13,502 research outputs found

    Topological vortices in generalized Born-Infeld-Higgs electrodynamics

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    A consistent BPS formalism to study the existence of topological axially symmetric vortices in generalized versions of the Born-Infeld-Higgs electrodynamics is implemented. Such a generalization modifies the field dynamics via introduction of three non-negative functions depending only in the Higgs field, namely, G(ϕ)G(|\phi|), w(ϕ)w(|\phi|) and V(ϕ)V(|\phi|). A set of first-order differential equations is attained when these functions satisfy a constraint related to the Ampere law. Such a constraint allows to minimize the system energy in such way that it becomes proportional to the magnetic flux. Our results provides an enhancement of topological vortex solutions in Born-Infeld-Higgs electrodynamics. Finally, we analyze a set of models such that a generalized version of Maxwell-Higgs electrodynamics is recovered in a certain limit of the theory.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, to appear in EPJ

    Fos em FOZ: Frances para fins especificos - da escola à universidade

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    El proyecto de extensión “FOS em Foz: Frances para fines específicos – da escola à universidade” plantea crear y desarrollar el aprendizaje de la lengua francesa a través de dos tipos de acciones. La primera de ellas, crear un vinculo en una escuela de Foz do Iguaçu, impartiendo aulas una vez por semana para estudiantes de enseño medio. La segunda es crear un grupo de conversación en francés con personas de la universidad UNILA, siendo este un nivel más avanzado de francés, y dirigido hacia un ámbito académico de la lengua. Para llevar a cabo estos dos proyectos se enfoco por un lado en una metodología de enseño de francés básico A1, según el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas, basados en textos de aprendizaje básicos de la lengua, incluyendo audios, videos y material multimedia disponible en sitios en internet orientados para estos fines; por otro lado para el grupo de conversación se utilizaron textos académicos, basados en los intereses de los participantes, enfocados con textos bases de referencia en el aprendizaje de FOS (Français sur Objectif Spécifique). El resultado de estos proyectos fue, por un lado, el descubrimiento de la lengua francesa en una escuela periférica de Foz de Iguaçu, en jóvenes de 14-18 años y algunos profesores de esta escuela. Por otro, se incentivo la práctica de los conocimientos ya adquiridos de francés por parte del personal académico de la UNILA, notablemente profesores. Finalmente, se abrió a diversos públicos el contacto con la lengua francesa, bajo diferentes fines específicos, intentando crear un puente entre la escuela y la universidad

    Deformation method for generalized Abelian Higgs-Chern-Simons models

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    We present an extension of the deformation method applied to self-dual solutions of generalized Abelian Higgs-Chern-Simons models. Starting from a model defined by a potential V(ϕ)V(| \phi |) and a non-canonical kinetic term ω(ϕ)Dμϕ2\omega(| \phi |) | D_{\mu}\phi |^2 whose analytical domain wall solutions are known, we show that this method allows to obtain an uncountable number of new analytical solutions of new models defined by other functions V~\widetilde{V} and ω~\widetilde{\omega}. We present some examples of deformation functions leading to new families of models and their associated analytic solutions.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figure

    Collaborative web applications

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    Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaOver the last few years, the growth of the web has allowed more and more information to be posted online. In order to be kept up to date about their favorite sites, users may rely on event dissemination services. RSS is one of the most used protocols for that purpose. Event dissemination using RSS is based on a centralized model. Each user must have an application that periodically polls the information’s source, in order to be informed about updates. This kind of approach can be extended to allow collaboration between different subscribers of RSS feeds in the information propagation process. This allows for the dissemination process to be more efficient and, at the same time, allowing new and interesting features to be added. In this dissertion, we present a system that will allow RSS users to cooperate in feed disseminations,as well as collaborate in content rating and suggestion. The goal is to allow users to have faster and easier access to more relevant feeds sources. User interest in automatic content suggestions has grown in the last few years, leading to the creation of several sites providing that service. These services have a centralized architecture,where all users get their suggestions from a single server. A similar service can be deployed in a collaborative-based RSS feeds dissemination system. The system presented in this work lets users share information directly with each other, allowing the system to provide feeds suggestions

    How different generations contact and search for brands on social media? Comparing gen X and Y

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    This research intends to examine if there were significant differences on the brand engagement and on the electronic word of mouth (e-WOM)1 referral intention through Facebook between Generation X and Generation Y (also called millennials). Also, this study intends to examine if there are differences in the motivations that drive these generations to interact with brands through Facebook. Results indicated that Generation Y members consumed more content on Facebook brands’ pages than Generation X. Also, they were more likely to have an e-WOM referral intention as well as being more driven by brand affiliation and opportunity seeking. Finally, currently employed individuals were found to contribute with more content than students. This study fills the gap in the literature by addressing how marketing professionals should market their brand and interact and engage with their customers, based on customers’ generational cohort

    Towards a method and a guiding tool for conducting process mining projects

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    Due to the increased use of information systems by organizations, information on the execution of processes is recorded. This enables using process mining as a tool for improving process performance. Process mining allows gaining insights regarding actual processes by extracting and processing data from existing systems. Many projects have been conducted for process discovery, conformance checking, etc. Despite of the existence of general methods for data analysis, there’s a lack of specific methods to support process mining projects. Thus, completions of such projects are often dependent on expertise of the analysts. This paper presents a detailed method for conducting process mining projects and a tool for supporting its execution and retaining the outcomes of each step. A case is analysed for evaluating them. Organizations seeking process performance improvement can get benefit from a method that states how process mining techniques can be used in process mining projects


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    ABSTRACT This article deserves to discuss in both the legal and the corporate world the practices adopted by Brazilian companies that seek to disseminate a more democratic working environment, especially respect for differences and prevention policies directed at HIV-positive workers, with a view to Independence of legal predictions consonant with the jurisprudential understandings materialized in the social dynamics. Methodologically, we sought to interpret extensively the constitutional principles, especially the neoconstitutional current and other devices inherent in the Federal Constitution. It was concluded that there are still shortcomings, mainly, regarding the supervision of work environments, demonstrating, therefore, that the constitutional text is emptied when it should be considered as an instrument of preservation and social construction KEYWORDS: Labor Law; Constitutional Guarantees; Neo-constitutionalism. RESUMO O presente artigo se digna a debater tanto no universo jurídico quanto empresarial, as práticas adotadas pelas empresas brasileiras que procuram disseminar um ambiente de trabalho mais democrático, em especial o respeito às diferenças e as políticas de prevenção direcionada aos trabalhadores portadores de HIV, objetivando a independência de previsões legais consonantes aos entendimentos jurisprudenciais materializados na dinâmica social. Metodologicamente, buscou-se interpretar de forma extensiva dos princípios constitucionais, em especial pela corrente neoconstitucional e dos demais dispositivos inerentes na Constituição Federal. Concluiu-se que ainda há insuficiências, principalmente, no tocante à fiscalização dos ambientes de trabalho, demonstrando, portanto, que o texto constitucional se vê esvaziado quando deveria ser tido como instrumento de preservação e construção social   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Direito do Trabalho; Garantias Constitucionais; Neoconstitucionalismo.

    Payment for Environmental Services (psa) as Capital Driver and Promoter of Environmental Conservation: the Case of Brazilian Livestock

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    This article aims to discuss the power of finance capital as environmental conservation promoter by building Payment for Environmental Services mechanisms, specifically livestock chain Brazilian court, listing the barriers to its full operation.The creation of cattle, started and accompanied the colonization and development of Brazil at first predominated by an extensive model, with animals coming from Portugal and Spain, with low performance in the tropics and without a systematic work of selection and breeding. It is now one of the main value chains of Brazilian agribusiness, with a herd of more than 200 million head and total export around US $ 7.4 billion in 2014.However, the period in years of livestock development in Brazil, it was often linked to pressure on the deforestation of native forests, mainly in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes.While groups linked to the productive sector argue that deforestation was linked to the Forest Code of 1973 and the national sovereignty of policies in food production from the Federal Government, groups linked to civil society organizations claim that the effect of this expansion is due to market interest and it is funded by national and international financial capital.Financial capital and agricultural production, as theoretical objects of research have generally been treated separately in the context of the economy and even the social sciences in general.In the Amazon, the expansion of the agricultural frontier created in March geo-graphic "Arc of Deforestation", which advances the replacement of natural forests for agricultural production. An expensive process that requires huge sums of financing, mostly coming from public financial institutions.In 2012, with the aprovoção the new version of the Brazilian Forest Code, replacing the version 1973, the Federal Government authorized the creation of support programs and incentives for conservation of the environment, as well as adoption of technologies and best practices that reconcile agriculture and forest productivity.Provided through a literature review, it was identified barriers to building an economic arrangement for structuring a permanent mechanism for Payment for Environmental Services, which would meet the demand created by the new federal law.Interviews with actors and significant entities financially and politically to the livestock sector, were held at the beginning and end of the research to understand the barriers and potentials in the use of Payments for Environmental Services - PSA in the targeting and use of finance capital.It was identified that the most frequently cited beneficiaries are owners and land owners, farmers and traditional communities and indigenous peoples. Still, few laws indicate which eligible land supportable categories for projects and actions of PSA. Furthermore, the legal uncertainty caused by the lack of a specific law for paying agents, agent receiver and inspection agent of PSA prevents actions to migrate the level of models and projects on a national scale