6,709 research outputs found

    Lattice study of the Silver Blaze phenomenon for a charged scalar phi-4 field

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    We analyze a complex scalar field with phi-4 interaction and a chemical potential mu on the lattice. An exact flux representation of the partition sum is used which avoids the complex action problem and based on a generalized worm algorithm we can run Monte Carlo simulations at arbitrary densities. We study thermodynamical quantities as a function of the chemical potential mu for zero- and finite temperature. It is shown that at zero temperature thermodynamical observables are independent of mu up to a critical value mu_c (Silver Blaze phenomenon). In a spectroscopy calculation we cross-check that mu_c agrees with the mass m of the scalar field. The Silver Blaze region ends in a second order phase transition and we show that for low temperatures the second order phase boundary persists and separates a pseudo Silver Blaze region from a condensed phase with strong mu-dependence.Comment: Two typos in the appendix fixe

    Infants adoptats internacionalment: aproximació a les trajectòries educatives i socials

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    Tot i que l'adopció internacional no és un fenomen nou entre nosaltres, l'increment en l'arribada d'infants adoptats al nostre territori durant l'última dècada ha plantejat la necessitat de nous àmbits d'investigació i intervenció professional. És un àmbit de gran neguit social la integració i l'èxit acadèmic dels infants després d'haver viscut un procés d'adopció internacional. La recerca evidencia una mancança de dades qualitatives i anàlisi de les trajectòries acadèmiques i socials d'adults adoptats transnacionalment. L'objectiu d'aquesta recerca és una aproximació qualitativa en profunditat a dos models de trajectòria educativa i vital de persones adoptades per tal de posar de manifest els factors claus en l'èxit acadèmic o, pel contrari, en l'abandonament escolar prematur

    Design and implementation of a deck-building application for Magic: The Gathering

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    La motivació darrere el desenvolupament de l'aplicació és que Magic: The Gathering té una base de jugadors creixent que comença a jugar, i construeixen baralles per a jugar al joc. El joc creix en complexitat, el que converteix les aplicacions de recursos en imprescindibles per a dissenyar baralles amb les que jugar. Aquest projecte consisteix en una anàlisi de mercat, i un disseny i implementació d'una aplicació de construcció de baralles per a Magic: The Gathering. L'aplicació permet als usuaris cercar cartes utilitzant múltiples filtres, i combos de cartes també. Es poden construir baralles, i d'aquesta manera l'usuari té una aplicació tot-en-un que s'ajusta a les seves necessitats. Una aplicació d'Android ha estat desenvolupada en Kotlin i integra llibreries externes, a més d'usar una API externa. Les diferents capes de l'aplicació han estat separades per a facilitar l'expansió del projecte en el futur.The motivation behind the development of this application is that Magic: The Gathering has a growing player base that is starting to play the game, and construct decks to play the game. The game is growing and becoming more complex, which makes resource applications a must-have to design decks to play with. This project consists of a market analysis and a design and implementation of a deck building application for Magic: The Gathering. The application allows users to search for cards with multiple filtering options, and card combos as well. Decks can be built so the user has an all-in-one application that fits their needs. An Android application has been developed using Kotlin and integrating multiple external libraries, as well as using an external API. The different layers of the application have been separated to facilitate the expansion of the project in the future

    Reglamento para la administración y régimen interior del mercado

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Microbial decomposition of corn residue in two Iowa Mollisols

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    Decomposition agent, Requate®, formulated by the Chinese company Chendu Hecheng Biological Technology CO., LTD, was examined for efficacy in agricultural plant-residue decomposition. We measured carbon dioxide (CO2) evolution over 21 days to determine the plant-residue decomposition rate. A Clarion soil (Typic Hapludoll) and Zea mays L. (corn) residue were characterized for several traits, including total C, total N, and C:N ratio. Our experiment included six treatments: no soil, no residue, no product (b); soil, no residue, no product (soil); soil, residue, no product (soilr); soil, no residue, product (soilp); soil, residue, product (soilrp); soil, residue, sterilized product (soilrsp). Our mesocosms simulated no-tillage with and without corn residue addition. Requate® product was applied to our treatments at the recommended rate of 86.6 g/2,221 L per hectare. Our sterile Requate® factor served to identify whether the product had a carrier that facilitated decomposition via stimulating the native microbiota. One soil moisture potential, -33 kPa, was used in this experiment. Univariate statistical analyses found no significant differences in corn-residue decomposition among our three treatments that included corn residue. We concluded that the Requate® product did not increase the rate of corn-residue decomposition in our Clarion soil. Microbial growth efficiency (MGE) was analyzed for isolated soil bacteria at three pH’s. In a stressed environment, we expected a greater level of C partitioned for cell maintenance than for microbial biomass C (MBC). Three Bacillus genus bacteria were isolated: B. pasteurii, B. circulans, and B. sphaericus. A characterized Webster soil (Typic Endoaquoll) was amended with Ca(OH)2 (calcium hydroxide) and Al2(SO4)3 (aluminum sulfate) to alter a soil pH of 6.5, to 7.5 and 5.5, respectively. Characterized corn residue was added and mixed into 100 g dry-weight Webster soil and placed inside a standard 0.47 L (pint) Mason jar (mesocosm). Corn residue (0.45 g) was added and mixed into the soil and then sterilized with high pressure saturated steam inside the mesocosm for 1 hr. The mesocosm was brought to room temperature (20-25°C) and then inoculated with a known quantity of our individual bacteria. Carbon dioxide and MBC were measured throughout a 35-day incubation period on days 3, 7, 14, 21, and 35. Our analysis determined that there was a significant difference in the rate of CO2 evolution (RCO2) by treatment and day. In general, RCO2 from all treatments was greater at day 3 and declined throughout the study; we measured significant differences in RCO2 on all days. B. pasteurii degraded the corn residue most rapidly, with the rate of decomposition being greater at pH 7.5 than pH 6.5 or 5.5. All other treatments followed a similar pattern, having greater rates of decomposition at pH 7.5. Microbial biomass C was greatest at pH 7.5 for all treatments and increased to a peak on day 21, where MBC was significantly different. The lowest MBC values were observed at pH 5.5 with B. circulans, followed by B. sphaericus, and then B. pasteurii. The least amount of MBC was observed when RCO2 was at its greatest. However, we could not determine the ratio of RCO2 per unit MBC produced because of measured negative MBC values. Thus, our data provided weak evidence that stressed cells required more metabolized C for cell maintenance but differences existed among the three isolates and an overall generalization could not be made

    It Rains Sometimes

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    El guión audiodescriptivo, un discurso retórico moderno

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    The paper we present emerges as a theoretical reflection inside the Project AMATRA of the University of Granada, integrated into the European Project Technological on-line framework to integrate the work-flow of audiovisual accessible translation (WAVAT); CO. 262052. This project leaded by GIZERBITEK S.L. is orientated to create a technological website platform opens to any kind of users, where people, independently his functional characteristics can interact with any audiovisual resources. In the paper we defend the AD text as a new modern discourse, a coherence oral text and a speech act according to the five phases of the Quintilian Rhetoric: inventio, dispositio, elocutio, memoria and actio. We also offer examples of the main tropes and figures that ornament the AD text and made it a rhetorical discourse.El trabajo que presentamos surge como reflexión teórica dentro del Proyecto de investigación AMATRA del Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Granada. Se enmarca además dentro de los estudios de la audiodescripción para ciegos que llevamos realizando varios años. Gracias al software Taggetti, creado para etiquetar películas de la ONCE, hemos realizado incursiones en ámbitos culturales muy diversos como la Teoría de la literatura, el cine, la tecnología, la Didáctica museística, etc. En este artículo defendemos el texto audidescrito como un nuevo discurso moderno, como un texto oral coherente que se ajusta perfectamente a las cinco fases de la retórica quintiliana: inventio, dispositio, elocutio, memoria y actio. Para demostrar esta tesis ofrecemos una serie de ejemplos de unidades de significado de algunos guiones audiodescriptivos en las que aparecen los tropos más relevantes de la retórica clásica

    Componentes del rendimiento de grano bajo diferentes densidades de siembra en maíz en los Valles Altos del Estado de México

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    La densidad de población es uno de los principales factores que contribuyen a incrementar el rendimiento de grano en maíz. El presente trabajo se estableció en 2013 en tres localidades del centro del estado de México, México para evaluar el rendimiento de grano y sus componentes principales en diez cultivares de maíz bajo tres densidades de población. Los tres ensayos se establecieron en campo en un diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones en un arreglo de parcelas divididas; en las parcelas grandes se distribuyeron las densidades de población y en las chicas los cultivares. Hubo diferencias significativas (p = 0.01) entre cultivares para las 13 variables registradas; en densidad de población éstas lo fueron en longitud de mazorca, diámetro de mazorca, peso de olote, peso de grano por planta, y rendimiento de grano. Un incremento en la densidad de población disminuyó el número y el peso de grano por planta pero a 104 167 plantas ha-1 el rendimiento fue de 10.03 t ha-1. Con P204W se obtuvo la mayor producción de grano (10.0 t ha-1), pero éste no difirió estadísticamente de IC 2010, AS-MJ9082, H-40 y AS-723. El análisis de componentes principales explicó el 65.94% de la variación total original; en éste se observó una alta correlación entre rendimiento de grano, granos por planta, índice de prolificidad y peso de olote

    Worm algorithms for the 3-state Potts model with magnetic field and chemical potential

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    We discuss worm algorithms for the 3-state Potts model with external field and chemical potential. The complex phase problem of this system can be overcome by using a flux representation where the new degrees of freedom are dimer and monomer variables. Working with this representation we discuss two different generalizations of the conventional Prokof'ev-Svistunov algorithm suitable for Monte Carlo simulations of the model at arbitrary chemical potential and evaluate their performance.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure