42 research outputs found

    Safe and security as a component of quality in tourism: the case of Galicia

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    [Abstract] Safe and security is increasing relevant in choosing to visit a destination and it has become a critical key. Nowadays safe and security is a very important factor of competitiveness. This new dimension in tourism is very close to quality culture, both of them aimed at absence of defects. Despite Galicia is a safe destination, it also has been affected by negative events, for this reason, it should promote the image as a safe and quality destination. This work was carried out by conducting in depth- interviews with several experts in different fields.[Resumen] La seguridad como componente de la calidad de un destino turístico: aproximación al caso de Galicia. La seguridad está cobrando importancia en la elección de un destino y ha pasado a ser una de las variables decisivas. Hoy en día se ha convertido en un indicador más de competitividad. Esta nueva dimensión turística guarda mucha similitud con la cultura de la calidad, ambas disciplinas buscan como objetivo la ausencia de defectos. A pesar de que Galicia se considera como un destino seguro, se ha visto afectada también por sucesos negativos; por este motivo, Galicia debería explotar su imagen de destino seguro y de calidad. Este estudio se ha llevado a cabo mediante entrevistas en profundidad con diversos expertos en distintos sectore

    Resilience and individual competitive productivity: the role of age in the tourism industry

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    This study evaluates the conceptual and metrical correspondence between the construct measurements of the individual Competitive Productivity model and the scale that measures individual resilience in tourism. An individual work resilience scale was adapted to the context of the tourism industry. Scale items were operationalised on an online survey (n = 425) with tourism professionals and students. The role of age as an influence variable on individual resilience levels was explored. The results point to correspondences between the scale designed to measure personal resilience and the construct that identifies the ICP components. The findings suggest that companies should prioritise diversity in their recruitment policies, which allows them to capitalise on integrative thinking to become more ambidextrous, and consequently, more resilient.This study evaluates the conceptual and metrical correspondence between the construct measurements of the individual Competitive Productivity model and the scale that measures individual resilience in tourism. An individual work resilience scale was adapted to the context of the tourism industry. Scale items were operationalised on an online survey (n = 425) with tourism professionals and students. The role of age as an influence variable on individual resilience levels was explored. The results point to correspondences between the scale designed to measure personal resilience and the construct that identifies the ICP components. The findings suggest that companies should prioritise diversity in their recruitment policies, which allows them to capitalise on integrative thinking to become more ambidextrous, and consequently, more resilient.Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Clinical Approach to Pulp Canal Obliteration: A Case Series

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    This article describes four cases with safe and feasible clinical treatment strategies for anterior teeth with pulp canal obliteration (PCO) using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), digital radiography (DR), dental operating microscopy (DOM) and ultrasonic tips (US). Four anterior teeth with PCO were chosen. DR was taken with different angulations and analyzed with different filters. Subsequently, the access cavity was performed with the aid of DOM. If the canal was not identified, CBCT was requested. Sagittal and axial slices guided the direction of the ultrasonic tips. After identification of the canal, it was then negotiated and instrumented with the rotary instruments. All four canals were successfully identified, with no complications. In case 1, the canal was identified using DR, DOM and US tips. In cases 2, 3 and 4, the canals were identified with DR,DOM,UStips and CBCT. Complete root canal obliteration identified in radiography did not necessarily mean that pulp tissue was not visible clinically, either. The clinical evaluation of the access cavity with the aid of MO was crucial. If the canal was not identified, CBCT was mandatory in order to show more detailed view of the precise position of the canals, their directions, degrees of obstruction and dimensions. It served as a guide for the direction of the ultrasonic tips to keep them within the pulp chamber safely, with a low risk of iatrogenic injury.Keywords: Cone-beam Computed Tomography; Dental Operating Microscope; Digital Radiography; Guided Endodontics; Pulp Canal Obliteration; Ultrasoun

    Tourism vulnerability and institutional communication facing disasters: Case studies

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    La incidencia de riesgos y peligros en destinos turísticos se ha incrementado y se prevé que seguirá creciendo a lo largo del tiempo. Los riesgos pueden afectar el normal funcionamiento de un destino turístico conduciendo a una situación de crisis. Por su misma naturaleza, el turismo es vulnerable a un rango de crisis más amplio que otros sectores, al mismo tiempo, se recupera mejor y más rápido llegando a ser un elemento tractor de la recuperación del destino. La importancia de la comunicación e información en estos escenarios es fundamental hasta el punto que su integración en los planes de gestión de la crisis es la base de una rápida y eficaz recuperación. Tres breves casos de estudio aportan luces para enfocar este tema.The incidence of risks and hazards in tourist destinations has increased and is expected to continue to grow over time. The risks can affect the normal operation of a tourist destination leading to a crisis situation. Due to its nature, tourism is vulnerable to a broader range of crisis than other industries, but thanks to his characteristics it recovers better and faster and it becomes a traction element in the destination recovery. The importance of communication and information in these scenarios is critical to the point that their integration into the management plans of the crisis is the basis for a quick and effective recovery. Three brief case studies provide lights to approach this issue

    Risk and perception in the development of Brazil’s tourist image facing the sports mega-events

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    En el imaginario occidental existen una serie de atributos a la hora de referirse a Brasil, unos de componente positivo como el valor tropical, la alegría y lo exótico, y otros con un componente negativo como la inseguridad, la desigualdad o marginalidad. Ante la próxima celebración de dos mega-eventos deportivos como son el Mundial de Fútbol 2014 y los Juegos Olímpicos 2016, Brasil se encuentra en un lugar intermedio entre el estereotipo y la realidad. La adecuación y preparación del país a las necesidades de estos eventos puede ser el medio para mitigar ciertos estereotipos y riesgos, y avanzar en un desarrollo sostenible del turismo con vocación al largo plazo, integrando a la comunidad residente en los planes de seguridad. En este trabajo se realiza una revisión sobre el impacto de la imagen y el concepto de seguridad en la elección de viaje a un destino concreto. Se valora la experiencia de visita al destino como medio para reducir los estereotipos haciendo que la imagen tienda a ser más realista, compleja y diferenciada, potenciada por una correcta gestión de la información.There are a number of attributes in the Western world when referring to Brazil that are stereotypes, some have a positive component as “tropical value”, “joy” and “exotic”, and others have a negative component as “insecurity”,” inequality” or “marginalization “. With the upcoming celebration of two sporting massive events such as the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics, Brazil is located between the stereotype and reality. The suitability and readiness of the country to the requirements of these events can be the way to mitigate certain stereotypes and risks, and make progress in the sustainable development of tourism in the long term, integrating also the local community in the government’s security plans. In this paper we review the impact of the image and safety in the travel decision. Previous experience of visiting the destination has the virtue of reducing the negative stereotypes; this makes the image more realistic, complex and differentiated, enhanced by a proper information management

    Guided Endodontics in Nonsurgical Retreatment of a Mandibular First Molar: A New Approach and Case Report

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    This case report describes the use of the guided endodontics for a non-surgical endodontic retreatment of the mandibular molar. A 38-year-old female reported apical swelling and localized pain on the tooth #30, exacerbated when chewing hard food. Periapical radiographic examination showed pulp canal obliteration in the apical third associated with extensive radiolucent area. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images were requested to support the diagnosis and enable preparation of a surgical guide, used to direct access to the canals that were obliterated and incompletely filled. The follow-up at 24 months radiographically showed completely healed apical area in the involved tooth. This non-surgical technique demonstrated efficacy in case resolution.Keywords: Cone-beam Computed Tomography; Endodontic; Guided Endodontic

    Optimization of Results for Cracked Teeth Using CAD-CAM System: A Case Series

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    Different restorative techniques have been proposed for the treatment of posterior teeth affected by cracked tooth syndrome (CTS). However, the literature is scarce in protocols of how to solve CTS using ceramic restorations made by computer aided design–computer aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) system. CAD-CAM provides a fast and efficient restorative treatment usually in a single visit, reducing the risk of contamination and micro-infiltration of the cracked line. The objective of this work was to describe 3 clinical cases of cracked teeth, which presented vertical fracture lines in different directions and extension through the pulp, restored by CAD-CAM system, with 5-year follow-up. Patients with short-term spontaneous masticatory pain, cold sensibility and restored teeth without cuspal coverage were selected. Digital radiographs (DR) were taken to confirm the pulp and periapical status. Periodontal probing depth, sensitivity, percussion, and occlusion tests were performed. The fracture lines with their direction and extension were identified under dental optical microscope (DOM). The treatment plan was performed in two stages: immediate treatment to stabilize the tooth and minimize pain, and final restorative treatment by CAD-CAM system to stabilize the crack. Patients were between the ages of 37 and 45 years. Most of the studied teeth presented extensive restorations without cuspal coverage. The presence of occlusal interference, in lateral movement, was a constant finding. Endodontic treatment was performed in cases of irreversible pulpitis or pulpal necrosis. In all three cases, cavity preparation was performed for full coverage restorations, as the fracture lines extended in several directions, requiring a re-enforcement of the cervical region of the teeth in question. The survival rate of the reported cases was 100% with 5-year clinical and radiographic follow-up, suggesting that CAD-CAM system may be a promising alternative treatment in the management of CTS, improving tooth longevity.Keywords: CAD-CAM; Cracked Teeth; Cracked Tooth Syndrome; Incomplete Fracture; Prognosi

    Alternativas de aloxamento turístico na provincia de Ourense: análise da evolución recente da oferta e dos novos patróns de conduta da demanda nun contexto de irrupción do fenómeno das vivendas de uso turístico

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    Da mesma maneira que os servizos de aloxamento poden considerarse un dos trazos distintivos da actividade turística, a competitividade de calquera destino depende, en boa medida, do seu mercado de aloxamento. No presente traballo faise, a partir das fontes secundarias dispoñibles, un diagnóstico do mercado de aloxamento turístico da provincia de Ourense, nas súas vertentes de oferta e de demanda, con especial atención ás vivendas de uso turístico comercializadas a través das plataformas P2P. Ademais, segundo os datos obtidos mediante unha enquisa en liña a turistas, afóndase nas preferencias e nas eleccións de aloxamento dos e das turistas e, en particular, na súa percepción das vivendas de uso turístico. A análise realizada permite comprobar, entre outras cousas, como a oferta de aloxamento evolucionou e se diversificou nos últimos anos en Ourense, especialmente coa proliferación de vivendas de uso turístico, ou a desigual distribución comarcal dos distintos tipos de aloxamento. No caso da demanda, os datos reflicten o efecto negativo da crise económica iniciada en 2008 e o impacto moi negativo da pandemia sobre os fluxos de visitantes e noites nos establecementos da provincia. Así mesmo, verifícase que a densidade e a penetración turística da provincia son as máis baixas das catro provincias galegas. Por outra banda, maniféstase a importancia que teñen factores como o prezo, a localización, a liberdade de horarios e de movementos ou a facilidade á hora de reservar na elección do tipo de aloxamento. Ademais, confírmase que as vivendas de uso turístico son unha alternativa de aloxamento moi utilizada e valorada e que, fronte ao aloxamento hoteleiro tradicional, é unha opción preferible para viaxar en familia ou con amizades. En definitiva, o traballo bota luz sobre importantes aspectos relativos ao mercado de aloxamento, que poden axudar a que os axentes turísticos da provincia melloren a súa toma de decisións

    Diagnóstico do nivel de congruencia na oferta enoturística da provincia de Ourense

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    O presente traballo pretende diagnosticar o nivel de desenvolvemento na oferta do enoturismo na provincia de Ourense. Para iso, en primeiro lugar, e co fn de contextualizar o tema, lévase a cabo unha revisión teórica da unión do turismo e do viño, e a tipoloxía turística do enoturismo. A continuación, defínense e caracterízanse os principais aspectos da oferta enoturística provincial actual. Como parte empírica do traballo analízase o grao de explotación e de desenvolvemento deste potencial na actualidade. Para tal fn realízase unha análise cualitativa vía entrevistas en profundidade semiestruturadas a persoas expertas, técnicas e adegueiras da provincia de Ourense. Tamén se establece o nivel de coordinación e de cooperación existente entre os axentes públicos e privados, promoción e posicionamento estratéxico desta modalidade turística e da oferta complementaria requirida polos e polas enoturistas: gastronomía, cultura, tradicións. Finalmente, proponse unha matriz DAFO onde se diagnostica a situación do enoturismo na provincia a través das debilidades, ameazas, fortalezas e oportunidades que operan sobre unha futura actuación estratéxic