153 research outputs found

    Planeación estratégica centro escolar Caserío Las Hojas, Cantón Las Delicias, Código 13035

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    RESUMEN: Al emprender la investigación sobre planeación estratégica en el Centro Escolar Caserío Las Hojas, Cantón Las Delicias, código 13035 de la Ciudad de San Miguel, reveló que existía una propuesta de plan estratégico en marcha y que, a pesar de los esfuerzos para cumplir con las regulaciones que el Ministerio de Educación exige, eventos recientes como la pandemia y la adopción de tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC), han dejado obsoleta esta propuesta. En respuesta a estos cambios, la comunidad educativa se ve obligada a desarrollar una nueva misión y visión, tomando como base los valores pilares de la institución. La propuesta de Plan Estratégico utiliza el análisis DAFO para evaluar recursos, considerando factores internos (fortalezas y debilidades) y externos (oportunidades y amenazas). La colaboración de la comunidad educativa ha sido clave en la creación de esta herramienta. La gestión educativa adopta el CAME para tomar decisiones basadas en el análisis situacional, aprovechando lo establecido en el DAFO. Esta matriz genera estrategias ofensivas, defensivas, de reorientación y de supervivencia basadas en el análisis DAFO, facilitando decisiones efectivas en diversas situaciones. Los factores críticos de éxito se priorizan para enfocar estrategias. Los temas estratégicos se asocian con objetivos realistas y alcanzables, guiando las acciones del Centro Escolar. El Cuadro de Mando Integral se emplea para evaluar el progreso desde cuatro perspectivas: clientes, procesos, aprendizaje y crecimiento, y económica, utilizando indicadores y objetivos cuantificables. Todo lo antes mencionado, en la gestión administrativa requiere una visión compartida de toda la comunidad educativa. Abstract: When undertaking the investigation on strategic planning in the Caserío Las Hojas School Center, Las Delicias Cant o n, code 13035 of the City of San Miguel, it revealed that there was a proposed strategic plan in progress and that, despite the efforts to comply with the regulations that the Ministry of Education requires, recent events such as the pandemic and the adoption of information and communication technologies (ICT), have made this proposa l obsolete. In response to these changes, the educational community is forced to develop a new mission and vision, based on the pillar values of the institution. The Strategic Plan proposal uses SWOT analysis to evaluate resources, considering internal f actors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats). The collaboration of the educational community has been key in the creation of this tool. Educational management adopts the CAME to make decisions based on situational anal ysis, taking advantage of what is established in the SWOT. This matrix generates offensive, defensive, reorientation and survival strategies based on SWOT analysis, facilitating effective decisions in various situations. Critical success factors are priori tized to focus strategies. Strategic themes are associated with realistic and achievable objectives, guiding the actions of the s chool. The Balanced Scorecard is used to evaluate progress from four perspectives: customers, processes, learning and growth, a nd economics, using quantifiable indicators and objectives. All of the above, in administrative management, requires a shared vision of the entire educational community

    Needs of patients with multi-morbidity and heart failure for the development of a mHealth to improve their self-management: A qualitative analysis

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    Objective: To provide practical information regarding needs, preferences of content and format of an app to assist the self-management in patients with multi-morbidity and heart failure (HF). Methods: The three-phase study was conducted in Spain. Six integrative reviews, a qualitative methodology based on Van Manen's hermeneutic phenomenology through semi-structured interviews and user stories were used. Data collection continued until data saturation was reached. All data were transcribed verbatim and analysed using a framework approach. Thematic analysis technique following the methods of Braun and Clarke was used for emerging themes. Results: Integrative reviews conducted included practical recommendations to include in the content and format of the App and helped create the interview guide. Interviews revealed 15 subthemes that captured the meaning of narratives offering contextual insights into the development of the App. The main effective mechanisms of multicomponent interventions for patients with HF must contain (a) components that increase the patient's understanding of HF, (b) self-care, (c) self-efficacy and participation of the family/informal caregiver, (4) psychosocial well-being and (5) professional support and use of technology. User stories revealed that patients prioritized improvements in direct contact with health services in case of emergency (90%), nutritional information (70%), type of exercises in order to improve their physical condition (75%) and information about food and drug interaction (60%). The importance of motivation messages (60%) was highlighted by transversal way. Conclusions: The three-phase process integrating theoretical basis, evidence from integrative reviews and research findings from target users has been considered a guide for future app development17 página

    Uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación (TIC) como estrategia didáctica para el razonamiento lógico matemático en el desarrollo de los sólidos de revolución en los estudiantes de octavo grado de cinco Centros Educativos del municipio de San Vicente, departamento San Vicente. Comprendido desde agosto a diciembre 2020.

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    La tecnología se define cada día como una herramienta necesaria en la sociedad, a medida que avanzan las tecnologías y toman cada vez más protagonismo dentro de todos los ámbitos y haciendo énfasis en el área educativa se ha convertido en una herramienta didáctica para el docente y su implementación en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Para la UNESCO (Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura) la Tecnología Educativa, en un nuevo y más amplio sentido, se percibe como el modo de aplicar y evaluar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, tomando en cuenta todos los recursos tanto técnicos como humanos y las interacciones que hay entre ellos, como una forma para obtener una educación más efectiva. Los estudiantes actuales, hacen uso de muchas herramientas tecnológicas que facilitan su aprendizaje; este proceso trae consigo la tarea de involucrar la tecnología con la educación, y es con la docencia que completa el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Los docentes tienen la opción de elaborar materiales educativos como presentaciones en Power Point, guías de trabajo, mapas conceptuales y diferentes contenidos para apoyar y enriquecer aún más las clases, potenciando el tiempo tanto en el salón de clases como en lo administrativo. Las TIC suponen una gran ayuda al profesor al impartir sus clases, ya que, permiten el acceso a una amplia información y utilización de recursos que el docente no podría obtener de otro modo. Además, acceder a la información como: vídeos, audio, imágenes, texto, es inmediato, y esto permite al docente ahorrar tiempo y ganar flexibilidad en sus clases. Technology is defined every day as a necessary tool in society, as technologies advance and take more and more prominence in all areas and with emphasis on the educational area, it has become a didactic tool for teachers and their students. Implementation in the teaching and learning process. For UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Educational Technology, in a new and broader sense, is perceived as the way to apply and evaluate teaching and learning processes, taking into account all the technical and human resources and the interactions between them, as a way to obtain a more effective education. Current students make use of many technological tools that facilitate their learning; this process brings with it the task of involving technology with education, and it is with teaching that the teaching and learning process is completed. Teachers have the option of developing educational materials such as Power Point presentations, work guides, concept maps and different content to further support and enrich the classes, enhancing time both in the classroom and in the administrative area. ICTs are a great help to the teacher when teaching their classes, since they allow access to extensive information and use of resources that the teacher could not obtain otherwise. In addition, access to information such as: videos, audio, images, text, is immediate, and this allows the teacher to save time and gain flexibility in their classes

    Effectiveness of Following Mediterranean Diet Recommendations in the Real World in the Incidence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) and Adverse Maternal-Foetal Outcomes: A Prospective, Universal, Interventional Study with a Single Group. The St Carlos Study

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    We reported that a Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet), supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) and pistachios, reduces GDM incidence and several other adverse outcomes. In order to assess its translational effects in the real world we evaluated the effect of MedDiet from 1st gestational visit in GDM rate compared with control (CG) and intervention (IG) groups from the previously referred trial. As secondary objective we also compared adverse perinatal outcomes between normoglycemic and diabetic women. This trial is a prospective, clinic-based, interventional study with a single group. 1066 eligible normoglycaemic women before 12 gestational weeks were assessed. 932 women (32.4 ± 5.2 years old, pre-gestational BMI 22.5 ± 3.5 kg/m2) received a motivational lifestyle interview with emphasis on daily consumption of EVOO and nuts, were followed-up and analysed. Binary regression analyses were used to examine the risk for each pregnancy outcome, pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, gestational weight gain (GWG), caesarean-section, perineal trauma, preterm delivery, small (SGA) and large for gestational age (LGA), and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit admissions. GDM was diagnosed in 13.9%. This rate was significantly lower than the CG: RR 0.81 (0.73–0.93), p < 0.001 and no different from the IG: RR 0.96 (0.85–1.07), p = 0.468. GWG was lower in diabetic women (10.88 ± 6.46 vs. 12.30 ± 5.42 Kg; p = 0.013). Excessive weight gain (EWG) was also lower in GDM [RR 0.91 (0.86–0.96); p < 0.001] without a significant increase of insufficient weight gain. LGA were also lower (1 (0.8%) vs. 31 (3.9%); p < 0.05)), and SGA were similar (5 (3.8%) vs. 30 (3.7%)). LGA were associated to EWG (RR 1.61 (1.35–1.91), p < 0.001). Differences in other maternal-foetal outcomes were not found. In conclusions an early MedDiet nutritional intervention reduces GDM incidence and maternal-foetal adverse outcomes and should be universally applied as 1st line therapy. GDM might not be consider as a high risk pregnancy any longer

    Wave diffraction by wedges having arbitrary aperture angle

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    The problem of plane wave diffraction by a wedge sector having arbitrary aperture angle has a very long and interesting research background. In fact, we may recognize significant research on this topic for more than one century. Despite this fact, up to now no clear unified approach was implemented to treat such a problem from a rigourous mathematical way and in a consequent appropriate Sobolev space setting. In the present paper, we are considering the corresponding boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation, with complex wave number, admitting combinations of Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. The main ideas are based on a convenient combination of potential representation formulas associated with (weighted) Mellin pseudo-differential operators in appropriate Sobolev spaces, and a detailed Fredholm analysis. Thus, we prove that the problems have unique solutions (with continuous dependence on the data), which are represented by the single and double layer potentials, where the densities are solutions of derived pseudo-differential equations on the half-line