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    A Pragmatic analysis of emotion-triggering strategies in TED talks

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    [EN] TED talks are a relatively new genre, in which experts in different fields share their knowledge, ideas and experiences to large audiences. The talks are broadcasted worldwide, thus reaching international and intercultural spectators. Although public spoken language has been extensively studied in literature, TED talks present a new field of study, and are considered as a hybrid genre. It has been argued that, although similar in some ways, they differ from other oral discourse types, such as university lectures, in many aspects, such as the epistemic stance, the presentation of ideas, or the macro-discourse markers used (Caliendo and Compagnone, 2014). The utilization of emotion for triggering audience response is the foundation of the present study, aimed at examining the way speakers use emotions to involve spectators in their monologues, and exploring other strategies exploited to spark feedback, so that the most successful ones can be identified. The paper discusses the analysis of 120 TED talks from two different topics, business and education, taking a basic list of emotion words as a starting point, to continue examining how these emotion words and audiences intermingle by looking into laughter and applause, as the two identified forms of feedback. Results indicate that no significant differences can be found in the two subcorpora analyzed in terms of emotion words, the use of multiple humor strategies, and the acknowledgment of multicultural audiences on the side of the speakers.Mestre-Mestre, EM.; PĂ©rez-Cabello De Alba, MB. (2022). A Pragmatic analysis of emotion-triggering strategies in TED talks. Circulo de Linguistica Aplicada a la Comunicacion. (92):257-271. https://doi.org/10.5209/clac.7799625727192Abelin, Åsa and Allwood, Jens. 2000. Cross Linguistic Interpretation of Emotional Prosody. In Proceedings ISCA w/s Speech and Emotion. Newcastle, Northern Ireland, 110–113.Alba-Juez, Laura and J. Lachlan Mackenzie. 2019a. 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    Letter from the Editor

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    ExpressiĂł de VEGF com a factor pronĂČstic independent de recaiguda a la malaltia de Hodgkin

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    El paper del fenomen angiogĂšnic en els diferents tumors sĂČlids ha estat l'objectiu de nombrosos estudis en els darrers anys. La importĂ ncia d'aquest procĂ©s en les neoplĂ sies d'origen hematolĂČgic encara Ă©s bastant desconeguda. En aquest treball hem estudiat l'expressiĂł immunohistoquĂ­mica del factor de creixement de l'endoteli vascular (VEGF) en els "tissue microarrays" (TMA) de 252 pacients diagnosticats de limfoma de Hodgkin tractats de forma homogĂšnia (poliquimioterĂ pia esquema ADVD amb o sense radioterĂ pia) entre els anys 1978 i 2003. Els resultats s'han correlacionat amb l'evoluciĂł dels pacients i s'ha avaluat la seva importĂ ncia en la supervivĂšncia lliure de malaltia i supervivencia global de la sĂšrie

    Organizational culture in management consulting firms

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    Organizational culture assumes a fundamental part in the life of every organization. The development of human resources management and its increasingly strategic role have shown the importance of organizational culture and its effects in multiple aspects of organizations. With the complexity and competitivity associated with the rapid changes of today’s labour market, such importance becomes more determinant to the success of organizations. Organizational culture is a very abstract and broad concept that aims to explain why things are done in a certain way inside organizations. Most workers simply follow the way things are done without ever questioning or even realising the underlying implications and factors that motivate the organizational culture of their own organization. When reflecting about organizational culture one realises that the factors that influence and compose organizational culture are different from organization to organization and from sector to sector, and while several models exist all of them are very generalist. Therefore, the present investigation aims to understand what are the main factors that influence and compose the organizational culture of management consulting firms and to develop an adequate model for such companies. This investigation is based on data from 15 interviews and 107 questionnaires responded by consultants with a variety of ages, positions, seniorities, from management consulting organizations, operating in Lisbon, with several different intervention areas and that offer different types of consulting. The results and conclusions comprise information concerning the main factors behind the organizational culture in management consulting firms.A cultura organizacional assume um papel fundamental na vida das organizaçÔes. O desenvolvimento da gestĂŁo de recursos humanos e o seu papel cada vez mais estratĂ©gico tĂȘm demostrado a importĂąncia da cultura organizacional e os seus efeitos em diversos aspetos das organizaçÔes. Com a complexidade e a competitividade associada Ă s rĂĄpidas mudanças do mercado de trabalho atual, essa importĂąncia torna-se mais determinante para o sucesso das organizaçÔes. A cultura organizacional Ă© um conceito muito abstrato e amplo que visa explicar o porquĂȘ de as coisas serem feitas de certa forma dentro das organizaçÔes. A maioria dos trabalhadores simplesmente segue o modo como as coisas sĂŁo feitas sem jamais questionarem ou mesmo perceberem as implicaçÔes e fatores subjacentes que motivam a cultura organizacional da sua prĂłpria organização. Ao refletir sobre cultura organizacional percebe-se que os fatores que influenciam e compĂ”em a cultura organizacional sĂŁo diferentes de organização para organização e de setor para setor, e embora existam vĂĄrios modelos, todos eles sĂŁo muito generalistas. Portanto, a presente investigação tem por objetivo compreender quais sĂŁo os principais fatores que influenciam e compĂ”em a cultura organizacional das empresas de consultoria de gestĂŁo e desenvolver um modelo adequado para tais empresas. Esta investigação baseia-se em dados de 15 entrevistas e 107 questionĂĄrios respondidos por consultores com uma variedade de idades, cargos, antiguidades, pertencentes a organizaçÔes de consultoria de gestĂŁo, que operam em Lisboa, com diversas ĂĄreas de intervenção e que oferecem diferentes tipos de consultoria. Os resultados e conclusĂ”es compreendem informaçÔes sobre os principais fatores que compĂ”em e influenciam a cultura organizacional em empresas de consultoria de gestĂŁo

    A Portuguese study on building renovation towards a nearly zero energy building (nZEB)

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    The social and environmental urgency of large-scale integrated retrofitting of the European residential building stock is widely acknowledged and supported by all Member States. However, the European building sector is currently still not able to offer an integral solution for deep renovation toward nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) for reasonable costs. MORE-CONNECT project aims to tackle this issue by developing cost optimal solutions to renovate buildings towards nZEB. In this project, the optimal solutions include the development of prefabricated, multifunctional renovation elements for the total building envelope (façade and roof) and installation/building services. This paper presents the first stage of the project, namely the analysis and comparison of three scenarios following the current national requirements in Portugal i) 80% reduction of the current primary energy consumption of the building, ii) cost optimal solution (nZEB) and iii) net zero energy (NZEB). The optimization of the building envelope will be the main driver for the three scenarios as well as the inclusion of renewable energy strategies. Overall, results suggest that it is possible to achieve cost-effective solutions for the renovation of Portuguese residential buildings. Moreover, the cost-optimal solution (scenario ii) matches approximately with the 80% reduction of energy scenario (scenario i).MORE-CONNECT is funded by the European Commission within the framework of the Horizon 2020 progra

    SoluçÔes de reabilitação de fachadas como contributo para assegurar os nZEB – um caso de estudo em Portugal

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    O sector dos edifĂ­cios Ă© o maior consumidor de energia final na UniĂŁo Europeia. Isto deve-se ao facto de a maioria dos edifĂ­cios apresentar um fraco desempenho tĂ©rmico da envolvente. O parque edificado da UniĂŁo Europeia Ă©, na sua maioria, anterior a 1960, de uma Ă©poca pautada pela ausĂȘncia de regulamentos de eficiĂȘncia energĂ©tica e em que as questĂ”es relacionadas com o consumo de energia e as emissĂ”es de carbono nĂŁo assumiam a premĂȘncia que apresentam na atualidade. A reabilitação energĂ©tica apresenta-se hoje como a ferramenta mais eficaz para fazer face ao desafio de melhorar o desempenho energĂ©tico do parque edificado existente. ServirĂĄ nĂŁo sĂł para atingir as ambiciosas metas de redução de consumo energĂ©tico atĂ© 2020 e 2050 como para garantir um ambiente construĂ­do de qualidade e sustentĂĄvel. Com taxas de construção nova muito reduzidas, a reabilitação Ă© uma solução alternativa que apresenta inĂșmeras vantagens e Ă© cada vez mais reconhecida como o futuro no sector dos edifĂ­cios. A revisĂŁo da diretiva Europeia relativa ao desempenho energĂ©tico dos edifĂ­cios introduziu o conceito de edifĂ­cio de necessidades quase nulas de energia (nZEB) e a obrigatoriedade de todos os edifĂ­cios novos apĂłs 2020 serem nZEB. Da mesma forma, tambĂ©m o conceito deverĂĄ ser aplicado aos edifĂ­cios existentes, adaptando-os para nZEB, atravĂ©s da reabilitação energĂ©tica. Estes edifĂ­cios apresentam um desempenho energĂ©tico muito elevado, sendo que as reduzidas necessidades energĂ©ticas que apresentam devem ser asseguradas em grande parte por energia proveniente de fontes renovĂĄveis, produzida no local ou nas proximidades. Complementarmente, as soluçÔes nZEB devem obedecer a critĂ©rios de racionalidade econĂłmica. Para tal, a ComissĂŁo Europeia desenvolveu um quadro metodolĂłgico aplicĂĄvel a todos os Estados Membros, que permite a identificação e anĂĄlise dos nĂ­veis Ăłtimos de rentabilidade do desempenho energĂ©tico dos edifĂ­cios. O presente estudo enquadra-se no Ăąmbito do projeto Europeu More-Connect que se centra no desenvolvimento de elementos modulares prefabricados de reabilitação energĂ©tica para atingir edifĂ­cios nZEB. É apresentada a anĂĄlise preliminar de trĂȘs cenĂĄrios de reabilitação energĂ©tica aplicados ao caso de estudo em Portugal e o desenvolvimento inicial de um elemento prefabricado de reabilitação de fachada.Projeto Europeu H2020-EE-2014-2015/H2020-EE-2014-1-PPP, grant agreement no 633477, “MORE-CONNECT – Development and advanced prefabrication of innovative, multifunctional building envelope elements for Modular Retrofitting and smart CONNECTions

    Diseño de piezas de plåstico para inyección

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    El artículo siguiente pretende dar una visión genérica de los puntos necesarios para realizar el diseño de una pieza con material plåstico, que serå transformado por un proceso de moldeo por inyección. Para obtener una buena pieza inyectada de plåstico es importante que se tengan conocimientos del diseño de la pieza, del molde de inyección, de la materia prima y del proceso de transformación. Por ello se pretende también dar a conocer al diseñador la problemåtica que presentan el proceso de inyección de termoplåsticos y el molde respecto al diseño de la pieza. Un buen diseño serå, pues, el que vincule todos estos aspectos

    A method for isolating and culturing placental cells from failed early equine pregnancies

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    Early pregnancy loss occurs in 6–10% of equine pregnancies making it the main cause of reproductive wastage. Despite this, reasons for the losses are known in only 16% of cases. Lack of viable conceptus material has inhibited investigations of many potential genetic and pathological causes. We present a method for isolating and culturing placental cells from failed early equine pregnancies. Trophoblast cells from 18/30 (60%) failed equine pregnancies of gestational ages 14–65 days were successfully cultured in three different media, with the greatest growth achieved for cells cultured in AmnioChromeℱ Plus. Genomic DNA of a suitable quality for molecular assays was also isolated from 29/30 of these cases. This method will enable future investigations determining pathologies causing EPL

    Bootstrapping and learning PDFA in data streams

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    Best Student Paper ICGI 2012Markovian models with hidden state are widely-used formalisms for modeling sequential phenomena. Learnability of these models has been well studied when the sample is given in batch mode, and algorithms with PAC-like learning guarantees exist for specic classes of models such as Probabilistic Deterministic Finite Automata (PDFA). Here we focus on PDFA and give an algorithm for infering models in this class under the stringent data stream scenario: unlike existing methods, our algorithm works incrementally and in one pass, uses memory sublinear in the stream length, and processes input items in amortized constant time. We provide rigorous PAC-like bounds for all of the above, as well as an evaluation on synthetic data showing that the algorithm performs well in practice. Our algorithm makes a key usage of several old and new sketching techniques. In particular, we develop a new sketch for implementing bootstrapping in a streaming setting which may be of independent interest. In experiments we have observed that this sketch yields important reductions in the examples required for performing some crucial statistical tests in our algorithm.Peer ReviewedAward-winningPostprint (published version
