95 research outputs found

    Small-scale intraspecific life history variation in herbivorous spider mites (Tetranychus pacificus) is associated with host plant cultivar.

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    Life history variation is a general feature of arthropod systems, but is rarely included in models of field or laboratory data. Most studies assume that local processes occur identically across individuals, ignoring any genetic or phenotypic variation in life history traits. In this study, we tested whether field populations of Pacific spider mites (Tetranychus pacificus) on grapevines (Vitis vinifera) display significant intraspecific life history variation associated with host plant cultivar. To address this question we collected individuals from sympatric vineyard populations where either Zinfandel or Chardonnay were grown. We then conducted a "common garden experiment" of mites on bean plants (Phaseolus lunatus) in the laboratory. Assay populations were sampled non-destructively with digital photography to quantify development times, survival, and reproductive rates. Two classes of models were fit to the data: standard generalized linear mixed models and a time-to-event model, common in survival analysis, that allowed for interval-censored data and hierarchical random effects. We found a significant effect of cultivar on development time in both GLMM and time-to-event analyses, a slight cultivar effect on juvenile survival, and no effect on reproductive rate. There were shorter development times and a trend towards higher juvenile survival in populations from Zinfandel vineyards compared to those from Chardonnay vineyards. Lines of the same species, originating from field populations on different host plant cultivars, expressed different development times and slightly different survival rates when reared on a common host plant in a common environment

    Building integral projection models with non-independent vital rates

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    Population dynamics are functions of several demographic processes including survival, reproduction, somatic growth, and maturation. The rates or probabilities for these processes can vary by time, by location, and by individual. These processes can co‐vary and interact to varying degrees, e.g., an animal can only reproduce when it is in a particular maturation state. Population dynamics models that treat the processes as independent may yield somewhat biased or imprecise parameter estimates, as well as predictions of population abundances or densities. However, commonly used integral projection models (IPMs) typically assume independence across these demographic processes. We examine several approaches for modelling between process dependence in IPMs and include cases where the processes co‐vary as a function of time (temporal variation), co‐vary within each individual (individual heterogeneity), and combinations of these (temporal variation and individual heterogeneity). We compare our methods to conventional IPMs, which treat vital rates independent, using simulations and a case study of Soay sheep (Ovis aries). In particular, our results indicate that correlation between vital rates can moderately affect variability of some population‐level statistics. Therefore, including such dependent structures is generally advisable when fitting IPMs to ascertain whether or not such between vital rate dependencies exist, which in turn can have subsequent impact on population management or life‐history evolution

    Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in the nimble and nimbleSMC R Packages

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    nimble is an R package for constructing algorithms and conducting inference on hierarchical models. The nimble package provides a unique combination of flexible model specification and the ability to program model-generic algorithms. Specifically, the package allows users to code models in the BUGS language, and it allows users to write algorithms that can be applied to any appropriate model. In this paper, we introduce the nimbleSMC R package. nimbleSMC contains algorithms for state-space model analysis using sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) techniques that are built using nimble. We first provide an overview of state-space models and commonly-used SMC algorithms. We then describe how to build a state-space model in nimble and conduct inference using existing SMC algorithms within nimbleSMC. SMC algorithms within nimbleSMC currently include the bootstrap filter, auxiliary particle filter, ensemble Kalman filter, IF2 method of iterated filtering, and a particle Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler. These algorithms can be run in R or compiled into C++ for more efficient execution. Examples of applying SMC algorithms to linear autoregressive models and a stochastic volatility model are provided. Finally, we give an overview of how model-generic algorithms are coded within nimble by providing code for a simple SMC algorithm. This illustrates how users can easily extend nimble's SMC methods in high-level code

    Nested Adaptation of MCMC Algorithms

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    © 2020 International Society for Bayesian Analysis Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are ubiquitous tools for simulation-based inference in many fields but designing and identifying good MCMC samplers is still an open question. This paper introduces a novel MCMC algorithm, namely, Nested Adaptation MCMC. For sampling variables or blocks of variables, we use two levels of adaptation where the inner adaptation optimizes the MCMC performance within each sampler, while the outer adaptation explores the space of valid kernels to find the optimal samplers. We provide a theoretical foundation for our approach. To show the generality and usefulness of the approach, we describe a framework using only standard MCMC samplers as candidate samplers and some adaptation schemes for both inner and outer iterations. In several benchmark problems, we show that our proposed approach substantially outperforms other approaches, including an automatic blocking algorithm, in terms of MCMC efficiency and computational time

    A flexible and efficient Bayesian implementation of point process models for spatial capture‐recapture data

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    Spatial capture–recapture (SCR) is now routinely used for estimating abundance and density of wildlife populations. A standard SCR model includes sub-models for the distribution of individual activity centers (ACs) and for individual detections conditional on the locations of these ACs. Both sub-models can be expressed as point processes taking place in continuous space, but there is a lack of accessible and efficient tools to fit such models in a Bayesian paradigm. Here, we describe a set of custom functions and distributions to achieve this. Our work allows for more efficient model fitting with spatial covariates on population density, offers the option to fit SCR models using the semi-complete data likelihood (SCDL) approach instead of data augmentation, and better reflects the spatially continuous detection process in SCR studies that use area searches. In addition, the SCDL approach is more efficient than data augmentation for simple SCR models while losing its advantages for more complicated models that account for spatial variation in either population density or detection. We present the model formulation, test it with simulations, quantify computational efficiency gains, and conclude with a real-life example using non-invasive genetic sampling data for an elusive large carnivore, the wolverine (Gulo gulo) in Norway. area search, binomial point process, continuous sampling, NIMBLE, non-invasive genetic sampling, Poisson point process, spatial capture–recapture, wolverinepublishedVersio