329 research outputs found


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    A oxidação da pirita (FeS2) na presença de ar e água origina a geração de drenagem ácida de mina (DAM). A oxidação da pirita em presença de água promove a formação de H2SO4 (ácido sulfúrico), o que promove a liberação de ferro nas formas de Fe+2 e Fe+3, sulfatos e uma série de outros metais, como Al, Cd, Cu, Mn e Zn. Esse problema ocorre de forma bastante intensa na região carbonífera do Sul de Santa Catarina. A Indústria Carboquímica catarinense, ICC, entrou em operação em 1979 com o processo de ustulação da pirita e conseguinte produção de ácido sulfúrico e ácido fosfórico, matéria-prima básica para a produção de fertilizantes. No processo de ustulação, a ICC consumiu em treze anos mais de 2,3 milhões de toneladas de pirita, gerando, consequentemente, 1,5 milhões de toneladas de óxido férrico. Com o fechamento da ICC, todo o resíduo sólido rico em pirita gerado em razão da mineração e do beneficiamento de carvão deixou de ter uma utilização industrial no Brasil e ainda restou 1,5 milhão de toneladas de Fe2O3, rejeito do processo de ustulação da pirita. Neste trabalho, utilizou-se o Fe2O3, proveniente das operações da antiga ICC, e um Óxido Hidróxido de Ferro resultante de processo de tratamento de DAM, para a produção de coagulantes à base de ferro, o que está em sintonia com os princípios da atualidade no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento sustentável e aos programas de resíduo zero.Palavras-chave: DAM. Óxido férrico. Hidróxido férrico. Coagulantes

    Solução de um problema de flambagem lateral com torção de uma viga utilizando Equações de Bessel

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    In this article, we will address lateral torsional buckling (LTB), a problem characterized by the combination of bending and torsional stresses. Such a phenomenon may constitute an ultimate limit state related to stability. Its modeling was done considering these efforts, through a Riccati ODE that could be transformed into a Bessel ODE and whose result found represents the maximum critical load that a cantilever beam can support, without lateral buckling with torsion.Neste artigo, abordaremos a flambagem lateral com torção (FLT), um problema caracterizada pela combinação dos esforços de flexão e torção. Tal fenômeno pode constituir um estado limite último relacionado à estabilidade. Sua a modelagem foi feita considerando esses esforços, através de uma EDO de Riccati que pôde ser transformada numa EDO de Bessel e cujo resultado encontrado representa a carga crítica máxima que uma viga engastada pode suportar, sem que ocorra a flambagem lateral com torção

    Inventory Automation Using RFID Technology in Romaster Engenharia

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    The inventory of assets is something common and very common in companies annually or even every semester, it is an essential factor for a large and medium-sized company. The large number and degree of complexity of the assets that a company has directly affects the difficulty of managing these assets and, of course, the definition of an accurate inventory. We are talking about a large amount of assets, not just to be on paper and registering one at a time takes a long time, so the idea of our article was to automate all the company\u27s assets (Romaster) by tags, and install antennas at points strategic to make an accurate reading of the company\u27s assets, thus optimizing the inventory time. This technology has existed since the last century, used for the most diverse purposes, but now inserted in the inventory management of the Romaster company

    O caso da Cooperativa de Trabalho de Costureiras Unidas Venceremos: relatos de uma experiência de economia solidária

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    This article presents reports of an experience of Solidarity Economy, the case of the Work Cooperative of the Seamstress Together We’ll - Univens. With the rise of neoliberalism and the rise in unemployment, in 1996, a group of unemployed women from a community in the city of Porto Alegre/RS, saw in the formation of the cooperative an opportunity for work, income generation and social inclusion. It is common in studies of collectivist enterprises, such as the case of Univens, specifically linked to the Solidarity Economy, a confrontation between the desired organizational model carved in an idealistic perspective and the reality lived in these enterprises. Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify the main adherences and distances of Univens experience in relation to the principles that underlie the Solidarity Economy. Using qualitative methodological procedures, we seek to understand the process of organization and development of the cooperative in an adverse socioeconomic context. For data collection, three instruments were used: documentary research, semi-structured interview and direct observation. The analyzes were performed from the triangulation of the data collection instruments and the data sorted into three categories: historical development, management processes, challenges and problems. As a result, we found that Univens uses principles of the self-management model; that the production process is divided into three stages (cutting, sewing and screen printing), demonstrating a clear division of labor; and that the weaknesses of the cooperative are due to the seasonality of requests and the lack of training of members and potential members. It is concluded that although Univens has not surpassed the capitalist logic, it is necessary to consider the transformative potential of its practices as a form of resistance to capitalist organizations. Keywords: Solidarity economy. Cooperativism. Solidarity enterprises. Univens.Este artigo apresenta relatos de uma experiência de Economia Solidária, o caso da Cooperativa de Costureiras Unidas Venceremos - Univens. Com a ascensão do neoliberalismo e o crescimento do desemprego, em 1996, um grupo de mulheres desempregadas de uma comunidade da cidade de Porto Alegre/RS, viram na formação da cooperativa uma oportunidade de trabalho, geração de renda e inclusão social. É comum em estudos de empreendimentos de corte coletivista, como o caso da Univens, especificamente ligado à Economia Solidária, um confronto entre o modelo organizacional desejado talhado numa perspectiva idealista e a realidade vivida nesses empreendimentos. Por isso, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as principais aderências e distanciamentos da experiência da Univens em relação aos princípios que fundamentam a Economia Solidária. Utilizando-se de procedimentos metodológicos qualitativos, procuramos compreender o processo de organização e desenvolvimento da cooperativa diante de um contexto socioeconômico adverso. Para a realização da coleta de dados foram utilizados três instrumentos: a pesquisa documental, a entrevista semiestruturada e a observação direta. As análises foram realizadas a partir da triangulação dos instrumentos de coleta de dados e os dados ordenados em três categorias: desenvolvimento histórico, processos de gestão, desafios e problemas. Como resultados, identificamos que a Univens utiliza princípios do modelo de autogestão; que o processo produtivo é dividido em três etapas (corte, costura e serigrafia), demonstrando uma clara divisão do trabalho; e que as fragilidades da cooperativa são decorrentes da sazonalidade dos pedidos e da falta de capacitação das cooperadas e das potenciais cooperantes. Conclui-se que apesar da Univens não ter superado a lógica capitalista, é preciso considerar o potencial transformador de suas práticas como forma de resistência as organizações capitalistas. Palavras-chave: Economia solidária. Cooperativismo. Empreendimentos solidários. Univens

    Biotransformation of volatile compounds of the leaves of Schinus terebinthifolius by caterpillar Automeris Hubner / Biotransformação de compostos voláteis das folhas de Schinus terebinthifolius por lagarta Automeris Hubner

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    Aromatic plants are rich in essential oils composed mainly of terpenoids, which have great pharmacological potential. Generally, S. terebinthifolius trees are preyed upon by a species of caterpillar known as Automeris Hubner. The volatile compounds present in the hexane extract of their feces were identified and quantified. Twenty compounds (98.83%), 7 monoterpenes (83.02%) and 13 sesquiterpenes (15.81%) were identified. The main constituents of essential oil in feces are the monoterpenes Perillal (34.51%), D-Limonene (23.31%) and trans-Shisool (20.96%). The comparison of the volatile composition of the leaves and feces revealed that some constituents present in the leaves were identified in the feces in lower or higher concentrations than in the feces, such as the ?-3-Carene monoterpenes, whose percentage values were reduced from 27.80 % (leaves) to 0.41% (feces) and D-limonene whose concentration increased significantly in leaves (2.23%) compared to feces (23.31%). Analysis of the biosynthetic pathway of most terpenoid hydrocarbons showed that constituents such as ?-Pinene, D-Limonene and Germacrene D present in the essential oil of the leaves were biotransformed by the caterpillar Automeris Hubner in the monoterpenes: Myrtenol, Perillal and trans-Shisool and in the sesquiterpenes: Aromadendrene, ?-Selinene, Valencene, ?-Cadinene, ?-Cadinene, ?-Cadinene and ?-Eudesmol

    Contributions to nonlinear elliptic equations and systems: a tribute to Djairo Guedes de Figueiredo on the occasion of his 80th birthday

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    This volume of contributions pays tribute to the life and work of Djairo Guedes de Figueiredo on the occasion of his 80th birthday. The articles it contains were born out of the ICMC Summer Meeting on Differential Equations – 2014 Chapter, also dedicated to de Figueiredo and held at the Universidade de São Paulo at São Carlos, Brazil from February 3-7, 2014. The contributing authors represent a group of international experts in the field and discuss recent trends and new directions in nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations and systems. Djairo Guedes de Figueiredo has had a very active scientific career, publishing 29 monographs and over one hundred research articles. His influence on Brazilian mathematics has made him one of the pillars of the subject in that country. He had a major impact on the development of analysis, especially in its application to nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations and systems throughout the entire world. The articles collected here pay tribute to him and his legacy, and are intended for graduate students and researchers in mathematics and related areas who are interested in nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations and systems

    Intelligent methods for business rule processing: State-of-the-art

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    In this article, we provide an overview of the latest intelligent techniques used for processing business rules. We have conducted a comprehensive survey of the relevant literature on robot process automation, with a specific focus on machine learning and other intelligent approaches. Additionally, we have examined the top vendors in the market and their leading solutions to tackle this issue.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    The sub-supersolution method for Kirchhoff systems: applications

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    In this paper we prove that the sub-supersolution method works for general Kirchhoff systems. We apply the cited method to prove the existence of positive solutions for some specific models