1,709 research outputs found

    Protocol for assessing the effectiveness of protective coatings for roofing slate

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    España es líder mundial en producción de pizarras de techar; la producción supera las 600.000 toneladas de pizarra de gran calidad, suponiendo más de 300 millones de euros. La aplicación de la pizarra con productos protectores permite comercializar placas más oxidables reduciendo escombreras y problemas ambientales. El presente protocolo sirve para evaluar estos nuevos productos protectores que empiezan a utilizarse en el sector pizarrero. Se propone una combinación de tres ensayos tecnológicos junto con un cuestionario visual para otorgar índices de calidad. Cada ensayo está orientado para clarificar una propiedad importante en el uso de la pizarra de techar: (i) Ciclo térmico para determinar el grado de oxidación de los sulfuros de hierro; (ii) Exposición al gas SO2 para conocer su comportamiento en ambientes urbanos ácidos; (iii) Exposición a la niebla salina y rayos UV para evaluar la eficacia de la capa protectora frente a la corrosión salina y la radiación solaroduction, quarriying more than 600,000 tons of slate of great quality and generating around 300 euros million in sales each year. However, an enormous quantity of slate plates is considered as a low quality product or discarded every year as waste. The application of protective products on roofing slate tiles helps to commercialise slate with higher oxidation rates, reducing wastes and environmental problems. The present protocol serves to evaluate the new protective products that are now used by slate producers. A combination of three technological tests is proposed here, along with a visual questionnaire to grant quality indices. Each test is oriented to clarify critical properties for the future use of the roofing slate, as follows: (i) Thermal cycles were used to determine the oxidation rate of iron sulphides; (ii) Slate behaviour in acid urban atmospheres was interpreted by exposition of slate tiles to SO2 gas; (iii) Effectiveness of the protective layer under saline corrosion and solar radiation was obtained by exposition to saline fog and UV-irradiationFinancial support was provided by the project “Development of a new methodology to protect the roofing slate from oxidation” sponsored by Dirección Xeral de I+D de la Consellería de Industria de la Xunta de Galicia. Thanks are also due to projects S-0505/MAT/000094 of author J.G.Guinea and CGL2004-03564/BTES

    Modelado computacional de datos epidemiológicos para predecir enfermedades de cultivos con base meteorológica

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    Para predecir el comportamiento de enfermedades de las plantas, mediante la construcción de modelos predictivos, se evaluó la severidad de manchas foliares, ocasionada por el hongo Altenaria tenuissima, en plantaciones de arándano alto (cultivar O’Neal) en tres localidades: San Pedro (S 33º 43' - W 059º 41'), Concordia (S 31º 24' - W 058º 02') y Gualeguaychú (S 33º 01' - W 058º 31'), durante los ciclos epidémicos primavero-estivo-otoñales de 2008/09 y 2009/10. Los mejores modelos simples de regresión logística de respuesta binaria integraron a Snc y a DTxnP (días con temperaturas entre 16 y 36°C), con precisiones de predicción de 93,8% y 78,5% respectivamente. El mejor modelo de respuesta ordinal integró a la interacción FPr*DTxnP (días con precipitación*días con temperaturas entre 16 y 36°C) y a Snc, con una precisión de predicción de 86,2%. La explicación biológica que subyace a los resultados obtenidos, refiere a un lento progreso epidémico primaveral, observado y simulado, contrastando con las altas tasas de incremento epidémico estivales, concordantes con hojas de senescencia creciente y alta frecuencia de días con registros térmicos entre 16 y 36ºC. Un adecuado ajuste y validación de los modelos predictivos obtenidos en esta investigación, permitirá el desarrollo de verdaderos sistemas de pronóstico, para la correcta gestión de la enfermedad, tanto desde el punto de vista técnico, como económico y ambiental.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Evaluation of Natural Language Processing for the Identification of Crohn Disease-Related Variables in Spanish Electronic Health Records:A Validation Study for the PREMONITION-CD Project

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    Background: The exploration of clinically relevant information in the free text of electronic health records (EHRs) holds the potential to positively impact clinical practice as well as knowledge regarding Crohn disease (CD), an inflammatory bowel disease that may affect any segment of the gastrointestinal tract. The EHRead technology, a clinical natural language processing (cNLP) system, was designed to detect and extract clinical information from narratives in the clinical notes contained in EHRs. Objective: The aim of this study is to validate the performance of the EHRead technology in identifying information of patients with CD. Methods: We used the EHRead technology to explore and extract CD-related clinical information from EHRs. To validate this tool, we compared the output of the EHRead technology with a manually curated gold standard to assess the quality of our cNLP system in detecting records containing any reference to CD and its related variables. Results: The validation metrics for the main variable (CD) were a precision of 0.88, a recall of 0.98, and an F1 score of 0.93. Regarding the secondary variables, we obtained a precision of 0.91, a recall of 0.71, and an F1 score of 0.80 for CD flare, while for the variable vedolizumab (treatment), a precision, recall, and F1 score of 0.86, 0.94, and 0.90 were obtained, respectively. Conclusions: This evaluation demonstrates the ability of the EHRead technology to identify patients with CD and their related variables from the free text of EHRs. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to use a cNLP system for the identification of CD in EHRs written in Spanish. © 2022 JMIR Medical Informatics. All rights reserved

    Towards improving early diagnosis of congenital Chagas disease in an endemic setting.

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    : Congenital Trypanosoma cruzi transmission is now estimated to account for 22% of new infections, representing a significant public health problem across Latin America and internationally. Treatment during infancy is highly efficacious and well tolerated, but current assays for early detection fail to detect &gt;50% of infected neonates and 9 month follow-up is low. : Women presenting for delivery in two urban hospitals in Santa Cruz department, Bolivia were screened by rapid test. Specimens from infants of infected women were tested by microscopy (micromethod), quantitative PCR (qPCR) and IgM trypomastigote excreted-secreted antigen (TESA)-blots at birth and 1 month, and by IgG serology at 6 and 9 months. : Among 487 infants of 476 seropositive women, congenital T. cruzi infection was detected in 38 infants of 35 mothers (7.8%). In cord blood, qPCR, TESA-blot and micromethod sensitivities/specificities were 68.6%/99.1%, 58.3%/99.1% and 16.7%/100%, respectively. When birth and 1 month results were combined, cumulative sensitivities reached 84.2%, 73.7% and 34.2%, respectively. Low birth weight and/or respiratory distress were reported in 11 (29%) infected infants. Infants with clinical signs had higher parasite loads and were significantly more likely to be detected by micromethod. : The proportion of T. cruzi infected infants with clinical signs has fallen from the 1990s, but symptomatic congenital Chagas disease still represents a significant, albeit increasingly challenging to detect, public health problem. Molecular methods could facilitate earlier diagnosis and circumvent loss to follow-up but remain logistically and economically prohibitive for routine screening in resource-limited settings.<br/

    Physiological and genetic control of transpiration efficiency in African rice, Oryza glaberrima Steud

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    Improving crop water use efficiency, the amount of carbon assimilated as biomass per unit of water used by a plant, is of major importance as water for agriculture becomes scarcer. In rice, the genetic bases of transpiration efficiency, the derivation of water use efficiency at the whole-plant scale, and its putative component trait transpiration restriction under high evaporative demand remain unknown. These traits were measured in 2019 in a panel of 147 African rice (Oryza glaberrima) genotypes known to be potential sources of tolerance genes to biotic and abiotic stresses. Our results reveal that higher transpiration efficiency is associated with transpiration restriction in African rice. Detailed measurements in a subset of highly contrasted genotypes in terms of biomass accumulation and transpiration confirmed these associations and suggested that root to shoot ratio played an important role in transpiration restriction. Genome wide association studies identified marker-trait associations for transpiration response to evaporative demand, transpiration efficiency, and its residuals, with links to genes involved in water transport and cell wall patterning. Our data suggest that root-shoot partitioning is an important component of transpiration restriction that has a positive effect on transpiration efficiency in African rice. Both traits are heritable and define targets for breeding rice with improved water use strategies.This work was supported by the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, the CGIAR Research Program (CRP) on rice-agrifood systems (RICE, 2017-2022) and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (grant ANR-17-MPGA-0011 to VV). Financial support by the Access to Research Infrastructures activity in the Horizon 2020 Programme of the EU (EPPN2020 Grant Agreement 731013) is gratefully acknowledged. PA was supported by a doctoral fellowship from the French Ministry of Higher Education. BEE was supported by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique of Gabon. The authors acknowledge the IRD iTrop HPC (South Green Platform) at IRD Montpellier for providing HPC resources (https://bioinfo.ird.fr, http://www.southgreen.fr)

    X-ray structural and spectroscopic investigation of 1-piperidine-2,4-dinitrobenzene

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    The crystal structure of the title compound (C11H13N3O4) has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The compound is monoclinic, space group P21/n, witha=9.968(2),b=9.156(2),c=13.249(2)A, β=102.05(2)°, andDx=1.563 gcm−3 forZ=4. The aromatic ring shows a slight boat deformation. Theo- andp-NO2 groups are twisted out of the plane of the phenyl ring by 39.0(2)° and 4.4(1)°, respectively. The piperidine ring exhibits a slightly deformed chair conformation. Short C−H...O intermolecular contacts stabilize the three dimensional structure. UV and NMR data indicate that the molecule in solution presents a conformation similar to that of the the solid state.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    First results on light readout from the 1-ton ArDM liquid argon detector for dark matter searches

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    ArDM-1t is the prototype for a next generation WIMP detector measuring both the scintillation light and the ionization charge from nuclear recoils in a 1-ton liquid argon target. The goal is to reach a minimum recoil energy of 30\,keVr to detect recoiling nuclei. In this paper we describe the experimental concept and present results on the light detection system, tested for the first time in ArDM on the surface at CERN. With a preliminary and incomplete set of PMTs, the light yield at zero electric field is found to be between 0.3-0.5 phe/keVee depending on the position within the detector volume, confirming our expectations based on smaller detector setups.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, v2 accepted for publication in JINS