343 research outputs found

    The microbiological quality of rainwater used for toilet flushing, cleaning and watering the garden- pilot study 2005

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    Regenwater opgevangen in reservoirs en toegepast voor onder andere toiletspoeling is vaak fecaal verontreinigd en bevat soms ziekteverwekkende bacterien. Om het infectierisico bij toepassing van dit water te kunnen schatten is aanvullend onderzoek nodig waarbij ziekteverwekkers worden gekwantificeerd en getypeerd en waarbij onderzocht wordt in welke mate gebruikers worden blootgesteld aan het besmette water.Regenwater is aanvankelijk onbesmet, maar bij afstromen langs oppervlakken en tijdens opslag in reservoirs kan besmetting optreden met micro-organismen die ziekte bij de mens kunnen veroorzaken. Dit kan gebeuren wanneer bijvoorbeeld vogelfeces van het dak wordt gespoeld of ratten of andere dieren toegang hebben tot het reservoir of open leidingen. Onderzoek van opgevangen hemelwater op vier verschillende locaties in Nederland toonde de aanwezigheid van de indicatoren voor fecale verontreiniging, bacterien van de coligroep, E. coli en enterococcen, in respectievelijk 28, 27 en 27 van de 28 onderzochte monsters aan. De potentieel ziekteverwekkende bacterien Campylobacter en Legionella pneumophila werden elk een maal op een locatie aangetroffen. Aeromonas en Clostridium perfringens, die ook ziekte bij de mens kunnen veroorzaken, werden in respectievelijk 20 en 23 van de 28 monsters gevonden. Salmonella en Vibrio werden op geen van de locaties aangetroffen. De aanwezigheid van ziekteverwekkende micro-organismen in regenwater toegepast voor toiletspoeling kan negatieve gevolgen voor de volksgezondheid hebben. Op basis van de verkregen resultaten is het nog niet mogelijk om het risico op het oplopen van een infectie bij blootstelling aan dit water te schatten omdat daarvoor nog aanvullende typerings- en blootstellingsgegevens nodig zijn.Rainwater collected in reservoirs and used for toilet flushing, for example, is often fecally contaminated and sometimes contains pathogenic bacteria. Estimating risk of infection caused by use of this water, will require additional research for enumerating and typing pathogens and for determining exposure to the contaminated water. Rainwater at the source is not contaminated with potential human pathogenic micro-organisms, but may become so at surface run-off and during storage in containers. This may occur when bird faeces runs off roofs, or rats or other animals have access to rainwater reservoirs or open mains. Examination of collected rainwater at four different sites in the Netherlands showed the presence of faecal indicator bacteria as total coliforms, E. coli and intestinal enterococci in 28, 27 and 27, respectively, of the 28 samples examined. Each of the potential human pathogenic bacteria, Campylobacter and Legionella pneumophila, was detected once at one sampling site. Aeromonas and Clostridium perfringens, which may also cause disease in humans, were detected in 20 and 23 of the 28 tested samples, respectively. Salmonella and Vibrio were not detected in any of the samples. The presence of potential pathogenic micro-organisms in rainwater used for toilet flushing may have adverse health effects. However, on the basis of the above results, and because additional typing and exposure data are required, it is not yet possible to estimate the risk of infection at exposure to this water.VROM Inspecti

    The microbiological quality of rainwater used for toilet flushing, cleaning and watering the garden- pilot study 2005

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    Rainwater collected in reservoirs and used for toilet flushing, for example, is often fecally contaminated and sometimes contains pathogenic bacteria. Estimating risk of infection caused by use of this water, will require additional research for enumerating and typing pathogens and for determining exposure to the contaminated water. Rainwater at the source is not contaminated with potential human pathogenic micro-organisms, but may become so at surface run-off and during storage in containers. This may occur when bird faeces runs off roofs, or rats or other animals have access to rainwater reservoirs or open mains. Examination of collected rainwater at four different sites in the Netherlands showed the presence of faecal indicator bacteria as total coliforms, E. coli and intestinal enterococci in 28, 27 and 27, respectively, of the 28 samples examined. Each of the potential human pathogenic bacteria, Campylobacter and Legionella pneumophila, was detected once at one sampling site. Aeromonas and Clostridium perfringens, which may also cause disease in humans, were detected in 20 and 23 of the 28 tested samples, respectively. Salmonella and Vibrio were not detected in any of the samples. The presence of potential pathogenic micro-organisms in rainwater used for toilet flushing may have adverse health effects. However, on the basis of the above results, and because additional typing and exposure data are required, it is not yet possible to estimate the risk of infection at exposure to this water.Regenwater opgevangen in reservoirs en toegepast voor onder andere toiletspoeling is vaak fecaal verontreinigd en bevat soms ziekteverwekkende bacterien. Om het infectierisico bij toepassing van dit water te kunnen schatten is aanvullend onderzoek nodig waarbij ziekteverwekkers worden gekwantificeerd en getypeerd en waarbij onderzocht wordt in welke mate gebruikers worden blootgesteld aan het besmette water.Regenwater is aanvankelijk onbesmet, maar bij afstromen langs oppervlakken en tijdens opslag in reservoirs kan besmetting optreden met micro-organismen die ziekte bij de mens kunnen veroorzaken. Dit kan gebeuren wanneer bijvoorbeeld vogelfeces van het dak wordt gespoeld of ratten of andere dieren toegang hebben tot het reservoir of open leidingen. Onderzoek van opgevangen hemelwater op vier verschillende locaties in Nederland toonde de aanwezigheid van de indicatoren voor fecale verontreiniging, bacterien van de coligroep, E. coli en enterococcen, in respectievelijk 28, 27 en 27 van de 28 onderzochte monsters aan. De potentieel ziekteverwekkende bacterien Campylobacter en Legionella pneumophila werden elk een maal op een locatie aangetroffen. Aeromonas en Clostridium perfringens, die ook ziekte bij de mens kunnen veroorzaken, werden in respectievelijk 20 en 23 van de 28 monsters gevonden. Salmonella en Vibrio werden op geen van de locaties aangetroffen. De aanwezigheid van ziekteverwekkende micro-organismen in regenwater toegepast voor toiletspoeling kan negatieve gevolgen voor de volksgezondheid hebben. Op basis van de verkregen resultaten is het nog niet mogelijk om het risico op het oplopen van een infectie bij blootstelling aan dit water te schatten omdat daarvoor nog aanvullende typerings- en blootstellingsgegevens nodig zijn

    Development and validation of a physical activity monitor for use on a wheelchair

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    Study design: Keeping physically active is important for people who mobilize using a wheelchair. However, current tools to measure physical activity in the wheelchair are either not validated or limited in their application. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a monitoring system to measure wheelchair movement.<p></p> Methods: The system developed consisted of a tri-axial accelerometer placed on the wheel of a wheelchair and an analysis algorithm to interpret the acceleration signals. The two accelerometer outputs in the plane of the wheel were used to calculate the angle of the wheel. From this, outcome measures of wheel revolutions, absolute angle and duration of movement were derived and the direction of movement (forwards or backwards) could be distinguished. Concurrent validity was assessed in comparison with video analysis in 14 people with spinal cord injury using their wheelchair on an indoor track and outdoor wheelchair skills course. Validity was assessed using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC(2,1)) and Bland–Altman plots.<p></p> Results: The monitoring system demonstrated excellent validity for wheel revolutions, absolute angle and duration of movement (ICC(2,1)>0.999, 0.999, 0.981, respectively) in both manual and powered wheelchairs, when the wheelchair was propelled forwards and backwards, and for movements of various durations.<p></p> Conclusion: This study has found this monitoring system to be an accurate and objective tool for measuring detailed information on wheelchair movement and manoeuvring regardless of the propulsion technique, direction and speed

    Reliability of MRI findings in candidates for lumbar disc prosthesis

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    Introduction: Limited reliability data exist for localised magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings relevant to planning of treatment with lumbar disc prosthesis and later outcomes. We assessed the reliability of such findings in chronic low back pain patients who were accepted candidates for disc prosthesis. Methods: On pretreatment MRI of 170 patients (mean age 41 years; 88 women), three experienced radiologists independently rated Modic changes, disc findings and facet arthropathy at L3/L4, L4/L5 and L5/S1. Two radiologists rerated 126 examinations. For each MRI finding at each disc level, agreement was analysed using the kappa statistic and differences in prevalence across observers using a fixed effects model. Results: All findings at L3/L4 and facet arthropathy at L5/S1 had a mean prevalence <10% across observers and were not further analysed, ensuring interpretable kappa values. Overall interobserver agreement was generally moderate or good (kappa 0.40–0.77) at L4–S1 for Modic changes, nucleus pulposus signal, disc height (subjective and measured), posterior high-intensity zone (HIZ) and disc contour, and fair (kappa 0.24) at L4/L5 for facet arthropathy. Posterior HIZ at L5/S1 and severely reduced subjective disc height at L4/L5 differed up to threefold in prevalence between observers (p< 0.0001). Intraobserver agreement was mostly good or very good (kappa 0.60–1.00). Conclusion: In candidates for disc prosthesis, mostly moderate interobserver agreement is expected for localised MRI findings

    Tractography of developing white matter of the internal capsule and corpus callosum in very preterm infants

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    To investigate in preterm infants associations between Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) parameters of the posterior limb of the internal capsule (PLIC) and corpus callosum (CC) and age, white matter (WM) injury and clinical factors. In 84 preterm infants DTI was performed between 40-62 weeks postmenstrual age on 3 T MR. Fractional anisotropy (FA), apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values and fibre lengths through the PLIC and the genu and splenium were determined. WM injury was categorised as normal/mildly, moderately and severely abnormal. Associations between DTI parameters and age, WM injury and clinical factors were analysed. A positive association existed between FA and age at imaging for fibres through the PLIC (r = 0.48 p < 0.001) and splenium (r = 0.24 p < 0.01). A negative association existed between ADC and age at imaging for fibres through the PLIC (r = -0.65 p < 0.001), splenium (r = -0.35 p < 0.001) and genu (r = -0.53 p < 0.001). No association was found between DTI parameters and gestational age, degree of WM injury or categorical clinical factors. These results indicate that in our cohort of very preterm infants, at this young age, the development of the PLIC and CC is ongoing and independent of the degree of prematurity or WM injury.Neuro Imaging Researc

    Does the attention General Practitioners pay to their patients' mental health problems add to their workload? A cross sectional national survey

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    BACKGROUND: The extra workload induced by patients with mental health problems may sometimes cause GPs to be reluctant to become involved in mental health care. It is known that dealing with patients' mental health problems is more time consuming in specific situations such as in consultations. But it is unclear if GPs who are more often involved in patients' mental health problems, have a higher workload than other GPs. Therefore we investigated the following: Is the attention GPs pay to their patients' mental health problems related to their subjective and objective workload? METHODS: Secondary analyses were made using data from the Second Dutch National Survey of General Practice, a cross sectional study conducted in the Netherlands in 2000–2002. A nationally representative selection of 195 GPs from 104 general practices participated in this National Survey. Data from: 1) a GP questionnaire; 2) a detailed log of the GP's time use during a week and; 3) an electronic medical registration system, including all patients' contacts during a year, were used. Multiple regression analyses were conducted with the GP's workload as an outcome measure, and the GP's attention for mental health problems as a predictor. GP, patient, and practice characteristics were included in analyses as potential confounders. RESULTS: Results show that GPs with a broader perception of their role towards mental health care do not have more working hours or patient contacts than GPs with a more limited perception of their role. Neither are they more exhausted or dissatisfied with the available time. Also the number of patient contacts in which a psychological or social diagnosis is made is not related to the GP's objective or subjective workload. CONCLUSION: The GP's attention for a patient's mental health problems is not related to their workload. The GP's extra workload when dealing in a consultation with patients' mental health problems, as is demonstrated in earlier research, is not automatically translated into a higher overall workload. This study does not confirm GPs' complaints that mental health care is one of the components of their job that consumes a lot of their time and energy. Several explanations for these results are discussed