82 research outputs found

    Prevalence of heart failure in the spanish general population aged over 45 years. the PRICE study

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. Congestive heart failure is associated with substantial morbidity and mortality and both its incidence and prevalence are high. Nevertheless, comprehensive data on this condition in Spain are lacking. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of congestive heart failure in Spain. Methods. A demographic study which involved the participation of 15 healthcare centers throughout Spain was carried out. In each health area, a random sample was taken of the population aged 45 years or more. These individuals were examined by their primary care physicians, who made their diagnoses using Framingham criteria. Individuals who satisfied criteria for congestive heart failure were referred to a cardiologist for confirmation of the diagnosis and for echocardiography. Results. Overall, 1776 individuals were evaluated. Their mean age was 64±12 years (range, 45-100 years) and 44% were male. Of these, 242 were referred to a cardiologist. The weighted prevalence of congestive heart failure was 6.8% (95% confidence interval [CI] 4-8.7). The prevalence was similar in men (6.5%, 95% CI 4.7-8.4) and women (7%, 95% CI 4.4-9.6). When analyzed by age, the prevalence was 1.3% (0.4%-2.1%) in those aged 45-54 years, 5.5% (2.4%-8.5%) in those aged 55-64 years, 8% (4.2%-11.8%) in those aged 65-74 years, and16.1% (11%-21.1%) in those aged over 74 years. Conclusions. Prevalence of congestive heart failure in Spain is high, at about 7%-8%. The prevalence was similar in males and females, and appeared to increase with age.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. La insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva (ICC) tiene elevadas incidencia, morbilidad y mortalidad y una gran prevalencia. Sin embargo, no hay datos directos sobre este aspecto en nuestro país. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es evaluar la prevalencia de ICC en España. Métodos. Se diseñó un estudio poblacional en el que participaron 15 centros repartidos por toda España. Se seleccionó de forma aleatoria una muestra de la población de 45 o más años de edad atendida en cada área de salud, que fue estudiada por sus médicos de atención primaria. Se utilizaron los criterios de Framingham para el diagnóstico. Las personas con criterios de ICC fueron remitidas a una consulta de cardiología para confirmación diagnóstica y realización de ecocardiograma. Resultados. Se evaluó a 1.776 personas, con una media ± desviación estándar (intervalo) de edad de 64 ± 12 (45-100) años; eran varones el 44%. Se remitió a cardiología a 242 pacientes. La prevalencia ponderada de ICC fue del 6,8% (intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%, 4%-8,7). La prevalencia fue similar en varones (6,5%; IC del 95%, 4,7-8,4) y en mujeres (7%; IC del 95%, 4,4-9,6). Por edades, la prevalencia fue del 1,3% (0,4%-2,1%) entre los 45 y 54 años; el 5,5% (2,4%-8,5%) entre 55 y 64 años; el 8% (4,2%-11,8%) entre 65 y 74 años, y el 16,1% (11%-21,1%) en personas de 75 o más años. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de ICC en España es alta, en torno a un 7-8%. La prevalencia es similar en varones y mujeres, y parece aumentar con la edad

    Effect of a simple educational program for physicians on adherence to secondary prevention measures after discharge following acute coronary syndrome: the CAM project

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. Adherence to established guidelines for patients discharged from the hospital after acute coronary syndrome is known to be suboptimal. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of a program for physicians centered on the treatment of acute coronary syndrome. Patients and method. 39 hospitals participated. Intervention: a set of measures was developed by consensus for the creation and distribution of educational materials. Outcomes of interest: proportion of patients in whom ejection fraction and residual ischemia were evaluated, treatment at discharge, and health and dietary recommendations to patients (smoking, diet, exercise, etc.) referred to all patients in whom these measures or treatments should have been used (“ideal patients”). Changes were assessed with four cross-sectional surveys. Results. A total of 1157, 1162, 1149, and 1158 patients were included. There were no relevant differences between these groups in baseline characteristics. In general, there was improvement in all variables between the first and the last survey. The proportion of patients who were weighed and measured increased (from 33.5% to 53.4%; P<.0001), as did the proportion of those in whom cholesterol was measured early (42.6 to 53.7%; P=.006). The proportion in whom residual ischemia was not measured despite indications for this test decreased (18.2% to 10.8%; P=.013), and the proportion increased for appropriate treatment with statins on discharge (68.6% to 81.4%; P<.0001), advice to quit smoking (60.1% to 72.2%; P<.0001) and advice to exercise (58.3% to 67.4%; P=.003). Conclusions. The educational intervention seems to have had a positive effect on improving the appropriateness of procedures and treatments for patients discharged after acute coronary syndrome.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. El cumplimiento de las recomendaciones establecidas como eficaces en el momento del alta en los pacientes hospitalizados por un síndrome coronario agudo es subóptimo. El objetivo de este estu-dio es evaluar la eficacia de un programa de intervención centrado en el abordaje y tratamiento del síndrome coronario agudo. Pacientes y método. Participaron en el proyecto 39 hospi-tales. La intervención realizada consistió en el desarrollo con-sensuado de acuerdos de mínimos y la elaboración y difusión de materiales educativos. Entre las medidas de interés cabe destacar la proporción de pacientes en la que se evaluaron la fracción de eyección, la isquemia residual y los tratamientos y recomendaciones higiénico-dietéticas en el momento del alta (tabaco, dieta, ejercicio, etc.) del total de pacientes en los que se deben determinar según el acuerdo de mínimos («pacientes ideales»). Asimismo, se valoraron los cambios en 4 cortes transversales. Resultados. Se incluyó a 1.157, 1.162, 1.149 y 1.158 pacientes, respectivamente. No había diferencias en las características basales de pacientes analizados en cada corte. En general, se aprecia una mejoría entre el primer y el último corte en todas las variables analizadas. Mejoró especialmente la proporción de pacientes en los que se determi-naron el peso y la talla (del 33,5 al 53,4%; p < 0,0001). También se observó una mejoría en la medición precoz del colesterol (del 42,6 al 53,7%; p = 0,006) y una reducción del porcentaje de pacientes en los que no se realizó un test de isquemia pese a estar indicado (del 18,2 al 10,8%; p = 0,013); asimismo, aumentó la propoción de pacientes con un tratamiento adecuado con estatinas en el momento del alta (del 68,6 al 81,4%; p < 0,0001) y el número de recomendaciones sobre tabaquismo (del 60,1 al 72,2%; p < 0,0001) y ejercicio (del 58,3 al 67,4%; p = 0,003). Conclusiones. La intervención educativa parece que tie-ne un efecto positivo en la mejora de la adecuación de los procedimientos realizados y en los tratamientos prescritos en el momento del alta tras un síndrome coronario agudo

    Clinical impact of acute kidney injury on short- and long-term outcomes after transcatheter aortic valve implantation with the CoreValve prosthesis

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    AbstractBackgroundAcute kidney injury (AKI) after cardiac surgery is associated with increased mortality, but few data exist on the occurrence and clinical impact of AKI associated with transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). The objective of this study was to determine the incidence and prognosis of AKI after percutaneous implantation of the CoreValve® (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, USA) prosthesis.MethodsA total of 357 patients with severe aortic stenosis and 9 patients with pure native aortic regurgitation were treated with the CoreValve prosthesis. AKI was defined according to Valve Academic Research Consortium criteria as the absolute increase in serum creatinine ≥0.3mg/dl at 72h post percutaneous procedure.ResultsAKI was identified in 58 patients (15.8%), none of whom required renal replacement therapy. In patients with AKI, the mortality at 30 days was 13.5% compared with 1.6% of patients without AKI, [odds ratio (OR)=12.2 (95% CI 3.53–41.9); p<0.001] and total mortality after a mean of 26.2±17 months was 29.3% vs. 14.9% [OR=2.36 (95% CI 1.23–4.51), p=0.008]. In the multivariate analysis, AKI was an independent predictor of cumulative total mortality [hazard ratio=2.151, (95% CI from 1.169 to 3.957), p=0.014].ConclusionsThe deterioration of renal function in patients undergoing TAVI with the CoreValve prosthesis is a serious and frequent complication. The occurrence of AKI was associated with increased early mortality and was also a predictor of worse outcomes in follow-up

    Efecto de un programa de formación en atención primaria sobre la optimización del tratamiento con bloqueadores beta en pacientes ancianos con insuficiencia cardiaca

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. Underuse of beta-blockers may contribute to elevated mortality in chronic heart failure. The aim of this study was to determine whether a specific interventional training program for primary care physicians would help optimize the use of beta-blockers in elderly chronic heart failure patients. Methods. This randomized comparative study included 627 patients aged 70 years or more who were discharged consecutively from 53 Spanish hospitals with a principal diagnosis of chronic heart failure. In total, 292 health-care centers in the catchment areas of these hospitals were randomly assigned to two groups: one group of 146 centers carried out an interventional training program on beta-blocker use for primary care physicians belonging to the centers assigned to training, and 146 centers served as a control group. The main outcome variable was the percentage of patients who were receiving a beta-blocker at the maximum or maximum tolerated dose 3 months after hospital discharge. Results. The patients’ mean age was 78±5 years and 42% were women. There was no difference between the groups in demographic characteristics, clinical care, or treatment at discharge. The percentage of patients who received beta-blockers at the maximum tolerated dose 3 months after discharge was greater in the training group (49% vs. 38%; P=.014). Being treated in the training group was an independent predictor of receiving a beta-blocker at the MTD (odds ratio=2.46; 95% confidence interval, 1.29-4.69; P<.001). Conclusions. Implementation of an interventional training program on beta-blocker treatment for primary care physicians improved the use of these medications in elderly chronic heart failure patients.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. La infrautilización de bloqueadores beta puede influir en la elevada mortalidad de la insuficiencia cardiaca. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es evaluar si un programa específico de intervención sobre médicos de atención primaria permite optimizar el uso de bloqueadores beta en pacientes ancianos con insuficiencia cardiaca. Métodos. Se diseñó un estudio aleatorizado y comparativo en el que se incluyó a 627 pacientes de 70 o más años, dados de alta de forma consecutiva con el diagnóstico principal de insuficiencia cardiaca en 53 hospitales españoles. Se realizó una asignación aleatoria de los 292 centros de salud de las áreas de esos hospitales a dos grupos (formación, 146 centros, y control, 146 centros), para impartir un programa de intervención y formación sobre bloqueadores beta a los médicos pertenecientes a los centros del grupo formación. La variable principal fue el porcentaje de pacientes que recibían la dosis máxima o máxima tolerada de bloqueadores beta a los 3 meses del alta. Resultados. La edad de los pacientes era de 78 ± 5 años; el 42% eran mujeres. No hubo diferencias entre ambos grupos en sus características demográficas, clínicas o en el tratamiento al alta. El porcentaje de pacientes que recibían la dosis máxima tolerada de bloqueadores beta a los 3 meses del alta fue mayor en el grupo formación (el 49 frente al 38%; p = 0,014); pertenecer al grupo formación fue predictor independiente de recibir la dosis máxima tolerada de bloqueadores beta (odds ratio = 2,46; intervalo de confianza del 95%, 1,29-4,69; p < 0,001). Conclusiones. Un programa de formación sobre bloqueadores beta en atención primaria mejora su uso en pacientes ancianos con insuficiencia cardiaca

    Diferencias en el pronóstico de la insuficiencia cardiaca con función sistólica conservada o deprimida en pacientes mayores de 70 años que toman bloqueadores beta

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives. Most studies have shown that prognosis of heart failure with preserved systolic function is as poor as that of heart failure with depressed systolic function, although these results may be biased by the fact that these types of heart failure have different characteristics (age, comorbidity, treatment), which can influence prognosis. Our aim was to determine whether short-term morbidity and mortality differed in these 2 subgroups of heart failure patients when they were comparable in terms of age, associated comorbidity, and therapy. Methods. We analyzed 2 groups of patients aged >70 years who were candidates to receive beta blockers (preserved systolic function, 245; depressed systolic function, 374), consecutively discharged from 53 participating Spanish hospitals with a diagnosis of heart failure, and compared cardiovascular morbidity and mortality 3 months after discharge. Results. Mean age was similar (77.5 ± 4.8 vs 78.2 ± 5.5 years). Left ventricular ejection fraction was 56.2% ± 8.1% vs 33% ± 6.9% (P<.001). The combined event rate (death, hospitalization for heart failure, acute coronary syndrome, or stroke) at 3 months after discharge was lower in patients with heart failure and preserved systolic function (13.4% vs 20.6%; P=.026). Depressed systolic function was an independent predictor of greater incidence of events (odds ratio=1.732; P=.048). Conclusions. In patients of similar age and receiving similar treatment, short-term prognosis is better in patients with heart failure and preserved systolic function than in those with depressed systolic function.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. La mayoría de los trabajos han puesto de manifiesto que el pronóstico de la insuficiencia cardiaca con función sistólica conservada es tan malo como el de la insuficiencia cardiaca con función sistólica deprimida, aunque estos resultados pueden estar sesgados debido a que estos dos tipos de insuficiencia cardiaca tienen características distintas (edad, comorbilidades, tratamiento) que pueden influir en el pronóstico. Nuestro objetivo es evaluar si la morbimortalidad a corto plazo es distinta en estos dos subgrupos de insuficiencia cardiaca, con pacientes homogéneos en cuanto a edad, comorbilidad y tratamiento recibido. Métodos. Analizamos dos grupos de pacientes mayores de 70 años y que pudieran recibir bloqueadores beta, dados de alta consecutivamente tras un ingreso por insuficiencia cardiaca en 53 hospitales españoles (función sistólica deprimida, 245; función sistólica conservada, 374), y se comparó la morbimortalidad cardiovascular a los 3 meses del alta. Resultados. Las medias de edad fueron similares (77,5 ± 4,8 frente a 78,2 ± 5,5 años). La fracción de eyección ventricular izquierda fue de 56,2 ± 8,1% frente a 33 ± 6,9% (p < 0,001). La incidencia del evento combinado (muerte, ingreso por insuficiencia cardiaca, síndrome coronario agudo o ictus) a los 3 meses del alta fue menor en los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca y función sistólica conservada (el 13,4 frente al 20,6%; p = 0,026). Tener la función sistólica deprimida fue predictor independiente de mayor incidencia de eventos (odds ratio = 1,732; p = 0,048). Conclusiones. En pacientes de edad similar que reciben el mismo tratamiento, el pronóstico a corto plazo es mejor en los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca y función sistólica conservada que en aquellos con función sistólica deprimida

    Newly impaired glucose metabolism and prognosis after percutaneous revascularization

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    Background: Clinical practice guidelines recommend ad hoc screening of diabetes in patients admitted for macrovascular disease; however, these recommendations are rarely followed in real practice. This study was undertaken to assess whether impaired glucose metabolism, newly diagnosed after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or known diabetes, provides prognostic information. Methods: We studied 374 patients who underwent PCI. An oral glucose tolerance test was carried out in the known non-diabetic patients with fasting glucose &lt; 7 mmol/L. Results: Eighty-one percent of the patients presented impaired glucose metabolism, from which 35.3% were previously diagnosed with diabetics, 21.4% were newly detected diabetics, and 24.3% were pre-diabetics. After a mean follow-up of 35.8 ± 13.4 months, only a known history of diabetes was an independent predictor of revascularization (OR = 2.03, p = 0.025), non-fatal acute myocardial infarction (OR = 2.70, p = 0.029) and readmission due to heart failure during the follow-up (OR = 3.82, p = 0.022). Conclusions: Screening for impaired glucose metabolism after PCI permits the detection of a high proportion of patients with abnormal glucose regulations. However, previously known diabetes remains the only independent predictor of cardiovascular events in the follow-up.

    Cardioeducación una propuesta innovadora para desarrollar en el aula de la Formación Inicial de Maestros del Grado de Educación Infantil.

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    La enfermedad cardiovascular, es la primera causa de muerte en los países desarrollados, independientemente del hemisferio. La comunidad autónoma de Andalucía es la primera en el ranking de tasas por mortandad asociada al infarto agudo de miocardio, de toda España. Es por ello que este problemática que afecta tanto a la salud pública como social y económicamente requiere no sólo de la tecnología y el avance médico-farmacológico sino de la prevención de los mecanismos fisiopatológicos propios de la enfermedad. Sociedades Científicas, como la Sociedad Española del Corazón (SEC), o la Fundación Española del Corazón (FEC) promueven desde sus actuaciones una dieta saludable y, para ello, hábitos de consumo claves para un corazón sano (Plaz-Celemín, 2015). Esta medida preventiva, tiene una vinculación estrecha con la formación en la etapa infantil, etapa crucial donde se aprenden los hábitos primordiales que serán habituales en su etapa adulta. Es por ello que plantear al alumnado en formación inicial de maestros (AFIM), cuestiones relevantes basadas en la indagación, la modelización y la argumentación impulsando el pensamiento crítico contribuye significativamente a la alfabetización en el área de la cardiología y de la enfermedad cardiovascular, así como de su impacto y de los mecanismos preventivos basados en los hábitos de vida saludables. Nuestro grupo de investigación ha acuñado el término de Cardioeducación a la convergencia del área de la cardiología fisiopatológica y la educación

    Expression of epicardial adipose tissue thermogenic genes in patients with reduced and preserved ejection fraction heart failure

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    [Abstract] Epicardial adipose tissue has been proposed to participate in the pathogenesis of heart failure. The aim of our study was to assess the expression of thermogenic genes (Uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC1α), and PR-domain-missing 16 (PRDM16) in epicardial adipose tissue in patients with heart failure, stablishing the difference according to left ventricular ejection fraction (reduced or preserved). Among the 75 patients in our study, 42.7% (n=32) had reduced left ventricular ejection fraction. UCP1, PGC1α and PRDM16 mRNA in EAT were significantly lower in patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction. Multiple regression analysis showed that age, male gender, body max index, presence of obesity, type-2-diabetes mellitus, hypertension and coronary artery disease and left ventricular ejection fraction were associated with the expression levels of UCP1, PGC1α and PRDM16 mRNA. Thermogenic genes expressions in epicardial adipose tissue (UCP1: OR 0.617, 95%CI 0.103-0.989, p=0.042; PGC1α: OR 0.416, 95%CI 0.171-0.912, p=0.031; PRDM16: OR 0.643, 95%CI 0.116-0.997, p=0.044) were showed as protective factors against the presence of heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction, and age (OR 1.643, 95%CI 1.001-3.143, p=0.026), presence of coronary artery disease (OR 6.743, 95%CI 1.932-15.301, p<0.001) and type-2-diabetes mellitus (OR 4.031, 95%CI 1.099-7.231, p<0.001) were associated as risk factors. The adequate expression of thermogenic genes has been shown as possible protective factors against heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, suggesting that a loss of functional epicardial adipose tissue brown-like features would participate in a deleterious manner on heart metabolism. Thermogenic genes could represent a future novel therapeutic target in heart failure.Ministerio de Salud, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad; PI13/02542Ministerio de Salud, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad; PI11/01661Red de Investigación Cardiovascular (España), RD12/0042/003

    Expression of sterol regulatory element-binding proteins in epicardial adipose tissue in patients with coronary artery disease and diabetes mellitus: preliminary study

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    [Abstract] Objectives: Sterol regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBP) genes are crucial in lipid biosynthesis and cardiovascular homeostasis. Their expression in epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) and their influence in the development of coronary artery disease (CAD) and type-2 diabetes mellitus remain to be determined. The aim of our study was to evaluate the expression of SREBP genes in EAT in patients with CAD according to diabetes status and its association with clinical and biochemical data. Methods: SREBP-1 and SREBP-2 mRNA expression levels were measured in EAT from 49 patients with CAD (26 with diabetes) and 23 controls without CAD or diabetes. Results: Both SREBPs mRNA expression were significantly higher in patients with CAD and diabetes (p<0.001) and were identified as independent cardiovascular risk factor for coronary artery disease in patients with type-2 diabetes (SREBP-1: OR 1.7, 95%CI 1.1-2.5, p=0.02; SREBP-2: OR 1.6, 95%CI 1.2-3, p=0.02) and were independently associated with the presence of multivessel CAD, left main and anterior descending artery stenosis, and higher total and LDL cholesterol levels, and lower HDL cholesterol levels, in patients with CAD and diabetes. Conclusions: SREBP genes are expressed in EAT and were higher in CAD patients with diabetes than those patients without CAD or diabetes. SREBP expression was associated as cardiovascular risk factor for the severity of CAD and the poor lipid control. In this preliminary study we suggest the importance of EAT in the lipid metabolism and cardiovascular homeostasis for coronary atherosclerosis of patients with diabetes and highlight a future novel therapeutic target.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI13/02542Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI11/01661Red de Investigación Cardiovascular; RD12/0042/003

    The effect of post-discharge educational intervention on patients in achieving objectives in modifiable risk factors six months after discharge following an episode of acute coronary syndrome, (CAM-2 Project): a randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>We investigated whether an intervention mainly consisting of a signed agreement between patient and physician on the objectives to be reached, improves reaching these secondary prevention objectives in modifiable cardiovascular risk factors six-months after discharge following an acute coronary syndrome.</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is room to improve mid-term adherence to clinical guidelines' recommendations in coronary heart disease secondary prevention, specially non-pharmacological ones, often neglected.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In CAM-2, patients discharged after an acute coronary syndrome were randomly assigned to the intervention or the usual care group. The primary outcome was reaching therapeutic objectives in various secondary prevention variables: smoking, obesity, blood lipids, blood pressure control, exercise and taking of medication.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>1757 patients were recruited in 64 hospitals and 1510 (762 in the intervention and 748 in the control group) attended the six-months follow-up visit. After adjustment for potentially important variables, there were, between the intervention and control group, differences in the mean reduction of body mass index (0.5 vs. 0.2; p < 0.001) and waist circumference (1.6 cm vs. 0.6 cm; p = 0.05), proportion of patients who exercise regularly and those with total cholesterol below 175 mg/dl (64.7% vs. 56.5%; p = 0.001). The reported intake of medications was high in both groups for all the drugs considered with no differences except for statins (98.1% vs. 95.9%; p = 0.029).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>At least in the short term, lifestyle changes among coronary heart disease patients are achievable by intensifying the responsibility of the patient himself by means of a simple and feasible intervention.</p