1,292 research outputs found

    Consistent truncation of d = 11 supergravity on AdS_4 x S^7

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    We study the system of equations derived twenty five years ago by B. de Wit and the first author [Nucl. Phys. B281 (1987) 211] as conditions for the consistent truncation of eleven-dimensional supergravity on AdS_4 x S^7 to gauged N = 8 supergravity in four dimensions. By exploiting the E_7(7) symmetry, we determine the most general solution to this system at each point on the coset space E_7(7)/SU(8). We show that invariants of the general solution are given by the fluxes in eleven-dimensional supergravity. This allows us to both clarify the explicit non-linear ansatze for the fluxes given previously and to fill a gap in the original proof of the consistent truncation. These results are illustrated with several examples.Comment: 41 pages, typos corrected, published versio

    The Tensor Hierarchies of Pure N=2,d=4,5,6 Supergravities

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    We study the supersymmetric tensor hierarchy of pure (gauged) N=2,d=4,5,6 supergravity and compare them with those of the pure, ungauged, theories (worked out by Gomis and Roest for d=5) and the predictions of the Kac-Moody approach made by Kleinschmidt and Roest. We find complete agreement in the ungauged case but we also find that, after gauging, new Stueckelberg symmetries reduce the number of independent "physical" top-forms. The analysis has to be performed to all orders in fermion fields. We discuss the construction of the worldvolume effective actions for the p-branes which are charged with respect to the (p+1)-form potentials and the relations between the tensor hierarchies and p-branes upon dimensional reduction.Comment: LaTeX2e file, 20 pages, 1 figure Results refined by extension of the analysis to all orders in fermion

    D-Brane Wess-Zumino Terms and U-Duality

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    We construct gauge-invariant and U-duality covariant expressions for Wess-Zumino terms corresponding to general Dp-branes (for any p<D) in arbitrary 2<D<11 dimensions. A distinguishing feature of these Wess-Zumino terms is that they contain twice as many scalars as the 10-D compactified dimensions, in line with doubled geometry. We find that for D<10 the charges of the higher-dimensional branes can all be expressed as products of the 0-brane charges, which include the D0-brane and the NS-NS 0-brane charges. We give the general expressions for these charges and show how they determine the non-trivial conjugacy class to which some of the higher-dimensional D-branes belong.Comment: 42 pages. Typos corrected, an error in table 6 corrected, comments in the conclusions adde

    TBA for non-perturbative moduli spaces

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    Recently, an exact description of instanton corrections to the moduli spaces of 4d N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories compactified on a circle and Calabi-Yau compactifications of Type II superstring theories was found. The equations determining the instanton contributions turn out to have the form of Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz. We explore further this relation and, in particular, we identify the contact potential of quaternionic string moduli space with the free energy of the integrable system and the Kahler potential of the gauge theory moduli space with the Yang-Yang functional. We also show that the corresponding S-matrix satisfies all usual constraints of 2d integrable models, including crossing and bootstrap, and derive the associated Y-system. Surprisingly, in the simplest case the Y-system is described by the MacMahon function relevant for crystal melting and topological strings.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    Mid-infrared evolution of eta Carinae from 1968 to 2018

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    η Car is one of the most luminous and massive stars in our Galaxy and is the brightest mid-IR source in the sky outside our solar system. Since the late 1990s, the central source has dramatically brightened at UV and optical wavelengths. This might be explained by a decrease in circumstellar dust extinction. We aim to establish the mid-IR flux evolution and further our understanding of the star’s UV and optical brightening. Mid-IR images from 8−20 ”m were obtained in 2018 with VISIR at the Very Large Telescope. Archival data from 2003 and 2005 were retrieved from the ESO Science Archive Facility, and historical records were collected from publications. We present mid-IR images of η Car with the highest angular resolution to date at the corresponding wavelengths (≄0.2200). We reconstruct the mid-IR evolution of the spectral energy distribution of the spatially integrated Homunculus nebula from 1968 to 2018 and find no long-term changes. The bolometric luminosity of η Car has been stable over the past five decades. We do not observe a long-term decrease in the mid-IR flux densities that could be associated with the brightening at UV and optical wavelengths, but circumstellar dust must be declining in our line of sight alone. Short-term flux variations within about 25% of the mean levels could be present

    Heterotic-Type II duality in the hypermultiplet sector

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    We revisit the duality between heterotic string theory compactified on K3 x T^2 and type IIA compactified on a Calabi-Yau threefold X in the hypermultiplet sector. We derive an explicit map between the field variables of the respective moduli spaces at the level of the classical effective actions. We determine the parametrization of the K3 moduli space consistent with the Ferrara-Sabharwal form. From the expression of the holomorphic prepotential we are led to conjecture that both X and its mirror must be K3 fibrations in order for the type IIA theory to have an heterotic dual. We then focus on the region of the moduli space where the metric is expressed in terms of a prepotential on both sides of the duality. Applying the duality we derive the heterotic hypermultiplet metric for a gauge bundle which is reduced to 24 point-like instantons. This result is confirmed by using the duality between the heterotic theory on T^3 and M-theory on K3. We finally study the hyper-Kaehler metric on the moduli space of an SU(2) bundle on K3.Comment: 27 pages; references added, typos correcte

    Domain walls and instantons in N=1, d=4 supergravity

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    We study the supersymmetric sources of (multi-) domain-wall and (multi-) instanton solutions of generic N=1, d=4 supergravities, that is: the worldvolume effective actions for said supersymmetric topological defects. The domain-wall solutions naturally couple to the two 3-forms recently found as part of the N=1, d=4 tensor hierarchy (i.e. they have two charges in general) and their tension is the absolute value of the superpotential section L. The introduction of sources (we study sources with finite and vanishing thickness) is equivalent to the introduction of local coupling constants and results in dramatic changes of the solutions. Our results call for a democratic reformulation of N=1,d=4 supergravity in which coupling constants are, off-shell, scalar fields. The effective actions for the instantons are always proportional to the coordinate orthogonal to the twist-free embedding of the null-geodesic (in the Wick-rotated scalar manifold) describing the instanton. We show their supersymmetry and find the associated supersymmetric (multi-) instanton solutions.Comment: 34 pages, 4 figures, references adde

    Two-Centered Magical Charge Orbits

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    We determine the two-centered generic charge orbits of magical N = 2 and maximal N = 8 supergravity theories in four dimensions. These orbits are classified by seven U-duality invariant polynomials, which group together into four invariants under the horizontal symmetry group SL(2,R). These latter are expected to disentangle different physical properties of the two-centered black-hole system. The invariant with the lowest degree in charges is the symplectic product (Q1,Q2), known to control the mutual non-locality of the two centers.Comment: 1+17 pages, 1 Table; v2: Eq. (3.23) corrected; v3: various refinements in text and formulae, caption of Table 1 expanded, Footnote and Refs. added. To appear on JHE

    Cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination in the Netherlands; the results of a consensus model

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    Contains fulltext : 96770.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Each year rotavirus gastroenteritis results in thousands of paediatric hospitalisations and primary care visits in the Netherlands. While two vaccines against rotavirus are registered, routine immunisation of infants has not yet been implemented. Existing cost-effectiveness studies showed inconsistent results for these vaccines because of lack of consensus on the impact. We aimed to investigate which factors had a major impact on cost-effectiveness and were primarily responsible for the large differences in previously estimated cost-effectiveness ratios. METHODS: Based on updated data on health outcomes and cost estimates, we re-assessed the cost-effectiveness of routine paediatric rotavirus vaccination within the National Immunization Program for the Netherlands. Two consensus meetings were organised with national and international experts in the field to achieve consensus and resolve potential controversies. RESULTS: It was estimated that rotavirus vaccination in the Netherlands could avert 34,214 cases of rotavirus gastroenteritis in children aged less than 5 years. Notably, 2,779 hospitalisations were averted of which 315 were extensions of existing hospital stays due to nosocomial rotavirus infection. With a threshold varying from 20K euro - 50K euro per QALY and according to the base-case scenario, the full vaccination costs per child leading to cost-effectiveness was euro 57.76 -euro 77.71. Results were sensitive to the inclusion of potential vaccine induced herd protection, QALY losses and number of deaths associated with rotavirus gastroenteritis. CONCLUSIONS: Our economic analysis indicates that inclusion of rotavirus vaccination in the Dutch National Immunization Program might be cost-effective depending on the cost of the vaccine and the impact of rotavirus gastroenteritis on children's quality of life
