698 research outputs found


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    A corporeidade e as representações de si compõem o debate acadêmico na Educação, na Educação Física e demais áreas de estudos do desenvolvimento humano. Na adolescência, momento em que se acentua a construção da identidade, as práticas pedagógicas que valorizam a construção de valores sociomorais e o desenvolvimento da autonomia, tornam-se fundamentais. Neste artigo, realizamos uma pesquisa exploratória de revisão sistemática de literatura, com objetivo de analisar produções acadêmico-científicas publicadas em bases das áreas de educação, Educação Física, psicologia e saúde coletiva, nos últimos cinco anos (2017 a 2021), relacionadas ao bullying/cyberbullying em estudantes adolescentes, identificando em especial as pesquisas que se apoiaram nos conceitos da teoria piagetiana sobre o desenvolvimento sociomoral. A busca resultou em 67 produções científicas, sendo que 33 dessas tem enfoque no estudante adolescente. As pesquisas encontradas, mesmo embasadas em referenciais teóricos diferentes, convergiram na indicação de que espaços escolares que contribuem para tomada de consciência das ações, para as soluções de conflitos e que se afastam de ações coercitivas, violentas, arbitrárias e heterônomas, contribuem a médio e longo prazo para o desenvolvimento moral dos estudantes adolescentes. Os estudos enfatizaram o trabalho dos professores como possibilidades de intervenção pedagógica, por meio de uma educação democrática, empática e solidária que contribua com a civilidade, minimizando a indisciplina e o bullying/cyberbullying. Quanto à relação direta entre bullying e cyberbullying com a compreensão do valor das regras e das normas que regulam a convivência social cooperativa, pautada no valor sociomoral do respeito mútuo, amplamente defendida na perspectiva piagetiana, não foi localizada nas produções, na temporalidade investigada

    A community public health programme to control iron-deficiency anemia through iron-fortification of drinking water

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    On a global basic, an estimated 2 billion people are iron deficient or anaemic with small children and child bearing age women most likely to be affected. In Brazil a recent 2009 meta-analysis of anaemia considered it to be a serious public health problem affecting 53% of children under 5 years. Fortification and supplementation of food can make and important contribution to the reduction of iron anaemia. Our studies on anaemia and iron fortification of drinking water showed a large prevalence of anaemia among under 5 children attending day-care institutions. After 3 to 6 months drinking iron fortified water it was shown a decrease of anaemic children. It was shown that the iron fortification of drinking water can be considered an easy and practical way to supply iron to children at community level. It is a vehicle available everywhere. It is consumed everyday by everyone, has a much lower price than any other iron food carrier and/or pharmaceutical supplements. The water may be easily fortified locally, the iron sulfate is low-priced and used in small amounts with highly bioavailable iron. Its effectiveness was scientifically shown and was strategically supported by the Community, the Public Health Workers and got Municipal Government approval and support

    Bioprótese de dura mater mitral e tricúspide: 30 anos de acompanhamento

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    PURPOSE: The dura mater bioprosthesis was developed in the Department of Cardiopneumology of the Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo Medical School in 1971. Here, we present the clinical results of the dura mater bioprosthesis over 30 years of follow-up. METHODS: We studied 70 consecutive patients who underwent mitral or tricuspid valve replacement with a dura mater bioprosthesis between January 1971 and August 1972. RESULTS: The early mortality was 10% (7 patients). The follow-up was 87% complete (9 patients were lost to follow-up). Two patients were alive and asymptomatic 30 years after valve replacement; 33 patients underwent reoperations due to valve dysfunction, and 19 died during the follow-up period. At 30 years, the actuarial survival was 49.2 ± 8.6%; freedom from rupture, 27.0 ± 10.2%; freedom from calcification, 78.8 ± 8.6%; and freedom from reoperation, 18.8 ± 7.5%. CONCLUSIONS: The dura mater bioprosthesis played an important role in the treatment of patients with mitral and tricuspid valve disease. The low rate of thromboembolism and the long period of follow-up without evidence of valve dysfunction, which occurred for several of our patients, are important characteristics of these bioprosthesis.A bioprótese de dura-mater foi desenvolvida no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo em 1971. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados clínicos com 30 anos de seguimento. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 70 pacientes consecutivos com bioprótese mitral ou tricúspide, operados de janeiro de 1971 a agosto de 1972. RESULTADOS: A mortalidade imediata foi 10% (7 pacientes). Dois pacientes evoluem bem com a bioprótese de dura-máter, 9 não tem seguimento atualizado, 33 apresentaram disfunção da bioprotese e foram reoperados e 19 faleceram durante a evolução tardia. A curva atuarial de sobrevida foi de 49,2 ± 8,6%, livre de rotura, 27,0 ± 10,2%, livre de calcificação, 78,8 ± 8,6% e livre de reoperação, 18,8% ± 7,5%. CONCLUSÕES: A bioprótese de dura-mater teve mais importante papel no tratamento de pacientes com lesão das valvas mitral e tricúspide. A baixa taxa de tromboembolismo e o longo período de seguimento sem disfunção valvar em vários pacientes são importantes características desta bioprótese

    Sleep bruxism: the complexity of a definitive diagnosis – case report

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    Communication abstract: Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held in the Egas Moniz University Campus at Monte de Caparica, Portugal, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Taquicardias mediadas por marcapasso de dupla câmara: Atualizaçao*

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    O marcapasso que é capaz de detectar a atividade atrial e deflagrar estímulos sincronizados em ventrículo, funciona como uma via acessória de conduçao entre átrios e ventrículos, estabelecendo condiçoes para a existência de um circuito de reentrada. Assim, diversas formas de taquicardia podem ser mediadas pelos marcapassos de dupla câmara. Neste artigo é feito uma revisao de todos estes tipos de taquicardias

    Alternative substrates and controlled-release fertilizer in the production of yellow passion fruit seedlings

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    There are many residues that can be used for agriculture, especially as a substrate. However, it is often necessary to fertilize the growing media so that the seedlings can be produced with quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of alternative and commercial substrates associated with different controlled-release fertilizer levels in producing yellow passion fruit seedlings. The experiment was conducted at the Embrapa Acre seedling nursery, with 50% luminosity. We used a randomized block experimental design in a 5 x 3 factorial scheme with 15 treatments, 4 replicates, and 10 plants per plot. The treatments consisted of five controlled-release fertilizer levels (0 kg m-3, 3 kg m-3, 6 kg m-3, 9 kg m-3, and 12 kg m-3) combined with lumps of acerola fruits (LAF), Brazil nut peel (BNP), and commercial (CS) substrates. The evaluated variables were seed height, stem diameter, number of leaves, shoot dry mass (SDM), root dry mass (RDM), total dry mass (TDM), and seedling quality index (SQI). Use of the alternative lumps of acerola fruit (LAF) substrate associated with the 10 kg m-³ level of controlled-release fertilizer promoted the best results. BNP has potential for use as a substrate for passion fruit seedlings, however adjustments are necessary to achieve an adequate composition.There are many residues that can be used for agriculture, especially as a substrate. However, it is often necessary to fertilize the growing media so that the seedlings can be produced with quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of alternative and commercial substrates associated with different controlled-release fertilizer levels in producing yellow passion fruit seedlings. The experiment was conducted at the Embrapa Acre seedling nursery, with 50% luminosity. We used a randomized block experimental design in a 5 x 3 factorial scheme with 15 treatments, 4 replicates, and 10 plants per plot. The treatments consisted of five controlled-release fertilizer levels (0 kg m-3, 3 kg m-3, 6 kg m-3, 9 kg m-3, and 12 kg m-3) combined with lumps of acerola fruits (LAF), Brazil nut peel (BNP), and commercial (CS) substrates. The evaluated variables were seed height, stem diameter, number of leaves, shoot dry mass (SDM), root dry mass (RDM), total dry mass (TDM), and seedling quality index (SQI). Use of the alternative lumps of acerola fruit (LAF) substrate associated with the 10 kg m-³ level of controlled-release fertilizer promoted the best results. BNP has potential for use as a substrate for passion fruit seedlings, however adjustments are necessary to achieve an adequate composition

    Time elapsed between the first symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of oral cancer patients in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

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    Objective: One of the most important objectives of a public health service is early diagnosis of disease, which provides a better prognosis and reduction in treatment cost. We investigated the delay for diagnosis and treatment of oral cancer in a public hospital. Material and methods: One hundred eighty records of patients who attended for their first consultation in the department of head and neck surgery in a public hospital from Belo Horizonte?Brazil, between the period from 1 January 1999 to 31 December 2001 were analysed. The following variables were analyzed: gender, age, evolution time (ET), time elapsed from referral to hospital and first appointment (RT), time elapsed from first appointment and treatment (TT), total time elapsed from first noticing the lesion and starting treatment (TTE), sites and staging. Results: Results for males and females were, respectively: mean age = 57.9 and 60.8 years; ET= 169.4 and 215.4 days; RT = 27.9 and 40.6 days; TT = 40.9 and 44.9days; TTE = 207.9 and 263.8 days. No correlation was observed between age and TTE for either gender. Women presented the highest mean values for ET and TTE (p<0.01). Conclusion: It was concluded that public health policy should be developed to address the excessively long time lapsed between diagnosis and treatment as well as improve public health education programs to promote early oral cancer identification