75 research outputs found

    Drivers of digital transformation adoption: A weight and meta-analysis

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    Cavalcanti, D. R., Oliveira, T., & Santini, F. D. O. (2022). Drivers of digital transformation adoption: A weight and meta-analysis. Heliyon, 8(2), 1-17. [e08911]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e08911 --------------------------- Funding: This work was supported by national funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) under the project - UIDB/04152/2020 - Centro de Investigação em Gestão de Informação (MagIC).The advent of the global pandemic has accelerated the growing need for product and service transformation, highlighting the emerging importance of technology and creating the opportunity to update the digital transformation (DT) domain through empirical-quantitative research. This weight and meta-analysis enabled the synthesis and integration of previous literature on the scope of individual DT adoption, evaluating the state of the art and filling a void on the subject. Athwart 88 studies and 99 datasets by international sources, our results demonstrate that attitude and satisfaction are relevant predictors of behavioral intentions and promising outcomes, including compatibility and personal innovativeness. Behavioral intentions, satisfaction, and habit are the best predictors for DT use. Usefulness and ease of use are critical for DT adoption intention and use, being moderated by individualism, as a cultural factor, human capital, and knowledge-technology, as innovation indicators. We present a conceptual model of promising and best predictors for future research on DT individual adoption.publishersversionpublishe

    A meta-analysis of the quantitative studies in continuance intention to use an information system

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    Franque, F. B., Oliveira, T., Tam, C., & Santini, F. D. O. (2021). A meta-analysis of the quantitative studies in continuance intention to use an information system. Internet Research, 31(1), 1-36. https://doi.org/10.1108/INTR-03-2019-0103Purpose: This study aims to describe, synthesise and clarify the findings of published studies on individual continuance intention to use an information system (IS), considering the fact that the number of studies in the continuance intention context are growing exponentially and cover several different subjects. Design/methodology/approach: The research uses meta- and weight analysis by taking 115 empirical studies from continuance intention to use an IS. The data are presented in different views using significant and non-significant relationships from all the studies. Furthermore, it uses hierarchical linear meta-analysis to analyse potential moderators that can influence continuance intention. Findings: The results reveal that affective commitment, attitude, satisfaction, hedonic value and flow are the best predictors of continuance intention to use an IS. Sample size, individualism, uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation moderate the relationship of perceived usefulness on continuance intention. Power distance, masculinity and indulgence moderate relationship satisfaction on continuance intention. Practical implications: The results reveal that continuance intention to use an IS has been studied in different countries, with different cultures; therefore, IS providers should have diversified managing strategies, to ensure the satisfaction of users and long-term usage of their IS. Originality/value: The study provides a systematic overview of the most relevant variables used in the literature, including a temporal analysis of the theoretical models, highlighting the evolution of the constructs and presents a moderation analysis.authorsversionpublishe

    A Weight and Meta-Analysis on the Academic Achievement of High School Students

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    Nunes, C., Oliveira, T., Santini, F. D. O., Castelli, M., & Cruz-jesus, F. (2022). A Weight and Meta-Analysis on the Academic Achievement of High School Students. Education Sciences, 12(5), 1-17. [287]. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12050287Understanding the determinants of academic achievement (AA) is crucial for virtually every stakeholder interested in personal development and individual and societal wellbeing. Extensive research in several areas, such as education, economics, or psychology, has addressed this topic, identifying a vast number of determinants that impact high school students’ AA. In this work, we perform a meta-analysis, including a weight analysis of 49 quantitative studies that investigate this topic, exploring the best predictors of high school students’ academic success. We also explore moderation effects. Our results show that academic self-efficacy and socioeconomic status are the best predictors of AA, and they are statistically significant. Other statistically significant predictors, albeit less common in the analyses, are mastery avoidance, motivation, sleep habits, and work avoidance. Implications for theory and practice and directions for future research are discussedpublishersversionpublishe

    a meta-analysis

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    de Oliveira Santini, F., Ladeira, W. J., Sampaio, C. H., & Pinto, D. C. (2018). The brand experience extended model: a meta-analysis. Journal of Brand Management, 25(6), 519-535. DOI: 10.1057/s41262-018-0104-6This research provides a comprehensive overview of the brand experience effects and proposes an extension to the brand experience model by testing novel direct, moderating, and mediating relationships. The authors conducted a meta-analysis of 256 quantitative studies in 73 papers published between 2009 and 2015. The findings reveal new empirical generalizations about the relationship between brand experience and the relevant constructs. The findings demonstrate the positive influence of brand experience on brand satisfaction and positive influence of brand satisfaction on brand trust, brand loyalty, and word-of-mouth (WOM). Furthermore, this research uncovers important mediation variables (hedonic benefits, brand love, and brand personality) of the relationship between brand experience and brand satisfaction. This paper also tests the moderation effects of methodological (e.g., sample type, sample size), theoretical (product type and product lifecycle), and cultural variables (e.g., level of innovation, level of wealth and Human Development Index). The findings extend the brand experience model, helping managers to understand the positive outcomes of brand experience on satisfaction and to invest in actions that can enhance the brand experience. Furthermore, this study shows that brand managers should consider culture is a key factor when crafting branding experience strategies.authorsversionpublishe


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    The specific domain of a product and the perception of innovation are topics that aroused interest in research in the last twenty years, especially after the development of the domain-specific innovativeness (DSI) construct. This paper conducted a meta-analysis to assess the consequents of the DSI. To this end, a total of 276 works were identified in nine databases, of which 78 were included in the study work, generating 98 observations for a sample set of 40,641. The results showed significant relationships between the consequents: adoption of innovation, attitude, behavioral intention, product usage, opinion leader and risk perception. Furthermore, it was noted that the research method (survey vs. experimental) and the country of application (Western vs. Eastern) were moderating factors of the relationships between DSI, opinion leader and behavioral intention

    Governance and Social Network: Analysis in Cooperatives of Small Citrus Producers in the São Paulo State, Brazil

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate if the network governance structure adopted by small producers’ citrus cooperatives has allowed the reduction of risks in transactions, ex-ante (adverse selection) and ex-post (moral hazard), and the problems of opportunism downstream and upstream of the production chain. The planned methodological procedure included the structuring and research of two case studies in cooperatives of small orange producers in the interior of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, comprising a sample of 35 cooperative members surveyed between the two cooperatives analyzed. The analyzes were supported by the Transaction Cost Economics and Social Network approaches. Results indicate the importance of the cooperatives and their network format, as economic agents, in maintaining small producers in the citrus industry activity, allowing the reduction of risks in transactions and the problems of opportunism, downstream and upstream of the chain. It was verified the academic contribution and theoretical reinforcement brought by this study - through the empirical surveys and results produced - to the theory of hybrid governance formats, which lacks empirical support and greater analytical strengthening on the part of the academy, according to its own authors. It is suggested, for future analysis, the use of the network governance approach aimed at strengthening the class of small producers of other agribusiness cultures, also using the theoretical basis belonging to NIE, TCE and Networks. The continuity of analyzes based on relational governance, with institutional and transactional economics as a basis, represents not only academic documentation and support for small rural producers of different cultures, but also the guarantee of theoretical robustness to a structure that is still incipient in historical terms, which finds in Brazilian agribusiness a fertile ground for its development and materialization

    A relação entre percepção de valor e retenção: uma análise comparativa entre faculdades e universidades particulares

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    ABSTRACTThe relationship between perceived value and retention of students has been widely studied in national and international literature. One of the ways to analyze student’s relationship with their institutions is through understanding their perception of value of the institution. Based on this analysis, this paper proposes an alternative study of this relationship by comparing samples collected at private colleges and universities through the second-order factor models. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of perceived value in retention of students in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). Furthermore, we intended to examine the possible moderating influence of HEI’s scope (either college or university) in the relationship between perceived value and retention. To this purpose, we applied five hundred and sixteen questionnaires to undergraduate students of four HEI (two colleges and two universities) located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Findings led to propose the second-order factor models as an alternative paradigm to traditional models of SEM, generating more robust and reliable functional relationships. In addition, we accepted the hypothesis of moderation

    A automedicação e a influência de grupos de referência: aplicação da técnica de análise discriminante no mercado de medicamentos over-the-counter

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    The consumption of non-prescribed medicines, known as over-the-counter (OTC), has increased the sales in retail pharmacy in Brazil. Due to this growth, this paper tried to analyze this phenomenon through the studies of interpersonal influence that was made so far in marketing. Thus, as objective, it was proposed to identify the key factors that make it possible to discriminate consumers who use OTC medicines or not self-medication. Due to this, self-medication was studied as a phenomenon in which the consumer receives or not some information for the decision making, instead of receiving information by a healthcare professional. Thus, the collected information was from two distinct groups: people who say they receive interpersonal influence (1) and people who say they do not receive interpersonal influence (0). Soon after, this information was inserted into a database and analyzed within the set of techniques that was part of the discriminant analysis. As a result, the variables that demonstrated not to discriminate these groups were: the influence of pharmacists and attendants. On the other hand, the variables that discriminate clusters, using equation, were: other medicine’s recommendation, brand (both with low discrimination power), taste other drugs and the influence of advertising (both with high discrimination power).O consumo de remédios sem prescrição médica, over-the-counter (OTC), tem aumentado em vendas no varejo farmacêutico do Brasil. Devido a esse crescimento, o presente artigo procurou analisar este fenômeno através dos estudos de influência interpessoal existente no marketing. Assim sendo, teve-se como objetivo identificar os principais fatores que tornam possível discriminar os consumidores de remédios OTC’s que utilizam ou não a automedicação. Para isto, a automedicação foi estudada como um fenômeno em que o consumidor recebe ou não alguma informação para tomada de decisão e que esta não seja dada por um profissional da saúde. Desse modo, coletou-se dados com dois agrupamentos distintos: pessoas que dizem receber influência interpessoal (1) e pessoas que dizem não receber influência interpessoal (0). Logo após, essas informações foram formatadas em um banco de dados e analisadas dentro do conjunto de técnicas que fez parte da análise discriminante. Como resultado, as variáveis que demonstraram não discriminar estes agrupamentos foram: influência do farmacêutico e atendentes. Por outro lado, as variáveis que discriminam os agrupamentos foram: recomendação de outro remédio, marca (ambos com baixo poder de discriminação) o fato de experimentar outros remédios e influência da propaganda (ambos com alto poder de discriminação).

    Antecedents and consequences of impulse buying: a meta-analytic study

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to propose a framework to distinguish between various types of antecedents and consequences of impulse buying. The authors tested it using a meta-analytical approach. Design/methodology/approach – The authors examined 12 databases and analyzed 178 relationships in 100 articles. For the quantitative data analysis, the authors used the coefficient of correlation r as a metric to measure the effect size of the studied scope variables. Findings – The findings of this meta-analysis demonstrated significant relation of antecedents and consequences of the impulse buying behavior, such as consumer impulsiveness (r = 0.464), materialistic consumption (r = 0.344), purchase pleasure (r = 0.270), hedonic value (r = 0.311), income (r = 0.703), gender (r = 0.150), age (r = 0.062), store atmosphere (r = 0.166), decision-making (r = 0.703) and positive emotions (r = 0.323). Research limitations/implications – This meta-analysis reviewed relationships found worldwide in the literature, expanding and improving the current knowledge. The meta-analysis identified ways that research on impulse buying is lacking and presented suggestions for the elaboration of new studies to allow future researchers to better define their agendas. Practical implications – This meta-analysis brings important questions, such as impulse buying behavior is associated not only with consumer impulsiveness but also with materialistic consumption. Originality/value – This research tested the impact of the antecedents and consequences of impulse buying and presented important results through this meta-analytical review. This meta-analysis contributes to the marketing literature, with a set of empirical generalizations, including relationship coefficients and calculated fail-safe numbers


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    Noprocesso de trocas relacionais, os antecedentes de qualidade e a marca aparecemcomo facilitadores iniciais dos relacionamentos, pois estes contribuem paramanter e ampliar os mediadores de confiança e comprometimento, os quais podeminfluenciar positivamente no resultado de retenção dos clientes. Este artigo é resultado de umapesquisa quantitativa, através da modelagem de equações estruturais, aplicado a687 alunos de seis Instituições de Ensino Superior localizadas na regiãoNordeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, com o objetivo de identificar asrelações entre a Qualidade e Marca, na construção da Confiabilidade e doComprometimento para a obtenção da Retenção dos alunos. Como resultadoidentificou-se relações significativas entre todas as dimensões previstas,sendo destacados os efeitos da Qualidade e Marca na formação da Confiança dosestudantes, assim uma forte influencia do comprometimento na formação da Retenção