77 research outputs found

    CAPSI: Caracterização de uma versão on-line do Sistema Personalizado de Ensino

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    Behavior Analysis is a psychological system with a relevant impact on applied fields of Psychology since the middle of the XX century. In the Educational field, contributions as Programmed Instruction and Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) are significant. The scientific publications about the PSI were very fertile until the 1980’, attesting its effectiveness on higher education. Until these days, the main systematic reviews in the Educational field characterize the PSI as one of the most effective teaching procedures. Despite that, the use of PSI decreased after the 1980 decade. Among the reasons are highlighted the high quantity of professors’ additional work to prepare and to coordinate courses on the PSI’ format and the high demand for instructors and proctors to conduce the PSI courses. In 1983, Professor Joseph J. Pear, from the University of Manitoba, created a computerized system that reduces the operational difficulties for professors and reduces the number of instructors and proctors required in PSI courses, named as CAPSI (Computer-Aided Personalized System of Instruction). Since then, CAPSI has been used in a wide range of university courses. The objective of the present study was to characterize CAPSI, one of the Keller’s PSI variations, not very well known in the Brazilian community of behavior analysis. The CAPSI is a system with the same principles of Keller's PSI, with important advances in encouraging students to produce argumentative texts, to peer-review and to the development of critical thinking.Keywords: Behavior Analysis, Personalized System of Instruction, CAPSI, Higher Education, Online Education.A Análise do Comportamento é um sistema teórico na área da Psicologia com grande repercussão nos campos aplicados desde meados do século XX. No campo da Educação, contribuições como o Ensino Programado e o Sistema Personalizado de Ensino (PSI) são bastante conhecidos. A produção científica sobre o PSI foi muito fértil até a década de 1980, atestando sua efetividade no ensino superior. Ainda hoje, o PSI é caracterizado nas principais revisões sistemáticas na área da Educação como um dos procedimentos de ensino mais efetivos. A despeito do sucesso reportado, o uso do PSI diminuiu após os anos 1980. Entre os motivos, são destacados a quantidade de trabalho adicional aos professores para viabilizar disciplinas no formato PSI e a alta demanda por instrutores para viabilizar as interações constantes com os estudantes. Em 1983, o professor Joseph J. Pear, da University of Manitoba, criou um sistema informatizado que reduz as dificuldades operacionais ao professor e diminui a quantidade de assistentes ou monitores necessários para ensino em cursos com PSI, denominado CAPSI (Computer-Aided Personalized System of Instruction). Desde então, o CAPSI já foi utilizado em ampla gama de disciplinas universitárias. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar o CAPSI, uma das variações do PSI, pouco conhecido pela comunidade de analistas do comportamento no Brasil. O CAPSI é um sistema fiel aos pressupostos do PSI, com avanços importantes no incentivo à produção de textos dissertativos pelos estudantes, à avaliação por pares e ao desenvolvimento de pensamento crítico.Palavras-chave: Análise Do Comportamento, Sistema Personalizado De Ensino, CAPSI, Educação Superior, Educação On-Line

    Defoliation dynamics of Brachiaria brizantha pastures with distinct structural characteristics

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    Although belonging to the same species, different Brachiaria brizantha varieties used for pasture vary significantly in their morphological structure. Therefore, this study starts from the central hypothesis that the defoliation dynamics during the period of occupation by animals in pastures formed by Brachiaria brizantha under rotational stocking varies among cultivars during the year. The experimental design used was randomized blocks with three treatments and three repetitions, with the cultivars consisting of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Xaraés, BRS Paiaguás, and Ecótipo B4. The defoliation patterns during the grazing periods were estimated using the marked tiller technique. Despite alterations in the tiller and forage mass components in the wet and dry seasons, no variations were observed in the tiller defoliation dynamics and the respective structural components. In the wet season, the area grazed only once was greater for BRS Paiaguás compared to the other two cultivars, but the other areas representing the grazing horizons were equally exploited among the grass varieties during the year. Therefore, based on the defoliation dynamics of pastures in Brazil’s tropical climate, it is possible to suggest that pastures formed by grasses with different structures and growth habits can be submitted to similar management strategies without impairing the forage canopy exploitation by the animals

    A retrospective 11-year study on lip lesions attended at an oral diagnostic service

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    The objective of this study was to describe the upper and lower lip lesion occurrence in an oral diagnostic service. Retrospective descriptive sectional study was performed. Clinical records were obtained from the archives of an Oral Diagnostic Service referral center between 2006 and 2016. Data such as gender, age, anatomical location, and diagnosis were collected and categorized. The collected data were submitted to a descriptive analysis and Pearson's chi-square test (p ? 0.05). A total of 587 patient records of lip lesions were analyzed. Most lesions were diagnosed in female (52.1%) and adults (56.9%) patients in the lower lip (76.2%). Among all lip lesions, the reactive/inflammatory lesions (n = 238; 40.5%) and oral potentially malignant disorders (n = 164; 28%) were the most frequent group lesions. Mucocele (n = 147; 25%), actinic cheilitis (n = 136; 23.1%) and vascular lesions (n = 51; 8.7%) were the most frequent lesion in the sample. Actinic cheilitis was significant in relation to gender (p < 0.001), all three most frequent lesions were significant in concerning to age group and anatomical site. Mucocele was the most common lower lip lesion in all age groups, followed by actinic cheilitis and vascular lesions, which mainly affected adults and the elderly

    Effect of refrigeration on post-harvest flowers

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    Cut flowers have a very limited life after they have been cut off from the mother plant, as survival on their own reserves is generally low due to the special morphological and physiological characteristics of their tissues. The use of refrigeration for storage of flower cuttings is very important because it reduces water loss, senescence, infections caused by bacteria and fungi, thus extending the shelf-life of flowers during the storage period. Therefore, the aim of the present work is to show differences between requirements of various species of flowers during refrigerated storage.Keywords: Cooling, post-harvest, conservation, flowers, cold injur

    Uso de decocto de Spondias mombin L. como antisséptico em felinos submetidos à castração

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    Foi avaliada a eficiência do decocto das folhas de cajá (Spondias mombin L.) como antisséptico no pós-cirúrgico de gatos&nbsp;submetidos à orquiectomia e ovariosalpingohisterectomia. Para tal, foram submetidos à castração 45 gatos sem raça definida,&nbsp;divididos em três grupos. O primeiro grupo como controle positivo com Solução Alcoólica de Clorexidine a 0,5%; segundo&nbsp;grupo controle negativo com água destilada estéril; e o grupo teste com o decocto de cajá à concentração de 100 mg/mL.&nbsp;Todos os animais, independentemente da idade e sexo, tiveram cicatrização visível em tempo similar. Animais tratados&nbsp;com o decocto apresentaram uma redução significativa do crescimento bacteriano. Além disso, observou-se uma melhor&nbsp;cicatrização das feridas cirúrgicas dos animais tratados no grupo teste. Todas as estirpes bacterianas isoladas apresentaram&nbsp;halo de inibição para clorexidine e para Spondias mombin L. Portanto, o decocto das folhas da Spondias mombin L. apresentou&nbsp;eficácia antisséptica nas feridas cirúrgicas de gatos submetidos à orquiectomia e ovariosalpingohisterectomia.This survey evaluated mombin leaves (Spondias mombin L.) decoction efficiency as an antiseptic during post-surgery&nbsp;period on cats submitted to orchiectomy and ovariosalpingohisterectomy. For this purpose, 45 castrated mongrels cats&nbsp;were divided into three groups, the first group as a positive control using 0.5% chlorhexidine-alcohol solution, the second&nbsp;a negative control group using sterile distilled water and, finally, the test group using mombin leaves decocted with a&nbsp;concentration of 100 mg/mL. All animals, independent of age and sex, had visibly healed in most cases in a similar time.&nbsp;Animals treated with mombin leaves decoction presented a significant reduction of bacterial growth. In addition, the&nbsp;animals treated in the test group had better surgical wound healing. All isolated bacterial strains presented inhibition&nbsp;halo for chlorhexidine and for Spondias mombin L. Thus, the decoction of Spondias mombin L. leaves proved antiseptic&nbsp;efficacy in the surgical wounds of cats submitted to orchiectomy and ovariosalpingohisterectomy

    Effect of thyroid function on assisted reproduction outcomes in euthyroid infertile women: A single center retrospective data analysis and a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The influence of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) on gestational outcomes have been studied and checked whether differing TSH levels are relevant on human reproduction outcomes. International guidelines recommend TSH values &lt;2.5 mIU/L in women trying to conceive, since values above this level are related to a higher frequency of adverse reproductive outcomes. This study aimed to evaluate whether TSH values correlate with different gestational outcomes in euthyroid infertile women without autoimmune thyroid disease

    Acesso submandibular para drenagem de abscesso odontogênico: um relato de caso

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    As infecções odontogênicas são processos infecciosos derivados de elementos dentários. O paciente a quem se refere o presente estudo foi diagnosticado com abscesso odontogênico com coleção purulenta disseminada pelo espaço submandibular. Justifica-se o tema por ser esta uma condição que requer terapia apropriada em tempo eficiente, devido ao risco de agravamento das complicações decorrentes de infecções do gênero, podendo evoluir inclusive ao óbito. A metodologia utilizada para o tratamento baseou-se em terapia antimicrobiana, instalação de um dreno extra-bucal para a drenagem da secreção purulenta e realização da exodontia do dente 37. A reavaliação após 7 dias apontou que conduta adotada resultou em redução do edema, eritema e ausência de dor a palpação

    Nutritional value, fermentation losses and aerobic stability of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) silage treated with exogenous fibrolytic enzymes

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate nutritional value, fermentation losses, and aerobic stability of elephant grass silage (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) treated with exogenous fibrolytic enzymes. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with four replicates (experimental silos) and five levels of fibrolytic enzymes (0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0%). For this, the elephant grass was ensiled at 70 days of age in plastic buckets with 20L capacity. Silos were opened 60 days after sealing. Analyses were made for chemical composition, in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), effluent losses (EL), gas losses (GL) and dry matter recovery (DMR), as well as the aerobic stability of the silage. Data were analyzed with PROC REG of SAS® University, at 5% probability. There was an increase in IVDMD content (p < 0.0001) and reduction in NDF and ADF contents (p < 0.0001) according to enzyme levels. These results were related to the increase in the degradation of fiber fractions. There were higher EL (p = 0.0062) as a function of enzyme levels and aerobic deterioration after silo opening, at all levels tested. Thus, it can be concluded that the exogenous fibrolytic enzymes change the chemical composition of elephant grass silage, and increase its digestibility and nutritional value. Moreover, when used alone as an additive, fibrolytic enzymes are not able to recover all dry matter of this silage (with effluent and gas losses), and are not able to maintain aerobic stability in the first hours after opening the silos

    Proposta de distribuição espacial de pontos de entrega voluntária para recebimento de resíduos de construção e demolição

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    A disposição de forma inadequada dos resíduos de construção e demolição (RCD) resulta em impactos negativos ao meio ambiente e, em decorrência, à sociedade. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se elaborar uma proposta de distribuição espacial de pontos de entrega voluntária (PEV) para recebimento de RCD no município de Mossoró-RN, com um delineamento metodológico abrangente, aplicável a outros municípios. A metodologia consistiu no mapeamento de locais com disposição inadequada de RCD na zona urbana do município, comparação e aplicação de metodologias para indicar a quantidade de PEV necessários, assim como a indicação das áreas adequadas para instalação desses dispositivos. Por meio dos resultados, verificou-se que a implementação de PEV se mostra extremamente necessária diante do número expressivo de áreas de disposição inadequada de RCD identificadas nesta pesquisa, totalizando 897 pontos. Ao término desta análise, foi indicada a instalação de 13 pontos de entrega voluntária no município de Mossoró