86 research outputs found

    Avaliação do risco cardiovascular em hipertensos

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    OBJECTIVE: to assess cardiovascular risk by means of the traditional Framingham score and the version modified through the incorporation of emerging risk factors, such as family history of acute myocardial infarction, metabolic syndrome and chronic kidney disease. METHOD: participants were 50 hypertensive patients under outpatient treatment. The clinical data were collected through a semi-structured interview and the laboratory data from patients' histories. RESULTS: it was verified that the traditional Framingham score was predominantly low (74%), with 14% showing medium risk and 12% high risk. After the inclusion of emerging risk factors, the chance of a coronary event was low in 22% of the cases, medium in 56% and high in 22%. CONCLUSIONS: the comparison between the traditional Framingham risk score and the modified version demonstrated a significant difference in the cardiovascular risk classification, whose correlation shows discreet agreement between the two scales. Lifestyle elements seem to play a determinant role in the increase in cardiovascular risk levels.OBJETIVO: avaliar o risco cardiovascular, utilizando o escore de Framingham tradicional e o modificado pela incorporação de fatores de risco emergentes, como história familiar de infarto agudo do miocárdio, síndrome metabólica e doença renal crônica. MÉTODO: participaram 50 hipertensos que faziam tratamento ambulatorial. Os dados clínicos foram obtidos por meio de entrevista semiestruturada e os laboratoriais, coletados em prontuários. RESULTADOS: verificou-se que o escore de Framingham tradicional foi predominantemente baixo (74%), 14% apresentou médio risco e 12% alto risco. Após a inclusão de fatores de risco emergentes, a chance de ocorrer um evento coronariano foi baixa em 22% dos casos, média em 56% e alta em 22% dos casos. CONCLUSÕES: a comparação entre o escore de risco de Framingham tradicional e o modificado demonstrou diferença significativa entre a classificação do risco cardiovascular, cuja correlação mostra discreta concordância entre as duas escalas. Os elementos relacionados ao estilo de vida parecem ser determinantes do aumento de risco cardiovascular.OBJETIVO: evaluar el riesgo cardiovascular utilizando el puntaje de Framingham tradicional y el modificado por la incorporación de factores de riesgo emergentes como historia familiar de infarto agudo del miocardio, síndrome metabólico y enfermedad renal crónica. MÉTODO: participaron 50 hipertensos que hacen tratamiento en ambulatorio. Los datos clínicos fueron obtenidos por medio de entrevista semiestructurada y los de laboratorio fueron obtenidos de fichas. RESULTADOS: se verificó que el puntaje de Framingham tradicional fue predominantemente bajo (74%), 14% presentó riesgo medio y 12% riesgo alto. Tras la inclusión de factores de riesgo emergentes, la probabilidad de ocurrir un evento coronario fue baja en 22% de los casos, media en 56% y alta en 22% de los casos. CONCLUSIONES: la comparación entre el puntaje de riesgo de Framingham tradicional y el modificado demostró diferencia significativa entre la clasificación del riesgo cardiovascular, cuya correlación muestra discreta concordancia entre las dos escalas. Los elementos relacionados al estilo de vida parecen ser determinantes en el aumento del riesgo cardiovascular

    Cardiovascular risk assessment in hypertensive patients

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    OBJECTIVE: to assess cardiovascular risk by means of the traditional Framingham score and the version modified through the incorporation of emerging risk factors, such as family history of acute myocardial infarction, metabolic syndrome and chronic kidney disease. METHOD: participants were 50 hypertensive patients under outpatient treatment. The clinical data were collected through a semi-structured interview and the laboratory data from patients' histories. RESULTS: it was verified that the traditional Framingham score was predominantly low (74%), with 14% showing medium risk and 12% high risk. After the inclusion of emerging risk factors, the chance of a coronary event was low in 22% of the cases, medium in 56% and high in 22%. CONCLUSIONS: the comparison between the traditional Framingham risk score and the modified version demonstrated a significant difference in the cardiovascular risk classification, whose correlation shows discreet agreement between the two scales. Lifestyle elements seem to play a determinant role in the increase in cardiovascular risk levels.

    Strengths of primary healthcare regarding care provided for chronic kidney disease

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    Objective: to assess the structure and results obtained by the “Chronic Renal Patients Care Program” in a Brazilian city. Method: epidemiological, cross-sectional study conducted in 14 PHC units and a secondary center from 2010 to 2013. The Donabedian Model was the methodological framework used. A total of 14 physicians, 13 supervisors, and 11 community health agents from primary healthcare were interviewed for the assessment of structure and process and 1,534 medical files from primary healthcare and 282 from secondary care were consulted to assess outcomes. Results: most units lacked sufficient offices for physicians and nurses to provide consultations, had incomplete staffing, and most professionals had not received proper qualification to provide care for chronic renal disease. Physicians from PHC units classified as capable more frequently referred patients to the secondary care service in the early stages of chronic renal disease (stage 3B) when compared to physicians of units considered not capable (58% vs. 36%) (p=0.049). Capable PHC units also more frequently presented stabilized glomerular filtration rates (51%) when compared to partially capable units (36%) and not capable units (44%) (p=0.046). Conclusion: patients cared for by primary healthcare units that scored higher in structure and process criteria presented better clinical outcomes. Objective: to identify the coping strategies of family members of patients with mental disorders and relate them to family member sociodemographic variables and to the patient’s clinical variables. Method: this was a descriptive study conducted at a psychiatric hospital in the interior of the state of São Paulo, with 40 family members of hospitalized patients over the age of 18, and who followed the patient before and during hospitalization. We used tools to characterize the subjects and the Folkman and Lazarus Inventory of Coping Strategies. Results: the coping strategies most often used by family members were social support and problem solving. Mothers and fathers used more functional strategies (self-control p=0.037, positive reappraisal p=0.037, and social support p=0,021). We found no significant differences between the strategies and other variables examined. Conclusion: despite the suffering resulting from the illness of a dear one, family members make more use of functional strategies, allowing them to cope with adversities in a more well-adjusted way.

    Perfil sociodemográfico y clínico de personas usuarias de hemodiálisis en el sur de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

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    Objetivo: Caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico e clínico das pessoas em tratamento hemodialítico no Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Metodologia: Estudo quantitativo, descritivo de corte transversal, realizado com aplicação de um questionário estruturado e revisão de prontuário de 335 adultos, em tratamento hemodialítico, provenientes de sete clínicas de Hemodiálise, distribuídas em cinco municípios do Rio Grande do Sul, no período de março de 2016 a março de 2017. Foram avaliados os dados sociodemográficos, história familiar, hábitos de vida, etiologia da doença e comorbidades. Para análise, utilizou-se estatística descritiva. Resultados: Do total de 335 adultos em tratamento hemodialítico, 59% eram homens, 47% idosos, 59% com baixa renda familiar. O diabetes mellitus foi a principal etiologia da doença renal 28%, 50%, referiram dieta sem restrições, 59,8% ingerir diariamente mais de 800 ml de líquidos, incluindo bebidas alcoólicas em 10%, e 77,0% referiram anúria, 42% eram tabagistas pregressos e 24% relataram história familiar da doença, e em relação aos gastos com o tratamento hemodialítico 80,3% referiram algum tipo de gasto, especialmente, com remédios para 88,4% e verificou-se a ocorrência de doenças infectocontagiosas, tais como hepatite B, C e HIV foi encontrado, respectivamente, em 3,9%, 7,5% e 2,1% da amostra. Conclusão: Os achados apontaram para necessidade de reorganização da atenção à doença renal crônica no âmbito dos serviços de atenção primária e secundária, visando a detecção precoce da doença e o controle clínico dos fatores de risco, incluindo o diabetes, principalmente em grupos socioeconômicos menos favorecidos, facilitando o acesso desta população aos serviços da rede de atenção à saúde.Aim: to characterize the sociodemographic and clinical profile of people undergoing hemodialysis in the south of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Methods: This was a descriptive, quantitative, and cross-sectional study carried out with the application of a structured questionnaire and the review of the medical records of 335 adults undergoing hemodialysis from seven hemodialysis clinics distributed in five municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul from March 2016 to March 2017. The researchers evaluated the sociodemographic data, family history, lifestyle, etiology of the disease, and comorbidities; descriptive statistics were used for the analysis. Results: Of the 335 adults undergoing hemodialysis, 59% were men, 47% elderly, and 59% with low family income. Diabetes mellitus was the main etiology of kidney disease (28%); 50% reported an unrestricted diet and 59.8% ingested more than 800 ml of liquids daily, including 10% alcoholic beverages, and 77.0% reported anuria, 42% were previous smokers and 24% reported family history of the disease. In regards to expenses related to the hemodialysis treatment, 80.3% reported some type of expenditure, especially with medicines for 88.4%; the occurrence of infectious diseases, such as hepatitis B, C and HIV was found, respectively, in 3.9%, 7.5 % and 2.1% of the sample. Conclusion: The findings pointed to the need to reorganize the care for chronic kidney disease within the scope of primary and secondary care services; this with the aim of early detection of chronic kidney disease and the clinical control of risk factors, including diabetes, in in less favored socioeconomic groups mainly. This would facilitate the population's access to the services of the healthcare network.Objetivo: caracterizar el perfil sociodemográfico y clínico de personas en hemodiálisis en el sur de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, transversal. Se realizó con la aplicación de un cuestionario estructurado y la revisión de historias clínicas de 335 personas adultas en hemodiálisis, de siete clínicas de hemodiálisis, distribuidas en cinco ciudades de Rio Grande do Sul, de marzo de 2016 a marzo de 2017. Se evaluaron datos sociodemográficos, antecedentes familiares, estilo de vida, etiología de la enfermedad y comorbilidades. Para el análisis, se utilizó estadística descriptiva. Resultados: Del total de 335 personas adultas con hemodiálisis, 59 % eran hombres, 47 % personas adultas mayores, 59 % tenían bajos ingresos familiares. La diabetes mellitus fue la principal etiología de la enfermedad renal (28 %), un 50 % refirió una dieta sin restricciones, 59.8 % ingirió más de 800 ml de líquidos al día, incluidas bebidas alcohólicas (10 %), un 77 % refirió anuria, un 42 % refirió fumar anteriormente y un 24 % indicó antecedentes familiares de la enfermedad. En relación a los gastos por el tratamiento de hemodiálisis, un 80.3 % reportó algún tipo de gasto, especialmente, con medicamentos (88.4 %). Adicionalmente, se encontró la ocurrencia de enfermedades infecciosas, como hepatitis B, C y VIH, respectivamente, en 3.9 %, 7.5 % y 2.1 % de la muestra. Conclusión: Los hallazgos apuntaban a la necesidad de reorganizar la atención de la enfermedad renal crónica, en el ámbito de los servicios de atención primaria y secundaria. Lo anterior, con el objetivo de detectar en una etapa temprana la enfermedad, así como controlar factores de riesgo, incluida la diabetes, principalmente, en los grupos socioeconómicos menos favorecidos. De esta forma, se facilita el acceso de la población a los servicios de la red asistencial

    Análise da estrutura de serviços de saúde para o cuidado às pessoas com diabetes

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    Objetivo: Analisar a estrutura de unidades básicas de saúde para o cuidado às pessoas com diabetes na perspectiva do modelo de atenção às condições crônicas. Métodos: Estudo transversal e exploratório, realizado em 49 serviços de saúde. Aplicado instrumento baseado em cinco componentes do modelo de cuidados crônicos. Realizada análise descritiva dos resultados. A interpretação foi feita por faixas de pontuação entre 0 e 100% e quartis de classificações que variaram entre limitada, básica, razoável e ótima. Resultados: A estrutura para o cuidado foi classificada como básica. Os componentes com melhor e pior nota atribuída foram sistema de prestação de serviços e apoio à decisão, respectivamente. Observaram-se menor disponibilidade de recursos em unidades que atuavam no modelo tradicional. Conclusões: Os achados apontam para a necessidade de otimização dos recursos disponíveis para a melhoria dos processos de trabalho e investimento em metas organizacionais, parcerias com a comunidade, feedback do especialista e capacitação

    Quality of Care of Patients with Diabetes in Primary Health Services in Southeast Brazil

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    Background. Diabetes management involves multiple aspects that go beyond drug therapy as a way of providing high quality care. The objective of this study was to describe quality of care indicators for individuals with diabetes in southeast Brazil and to explore associations among these indicators. Methods. In this cross-sectional, observational study, health care providers filled out a questionnaire addressing health care structure and processes at 14 primary health care units (PHCUs). Clinical and laboratory data of diabetic patients attending the PHCUs and from patients referred to a secondary health care (SHC) center were collected. Results. There was a shortage of professionals in 53.8% of the PHCUs besides a high proportion of problems regarding referrals to SHC. At the PHCU, glycated hemoglobin results were available only in half of the medical records. A low rate of adequate glycemic control was also observed. An association between structure and process indicators and the outcomes analyzed was not found. Conclusion. Major deficiencies were found in the structure and processes of the PHCUs, in addition to unsatisfactory diabetes care outcomes. However, no association between structure, process, and outcomes was found

    Quality control of the buriti oil (Mauritia flexuosa L. f.) for use in 3-phase oil formulation for skin hydration.

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    Introduction: The Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L. f.) is a Brazilian native palm tree. Its fruit has a hard shell and scaly covering a soft and oily pulp. Buriti oil is rich in oleic acid, also being considered natural source of beta-carotene, one of the most powerful antioxidants, becoming an excellent alternative for the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. Methods: The fruits collected in the State Forest Antimary (Bujari city, Acre - Brazil) were processed, dried and then the oil was extracted by cold mechanical pressing. Chromatographic analyzes and the following physico-chemical analyses, according to the AOCS norms, were performed: Acid Index (AI), Peroxide Index (PI) and Saponification Index (SI). Samples of different batches were submitted to the gas chromatograph. Results: After verified the excellent quality of the oil, a formulation of a three-phase oil for the skin hydration was prepared. From the physical and chemical analyzes, the average results for each parameter were compared with them limit by the RDC-270 ANVISA standard. Conclusion: These results demonstrated that the analyzed oils have great composition for using in cosmetics; it is an excellent raw material for the production of three-phase oil, when accompanied with other elements, such as mineral oil and propylene glycol, which has the capacity of hydration and smoothness of the skin

    Tradução, adaptação cultural e validação do questionário Rastreamento da Doença Renal Oculta (Screening For Occult Renal Disease - SCORED) para o português brasileiro

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    Abstract: Screening Chronic Kidney Dis - ease (CKD) allows early interventions, which may alter the natural course of the disease, including cardiovascular morbid - ity and mortality. Screening for Occult Renal Disease (SCORED) is questionnaire with nine questions with different weights, and predicts a 20% chance for CKD if a individual score ≥ 4 points. Aim: Translate to Portuguese, perform the adaptation to the Brazilian culture and validate the orig - inal version of SCORED questionnaire. Methods: Steps of the process: Translation from English into Brazilian Portuguese; back-translation into English; application to a population sample; and Proof-reading and completion. The translations and re - views were made by professionals experts in Portuguese and English. The question - naire was applied to 306 participants and CKD was diagnosed as suggested by the NKF KDOQI™. Results: The participants mean age was 49 ± 13 years, 61% were women, 69% were white, and 68% had education below high school, 38.5% had hypertension, and 12.3% diabetics. The final Brazilian Portuguese version of the SCORED questionnaire was well under - stood. CKD was diagnosed in 20 (6.5%) of the participants. The Brazilian version of the SCORED questionnaire showed sensitivity of 80%, specificity of 65%, positive predictive value of 14%, negative predictive value of 97%, and accuracy of 66%. Conclusion: The steps used for the translation, transcultural adaptation, and validation allowed a Brazilian Portuguese version of the SCORED questionnaire which was well understood, acceptable and costless, characteristics that make it a useful tool in the identification of people that chance of having CKD.INTRODUÇÃO: Identificar a Doença Renal Crônica (DRC) em seus estágios iniciais permite intervenções com potencial de alterar a evolução natural da doença e de diminuir a mortalidade precoce. O Screening For Occult Renal Disease (SCORED) é um questionário de nove questões com pesos diferentes e prevê uma chance de 20% para DRC em caso de pontuação > 4 pontos. OBJETIVO: Traduzir, adaptar transculturalmente e validar o questionário SCORED para o português brasileiro. MÉTODOS: Etapas do processo: 1. Tradução do inglês para o português brasileiro; 2. Retrotradução para o inglês; 3. Avaliação das versões por comitê de especialistas, gerando uma versão consensual; 4. Validação da versão final para a cultura brasileira. O questionário foi aplicado em 306 indivíduos avaliados para DRC segundo os critérios do NKF KDOQI™. RESULTADOS: A idade média dos participantes foi de 49 ± 13 anos, 61% eram mulheres, 69% eram brancos, 68% apresentavam escolaridade até o ensino médio, 38,5% tinham hipertensão arterial e 12,3% Diabetes Mellitus. A versão final do questionário SCORED em português brasileiro não apresentou dificuldades de compreensão. A DRC foi diagnosticada em 20 (6,4%) participantes. A versão brasileira do questionário SCORED apresentou sensibilidade de 80%, especificidade de 65%, valor preditivo positivo de 14%, valor preditivo negativo de 97% e acurácia de 66%. CONCLUSÃO: As etapas cumpridas no processo de adaptação transcultural permitiram desenvolver a versão brasileira do questionário SCORED, ferramenta que, por ser de fácil compreensão, boa aceitação e de baixíssimo custo, poderá constituir importante instrumento de rastreio de pessoas com chance de apresentar DRC

    A formação docente em questão: análise sobre a contribuição do programa institucional de bolsa de iniciação à docência (PIBID) para a formação profissional dos licenciandos da Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais – UEMG/The teacher education in question: analysis of the contribution of the institutional program of teaching initiation scholarship (PIBID) to the professional training of graduates of the State University of Minas Gerais – UEMG

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    O Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência – (PIBID, Capes 01/2011) tem se mostrado como uma das alternativas potenciais para fortalecer a formação inicial do licenciando, considerando as conexões entre os saberes que se constroem na universidade e os saberes que cotidianamente são produzidos e se entrecruzam nas unidades escolares. Com intuito de refletir e avaliar sobre esta experiência de inserção dos bolsistas no espaço escolar e a repercussão dessa prática, este trabalho buscou discutir e analisar os impactos desse programa para a formação profissional docente dos alunos-bolsistas deste programa. Como metodologia foi construído um questionário e disponibilizado aos alunos através do Google-drive. Para sustentar teórica e metodologicamente a presente pesquisa, tomou-se como aporte teórico o Sistema de Avaliatividade (Martin & White, 2005). Os resultados apontaram que os alunos consideram o programa essencial para a formação docente e acadêmica. Dessa forma, pode-se dizer que esta política nacional de formação tem contribuído para a qualificação dos discentes-bolsistas, tornando-os mais críticos a atuantes