150 research outputs found

    De perdidos, al río. Del deseo a la ilusión y la ilusión del deseo

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis Group in [JOURNAL TITLE] on [date of publication], available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/[Article DOI].The illusion of control refers to an excessively high expectation of success considering the likelihood of it actually happening. This expectation seems to be modulated by idiosyncratic variables, such as the desire for control. This study aims first to provide evidence regarding the validity of the Spanish Desire for Control Scale and secondly to study the ‘going for broke’ phenomenon. Participants included 92 university students from different colleges, 59 females and 33 males. The results first show that there is enough evidence to validate the Spanish version of the scale and to support its application. Secondly they show that in cases where there is a perception of having nothing left to lose, people risk everything they have, causing a reversal in the outcome pattern in a normal situation.La ilusión de control hace referencia a una expectativa de éxito desajustada en relación a la probabilidad de ocurrencia real. Esta expectativa parece estar modulada por variables idiosincrásicas y, entre ellas, es destacables el deseo de control. El presente trabajo pretende, por un lado, aportar evidencias sobre la validez de la versión española de la escala de Deseo de Control y por otro lado, abordar el estudio del fenómeno going for broke. En este estudio han participado 92 estudiantes universitarios de distintas licenciaturas, 59 mujeres y 33 hombres. Los resultados aportan, en primer lugar, datos suficientes sobre la validez de la escala, y en segundo lugar, datos clarificadores sobre aquellas situaciones donde se percibe que ya no hay nada que perder

    La organización como construcción social. Representación organizacional /

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Facultad de Psicología, Departamento de Psicología Social y Metodología. Fecha de lectura: 199

    El efecto del deseo de control en el desarrollo de competencias

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    Uno de los objetivos propuestos en el nuevo paradigma de la educación superior es la adquisición y desarrollo de competencias que faciliten la inserción de los estudiantes en el mundo laboral. Este proceso de adquisición y desarrollo no sólo se lleva a cabo en el contexto educativo sino que hay ciertas variables de carácter individual que pueden intervenir en este proceso. Una de esas variables es el deseo de control. El objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer el efecto de las diferencias individuales en el deseo de control sobre el desarrollo de competencias. Han participado en el estudio 69 estudiantes universitarios con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 26 años. Los resultados muestran que el deseo de control puede jugar un papel clave en la adquisición, entrenamiento y desarrollo de competencias en estudiantes universitarios.One of the proposed aim of the new higher education´s paradigm is the obtaining and development of competences which favour the entry into employment of students. This obtaining and development process is not only carried out in the educational context but there could be individual variables that can take part in this process. One of these variables is the desire of control. The aim of this study is to know the effect of individual differences in desire of control related to their competences development. There were 69 students participating in the study, aged between 18 and 26 years old. Results have shown that desire of control can play a key role in the obtaining, the coaching and the development competences of students.peerReviewe

    Measuring the desire for control: a Spanish version of Burger and Cooper's Scale

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    The following study will present findings on the validity of the adaptation of the Burger and Cooper’s Desirability of Control Scale into Spanish. Two samples are present: the first involving 1,999 people to study their psychometric properties. In the second sample, 111 people were included to estimate test/ retest reliability. Cultural adaptation was performed using the translation & back-translation method. Item analysis, internal consistency and test/retest reliability were assessed, then evidence of the validity of the internal structure was determined by using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Subject recruitment was performed to gather the 1,999 subjects stratified by age, gender quotas as designed in the sampling plan. Of the subjects, 51% were female, average age of 45 years old (SD = 17.5). All items from the original scale were understood correctly, while five items presented ceiling effect. Cronbach’s alpha = .736 and a test-retest correlation r = .713 were obtained. The factor structure indicated the presence of four dimensions: forecast, autonomy, power and influence and reactance which were reassured in the confirmatory analysis (χ2/df = 4.805, CFI =.932, TLI =.954, RMSEA = .062). The basic dimensions of the scale have shown to be stable and well-defined, though not perfect. The scope, possible applications of the scale and further research are later proposed and discussed.Se presenta la adaptación y validación al español de la Escala de Deseo de Control de Burger y Cooper. Se emplearon dos muestras. Para estudiar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala se contó con una primera muestra de 1999 (Medad = 45 años, DS = 17,5; 51% mujeres). Para estimar la fiabilidad test-retest se contó con una segunda muestra de 111 personas. La adaptación cultural se llevó a cabo mediante el procedimiento de traducción–retrotraducción. Se presentan las evidencias de validez de la estructura interna de la escala mediante los resultados de sendos análisis factoriales, exploratorio y confirmatorio. El análisis de ítems reveló que todos los elementos presentaron unos valores aceptables, aunque cinco de ellos mostraron efecto techo. El Alfa de Cronbach fue de .736 y la Fiabilidad test–retest fue de .713. La estructura factorial indicó la presencia de cuatro dimensiones: previsión, autonomía, poder e influencia y reactancia. La estructura fue corroborada en el análisis confirmatorio (χ2/df = 4.805, CFI = .932, TLI = .954, RMSEA = .062). Las dimensiones de la escala son estables y específicas, aunque no perfectas. Se discute el alcance y posibles aplicaciones de la escala y se proponen futuras investigaciones

    Efecto del ejercicio físico en la productividad laboral y el bienestar

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    This study analyses a systematic physical activity programme carried out over one year. The study was conducted with 92 employees working in a consultancy company. A total of 53 employees agreed to participate in the programme, while the remaining 39 formed the control group. The aim of the study was to improve the participants' overall physical condition as a way to enhance cardiovascular resistance, strength and flexibility. The results obtained showed an improvement in the participants' physical condition. Once the efficacy of the physical training programme was demonstrated, the influence of the intervention on other parameters was examined. The programme participants showed higher levels of well-being and satisfaction with life and work as well as lower levels of perceived stress and better job performance evaluations than the participants in the control group. The implications of the findings are discussed

    El efecto del deseo de control en el desarrollo de competencias

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    One of the proposed aim of the new higher education´s paradigm is the obtaining and development of competences which favour the entry into employment of students. This obtaining and development process is not only carried out in the educational context but there could be individual variables that can take part in this process. One of these variables is the desire of control. The aim of this study is to know the effect of individual differences in desire of control related to their competences development. There were 69 students participating in the study, aged between 18 and 26 years old. Results have shown that desire of control can play a key role in the obtaining, the coaching and the development competences of students.Uno de los objetivos propuestos en el nuevo paradigma de la educación superior es la adquisición y desarrollo de competencias que faciliten la inserción de los estudiantes en el mundo laboral. Este proceso de adquisición y desarrollo no sólo se lleva a cabo en el contexto educativo sino que hay ciertas variables de carácter individual que pueden intervenir en este proceso. Una de esas variables es el deseo de control. El objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer el efecto de las diferencias individuales en el deseo de control sobre el desarrollo de competencias. Han participado en el estudio 69 estudiantes universitarios con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 26 años. Los resultados muestran que el deseo de control puede jugar un papel clave en la adquisición, entrenamiento y desarrollo de competencias en estudiantes universitarios

    Work ethic in Ecuador: An analysis of the differences in four generational cohorts

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    Las organizaciones enfrentan el reto de gestionar una fuerza la-boral multigeneracional con características propias que difieren en el valor que le otorgan al trabajo. La incorporación al mercado laboral de las gene-raciones más jóvenes hace imprescindible el estudio de sus diferentes acti-tudes hacia el trabajo en comparación con las generaciones antecesoras. El propósito de esta investigación fue analizar a través del constructo de la Ética Protestante las diferencias existentes en las actitudes hacia el trabajo de cuatro generaciones (Baby Boomers, Generación X, Generación Y, y Generación Z). La muestra de 624 participantes ecuatorianos (BB 11.2%; GX 11.2%, GY 58.5% y GZ 19.1%) se agrupó por cohortes. Se aplicó el Cuestionario Multidimensional Ética del Trabajo (MWEP). Los resultados mostraron que los BB y la GX tiene una mayor creencia sobre la impor-tancia del trabajo y más tolerancia a la utilización improductiva del tiempo de trabajo que las generaciones Y y Z. En el aplazamiento de las recom-pensas la GZ muestra puntuaciones superiores a las obtenidas por los BB, GX y GY. No se encuentran diferencias significativas en las dimensiones de autoconfianza, ocio y moralidad-éticaOrganizations face the challenge of managing a multigenera-tional workforce with unique characteristics that differ in the value they place on their work. The younger generation has been incorporated into the labour market recently and consequently it is essential to study their different attitudes toward work by comparing them with previous genera-tions. The purpose of this research is to analyze, through the Protestant Ethic, the difference in attitudes towards work of four generations (Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z). A sample of 624 Ecuadorian participants which comprised: BB 11.2 %; 11.2 % GX, GY 58.5 % and GZ 19.1 %, was pooled by cohort. The Questionnaire Multidimensional Work Ethic (MWEP) was applied. The results showed that the BB and GX have a greater belief about the importance of work, and a tolerance towards the unproductive use of working time, when compared with generations Y and Z. In postponing rewards, the GZ gen-eration showed scores higher than those obtained by the BB, GX and GY generations. No significant differences were found in the dimensions of Self-Reliance, Leisure and Morality-Ethic

    Seven psychosocial principles to explain terrorism

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    Este artículo describe las bases para una aproximación psicosocial al análisis de los fenómenos terroristas. Más concretamente, se exponen siete principios explicativos del terrorismo que sean congruentes con los supuestos metateóricos y el cuerpo de conocimientos propios de la Psicología social. Desde esta óptica el terrorismo se concibe como una estrategia de influencia sociopolítica. Los atributos psicológicos de los terroristas son analizados por su relación con diversos procesos de influencia social. También se destaca la importancia de los factores ideológicos. Por último, se presta una atención muy especial a las semejanzas entre las organizaciones terroristas y los movimientos sociales ordinarios y a la estructura y dinámicas grupales propias de aquellas organizacionesResearch approaches leading to the understanding of the terrorist phenomenon are suggested. Seven principles explaining terrorism are analysed from a psychosocial approach: They could complete the explanations of terrorism focused in socio-structural and psychological variables, the latter being insufficient and often erroneous. Thus, terrorism is presented as a strategy of political influence, and the psychological attributes of terrorists are explained as the result of several influential social processes. We considered that terrorist attacks and campaigns correspond to strategic reasons, but we also assume that the rationality of the terrorists perspective is limited. As far as the organisational parameters are concerned, we propose an analogy with ordinary social movements, especially relating to their ideological frameworks of legitimisation and resource mobilization processesS

    Molecular Pathways Leading to Induction of Cell Death and Anti-Proliferative Properties by Tacrolimus and mTOR Inhibitors in Liver Cancer Cells

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    Background/Aims: Orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) is the recommended treatment for patients at early stages of hepatocarcinoma (HCC) with portal hypertension and/or increased bilirubinemia, but without vascular-associated diseases. Tumor recurrence, which is the main drawback for the survival of patients submitted to OLT for HCC, has been related to tumor-related variables and the immunosuppressive therapies. We have previously shown that Tacrolimus (FK506) exerts a more potent pro-apoptotic and anti-proliferative effects than the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors (Sirolimus and Everolimus) in liver cancer cells. This study identified the role of the immunosuppressant partners such as FK506-binding proteins (FKBPs) in the induction of cell death and arrest of cell proliferation by immunosuppressants in two representative liver cancer cells. Methods: The regulation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, apoptosis/autophagy, cell proliferation, and FKBPs expression was determined in Tacrolimus-, Sirolimus- and Everolimus-treated primary human hepatocytes, and hepatoma HepG2 and Huh7 cell lines. The functional repercussion of FKBPs on cell death and proliferation was also addressed using the siRNA technology. The assessed antitumoral properties of the immunosuppressants were associated to microRNAs (miRNAs) pattern. Results: The enhanced pro-apoptotic and anti-proliferative properties of Tacrolimus versus mTOR inhibitors were associated with increased protein kinase RNA-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK)-related ER stress, Ser15 P-p53/p53 ratio and p21 protein expression that may counterbalance the risk of proliferative upregulation caused by enhanced Thr172 P-Cdk4/ Cdk4 activation in liver cancer cells. The inhibition of the mTOR pathway by Sirolimus and Everolimus was related to an induction of autophagy; and at a high dose, these drugs impaired translation likely at a very early step of the elongation phase. Tacrolimus and mTOR inhibitors increased the protein expression of FKBP12 and FKBP51 that appeared to play pro-survival role. Interestingly, the administration of immunosuppressants yields a specific pattern of miRNAs. Tacrolimus and mTOR inhibitors decreased miR-92a-1-5p, miR-197-3p, miR-483-3p and miR- 720, and increased miR-22-3p, miR-376a-3p, miR-663b, miR-886-5p, miR-1300 and miR-1303 expressions in HepG2 cells. Conclusion: The more potent pro-apoptotic and anti-proliferative properties of Tacrolimus versus mTOR inhibitors were associated with an increased activation of PERK and p53 signaling, and p21 protein expression. FKBP12 and FKBP51 appeared to be the most relevant partners of Tacrolimus and mTOR inhibitors exerting a pro-survival effect in HepG2 cells. The observed effects of immunosuppressants were related to a specific miRNA signature in liver cancer cellsEspaña Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) cofinanced by the ERDF (BFU2016-75352-P AEI/FEDER, EU