1,696 research outputs found

    Individual prediction of automobile bodily injury claims liabilities

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    Most motor bodily injury (BI) claims are settled by negotiation, with fewer than 5% of cases going to court. A well-defined negotiation strategy is thus very useful for insurance companies. In this paper we assume that the monetary compensation awarded in court is the upper amount to be offered by the insurer in the negotiation process. Using a real database, a log-linear model is implemented to estimate the maximal offer. Non-spherical disturbances are detected. Correlation occurs when various claims are settled in the same judicial verdict. Groupwise heteroscedasticity is due to the influence of the forensic valuation on the final compensation amount.multivariate statistics, negotiation process, generalized confidence intervals

    Evolución de la televisión convencional: hacia una nueva forma de discurso. Twitch como la televisión del futuro

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    La Televisión convencional como actualmente la conocemos, ha sufrido cambios y modificaciones en su manera de comunicar. Comenzó con dos canales nacionales, a lo que se le fueron sumando otro tipo de cadenas con otra forma de discurso, entre los que hubo alianzas y uniones. Actualmente vivimos en una era en la que la Televisión se puede consumir de diferentes formas y no solo a través del tradicional televisor. Lo que ha permitido generar contenido audiovisual a través de otras plataformas que se encuentran inmersas en el mundo Digital. Internet ha hecho que podamos ver de diferente forma aquello que la Televisión nos cuenta a través de sus programas. Ofreciéndonos un amplio abanico de oportunidades para consumir contenido audiovisual entre los que se encuentran algunas Redes Sociales como Twitch. Esta novedosa plataforma en crecimiento propone realizar conexiones con el usuario mucho más estrechas a través de emisiones en directo, donde el creador de contenido de cada uno de los canales que la conforman entabla conversaciones a través del chat con los usuarios que se encuentran dentro del mismo. Por ello, en la presente investigación se llevará a cabo un análisis de ambos soportes, analizando Twitch y comparándola con la Televisión lineal y Digital, de una forma cuantitativa, a través de herramientas que analizan cada medio y cualitativa, teniendo en cuenta otros estudios realizados sobre la materia.Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    Functional stability and community dynamics during spring and autumn seasons over 3 years in Camargue microbial mats

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    Microbial mats are complex biofilms in which the major element cycles are represented at a millimeter scale. In this study, community variability within microbial mats from the Camargue wetlands (Rhone Delta, southern France) were analyzed over 3 years during two different seasons (spring and autumn) and at different layers of the mat (0-2, 2-4, and 4-6 mm). To assess bacterial diversity in the mats, amplicons of the V1-V2 region of the 16S rRNA gene were sequenced. The community's functionality was characterized using two approaches: (i) inferred functionality through 16S rRNA amplicons genes according to PICRUSt, and (ii) a shotgun metagenomic analysis. Based on the reads distinguished, microbial communities were dominated by Bacteria ( 94%), followed by Archaea ( 4%) and Eukarya ( 1%). The major phyla of Bacteria were Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Spirochaetes, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, and Cyanobacteria, which together represented 70-80% of the total population detected. The phylum Euryarchaeota represented 80% of the Archaea identified. These results showed that the total bacterial diversity from the Camargue microbial mats was not significantly affected by seasonal changes at the studied location; however, there were differences among layers, especially between the 0-2 mm layer and the other two layers. PICRUSt and shotgun metagenomic analyses revealed similar general biological processes in all samples analyzed, by season and depth, indicating that different layers were functionally stable, although some taxa changed during the spring and autumn seasons over the 3 years. Several gene families and pathways were tracked with the oxic-anoxic gradient of the layers. Genes directly involved in photosynthesis (KO, KEGG Orthology) were significantly more abundant in the top layer (0-2 mm) than in the lower layers (2-4 and 4-6 mm). In the anoxic layers, the presence of ferredoxins likely reflected the variation of redox reactions required for anaerobic respiration. Sulfatase genes had the highest relative abundance below 2 mm. Finally, chemotaxis signature genes peaked sharply at the oxic/photic and transitional oxic-anoxic boundary. This functional differentiation reflected the taxonomic diversity of the different layers of the mat

    Gut microbiota dynamics and functionality in Reticulitermes grassei after a 7-day dietary shift and ciprofloxacin treatment

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    Gut microbial structure in animals depends on the host, dietary habits and local environment. A random event, dietary change or antibiotic treatment may alter the gut environment with possible repercussions for the bacterial community composition and functionality and ultimately host fitness. The present study was focused on the composition, structure and functionality of gut microbiota in Reticulitermes grassei and the data obtained was compared with sequence surveys of three other Reticulitermes species. Each Reticulitermes species had a significantly different bacterial gut microbiota (pairwise significance tests using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test), but a similar pattern of distribution (P-test in weighted Unifrac). The core gut microbiota from the analyzed Reticulitermes species contained 16 bacterial operational taxonomic units. Enzymes (KO) were detected from 14 pathways related to carbohydrate metabolism. R. grassei and R. hesperus, based on relative abundance of KO, had the most similar carbohydrate pathway patterns. In addition, we described the gut microbiota and functionality pathways in R. grassei after a 7-day dietary shift and antibiotic (ciprofloxacin) treatment. Both factors, but above all the antibiotic, altered the relative abundance of certain microbial groups, although the changes were not statistically significant (P-test in weighted Unifrac). The cellulose diet enhanced the carbohydrate pathways related to propanoate, butanoate, ascorbate, and glyoxylate metabolism. The antibiotic treatment affected galactose metabolism, the citrate cycle and inositol phosphate metabolism. Those functional changes may be related to changes in the abundance of several bacterial groups. Our findings provide insights into the stability of the gut microbiota in R. grassei and a resilience response to dietary shift or antibiotic treatment disturbance after 7 days

    Digital Skills and Technological Accessibility as Challenges for the Labour Market Insertion of People with Disabilities in the Audiovisual Sector

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    This article describes the second stage of a research study focused on the most demanded digital skills in the audiovisual field and the possibilities for people with disabilities to acquire them, to increase their employability in this sector. In this phase, we focus on the need to adapt digital devices to this population group, by analysing their accessibility and identifying the existing barriers to their use. Through a series of in-depth interviews, we obtain an x-ray of the current situation and point out a series of actions for improvement.Este artículo recoge la segunda etapa de una investigación centrada en las competencias digitales más demandadas en el ámbito audiovisual y las posibilidades para las personas discapacitadas de adquirir las mismas, aumentando su empleabilidad en dicho sector. En esta fase ponemos el foco en la necesidad de adaptar los dispositivos digitales a este colectivo, analizando la accesibilidad de los mismos e identificando las barreras existentes para su manejo. A través de una serie de entrevistas en profundidad obtenemos una radiografía de la situación actual y señalamos una serie de acciones de mejora

    Fomentando la creatividad para el desarrollo de competencias comunicacionales en estudiantes de Primaria

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    Aquí presentamos una propuesta innovadora que busca el desarrollo de la creatividad del alumnado de sexto curso de Educación Primaria del Colegio RR Calasancias (Sevilla). En este sentido, se pretende desarrollar un programa formativo centrado en el desarrollo de la creatividad, concretamente dirigida hacía la mejora de las habilidades comunicativas, a nivel oral y escrito. En este taller, se fomenta el desarrollo de las actitudes creativas, buscando desarrollar en el alumnado el gusto por la innovación en el ámbito profesional y la iniciativa personal, características propias del espíritu emprendedor en el entorno laboral. Así se pretende que los estudiantes aprendan actitudes y valores que les ayuden a ampliar y mejorar su creatividad aplicándolas a situaciones en las que tengan que expresarse tanto de forma oral como escrita. Buscamos a través de este taller desarrollar actitudes positivas a la hora de enfrentarse a situaciones en las que hablar en público ya sea dentro del ámbito académico como profesional

    Investigación mexicana significativa en Ciencias de la Salud 1999-2004 : un análisis bibliométrico

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    The economic conditions in Mexico have contributed to the impoverishment of its population and, consequently a worsening of their health. Therefore, if research contributes to development, the study of significant research is justified, that is to say research whose results appear in core journals, a principle commonly known as the Bradford Law. The purpose of this study is to determine what has been the scientific growth in order to be able to assume, with empirical evidence, that Mexican researchers have overcome difficulties in order to publish in the most relevant journals, i.e. the most significant ones. Empirical data was built on the basis of the journal lists compiled by Garfield, which comprise of 200 journals that reached the highest levels of impact over a period of 15 years. A total of 155 health science journals were included in the analysis conducted through the Web of Science. A total of 1,293 records published between 1999 and 2004 were identified from a total of 829,400 papers that appeared in those journals and in within the same period globally. 80 % of the significant research carried out in Mexico was concentrated in two entities of the country. It was found that health research is the responsibility of public institutions, mainly academia. Also, that the most active disciplines were biochemistry and molecular biology, neurosciences, general and internal medicine, immunology and microbiology. The conclusion reached is that Mexican researchers have overcome the difficulties related with publishing papers in the core journals. However, Mexican institutions still have to strengthen themselves further in order for the research they carry out be reflected in papers that will take them into a market of visible science, that counts

    Commentary: Consumer Reports of "Keto Flu" Associated With the Ketogenic Diet

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    CIBER Fisiopatología Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBEROBN) Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red, M.P. (CIBER) Instituto de Salud Carlos II

    From Transient to Sedentary? Changes in the Home Range Size and Environmental Patterns of Movements of European Eels (Anguilla anguilla) in a Mediterranean River

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    The habitat use of eels during the development of sedentary behavior, which depends on the animals’ body size, is unknown. Our objective was to analyze, for two years, the changes in the home range of a population of European eel (Anguilla anguilla, Linnaeus, 1758) in Southern Europe in relation to the animals’ body length (TL), and the influence of environmental factors (water temperature and flow) on the local movements of this population through observation of their sedentary behavior. We used a previously-validated mark–recapture methodology, obtaining a low deviation in the estimation of the extension of the eels’ movements. Our results revealed relatively short movements in relation to other populations, and we hypothesize that this could be related to the high habitat diversity and low eel population density in the study area. The home range size showed a high variability and dispersion among the smallest eels, however, as TL increased, the variability of home range size decreased, and home ranges were larger. These changes could be associated with the acquisition of a sedentary lifestyle. Once eels had become sedentary, an environmental pattern was observed between their movements and the water temperature and flow, with larger movements observed as the flow increased and water temperature decreased. This suggests that the temporal and spatial scales of observation are of crucial importance for monitoring eel populations and for the study of population size structure, population dynamics, and biology, which can be used to improve conservation strategies

    Imagen de los destinos internacionales favoritos del turista español en las webs de viajes

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    Internet y la web 2.0. suponen nuevas fuentes de información para el estudio de la imagen de los destinos. En este contexto, a partir de las valoraciones de los turistas en TripAdvisor, se analiza el posicionamiento de cinco destinos muy deseados por los españoles: Nueva York, Roma, París, Londres y Venecia. Asimismo, en base a los comentarios vertidos en los portales Minube y Los Viajeros se obtienen aquellos términos más utilizados cuando hablan de ellos. Los resultados indican que Venecia y, sobre todo, Nueva York son los destinos con los que los turistas españoles se han sentido más satisfechos, mientras que Roma y París muestran atributos parecidos, aunque, sorprendentemente, con connotaciones negativas. Londres no se relaciona con ningún atributo en concreto. Por otro lado, se confirma que los monumentos y sitios emblemáticos, así como los tópicos sobre las ciudades son los temas más comentados en webs y foros de viajes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech