2,282 research outputs found

    Acerca de la formación psicoanalítica. Entrevista a Fanny Elman de Schutt.

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    Nos parece interesante plantear el problema de la formación psicoanalítica en un momento en que "lo psicoanalítico" está creciendo en nuestro medio. En un momento en el que surgen demandas de algo diferente de "lo psiquiátrico" y crece el interés hacia una teoría, una práctica y, por consiguiente, hacia una formación que durante largo tiempo ha tenido escasa difusión en nuestro país

    Acerca de la formación psicoanalítica. Entrevista a Fanny Elman de Schutt.

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    Nos parece interesante plantear el problema de la formación psicoanalítica en un momento en que "lo psicoanalítico" está creciendo en nuestro medio. En un momento en el que surgen demandas de algo diferente de "lo psiquiátrico" y crece el interés hacia una teoría, una práctica y, por consiguiente, hacia una formación que durante largo tiempo ha tenido escasa difusión en nuestro país

    Effect of row orientation on soil water content and vine water status on a Cabernet franc vineyard in Madrid, spain

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of row orien¬tation on vine and soil water status in an irrigated vineyard. The trial was developed during 2006, 2007 and 2008, in the South East region of Madrid (Spain) on 5-year old Cabernet franc grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) grafted onto 140Ru. Plant spacing was 2.5 m x 1.5 m and vines were trained to a VSP. Four orientations were stu¬died: North-South (N-S), East-West (E-W), Northeast-Southwest (N+45) and North-South +20o (N+20). Irrigation (0.4•ET0) started when shoot growth stopped. Soil water availability was measured using a TDR technique with forty buried probes. Row orientation did not have any effect on water consumption in the vineyard. At maturity, leaf water potential was measured at predawn, early mor¬ning, midday and 14:00 solar time, on both canopy sides - sun and shade – ; the early morning measurement was the one that better differentiated treatments. Leaf water potential was a good indica¬tor of plant water status. Differences between (N-S and E-W) and (N+20 and N+45) treatments were obtained both on sun and shade canopy sides, N+20 and N+45 having lower leaf water potentials then drier leaves. The water stress integral shows that N-S and E-W reach the end of maturation with a greater level of hydration than N+45 and N+20. As a whole, N+45 and N+20 orientations, without affecting too much the soil available water content, induce regularly more water stress to the vine at some periods, probably due to an higher sunlight interception in early morning which makes water limitation for the vine more early and thus more severe during the day

    Los repertorios lexicográficos españoles sobre minería

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    La minería se ha constituido como una actividad tradicional, motivo más que suficiente para que desde épocas tempranas se sirviera de un vocabulario específico. Las minas de Hispania fueron explotadas por los sucesivos pobladores y, posteriormente, serían los propios españoles quienes trabajaran las de los territorios conquistados en América. El beneficio de los minerales se intentó rentabilizar a través de los avances de la ciencia y de la técnica, que se hicieron más notables durante el siglo XIX, momento en el que las explotaciones españolas se reactivaron y cobraron importancia a nivel nacional. En este marco, nos proponemos presentar y estudiar el interés lexicográfico que despertó el vocabulario técnico de la minería sobre todo en los propios especialistas que redactaron numerosas repertorios. Hemos de destacar que, frente a otras disciplinas científicas, en contadas ocasiones se publicaron como obras independientes; más bien, eran apéndices de estudios o tratados sobre la materia. Otros, al contrario, nunca vieron la luz y permanecen inéditos aún en nuestros días.Mining industry has been established as a traditional activity. This is the reason why a specific vocabulary in this field has been used from early times. Hispania mines were operated by successive settlers and subsequently, Spaniards weree the ones in charge of working in the mines of America's conquered territories. The benefits from minerals were made profitable by means of scientific and technical advances that were outstanding during the 19th century. At that moment, Spanish exploitations were revived and became important at a national level. In this framework, we try to present and study the lexicographical interest which mining technical vocabulary aroused above all among those specialists who compiled numerous collections. It is worth mentioning that, unlike other scientific disciplines, they were hardly published as independent works. They were rather appendices from studies or treatises about the topic. Others, on the contrary, never came to light and nowadays remain unpublished

    La Colección de voces usadas en la minería, edición y estudio de un manuscrito anónimo del siglo XIX

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    [Resumo] No presente traballo edítase y estúdase un manuscrito anónimo do século XIX que contén un vocabulario de voces do eido da minería. A obra, descoñecida ata agora, adiántase ao primeiro dicionario publicado en España sobre esta especialidade, o que a doAbstracts / Resúmenes / Resumos 305 ta dunha grande importancia para o coñecemento do léxico técnico nun periodo no que a actividade tradicional se modernizaba co avance da técnica. Así mesmo, no estudo ponse de manifesto a repercusión deste vocabulario no contexto da lexicografía española, sen esquecer o considerábel número de voces definidas que non se localizan noutros repertorios lexicográficos.[Resumen] En el presente trabajo se edita y estudia un manuscrito anónimo del siglo XIX que contiene un vocabulario de voces del ámbito de la minería. La obra, desconocida hasta ahora, se adelanta al primer diccionario publicado en España sobre esta especialidad, lo que la dota de gran importancia para el conocimiento del léxico técnico en un periodo en que la actividad tradicional se modernizaba con el avance de la técnica. Así mismo, en el estudio se pone de manifiesto la repercusión de este vocabulario en el contexto de la lexicografía española, sin olvidar el considerable número de voces definidas que no se localizan en otros repertorios lexicográficos.[Abstract] In this work, we are editing and analysing a XIX-century manuscript that contains terms related to mining. The work, unknown till now, presented the first dictionary published in Spain dealing with this speciality hence bearing great relevance to the technical lexicon knowledge in a period in which the traditional activity was being modernised with the advancement of techniques. Therefore, this study highlights the repercussion of vocabulary in the context of Spanish lexicography, notwithstanding the considerable number of terms defined which are not found in other lexicographical repertoires

    Inventory and assessment of fluvial potholes to promote geoheritage sustainability (Miño River, NW Spain)

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    The Miño is the most important river in the NW Iberian Peninsula. When it flows through Ourense town (Spain), the attractiveness of the thermal springs hides the importance of the fluvial potholes developed over bedrock. These forms reflect the strength of erosion processes, linked to fluvial incision over time. Potholes have an environmental, didactic, socio-economic and cultural potential. In order to promote their integration within territorial heritage, this research is focused on a place-based knowledge and practice. This study aimed to define the meanings and interests of fluvial potholes, regarding their sustainable uses as georesources and offering fit information for the key social actors to assist territorial development. An inventory of sculpted forms was carried out in an urban reach of the Miño River. After the site diagnosis and form characterisation, a set of fluvial potholes (82 cases) was identified within the thermal area. The assessment of the geomorphological and use/management interests delivered their values as resources for territorial sustainability. Ten potholes, selected from a preliminary list and identified through the methodology, have a potential for education, leisure and recreation. Actions designed to raise awareness of the interests and values of these geodiversity components are also presented.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2015/410Universidade de Vigo | Ref. INOU15-02 G501Deputación de Ourense | Ref. INOU15-02 G50

    Onomástica castellana y onomástica catalana en tierras fronterizas durante la Edad Media

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    In this paper we analyze the problems set up in border lands, especially when a confluence of linguistic norms has taken place; an example is what happened in the Kingdom of Murcia along the Low Middle Ages, where settlers of different origins and also of different religion or race, Christians (Castilians and Catalans), Mussulmans or Jews lived together during some periods and followed one another in other time, leaving their traces on the onomastics and the toponymy. Some times the settlers’ mark remained in the way of naming, but other times they reduced themselves to translate the names given by preceding settlers. With regard to onomastics, the traditions of each people remained evident and so have transmitted along the centuries; in the XIIIth. century it is very important the Catalan influence, a reflex of the repopulations; in the XIVth. century instead, because of the predominance of the Castilian model, a graphic adaptation of the family names received from preceding stages took place. Analyzing the documentation of that age permits us verify that the life together of peoples and languages enriched the toponomastic stock

    Morphological Bases of Human Leydig Cell Dysfunction

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    In this chapter, we describe the histophysiology of human Leydig cells, their cytological characteristics, their differentiation processes, and the physiopathological processes occurring at various times throughout life. We first focus on the normal development of fetal Leydig cells as well as the pathologies of fetal Leydig cells that can affect numbers or hyperplasic processes (e.g., hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, cryptorchidism, congenital Leydig cell hyperplasia secondary to diabetes, and isoimmunization). Next, we explain the changes occurring at puberty with the onset and differentiation of adult Leydig cells and the pathophysiology of delayed puberty. We then describe the histophysiology of adult Leydig cells and the most frequent pathologies (e.g., hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, testicular dysgenesia, mild androgen insensitivity syndrome, 5-α-reductase defect, and Klinefelter syndrome). Finally, we discuss the morphological changes of these cells in the elderly