564 research outputs found

    Preliminary Results of the Use of Sowing Time and Variety Choice as Techniques of Adaptability of Durum Wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) to Temperature Increases

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    In the 21st century, global climate change is a key concern for countries all over the world as, in the future, crops will face several extreme events, including an increase of 2–4◦C in the mean temperature with a possible consequent reduction in yield. Wheat (Triticum durum Desf) is one of the most important foods as it provides 20% of the protein for the world population. Since temperature is one of the most limiting factors of crop development, the aim of this trial was to verify the agronomic response of durum wheat to a temperature increase of about 1.5–2.0◦C through the use of short-time adjustment techniques, such as sowing time and variety choice. The experiment foresaw the comparison between two different temperature conditions (ordinary, OT—in the open field, and high, HT—under a polyethylene tunnel), two sowing times (ordinary—OS, and delayed—DS), and three varieties (Ofanto, modern variety; Cappelli, traditional variety; and a mix of the two). HT conditions caused a decline in the wheat yield (−52.5%), but without differences between the two sowing times. The grain quality resulted positively when affected by late sowing times with an increase in 1000 seeds weight and protein percentages and a decrease in shrunken grains. Therefore, it seems that in areas characterized by high temperatures, delayed sowing can improve grain quality without reducing yield quantity compared to ordinary sowing times

    Effects of irrigation on n2o emissions in a maize crop grown on different soil types in two contrasting seasons

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    Crop management and soil properties affect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from cropping systems. Irrigation is one of the agronomical management practices that deeply affects soil nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Careful management of irrigation, also concerning to soil type, might mitigate the emissions of this powerful GHG from agricultural soils. In the Mediterranean area, despite the relevance of the agricultural sector to the overall economy and sustainable development, the topic of N2O emissions does not have the same importance as N2O fluxes in temperate agricultural areas. Only some research has discussed N2O emissions from Mediterranean cropping systems. Therefore, in this study, N2O emissions from different soil types (sandy‐loam and clay soils) were analyzed in relation to the irrigation of a maize crop grown in two contrasting seasons (2009–2010). The irrigation was done using a center pivot irrigation system about twice a week. The N2O emissions were monitored throughout the two‐years of maize crop growth. The emissions were measured with the accumulation technique using eight static chambers (four chambers per site). Nitrogen fertilizer was applied in the form of ammonium sulphate and urea with 3,4 dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) nitrification inhibitors. In 2009, the N2O emissions and crop biomass measured in both soil types were lower than those measured in 2010. This situation was a lower amount of water and nitrogen (N) available to the crop. In 2010, the N2O fluxes were higher in the clay site than those in the sandy‐loam site after the first fertilization, whereas an opposite trend was found after the second fertilization. The soil temperature, N content, and soil humidity were the main drivers for N2O emission during 2009, whereas during 2010, only the N content and soil humidity affected the nitrous oxide emissions. The research has demonstrated that crop water management deeply affects soil N2O emissions, acting differently for denitrification and nitrification. The soil properties affect N2O emission by influencing the microclimate conditions in the root zone, conditioning the N2O production

    Yield performance and physiological response of a maize early hybrid grown in tunnel and open air under different water regimes

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    Climate change is one of the most important and studied phenomena of our age and it can have a deep impact on agriculture. Mediterranean countries are and will continue to be strongly affected by changing environmental factors, including lack of precipitation and prolonged heatwaves. The current study aimed to assess the adaptability of an early maize hybrid grown in two temperature conditions and subjected to different irrigation water regimes. The experimen-tal design was a randomized complete-block design with two different temperature conditions: (i) ordinary temperature in open field (OF) and (ii) high temperature (about 3◦ C higher than the current condition) under a poly-ethylene tunnel (PE). In both environments, five irrigation level treatments were applied: 100% (DI100), 75% (DI75), 50% (DI50), 25% (DI25), and 0% restoration of water lost by evapotranspiration (DI0). The responses of maize plants were assessed in terms of yield, nitrogen content determination, nitrogen use efficiency, leaf gas exchanges, and leaf water potential measurements. In both conditions, yield and its components linearly decreased as the irrigation water amount reduced, and even the DI0 plants did not produce. Notably, the PE-DI100 treatment had a significantly higher yield than the corresponding treatment in the open air (9.9 vs. 8.5 t ha−1 ), due mainly to the increased number of ears per square meter (13 vs. 11 m2, respectively). Though, as far as it concerns physiological parameters, a significant effect of environmental conditions was found, with values significantly lower under the protected environment, compared to the plants in the open field. Considering our results, it can be assumed that correct management of amount and time intervals of irrigation could adapt the maize to future climate change

    Organic versus mineral fertilization: Assessing of yield and quality of durum wheat in marginal lands

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    Durum wheat is often cultivated in marginal areas with great management difficulties. Organic fertilization is a sustainable agricultural practice that allows preserving the environment, but its limit can be the reduction of yield and quality of crops, also in cereals. The aim of research was to evaluate the effects of the organic fertilization on yield and quality of Simeto, a variety of durum wheat, cultivated for two years in three different sites of the internal hill of Campania Region (San Giorgio la Molara, SGM; Ariano Irpino, AI; Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi, SAL). SGM was a sandy-clay-loam soil, with high fertility, while AI and SAL were clay soil. The organic fertilization (ORG), based on roasted leather, was compared to mineral fertilization (MIN) and the not fertilized treatment (N0). In SGM, crop growth rate (CGR) and leaf area index (LAI) were significantly higher than AI and SAL until the flowering (about 2-and 4-fold more, respectively). MIN and ORG significantly boosted CGR compared to N0, while for LAI, ORG was never different from N0. The two-years value of yield was 3.0 t ha–1; in SGM, it reached 4.2 t ha–1, and it was 54.6% more than the mean value of AI and SAL, while N0 was not different from MIN of AI and SAL. ORG yield was lower and not different from NO in AI, where the lowest values of 1000 kernels weight, and hectolitre weight were also recorded. MIN and ORG increased the number of spikes per square meter: 27.0%, and 12.8% over N0, respectively, but ORG showed an 11.2% decrease compared to MIN. The 1000 kernels weight reached the highest values in SAL, without differences between N0, MIN, and ORG. The values of protein and gluten percentage were highest in AI and SGM (about 13.5%, and 11.7%, respectively), but without differences between ORG and MIN in the 3 sites for protein percentage. The worst value of the vitreousness was recorded in SAL (52.3%), six-fold more than that of AI (8.2%), probably due to the high rainfall. NUE reached the highest value in SGM in the first year, when it was significantly different from AI and SAL (0.036 vs 0.030 t kg–1). Overall, the effect of nitrogen fertilization type results site-specific; indeed, organic fertilization had the same performance of mineral in the site with better soil (low clay content, high nitrogen, and organic matter content) and climate conditions

    Estudio de la morfología de la superficie articular de injertos osteocondriales frescos, congelados y criopreservados empleando un microscopio electrónico de barrido ambiental.

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    La superficie articular es un indicador pronóstico del éxito del implante osteocondral criopreservado y podría constituirse en parámetro para el control de la calidad del proceso de almacenamiento de este tipo de tejidos. Objetivos: fotografiar la superficie articular de injertos osteocondrales frescos, crear un sistema de clasificación de los principales aspectos morfológicos de la superficie condral de los injertos y determinar los cambios que en ellos produce la congelación a - 40 ºC y la criopreservación a -196 ºC según la escala diseñada. Metodología: se empleó un microscopio electrónico de barrido ambiental para fotografiar la superficie condral sin técnicas de fijación. Se clasificaron los principales aspectos morfológicos y se validó la escala según variabilidad inter e intra-observador. Las imágenes de los injertos congelados y criopreservados se obtuvieron siguiendo la misma metodología. Conclusiones: el microscopio de barrido ambiental es una herramienta útil para fotografiar la superficie de injertos osteocondrales frescos, congelados y criopreservados. La superficie articular de los injertos frescos no es totalmente lisa, hallándose diversos aspectos clasificables en un sistema cualitativo para la detección de cambios en situaciones experimentales o patológicas. La superficie del injerto congelado presenta aumento de colinas y protuberancias al compararlos con los injertos frescos y criopreservados, así como un mayor número de lagunas condrocíticas vacías. La superficie del injerto criopreservado muestra aumento de colinas y protuberancias al compararlos con los injertos frescos. Los condrocitos del tejido criopreservado difieren del fresco algunas oportunidades, mostrando imágenes de posible lesión en su membrana asi como lagunas vacías

    MicroRNA co-expression networks exhibit increased complexity in pancreatic ductal compared to Vater’s papilla adenocarcinoma

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    iRNA expression abnormalities in adenocarcinoma arising from pancreatic ductal system (PDAC) and Vater’s papilla (PVAC) could be associated with distinctive pathologic features and clinical cancer behaviours. Our previous miRNA expression profiling data on PDAC (n=9) and PVAC (n=4) were revaluated to define differences/ similarities in miRNA expression patterns. Afterwards, in order to uncover target genes and core signalling pathways regulated by specific miRNAs in these two tumour entities, miRNA interaction networks were wired for each tumour entity, and experimentally validated target genes underwent pathways enrichment analysis. One hundred and one miRNAs were altered, mainly over-expressed, in PDAC samples. Twenty-six miRNAs were deregulated in PVAC samples, where more miRNAs were down-expressed in tumours compared to normal tissues. Four miRNAs were significantly altered in both subgroups of patients, while 27 miRNAs were differentially expressed between PDAC and PVAC. Although miRNA interaction networks were more complex and dense in PDAC than in PVAC, pathways enrichment analysis uncovered a functional overlapping between PDAC and PVAC. However, shared signalling events were influenced by different miRNA and/or genes in the two tumour entities. Overall, specific miRNA expression patterns were involved in the regulation of a limited core signalling pathways in the biology landscape of PDAC and PVAC

    A protein kinase a-independent pathway controlling aquaporin 2 trafficking as a possible cause for the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis associated with polycystic kidney disease 1 haploinsufficiency.

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    Renal water reabsorption is controlled by vasopressin (AVP) which binds to V2 receptors resulting in PKA activation, phosphorylation of AQP2 at serine 256 (pS256) and translocation to the plasma membrane. Besides S256, AVP causes dephosphorylation of S261. Recent studies showed that cyclin-dependent kinases can phosphorylate S261 AQP2 peptides in vitro. In an attempt to investigate the possible role of cdks on AQP2 phosphorylation, we identified a new PKA-independent pathway regulating AQP2 trafficking. In ex-vivo kidney slices and MDCK-AQP2 cells, R-roscovitine, a specific cdks inhibitor, increased pS256 and decreased pS261. The changes in AQP2 phosphorylation were paralleled by an increase in cell surface AQP2 expression and osmotic water permeability in the absence of forskolin stimulation. Of note, R-roscovitine didn’t alter cAMP-dependent PKA activity. Because phosphorylation results from the balance between kinase and phosphatase activity, we evaluated the possible contribution of protein phosphatases PP1, PP2A and PP2B. Of these, R-roscovitine treatment specifically reduced PP2A protein expression and activity in MDCK cells. Interestingly, in PKD1+/- mice displaying a syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis with high level of pS256 despite unchanged AVP and cAMP, we found a reduced PP2A expression and activity and reduced pS261. Similarly to what previously found in PKD1+/- mice, R-roscovitine treatment caused a significant decrease in intracellular calcium in MDCK cells. Our data indicate that a reduced activity of PP2A, secondary to reduced intracellular Ca2+ levels, promotes AQP2 trafficking independently of the AVP-PKA axis. This pathway may be relevant for explaining pathological states characterized by inappropriate AVP secretion and positive water balance

    Phytochemical Responses to Salt Stress in Red and Green Baby Leaf Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Varieties Grown in a Floating Hydroponic Module

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    Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is one of the most popular leafy vegetables, appreciated globally as a low-calorie food with bioactive compounds. The application of a low dose of abiotic stress is considered a sustainable pre-harvest strategy to modify the nutraceutical value of horticultural products. In this work, we explored the response of two differently colored (red or green) baby leaf lettuce varieties to four NaCl concentrations in the nutrient solution (from 1 to 30 mM), using a full factorial design. We focused on leaf morphological parameters and possible phytochemical enhancement of the main polyphenols and anthocyanins, analyzed by LC-MS. The response to low-to-moderate salt stress exposure was affected mainly by salt concentration for leaf traits or by the cultivar for leaf color, with very limited factors' interactions. Multivariate analysis indicated a predominant role of the genotypic factor in shaping differences in the two weeks growing cycle for baby leaf lettuce. Phytochemically, different dose–response models to sub-optimal saline conditions may be applied to the various compounds. A significant hormetic stimulation was present only for cyanidin-malonyl glucoside, the main anthocyanin present in the red cultivar

    Infrared Multispectral Monitoring of Cereal Crops

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    Plants are subjected to a wide range of stresses which reduces the productivity of agricultural crops. In the case of cereal cultivations, climate change impacts on their production mainly through abiotic and biotic stress due for example to heat and water stress but also to pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, nematodes and others. The area under cereal cultivation is increasing worldwide, but, due to these problems, the current rates of yield growth and overall production are not enough to satisfy future demand. For this motivation, there is the needs to monitor and to control the cultivations, also developing new technological solutions useful to better optimize the management strategies, increasing both the quality of products and the quantity of the annual cereal harvest. Infrared imaging is a well-known non-invasive and non-contact technique that represents an outstanding approach of analysis applied in many fields: engineering, medicine, veterinary, cultural heritage and others. In recent years it has been gaining great interest in agriculture as it is well suited to the emerging needs of the precision agriculture management strategies. In this work, we performed an in-field multispectral infrared monitoring of different cereal crops (durum wheat and common wheat) through the use of both LWIR and MWIR cameras. The monitoring carried out made it possible to identify, among the crops analyzed, those subject to higher stress levels and their response to the different spectral ranges used. The results obtained open to the possibility of identifying new figures of merit useful for an effective monitoring of cereal crops and measurable through remote instrumentation

    Filippo Juvarra regista di corti e capitali dalla Sicilia al Piemonte all'Europa

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    Il complesso degli album che formano il cosiddetto corpus juvarrianum fu acquisito sul mercato antiquario tra il 1762 e il 1763 dall’allora prefetto della Biblioteca Giuseppe Pasini con il duplice intento di offrire a docenti e studenti dell’Ateneo torinese un importante fondo di disegni e incisioni e di dotare la Biblioteca di gran parte della produzione grafica di Filippo Juvarra, architetto di origine siciliana, ma fortemente inserito nel contesto culturale torinese. A questa prima serie si aggiunge il dono nel 1857 di un ulteriore volume, l’unico espressamente ideato da Juvarra, la raccolta dei «Penzieri diversi p. studio d’architettura fatti da me D. Filippo Juvarra a 9 luglio 1707 in Roma». La Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria di Torino, in concomitanza con i trecento anni della sua fondazione da parte di Vittorio Amedeo II – di fatto il vero trait-d’union tra la biblioteca e l’architetto – e l’ ABNUT (Associazione Amici della Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria) hanno voluto con tenacia riportare all’attenzione del pubblico, da quello più vasto agli specialisti, nell’ambito della straordinaria ricchezza dei fondi, l’eccezionalità di questo corpus juvarrianum, presentato per la prima volta nella sua compiutezza in occasione della mostra e offerto, con aggiornamenti critici, in questo volume. Alla pubblicazione dell’intero repertorio degli album si associa una selezionata serie di saggi d’occasione, che mettono in luce la ricchezza non soltanto della figura di Juvarra, ma innanzitutto del milieu culturale juvarriano con le sue ricadute evidenti sul panorama torinese ed europeo. Autori saggi e schede: Clelia Arnaldi di Balme, Nicola Badolato, Giulia Bergamo, Paola Bianchi, Giosuè Bronzino, Maria Vittoria Cattaneo, Paolo Cornaglia, Annerita Colturato, Chiara Devoti, Enrico Genta, Elena Gianasso, Andrea Merlotti, Gustavo Mola di Nomaglio, Franca Porticelli, Giuseppina Raggi, Costanza Roggero, José Luis Sancho Gaspar, Cristina Scalon, Fabio Uliana, Franca Varallo