306 research outputs found
Implementation intentions, mindfulness and psychological distance in the self-regulation process
Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Psicología, Departamento de Psicología Biológica y de la Salud. Fecha de lectura: 08-09-201
Functional Gene Networks: R/Bioc package to generate and analyse gene networks derived from functional enrichment and clustering
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License.Functional Gene Networks (FGNet) is an R/Bioconductor package that generates gene networks derived from the results of functional enrichment analysis (FEA) and annotation clustering. The sets of genes enriched with specific biological terms (obtained from a FEA platform) are transformed into a network by establishing links between genes based on common functional annotations and common clusters. The network provides a new view of FEA results revealing gene modules with similar functions and genes that are related to multiple functions. In addition to building the functional network, FGNet analyses the similarity between the groups of genes and provides a distance heatmap and a bipartite network of functionally overlapping genes. The application includes an interface to directly perform FEA queries using different external tools: DAVID, GeneTerm Linker, TopGO or GAGE; and a graphical interface to facilitate the use.This work was supported by the “Accion Estrategica en Salud” (AES) of the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (ISCiii) from the Spanish Government (projects granted to J.D.L.R.: PS09/00843 and PI12/00624); and by the “Consejeria de Educación” of the “Junta Castilla y León” (JCyL) and the European Social Fund (ESF) with grants given to S.A. and C.D.Peer Reviewe
Combined analysis of genome-wide expression and copy number profiles to identify key altered genomic regions in cancer
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.-- Proceedings of the International Conference of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (X-meeting 2011).[Background]: Analysis of DNA copy number alterations and gene expression changes in human samples have been used to find potential target genes in complex diseases. Recent studies have combined these two types of data using different strategies, but focusing on finding gene-based relationships. However, it has been proposed that these data can be used to identify key genomic regions, which may enclose causal genes under the assumption that disease-associated gene expression changes are caused by genomic alterations. [Results]: Following this proposal, we undertake a new integrative analysis of genome-wide expression and copy number datasets. The analysis is based on the combined location of both types of signals along the genome. Our approach takes into account the genomic location in the copy number (CN) analysis and also in the gene expression (GE) analysis. To achieve this we apply a segmentation algorithm to both types of data using paired samples. Then, we perform a correlation analysis and a frequency analysis of the gene loci in the segmented CN
regions and the segmented GE regions; selecting in both cases the statistically significant loci. In this way, we find CN alterations that show strong correspondence with GE changes. We applied our method to a human dataset of 64 Glioblastoma Multiforme samples finding key loci and hotspots that correspond to major alterations previously described for this type of tumors. [Conclusions]: Identification of key altered genomic loci constitutes a first step to find the genes that drive the alteration in a malignant state. These driver genes can be found in regions that show high correlation in copy number alterations and expression changesThis work has been supported by funds provided by the Local Government Junta de Castilla y León (JCyL, ref. project: CSI07A09), by the Spanish Government (ISCiii, ref. project PS09/00843) and by the European Commission (Research Grant ref. FP7-HEALTH-2007-223411). SA thanks the JCyL and the European Social Fund (ESF-EU) for a research grant.Peer Reviewe
Unraveling Heterogeneities in Mindfulness Profiles: a Review and Latent Profile Analysis of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire Short‑Form (FFMQ‑SF) in the Spanish Population.
Objectives The Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) is one of the most common self-report instruments used in
scientific literature to assess mindfulness. However, mixed evidence has been provided regarding its psychometric properties.
Among them, the FFMQ seems to present latent classes or profiles with specific patterns in its facets, which might
explain said mixed evidence. This study explores mindfulness profiles in the Spanish population using the short form of the
FFMQ (FFMQ-SF) and its relations with relevant constructs (i.e., decentering, self-compassion, psychological well-being,
psychopathology, positive and negative states).
Methods A general population sample of 826 participants completed instruments measuring mindfulness and related constructs.
Latent profile analyses were applied to the FFMQ-SF facets, and profile membership of participants was estimated
for relations with related constructs.
Results Three latent profiles were found: General Mindfulness, Judgmentally Observing, and Non-judgmentally Aware.
General Mindfulness showed expected relations with other constructs, but the other two profiles showed some relations
opposite to prior literature: The Judgmentally Observing profile displayed functional behaviors while the Non-judgmentally
Aware profile showed an inverse mitigated pattern. Results could not be explained by gender, age, level of studies, or minimum
experience with meditation.
Conclusions Most people (68%) fall into mindfulness profiles that can be regarded as a continuum (e.g., an overall mindfulness
factor). However, the FFMQ-SF shows heterogeneities in its facets due to two unique latent profiles, namely “Judgmentally
Observing” (7.4%) and “Non-judgmentally Aware” (24.8%). While the structure of these profiles was replicated,
relations with relevant psychological constructs contradicted previous literature. Implications and recommendations for
future studies are discussed.post-print1029 K
Positive personal resources on patient relationship: the emotional regulation strategies
El personal sanitario se enfrenta continuamente en su ámbito laboral a grandes presiones, en muchos casos, relacionadas con altas demandas emocionales por la relación profesional-paciente. En este contexto, las estrategias de regulación emocional se muestran como un importante recurso del personal sanitario para el manejo de las emociones hacia objetivos deseables. En el presente artículo se expone una revisión sobre la influencia de las emociones en el contexto laboral, los distintos modelos y estrategias de regulación emocional y cómo influyen sobre el bienestar, la salud y la relación del personal sanitario con los pacientes. Como valor añadido, se compara la eficacia de las distintas estrategias de regulación y cómo afectan de manera diferencial a las relaciones entre los profesionales sanitarios y en la relación profesional-pacienteHealth workers are continually faced to great pressure, often related to high emotional demands of the caregivers-patient relationship in the workplace. In this context, emotion regulation strategies are shown as an important personal resource to manage emotions toward desirable goals. This article presents a review of the literature about the emotional influence in job context, the different models and strategies of emotional regulation and how they influence on well-being, health and professional-patient relationship. In addition, we compare the efficacy of different regulation strategies and their differential effect on colleague and patient relationship
Stress and burnout at work: differences, updates and lines of intervention
Actualizaciones y revisiones[ES] El escenario laboral actual marcado por la globalidad y la inestabilidad genera unas condiciones que hace que muchos profesionales experimenten frustración y un alto nivel de tensión emocional, que conlleva un aumento de los niveles de estrés laboral y del desgaste profesional. La importancia del estudio del estrés laboral y el burnout ha incrementado en los últimos años la productividad científica en estos temas. Se ha realizado por ello una revisión de la literatura para ofrecer una visión global y actualizada de ambos procesos. Se muestran los principales modelos y las variables de estudio vigentes así como las principales líneas más actuales de intervención que se vienen desarrollando hasta la fecha.[En] Today´s workplace is constantly changing. Organizations are confronted with multiple challenges,
brought by globalization and instability. This situation causes many professionals to experience frustration and a high level of emotional tension, which may easily lead to increased levels of occupational stress and burnout. The importance of studying occupational stress and burnout has led to an increase in the scientific productivity in these areas during the last years. The present literature review provides an overview and update of both occupational stress and burnout processes. The main models are presented as well as the current variables in study. The main lines of intervention that have been developed to date are also reviewed.N
Modelo Integrador de Mindfulness (MIM): el cultivo de los estados mentales positivos hacia uno mismo y los demás a través del mindfulness y la autocompasión
Reconocimiento-No comercialCada vez son más los estudios que muestran la eficacia de las Intervenciones Basadas en Mindfulness (MBIs) para el cultivo del bienestar. Sin embargo, son escasos los estudios que indagan en los mecanismos que explican su funcionamiento. El objetivo del presente estudio es presentar y validar el Modelo Integrador de Mindfulness (MIM), que plantea como principal hipótesis que los incrementos en mindfulness rasgo mediante la práctica de la meditación mindfulness lleva a incrementos en autocompasión, y éstos, a su vez, dirigen al incremento de los estados mentales positivos hacia los demás y hacia uno mismo. Se diseñó una MBI de práctica intensiva de tres semanas de duración con grupo control no aleatorizado. Para el análisis se dividió a la muestra en función de la experiencia previa en meditación. Los resultados muestran tamaños del efecto grandes para el efecto de la MBI sobre mindfulness rasgo, autocompasión y los estados mentales positivos hacia uno mismo y hacia los demás. Los datos respaldan a su vez el MIM, indicando que la práctica de la meditación mindfulness lleva al cultivo de mindfulness y autocompasión secuencialmente, lo que posteriormente parece llevar al desarrollo de estados mentales positivos hacia los demás y hacia uno mismoThere are more and more studies showing the effectiveness of Mindfulness-based interventions (MBI) in well-being. However, there are few studies that explore the mechanisms underlying this effect. The aim of this study is to present and validate the Integrative Model of Mindfulness (MIM). MIM main hypothesis is that mindfulness practice leads to an increment in mindfulness trait, which leads to an increase of self-compassion, and these in turn, lead to increase positive mental states to-wards others and oneself. A MBI intensive three-week with non-randomized controlled group was designed. Participants (N = 87) were dif-ferentiated by meditation experience as well. The results show large effect sizes regarding the effect of MBI on mindfulness trait, self-compassion and positive mental states to oneself and to others. The data support the MIM, indicating that the practice of mindfulness meditation leads in a sequentially way to the cultivation of mindfulness and self-compassion, which subse-quently appears to lead to the development of positive mental states to-wards others and onesel
Freeing the performer's mind: A network analysis of music performance anxiety, negative affect, self-consciousness and mindfulness among music performers
Music performance anxiety (MPA) is a common damaging phenomenon in musicians' careers. Mindfulness stands as a promising construct to prevent MPA. However, the relationships between mindfulness and MPA are scarcely explored, alongside other relevant attention-based (e.g., self-consciousness) or emotion-based constructs (e.g., negative affect). This study explores the relationships between these constructs. A sample of 151 musicians was assessed to explore the relationships between these constructs. Self-reports of mindfulness, MPA, negative affect, and self-consciousness were applied. We implemented network analysis following a general (second-order) and specific (first-order) framework. Networks showed dispositional mindfulness as negatively associated with negative affect and MPA in both general and facet levels, while mindfulness in past performances was only negatively associated with negative affect. MPA was positively associated with negative affect and self-consciousness. Mindfulness displayed light or no associations with self-consciousness. Therefore, mindfulness seems to be a relevant construct toward MPA. We propose a preliminary model to improve mindfulness research and interventions applied to music performers. We also outline limitations and future direction
Ethnopharmacological study of medicinal plants with activity on the Central nervous system in the Eastern Region of Cuba
In the eastern region of Cuba, there is a traditional use of medicinal plants for various pharmacological purposes, although an inventory of these plant species necessary for the future search for new phytomedicines does not exist in all cases. This is the case for those used to treat central nervous system (CNS) disorders. To evaluate the traditional knowledge in two regions of Eastern Cuba: Santiago de Cuba and Holguín, regarding the use of medicinal plants with sedative, hypnotic, and anxiolytic effects, an ethnopharmacological study was conducted in two health areas of the main municipalities of these two provinces. A total of 400 people were surveyed, performing the socio-demographic characterization of the evaluated population as well as the qualitative characterization and evaluation of quantitative ethnopharmacological indicators such as the use value index and the significant use level of the medicinal plants used. The surveyed population in both provinces was predominantly female and over 60 years old, with a high level of preparation and professional training. A total of 27 plants were reported in the interviews conducted among the 1637 citations obtained, with similar results between the two provinces. The highest number of citations in both regions corresponded to plants used as sedatives, followed by hypnotics, and finally anxiolytics. Among the most used parts of these plants, the use of leaves prepared in the form of infusions predominated. Of the 8 plant species with the highest acceptance by the population, the plants P. neochilus, J. pectoralis, L. inermis, and P. incarnata obtained the best values for the evaluated ethnopharmacological indicators
Unveiling the mirage of mindfulness profiles through mindfulness-based stress reduction
Objectives: The Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) stands out as a standard of mindfulness assessment in scientific literature, although scientific understanding of its properties is still in development. Among them, the FFMQ seems to present latent profiles with specific patterns in its facets. However, no study has explored the behavior of mindfulness profiles across mindfulness-based interventions. This study explores how Mindfulness- Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) impacts mindfulness profiles. Methods: An overall sample of 624 participants were measured pre and post-MBSR in mindfulness, decentering, self-compassion, psychopathological symptoms, well-being, and positive and negative emotional states. Results: MBSR altered the structure of latent profiles, shifting from 3 profiles to 2 profiles: A High Mindfulness minority profile and a General Mindfulness majority profile. These profiles could be interpreted as a single dispositional mindfulness continuum. The Judgmentally Observing and Non-Judgmentally Aware profiles were more present in the High Mindfulness profile post-MBSR. All profiles tended to display increased decentering, self-compassion, well-being, and positive states, while decreased negative states and psychological symptoms. Thus, MBSR seemed to “arrange” latent profiles in a continuum of overall mindfulness. Conclusions: MBSR seems to dissipate heterogeneities in the FFMQ, allocating its measurements to a more homogeneous continuum of mindfulness. Implications and recommendations for future studies are discuss
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