6,896 research outputs found

    Objective Competitiveness Ranking amongst EU Regions (Objective Method for Quantifying Regional Competitiveness - a case study applied to EU15 Regions)

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    Nowadays the key target of Cohesion Policy is to promote the creation of conditions to improve the growth, and to increase the factors that lead to a real convergence (Economic and Social Cohesion). An important group of these factors is found when considering the competitivity of a Region that implies, (even whitout existintg a clear definition), to consider at the same time two different levels: - The first one through the specific factors to improve the development of the resident managerial weave (Innovation, Research & Development, enterprises nets, labour market, training, support in the use of new technologies, servicies to entreprises, etc.). – The second one, improving the enviromental conditions for the development of such an managerial activity (Transport and comunication infrastructures, environment and sustainable developpment ,use of renewable energies, etc.) The objetcive of the present paper is to propose an objective way to consider the totalitiy of factors simultaneously, in order to obtain a ranking of the of the regional competitivity, and to study his changes in the time. For this, it will be used the data base “REGIO” and techniques of ranking belonging to multicriteria decision making. The analyzed period is from 1987 to 2002 which shows interesting results mainly when compared with other analyses carried out.

    El sentido histórico de la monarquía como forma de Estado (cómo sacar provecho del artículo 1,3 de la Constitución)

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    La palabra “Monarquía” adopta dos sentidos diferentes en la historia constitucional española. La unión de las distintas entidades políticas bajo la misma Corona y la estructura monocrática y hereditaria del órgano supremo del Estado. La segunda ha predominado desde el siglo XVIII y en especial bajo el Estado liberal, pero la primera sigue viva en las tendencias plurinacionales de los diferentes pueblos de España

    Il giardino dei Finzi-Contini: le cuciture del tessuto narrativo

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    The underlying narrative techniques of the novel Il giardino dei Finzi Contini are revealed through close analysis of the text. The wide variety of these techniques include different forms of dilation, especially that of temporal digression. Taken together, they reflect the disturbances in the world and in historical time represented in the novel. The study of all these techniques is carried out in the light of other works by Bassani and the considerable volume of critical essays on him that have been published in recent years

    Teatro y antipsiquiatría en Italia: el caso de Marco Cavallo (1973)

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    El 25 de febrero de 1973, en Trieste, una comitiva en la que participaban enfermos y médicos abrió una brecha en el muro del manicomio de San Giovanni y salió a desfilar por la ciudad en torno a un gran caballo de color azul, construido con madera y cartón-piedra. Era el punto culminante de un intenso laboratorio teatral, que había durado dos meses. Los dos principales promotores del evento fueron G. Scabia, conocido hombre de teatro, y F. Basaglia, el director del hospital y alma de la notoria y polémica Ley 180, de 1978, que abolió los manicomios en Italia. El acontecimiento, mítico, de “Marco Cavallo” fue la punta del iceberg de un completo programa de rehumanización de los enfermos. Una experiencia, que aquí se describe, analiza y valora, en la que el teatro ayudó a dar visibilidad y a propiciar la comprensión de un grave problema social. Palabras clave: Marco Cavallo; siglo XX; teatro social; antipsiquiatría; Giuliano Scabia; Franco Basaglia.On the 25th of February 1973 a committee composed of doctors and their patients knocked down part of the walls of the San Giovanni asylum in Trieste and went out into the streets to march through the city behind a huge blue horse made of wood and papier maché. It was the culminating moment of an intensive two-month theatre workshop. The two main promoters of all this were G. Scabia, a well-known man of the theatre, and F. Basaglia, the director of the hospital. He was at the heart of the notorious and polemical Law 180 of 1978 which abolished mental asylums in Italy. The mythical event of “Marco the Horse” was the tip of the iceberg of a full programme of rehumanization of the mentally ill. The present article describes the phenomenon, analyses it and weighs up its impact as a theatrical event that gave visibility to a serious social problem and helped it to be better understood. Keywords: Marco Cavallo; XX Century; Social theatre; Anti-psychiatry; Giuliano Scabia; Franco Basaglia

    La autoridad de los Padres de la Iglesia en Santo Tomás de Aquino

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    Es propósito de esta tesis estudiar el lugar que ocupan los Padres de la Iglesia en la metodología teológica de Santo Tomás de Aquino. Nos parece que se trata de un tema cuya importancia puede ser difícilmente exagerada. Porque el valor y alcance de la auctoritas patrística ha despertado siempre en la historia de la Teología cristiana un vivo interés, que ha rebasado los aspectos teóricos de la cuestión, para incidir en el modo práctico de efectuar la labor teológica. De otro lado, el examen de la bibliografía disponible muestra que un autor de tanta importancia como el Doctor Angélico ha sido escasamente estudiado en relación con este tema. Estos motivos han estado presentes a la hora de elegir y acometer este trabajo

    Dal libro allo schermo: ragione e sentimento nella filmografia bassaniana

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    This is a detailed study of the film adaptations of three prose works by Giorgio Bassani that have been made for the commercial cinema during three decades: La lunga notte del ’43 (1960), Il giardino dei Finzi Contini (1970) and Gli occhiali d’oro (1987). The analysis of the films is centred principally on the respective directors (Florestano Vancini, Vittorio De Sica, Giuliano Montaldo), the scripts, actors, technical visual aspects and scores, but it is above all a comparison between the three films and the narratives on which they are based, in which use is made of the statements and recorded opinions of Bassani himself. The three films are all very different from one another. Attention is drawn to the distinctive characteristics of each, considering them as works whose autonomy goes beyond that of the respective literary original. In short, this chapter is an attempt to draw out the meaning of the adaptations and to evaluate to what extent the films may be considered interpretations or defined readings of the prose narratives in each case.Studio degli adattamenti cinematografici delle tre narrazioni di Giorgio Bassani che nel giro di un trentennio hanno raggiunto il pubblico delle sale commerciali: La lunga notte del ’43 (1960), Il giardino dei Finzi Contini (1970), Gli occhiali d’oro (1987). Nell’analisi condotta, si bada principalmente ai rispettivi registi (Florestano Vancini, Vittorio De Sica, Giuliano Montaldo), alle sceneggiature, agli interpreti, alla tecnica dell’immagine, alla partitura musicale ma soprattutto al confronto fra i film e le opere letterarie, anche sulla base delle testimonianze e dei giudizi dello stesso Bassani. Sono tre casi ben diversi. Si sottolineano i tratti più caratteristici di ogni film, intesi come opere artisticamente autonome, al di là dei punti letterari di partenza. Si tenta insomma di comprendere il senso delle tre diverse operazioni di adattamento e di stabilire fino a che punto esse costituiscano o meno interpretazioni o letture apprezzabili delle opere di partenza

    Primera conferencia dada por el Sr. D. Miguel de Elizaicin España y Bertrán de Lis...el 17 de febrero de 1918

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    Precede al tít.: Conferencias para obrerosCopia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201