verde. Foram utilizados dados de produtividade de grãos de 16 genótipos de feijão-caupi avaliados em Pentecoste - Ceará. A análise de variância univariada foi utilizada para a determinação da variabilidade e da resposta dos genótipos quanto à produtividade. Em seguida os valores médios de cada variável analisada para os diferentes genótipos foram agrupadas pelo teste de Scott-Knott. Foi observada resposta diferenciada dos genótipos para todos os caracteres avaliados, demonstrando presença de variabilidade genética. O genótipo BRS Tumucumaque apresentou a maior média de produtividade de grãos verdes e se destacou quanto aos componentes primários da produção em relação aos demais genótipos.CONAC 2012. Disponível em: http://www.conac2012.org/resumos/pdf/142b.pdf. Acesso em: 26 jul. 2013

    Brachiaria brizantha cv. BRS Piatã forage yield under integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems in Brazil.

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    Integrated crop-livestock-forestry (ICLF) systems are increasingly considered for a diversified agricultural production in Brazil. In this study we analysed the forage yield [kg DM ha?1], of Brachiaria brizantha BRS cv. Piat?a for ICLF demonstration plots at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - EMBRAPA, located in Campo Grande-MS, Brazil. The analysed plots with four replicates corresponded to three production systems: Two integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems (ICLF1 and ICLF2) and an integrated crop-livestock system (ICL). The trees (Eucalyptus urograndis) in the ICLF systems were planted in single rows with 2m between tress and 14 or 22m between rows, resulting in 357 trees ha?1 (ICLF1) and 277 trees ha?1 (ICLF2), respectively. The crop component is soy-bean, planted every 4 years. Grass biomass was sampled monthly in a line of five sampling points at equal distance from each other between tree rows to represent the understory shading gradient. Animal feed intake was considered using the moving cages method. During the dry season (June - October) the forage yields between the different treatments didn?t differ significantly from each other (average 5.4 kg DM ha?1). In the rainy season (November - January) the ICLF system had the highest forage yield (ICLF 17.7 > ICL 6.6 kg DM ha?1). Most likely the main reason for these results is due to the management practice. In the dry season the ICLF systems had such a low stocking rate compared to the ICL system, that in the rainy season the ICLF systems were able to exceed the forage production of the ICL system. In the tree plots during the dry season the forage yields along the shading gradient didn?t differ significantly (average 5.3 kg DM ha?1). In the rainy season the points with higher shading (near the tree rows) had lower forage yields (9.9 and 11.8 kg DM ha?1, respectively) than the central points (16.1 kg DM ha?1). The microclimate within the tree plots has a great effect on the forage production. During the dry season the shading effect of the trees on the whole area is more evenly distributed resulting in similar forage yields along the shading gradient

    Influence of the external pressure on the quantum correlations of molecular magnets

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    The study of quantum correlations in solid state systems is a large avenue for research and their detection and manipulation are an actual challenge to overcome. In this context, we show by using first-principles calculations on the prototype material KNaCuSi4_{4}O10_{10} that the degree of quantum correlations in this spin cluster system can be managed by external hydrostatic pressure. Our results open the doors for research in detection and manipulation of quantum correlations in magnetic systems with promising applications in quantum information science


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    Space Simulation Tests are performed in spacecraft in order to verify equipment proper operation under thermal vacuum conditioning and to verify the correct workmanship in the assembling of the flight spacecraft as a whole. This paper presents the space simulation (thermal vacuum test) developed in the China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite, Flight Model no. 2, that took place at the Integration and Tests Laboratory LIT, INPE. Measuring approximately 1.8 x 2.0 x 2.2m, weighting 1,500 kg and carrying three cameras as the main payload, this spacecraft is scheduled to be launched in China. The spacecraft was installed in the 3x3m space simulation chamber and the tests run 24 hours a day completing a total of 350 hours. Using the technique of skin-heaters complemented by the thermal vacuum chamber thermally conditioned shrouds and cold plates, dedicated heat inputs and heat sink where applied at the spacecraft surfaces in order to obtain the required high and low acceptance values of temperature and, subsequently, simulating the operational conditions for the necessary electronic subsystems functioning tests of the spacecraft. This test campaign included teams from both China and Brazil, summing a total of 67 people directly involved

    Chemical composition of the essential oil of leaves of Croton conduplicatus Kunth.

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    Objectives to elucidate the chemical composition of the essential oil from leaves of C. conduplicatus collected in dry and rainy season. Methods: Fresh leaves of Croton conduplicatus Kunth. were collected in Petrolina-PE

    Chemical composition of the essential oil of leaves of Croton conduplicatus Kunth subjected to different extraction times.

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    Objectives to evaluate the influence of different extraction times on the chemical composition of the essential oil from the leaves of Croton conduplicatus