180 research outputs found
The present work consists of an exploratory study on the Traditional Peoples and Communities of African Matrix (PCTMA), the Candomblé terreiros, in the field of cultural heritage policies. It intends a preliminary approach to aspects that evidence the identity construction of the cultural practice of the Ilê da Oxum Apará candomblé terreiro, located in the city of Itaguaí/RJ, as a political-mythical-religious territory, which affirms a symbolic heritage of African groups and ethnicities in Brazil, from the legacy and memory of its founder Babalorixá Jair de Ogum (died August 31, 2020). Therefore, based on an interview carried out with the current maintainers of the place and a specialized bibliography on the subject, we take the political stance of rethinking the epistemic and social place of black culture or African matrix in Brazilian society, in a decolonial and Afrocentric perspective.O presente trabalho consiste em um estudo exploratório sobre os Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais de Matriz Africana (PCTMA), os terreiros de candomblé, no campo das políticas de patrimônio cultural. Pretende uma abordagem preliminar sobre os aspectos que evidenciam a construção identitária da prática cultural do terreiro de candomblé Ilê da Oxum Apará, localizado na cidade de Itaguaí/RJ, como território político-mítico-religioso, que afirma um patrimônio simbólico dos grupos e etnias africanas no Brasil a partir do legado e da memória do seu fundador Babalorixá Jair de Ogum (falecido em 31 de agosto de 2020). Para tanto, com base em entrevista realizada com os atuais mantenedores do lugar e uma bibliografia especializada sobre o assunto, assumimos o posicionamento político de repensar o lugar epistêmico e social da cultura negra ou de matriz africana na sociedade brasileira, numa perceptiva decolonial e afrocêntrica
Características distintas de isolados de Pepper yellow mosaic virus de tomate e pimentão
ABSTRACT: Determination of virus diversity in the field is vital to support a sustainable breeding program for virus resistance of horticultural crops. The present study aimed to characterize four field potyvirus isolates found naturally infecting sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum) (Sa66 and Sa115) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) (IAC3 and Sa21) plants. Their biological characteristics revealed differences among the isolates in their ability to infect distinct Capsicum spp. and tomato genotypes, and in the severity of symptoms caused by these isolates compared to the infection caused by an isolate of Pepper yellow mosaic virus (PepYMV). Absence of cross-reaction was found among the studied isolates with antiserum against Potato virus Y (PVY). However, all isolates reacted, at different intensities, with antiserum against PepYMV. All isolates showed high identity percentage (97 to 99%) of the amino acid sequence of the coat protein with PepYMV (accession AF348610) and low (69 to 80%) with other potyvirus species. The comparison of the 3' untranslated region also confirmed this finding with 97 to 98% identity with PepYMV, and of 47 to 71% with other potyviruses. The results showed that PepYMV isolates were easily differentiated from PVY by serology and that the host response of each isolate could be variable. In addition, the nucleotide sequence of the coat protein and 3' untranslated region was highly conserved among the isolates. __________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMOA determinação da diversidade de vírus no campo é vital para dar suporte a programas sustentáveis de melhoramento de hortaliças visando a obtenção de resistência genética a esses patógenos. Este estudo objetivou caracterizar quatro isolados de potyvírus encontrados infetando naturalmente plantas de pimentão (Capsicum annuum) Sa66 e Sa115, e tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum) IAC3 e Sa21. As características biológicas revelaram diferenças entre os isolados na abilidade de infetar diferentes genótipos de pimentão e tomateiro e na severidade de sintomas causados por estes isolados em comparação com a infecção resultante de um isolado de Pepper yellow mosaic virus (PepYMV). Estudos sorológicos mostraram ausência de reação cruzada dos isolados estudados com anti-soro para Potato virus Y (PVY). Entretanto, todos os isolados reagiram, em intensidades diferentes, com anti-soro para PepYMV. Todos os isolados mostraram alta percentagem de identidade (97 a 99%) de sequência de amino ácidos da capa proteica com PepYMV (accesso AF348610) e baixa (69 a 80%) com outras espécies de potyvírus. A comparação da região 3' não traduzida também confirmou esta similaridade, com identidade de 97 a 98% com PepYMV e de 47 a 71% com outros potyvírus. Os resultados mostraram que os isolados de PepYMV foram facilmente diferenciados de PVY por sorologia, a resposta de hospedeiros a cada isolado pode ser variável e a sequência de nucletídeos da região terminal 3' foi altamente conservada entre os isolados
Sugarcane Production Systems in Small Rural Properties
Sugarcane grown in small rural properties of the Zona da Mata region, located in the southeast of the state of Minas Gerais (MG), is generally intended for animal feed and the production of rapadura, brown sugar, cachaça, and ethanol. This chapter focuses on the authors’ experience on technologies recommended to small farmers for the implantation and management of sugarcane plantations. The following issues are addressed and discussed: planning and preparation of the sugarcane plantation; soil sampling and soil fertility assessment; application of lime and gypsum; setting up seedling nurseries; green fertilization in the areas of planting and renewal of sugarcane plantation; soil preparation, planting and chemical fertilization of plant-cane; weed and pest control; chemical fertilization of ratoon; assessment of sugarcane nutritional status; organic fertilization with crop residues and agroindustrial residues; mineralization of sugarcane straw; assessment of broth quality and sugar production; and renewal of the sugarcane plantation
Avaliação do melhor ambiente para o teste de caminhada de seis minutos
Introdução: o objetivo do teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6) é avaliar a capacidade cardiorrespiratória por meio de um teste de baixo custo e de fácil administração, sendo bem tolerado por diferentes populações, e que reflita a realização das atividades da vida diária. Entretanto, poucos estudos têm sido realizados para determinar a diferença entre a realização do TC6 em ambientes fechados e ao ar livre. Objetivo: o presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar a distância percorrida no TC6 realizado em ambientes fechado e ao ar livre e avaliar as seguintes variáveis fisiológicas: frequência cardíaca, pressão arterial e a sensação subjetiva de falta de ar, utilizando a escala de percepção de esforço de Borg.Materiais e métodos Um ensaio clínico randomizado prospectivo foi conduzido envolvendo oito mulheres saudáveis não praticantes de atividade física regular, com média de idade de 23,75 ± 1,67 anos. As participantes realizaram o TC6 nos dois ambientes com um intervalo de 30 minutos entre os testes. A ordem dos testes foi determinada aleatoriamente. Resultados: a distância média percorrida foi de 578 ± 50,07 m ao ar livre e 579,95 ± 45,35 m no ambiente fechado (p = 0,932). As variáveis fisiológicas médias foram 82,25 ± 11,02 bpm (fechado) versus 84,38 ± 9,42 bpm (ar livre) para a frequência cardíaca, 121,88 ± 10,28 mmHg (fechado) versus 118,75 ± 19,40 mmHg (ar livre) para a pressão arterial sistólica, 81,88 ± 9,74 mmHg (fechado) versus 80,50 ± 7,89 mmHg (ar livre) para a pressão arterial diastólica e uma pontuação média de 12 pontos na escala de esforço percebido em ambos os ambientes. Conclusão: os dados demonstraram que não há diferenças nas distâncias percorridas ou entre as variáveis fisiológicas dos participantes durante o TC6 nos ambientes fechado e ao ar livre.Introduction: the purpose of the six-minute walk test (6MWT) is to evaluate cardiopulmonary capacity using a low-cost test that is easy to administer, generally well tolerated by different populations and reflects one’s performance on activities of daily living. However, few studies have been conducted to determine the difference between performing the 6MWT indoors and outdoors. Objective: the aim of the present study was to compare the distance covered on the 6MWT performed indoors and outdoors and evaluate the following physiological variables: heart rate, blood pressure and the subjective sensation of shortness of breath, using the Borg perceived exertion scale.Materials and methods A prospective, randomized, clinical trial was conducted involving eight healthy females not engaged in regular physical activity, with mean age 23.75 ± 1.67 years. Each subject performed the 6MWT indoors and outdoors with a 30-minute interval between tests. The order of the tests was determined randomly.Results The mean distance traveled was 578 ± 50.07 m on the outdoor trial and 579.95 ± 45.35 m on the indoor trial (p = 0.932). The mean physiological variables were 82.25 ± 11.02 bpm (indoors) versus 84.38 ± 9.42 bpm (outdoors) for heart rate, 121.88 ± 10.28 mmHg (indoors)versus 118.75 ± 19.40 mmHg (outdoors) for systolic blood pressure, 81.88 ± 9.74 mmHg (indoors) versus 80.50 ± 7.89 mmHg (outdoors) for diastolic blood pressure and a mean score of 12 on the perceived exertion score in both environments. Conclusions: the present data demonstrate no differences in the distance walked on the 6MWT or the physiologic variables of participants between the indoor and outdoor trials
Genetic parameters and selection of black bean lines for resistance to fusarium wilt and yield
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar parâmetros genéticos e fenotípicos em linhagens de feijão-preto (Phaseolus vulgaris) para reação à murcha-de-fusário (RMF), produtividade e massa de 100 grãos (M100), em condições de campo naturalmente infestado por Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli, bem como selecionar linhagens que combinem os fenótipos desejáveis para as três características simultaneamente. Para tanto, 116 linhagens obtidas de duas populações segregantes e cinco cultivares-testemunha foram avaliadas em delineamento experimental látice triplo 11×11, nas safras de inverno de 2015 e 2016, com semeadura em maio. As estimativas de herdabilidade obtidas foram altas: 91, 75 e 92% para RMF, produtividade e M100, respectivamente. Correlações genéticas significativas de -0,93 foram detectadas entre RMF e produtividade e de -0,28 entre RMF e M100, o que indica que linhagens mais resistentes apresentam maior produtividade e maior tamanho de grão. A seleção direta para cada uma das características levou a aumentos de 34% na resistência à MF, 11% na produtividade e 9,0% na M100. A seleção simultânea para as três características também levou a altos ganhos de 22,1% para RMF, 6,6% para produtividade e 7,7% para M100. Assim, há variabilidade genética e alta possibilidade de sucesso com a seleção. Cinco linhagens – CNFP 19237, CNFP 19346, CNFP 19320, CNFP 19291, and CNFP 19306 – apresentam maior potencial genético.The objective of this work was to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters of black bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) lines for reaction to fusarium wilt (RFW), yield, and 100-seed weight (100SW) under conditions of a field naturally infested by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli, as well as to select lines that combine the desirable phenotypes for the three traits simultaneously. For this, 116 lines obtained from two segregating populations and five check cultivars were evaluated using an 11×11 triple lattice experimental design, in the winter crop seasons of 2015 and 2016, with sowing in May. The obtained heritability estimates were high: 91, 75, and 92% for RFW, yield, and 100SW, respectively. Significant genetic correlations of -0.93 were detected between RFW and yield and of -0.28 between RFW and 100SW, indicating that more resistant lines have a higher yield and a larger grain size. Direct selection for each trait led to increases of 34% in resistance to FW, 11% in yield, and 9.0% in 100SW. Simultaneous selection for the three traits led to high gains of 22.1% for RFW, 6.6% for yield, and 7.7% for 100SW. Therefore, there is genetic variability and a high possibility of success from selection. Five lines – CNFP 19237, CNFP 19346, CNFP 19320, CNFP 19291, and CNFP 19306 – show a higher genetic potential
Danos provocados pelo fogo sobre a vegetação natural em uma floresta primária no estado do acre, Amazônia Brasileira
The emission of CO2 is an important cause of the greenhouse effect and the Amazonian burns contribute to it. Because of the high moisture retained, the primary Amazon forest is considered immune to fire, however, under abnormal climate conditions it is vulnerable. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of fire, originated from forest-fires occurred in 2005, in a natural primary forest in the state of Acre, Brazilian Amazon region. The effects of fire on trees, palm trees and lianas were evaluated in three levels of size: I-DBH≥5 cm; II-5 cm>DBH≥2 cm; and III-DBH<2 cm and height ≥1,0 m. The individuals were evaluated for General Condition (levels I and II), Bark and Cup (Level I) and budding. Five evaluations were made, the first in November 2005 and last in January 2009. The results showed that the smallest subjects were the most impacted ones and showed the highest mortality rates, reaching 80.1 % for Level II and decreasing according to the increasing size of the tree and it is null (0 %) in higher classes. It was observed a growing number of individuals with no apparent damage in all diameter classes and a 43 % increase in the number of species in regeneration, indicating a recovery process of the forest. It was observed a significant reduction of species diversity (15 % in Level I and 33 % in Level II), showing that the forest was modified in its floristic composition. Based on the significant damage caused by only one fire, the case of study, it is expected the incidence of new fires, at short intervals insufficient for the recovery and it will promote the irremediable degeneration of forest
SOS Response and Staphylococcus aureus: Implications for Drug Development
Damage in genetic material is induced through the action of several drugs (directly or indirectly). Specially, antimicrobials from quinolone class (such as ciprofloxacin) induce DNA damage that promotes the formation of the RecA filament leading to auto-cleavage of LexA and allows the expression of SOS genes, including the error-prone polymerase (like umuC). The SOS pathway plays a critical role in the acquisition of mutations that lead to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and the spread of virulence factors. This chapter provides a comprehensive review about the SOS response of Staphylococcus aureus and the modulatory effects of new compounds (natural or synthetics) on this pathway. The effects of some SOS inhibitors are highlighted such as baicalein and aminocoumarins. Compounds able to prevent SOS response are extremely important to develop new combinatory approaches to inhibit S. aureus mutagenesis. The study of new SOS inductors could reveal new insights into the pathways used by S. aureus to acquire drug resistance; examples of these compounds are the lysine-peptoid hybrid LP5, cyclic peptide inhibitors, etc. These studies can impact the development of new drugs. In conclusion, we hope to provide essential information about the effects of compounds on SOS response from S. aureus
Antimicrobial activity and phytochemical screening of buchenavia tetraphylla (aubl.) R. A. Howard (combretaceae: combretoideae)
This study evaluated the antimicrobial and hemolytic activities and phytochemical constituents of hydroalcoholic extract and its fractions from Buchenavia tetraphylla leaves. Cyclohexane (BTCF), ethyl acetate (BTEF), and n-butanol-soluble (BTSBF) and non-soluble (BTNBF) fractions were obtained from a liquid-liquid partition of hydroalcoholic extract (BTHE) from B. tetraphylla leaves. The hemolytic activity of active fractions was checked. The BTHE inhibited the growth of Micrococcus luteus (MIC: 0.10 mg/mL), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MIC: 0.20 mg/mL), Mycobacterium smegmatis (MIC: 0.39 mg/mL), Proteus vulgaris, and Staphylococcus aureus(MIC: 0.78 mg/mL for both). The more active fractions were BTCF and BTBSF. BTCF showed better potential to inhibit M. luteus (0.10 mg/mL), P. aeruginosa (0.20 mg/mL), S. enteritidis (0.39 mg/mL), and S. aureus (1.56 mg/mL). BTBSF showed the best results for M. luteus (0.10 mg/mL), M. smegmatis, B. subtilis (0.39 mg/mL for both), and P. vulgaris (0.10 mg/mL). The HC50 were greater than observed MIC: 20.30, 4.70 and 2.53 mg/mL, respectively, to BTBF, BTHE and BTCF, which. The phytochemical analysis detected the presence of flavanoids, triterpene, carbohydrate, and tannin. Our work showed for the first time the broad-spread antimicrobial activity of B. tetraphylla, which has nonhemolytic action, creating a new perspective on the interesting association of traditional and scientific knowledge
Dimensional accuracy of a condensation silicone: comparison of storage time and measurement method
Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue medir el cambio dimensional de una silicona por condensación a través de diferentes instrumentos de medición (calibrador digital, estereomicroscopio y máquina de medición por coordenadas tridimensional) en cuatro diferentes tiempos. Métodos: En el estudio experimental in vitro se realizaron cuatro impresiones con silicona por condensación (Speedex) con un dispositivo específico con cuatro distancias, con un total de 16 mediciones llevadas a cabo con cada instrumento. Los tiempos predeterminados de medición fueron: inmediatamente después de la impresión (T0), después de 30 minutos (T1), 1 h (T2) y 7 días (T3) de la impresión. Las medias y desviaciones estándar de las mediciones se analizaron con prueba de varianza y la prueba de Tukey, con un nivel de significancia de 0,05. Resultados: La media (mm) para las muestras medidas con el calibrador digital (T0= 5,82; T1 y T2= 5,8; T3= 5,78) y la máquina de medición por coordenadas tridimensional (T0= 5,75; T1= 5,78; T2 y T3= 5,77), presentaron diferencia estadísticamente significativa de la dimensión de los valores iniciales para los valores después de 7 días (p = 0,037; p = 0,013, respectivamente), la misma no se dio para el uso del estereomicroscopio (T0, T1 y T3= 5,83; y T2 = 5,81), que presentó similitud estadística en todos los tiempos (p = 0,754). Conclusiones: El método de medición fue el factor relevante que influenció en los resultados de las dimensiones de las impresiones, los cuatro tiempos no fueron relevantes en los cambios dimensionales de la silicona de condensación analizada.Objective: This study aims to calculate the dimensional change of a condensation silicone through different measuring instruments (digital paquimeter, stereomicroscope and 3D coordinate measuring machine); in four separate times. Methods: In the experimental in vitro study four impressions of condensation silicone (Speedex) were performed with a specific device with four-time distances, resulting in sixteen measurements with each instrument. The pre-determinated times for measurement were: immediately after the impression (T0), after 30 min (T1), after 1 h (T2) and after 7 days (T3) of impression. The averages and standard deviations of measurements were submitted to analysis of variance and Tukey’s test, with significance level of 0.05. Results: The average (mm) for the samples measured with a digital paquimeter (T0= 5.82; T1 y T2= 5.80; T3= 5.78) and 3D coordinate measuring machine (T0= 5.75; T1=5.78; T2 y T3 = 5.77), there was a significant difference of dimension for the initial values in relation of values after 7 days (p = 0.037; p = 0.013, respectively), the same did not happen for the use of the stereomicroscope (T0, T1 y T3= 5.83; y T2= 5.81), that presented statistic similarity for all evaluated times (p = 0.754). Conclusions: The measurement method was the relevant factor that influenced the results of the dimensions of the impressions, the four times were not relevant in the dimensional changes of the silicon of condensation analyzed
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