9 research outputs found

    Successful Xenografts of Second Trimester Human Fetal Brain and Retinal Tissue in the Anterior Chamber of the Eye of Adult Immunosuppressed Rats

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    Successful xenografting of first trimester human fetal CNS tissue and retina has been reported in the literature. We wished to test the feasibility ofusing the anterior chamber ofthe rat eye to support the development of more mature human fetal xenografts. Here we report on the successful outcome of human brain and retinal transplants. Adult host rats immunosuppressed with cyclosporin A accepted these xenografts and supported their further development. Periodic examination of the host eyes using a direct ophthalmoscope or an ophthalmic slit lamp permitted direct visual monitoring of the health and growth of the transplants. Histologically it was possible to identify neuronal, macroglial, and microglial (macrophage) cell types within the grafts. Mitotic activity and histogenetic differentiation took place. Blood vessels filled with hematic cells were commonly present within the grafts. The walls of these vessels prevented the leakageofhorseradish peroxidase, suggesting the presence of a functional brain-blood barrier in the graft. These results indicate that it is possible to use a small animal model to study normal and pathological phenomena oniate fetal human neural tissues. Our group has already taken advantage of the model to achieve HIV infectivity offetal human brain outside the human body

    Intraretinal Transplantation for Rod-Cell Replacement in Light-Damaged Retinas

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    Blindness from retinal disease is often the consequence of extensive damage to the photoreceptor cell population, while other cell types which form the neural retina are relatively spared. In this setting, transplantation of photoreceptor cells could offer hope for the restoration of some degree of visual function. We testd the feasibility of this approach by transplanting immature retinal cells into the eyes of adult rats affected by late stage phototoxic retinopathy, which are almost totally devoid of photoreceptor cells

    DIMETER: a haptic master device for tremor diagnosis in neurodegenerative diseases

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    In this study, a device based on patient motion capture is developed for the reliable and non-invasive diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases. The primary objective of this study is the classification of differential diagnosis between Parkinson's disease (PD) and essential tremor (ET). The DIMETER system has been used in the diagnoses of a significant number of patients at two medical centers in Spain. Research studies on classification have primarily focused on the use of well-known and reliable diagnosis criteria developed by qualified personnel. Here, we first present a literature review of the methods used to detect and evaluate tremor; then, we describe the DIMETER device in terms of the software and hardware used and the battery of tests developed to obtain the best diagnoses. All of the tests are classified and described in terms of the characteristics of the data obtained. A list of parameters obtained from the tests is provided, and the results obtained using multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural networks are presented and analyzed

    Does multiparametric MRI increase Oncologic outcomes in prostate cancer?

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    The purpose of this study is to compare the 4-year biochemical disease-free survival (BDFS) of patients with prostate cancer (PCa) staged according to multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) and treated with radical prostatectomy (RP) versus intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) ≥76 Gy ± hormonal therapy (HT).Sin financiación2.075 JCR (2015) Q3, 153/213 OncologyUE

    Hábitos alimentarios. Prevención de drogodependencias: un intento de integración de la EPS dentro del currículo

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    Se pretende modificar y reforzar los hábitos alimenticios en los niños del ciclo superior de EGB y prevenir el consumo precoz de tabaco y alcohol. El desarrollo del proyecto, previsto para dos años, cuenta con varias fases: formación del profesorado en un centro de salud, elaboración de materiales, programación de contenidos y evaluación. La metodología será activa y trabajará, sobre todo, tres bloques de contenido: higiene personal, alimentación y drogodependencias. El resultado ha sido positivo puesto que se han modificado hábitos alimenticios y se ha implicado a toda la comunidad educativa. Incluye unidades didácticas y actividades de educación alimenticia para trabajar en las etapas de infantil, primaria y ciclo suprior de EGB..Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Consejería de Sanidad y Servicios SocialesMadridNo disponibleES

    Exégèse et lectio divina dans la péninsule Ibérique médiévale

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    Les études réunies ici examinent le tandem exégèse biblique / lectio divina dans la péninsule Ibérique au Moyen Âge. L’observation d’un hiatus incite à reconsidérer cette relation : de la fin du viiie s. à la fin du xiie s., aucun commentaire linéaire biblique n’y aurait été rédigé tandis que la lectio divina se maintient dans les communautés religieuses. Afin de mettre en perspective la question délaissée des choix présidant à la rédaction et à la circulation des textes exégétiques, historiens et philologues analysent dans ce dossier l’imbrication entre exégèse et lectio divina chez Isidore de Séville ou dans la prédication, ainsi que la circulation des œuvres et le déploiement de l’exégèse hors des finalités immédiates de la lectio divina. Un contrepoint met en évidence l’usage de ce tandem dans la polémique entre les trois religions du Livre. This collection of articles aims to delve into the biblical exegesis/lectio divina pairing in the medieval Iberian Peninsula. The observation of a hiatus questions this relationship: from the end of the eighth century until the end of the twelfth century there was no lineal commentary written in this field, although lectio divina continued to exist in religious communities. In order to provide an overview of the choices that lead to the writing and the conservation of exegetic texts, historiographers and philologists analyse the overlap between exegesis and lectio divina in the work or in the preaching of Isidore of Seville, as well as the circulation of the texts and the deployment of exegesis outside of the determined objectives of lectio divina. A counterpoint highlights the use of this pairing in the polemic between the three religions of the Book. Los artículos aquí reunidos pretenden ahondar en el binomio exégesis bíblica/lectio divina en la península ibérica medieval. La observación de un hiato cuestiona esta relación, en tanto que desde el final del s. viii hasta el final del s. xii no se conoce ningún comentario lineal redactado en esta área, aunque la lectio divina se mantenga en las comunidades religiosas. A fin de ofrecer planteamientos sobre la elección que conduce a la redacción y a la conservación de los textos exegéticos, historiadores y filólogos analizan la imbricación entre exégesis y lectio divina en la obra de Isidoro de Sevilla o en la predicación, así como la circulación de los textos y el despliegue de la exégesis fuera de los objetivos determinados de la lectio divina. Un contrapunto pone de relieve el uso del binomio en la polémica entre las tres religiones del Libro