1,334 research outputs found

    Subversive blood ties: gothic decadence in three characters from murnau's and coppola's renderings of bram stoker's dracula

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura Correspondente, Florianópolis, 2013Esta dissertação consiste em investigar a construção do tema da decadência Gótica em Drácula de Bram Stoker e duas adaptações fílmicas do romance - Nosferatu, de Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, e Drácula de Bram Stoker, de Francis Ford Coppola - tendo como centro da análise como três personagens - Drácula, Jonathan Harker e Mina Harker - se relacionam com tal tema. A decadência Gótica é um padrão literário do contexto fin-de-siècle da sociedade vitoriana inspirada pela crise social que acontecia na Inglaterra no fim do século XIX (Punter e Byron 39-40). Autores como Bram Stoker escreveram histórias que refletiam medos morais e sociais da sociedade vitoriana, retratando imagens de monstros que representavam a transgressão de fronteiras morais e sexuais estabelecidas pelas tradições vitorianas (Botting 88). Tendo tal discussão em mente, este estudo busca conectar a retratação de tal tema do romance às adaptações, também utilizando uma análise fílmica para identificar técnicas que destacam a representação do tema relacionado aos três personagens, finalmente ligando tal tema a crises e confusões sociais que aconteciam nos contextos de ambos os filmes.Abstract : The present dissertation consists of an investigation of the construction of the Gothic theme of decadence in Bram Stoker's Dracula and two film adaptations of the novel - Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau's Nosferatu and Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula - having as the centre of analysis how three characters - Dracula, Jonathan Harker and Mina Harker - relate to that theme. The Gothic decadence is a literary motif from the fin-de-siècle context of the Victorian Era inspired by the social crisis that took place in England in the late nineteenth century (Punter and Byron 39-40). Authors like Bram Stoker wrote stories that reflected moral and social fears of the Victorian society, depicting images of monsters that represented the crossing of moral and sexual boundaries established by the Victorian traditions (Botting 88). Bearing that discussion in mind, this study aims at connecting the portrayal of such a theme from novel to the two adaptations, also making use of a filmic analysis to identify techniques that highlight the depiction of the theme related to the three characters, ultimately linking such a thematic depiction to crises and social commotions that were taking place in both films' social contexts

    The Effect of Recency to Human Mobility

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    In recent years, we have seen scientists attempt to model and explain human dynamics and, in particular, human movement. Many aspects of our complex life are affected by human movements such as disease spread and epidemics modeling, city planning, wireless network development, and disaster relief, to name a few. Given the myriad of applications it is clear that a complete understanding of how people move in space can lead to huge benefits to our society. In most of the recent works, scientists have focused on the idea that people movements are biased towards frequently-visited locations. According to them, human movement is based on an exploration/exploitation dichotomy in which individuals choose new locations (exploration) or return to frequently-visited locations (exploitation). In this work, we focus on the concept of recency. We propose a model in which exploitation in human movement also considers recently-visited locations and not solely frequently-visited locations. We test our hypothesis against different empirical data of human mobility and show that our proposed model is able to better explain the human trajectories in these datasets

    Sketching and visual perception in conceptual design : case studies of novice and expert architecture students.

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    This research is concerned with conceptual sketches, visual perception and verbal description. Firstly, it focuses on the role of sketching in conceptual design and begins to question why conceptual sketches are considered a good medium for reflective conversation with one's own ideas and imagery. Secondly, it focuses exclusively on the mental process involved in the analysis and verbal description of conceptual sketches. The empirical study examines how novice and expert designers might perceive different things from the same conceptual sketch and thus use different verbal descriptions, and what this might reveal about their different approaches to design. For this reason some experiments on visual perception, conceptual sketches and verbal description were conducted with expert and novice architecture students. The main objective is to verify to what extent the use of formal references such as line, square or circle and symbolic references such as describing a circle as a sun or a long oval as a sausage, help to understand how designers might think with sketches, while searching for a specific design solution. It also investigates which of the two types of images (non-architectural and architectural sketches) present greater potential for allowing the use of formal and symbolic verbal references, and why. The results show that, on average, the expert group used more formal and symbolic verbal references per minute than novices while describing the same images. The results also show that the non-architectural sketch was judged as easier to describe than the architectural one and gave rise to the use of more symbolic references. This can be seen to confirm earlier work suggesting that we fmd symbolic descriptions easier and more powerful than formal ones. The results also suggest that the expert students were more able to employ symbolic references to architectural concepts than novice students. However, in many other respects there were few differences between the groups. This may in part be due to the limitations of the empirical methodology employed

    A case-study exploration of the effects that context familiarity, as a variable, may have on learners' abilities to solve problems in Mathematical Literacy (ML)

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    M.Sc., Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, 2011This study serves to explore the notion of context familiarity and how it affects the way learners perform in closed and open-ended problems in Mathematical Literacy (ML). The learners’ performances in this study are based on how well they were able to do the following: select the relevant data from the given tables; select the appropriate mathematics and execute them with precision; relate the mathematical solution back to the context in order to understand the problem better. The key findings indicate that more familiar contexts provide better opportunities for learners to: select the relevant data from given tables; select and execute the relevant mathematical tools; and relate the mathematical solution back to the context

    A liberdade sindical no Brasil : a contratação coletiva de trabalho e o âmbito pessoal de aplicação

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    O sistema sindical brasileiro não conseguiu afastar-se completamente do corporativismo e adotar um modelo alinhado com os preceitos da Organização Internacional do Trabalho, embora reconhecidos os avanços no campo da autonomia das entidades sindicais e da não intervenção estatal, trazidos pela Constituição de 1988. Prevalecem entre nós elementos marcantes do regime totalitário: a unicidade sindical, o sistema de categoria e a contribuição sindical compulsória. Reconhecendo que a nossa organização sindical tem uma longa caminhada para alcançar a liberdade plena, objetivamos neste estudo buscar melhor compreender o conceito de liberdade sindical preconizado pelos organismos internacionais, com apoio no sistema sindical português que ratificou a Convenção nº 87 da OIT, possibilitando melhor análise do direito coletivo brasileiro, com enfoque na contratação coletiva do trabalho.The Brazilian Labor Union system has not completely detached itself from corporatism and has not adopted a model in alignment with the International Labor Organization, despite acknowledging advances made in fields such as union entity autonomy and non-state intervention, brought upon by 1988 Brazilian Constitution. Still, distinctive traits from the totalitarian regime prevail in Brazil: single labor unions, systems of professional categories, and compulsory union contributions. Bearing in mind that the Brazilian Labor Union system has a long way to go until it fully achieves its independence, this paper aims to better understand the concept of labor union freedom, in the light of what is recommended by international organizations, and in accordance with the Portuguese Labor Union system, ratified by the 87th OIT Convention. This will enable us to better develop a clear analyses of the Brazilian collective labor law system, focusing on the collective labor contracts

    O índice de perfusão derivado da oximetria de pulso como método de avaliação da função endotelial na aterosclerose

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    Resumo: A disfunção endotelial se caracteriza por um fenômeno vascular, com importância evidente em todos os processos da aterogênese. Objetivando a melhoria na prevenção e tratamento das doenças ateroscleróticas, é interessante a busca por métodos de avaliação da disfunção endotelial mais acurados, práticos e menos dispendiosos. Objetivo: Verificar o potencial do Índice de Perfusão Periférica (IPP) derivado da oximetria de pulso como método de avaliação da disfunção endotelial em pacientes portadores de aterosclerose Métodos: Foram selecionados 18 pacientes controle e 24 pacientes portadores de doenças ateroscleróticas, em tratamento otimizado, selecionados em unidades básicas de saúde. Foram avaliados os valores do IPP antes a após a aplicação de um estímulo vasodilatador dependente do endotélio, a hiperemia reativa. Também foram analisados os valores do IPP especificamente no período que possui a maior contribuição do óxido nítrico para a vasodilatação (IPP90-120). Os resultados do IPP foram discutidos, através da literatura, estimando o seu potencial diagnóstico e prognóstico. Resultados: A resposta vasodilatadora dependente do endotélio mensurada pelo IPP foi significantemente menor em indivíduos com aterosclerose em comparação aos controles a partir de 45 segundos após a hiperemia reativa. Foram observados, do mesmo modo, valores menores do IPP90-120 em pacientes com aterosclerose [35% (4 - 53%) vs 73% (55 - 169%); p<0,001]. Tais valores se mantiveram menores tanto em indivíduos masculinos quanto femininos. Conclusões: Os resultados do IPP, demonstrados na avaliação de pacientes ateroscleróticos, associados ao baixo custo da aparelhagem, tornam este método atraente para futuros ensaios e possível contribuição na prevenção e tratamento das doenças ateroscleróticas

    Abordagens em ecologia humana: construções epistêmico-metodológicas interdisciplinares

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    A produção deste livro pode ser caracterizada como uma experiência enriquecedora e gratificante para os estudos desenvolvidos no campo da Ecologia Humana e Gestão Socioambiental, como também no campo Interdisciplinar. Se configura como resultado de quase dez anos de estudos desenvolvidos no Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia Humana e Gestão Socioambiental – PPGEcoH, na Universidade do Estado da Bahia. O livro está composto por vinte e dois textos, desses, três são estudos desenvolvidos por pesquisadoras e pesquisadores internacionais, sendo os demais resultados de pesquisas desenvolvidas no PPGEcoH/UNEB.The emergence of the term “Human Ecology” originated in the 1920s, at the University of Chicago, through professor and researcher Robert Park together with Ernest Burgess, in which they began to observe the resulting relationships in social phenomena , creating a theory about Human Ecology, highlighting the similarities between cities, urban environments and natural (nonhuman) environments, and such organizations and disorganizations are explained through concepts of Biology / Ecology, hence the term Human Ecology. Since its creation at the University of Chicago, to the present day, we have expanded, evolved and contextualized these concepts, giving rise to new studies and contributions, placing the research in this area as interdisciplinary. The production of this book “INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACHES IN HUMAN ECOLOGY”, becomes a landmark for studies in Human Ecology and Socio-environmental Management, for dealing with the results of some studies over almost ten years of research developed in the Graduate Program in Human Ecology and Social and Environmental Management - PPGEcoH, at the State University of Bahia, Paulo Afonso and Juazeiro - BA campus. This collection is composed of twenty-two texts, of which three are studies developed by researchers and international researchers, and the other results of research developed in PPGEcoH / UNEB

    A gestão burocrático-humanista da avaliação do aluno na rede pública do governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

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    O campo pedagógico brasileiro ao longo do século passado construiu concepções que destacavam a importância da afetividade e horizontalidade nas relações entre professor e aluno. Buscam ideias democratizantes para romper com o autoritarismo pedagógico da escola tradicional. No Sistema de Educação do Estado do Rio de Janeiro nota-se a enorme preocupação com os resultados obtidos nos exames externos padronizados, metas e índices: a denominada, pelo sistema de educação, gestão de resultado. Nota-se também uma enorme preocupação com a afetividade na relação professor/aluno na prática pedagógica. A pesquisa desenvolvida parte da preocupação sobre questões relacionadas às ações sociais de conflito e cooperação da gestão do Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro para uma compreensão do poder nas relações sociais de gestores e professores nos processos decisórios a respeito da avaliação escolar que gerem, como efeito, possíveis conflitos e harmonizações que possam comprometer a qualidade do ensino. A pesquisa objetivou investigar as decisões planejadas e o planejamento das decisões da gestão SEEDUC/ RJ do governo do estado do Rio de Janeiro sobre a avaliação do aluno a partir de um primeiro eixo de análise sobre modelos de gestão, complementado por teorias da administração pública; e um segundo eixo sobre o campo pedagógico. Utilizou-se atos normativos sobre avaliação, comunicação sobre avaliação, caderno sobre modelo pedagógico todos da SEEDUC/RJ e caderno de planejamento estratégico da SUBPLO/RJ para análise de conteúdo da gestão do governo. Concluiu-se que é preciso uma investigação mais aprofundada para afirmar os indícios levantados que há um processo de violência simbólica pelo uso da pedagogia humanista sobre professores tradicionais pelo planejamento estratégico do Governo para se obter ganhos em outros campos.The Brazilian pedagogical field during the last century constructed conceptions that emphasized the importance of affectivity and horizontality in the relations between teacher and student. They look for democratizing ideas to break with the pedagogical authoritarianism of the traditional school. In the Education System of the State of Rio de Janeiro, it is noted the great concern with the results obtained in the standardized external examinations, goals and indexes - the one called, by the education system, management of results. There is also a great concern about the affectivity in the teacher / student relationship in pedagogical practice. The research developed starts from the concern about issues related to social actions of conflict and cooperation of the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro management for an understanding of the power in the social relations of managers and teachers in the decision making processes regarding the school evaluation that they manage, as possible conflicts and harmonization that could compromise the quality of teaching. The research aimed to investigate the planned decisions and planning decisions of the SEEDUC / RJ management of the Rio de Janeiro state government on student evaluation based on a first axis of analysis on management models, complemented by theories of public administration; and a second axis on the pedagogical field. It was used normative acts on evaluation, communication on evaluation, notebook on pedagogical model all of SEEDUC / RJ and strategic planning document of the SUBPLO / RJ to analyze content of the government's management. It was concluded that a more thorough investigation is needed to affirm the indications raised that there is a process of symbolic violence by the use of humanistic pedagogy on traditional teachers by the strategic planning of the Government to obtain gains in other fields


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    The proportion of workers with elementary and high school degree has grown very fast during the last two decades. Meanwhile, the proportion of workers with a college degree has stabilized since the early 80's. The college wage premium is growing for workers of all ages, while the elementary and high school wage premium are declining for workers of all ages. The present study estimates a causal relationship from the relative supply of labor into the evolution of the wage gaps. The theoretical model consists of a production function that depends on three labor aggregates: unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled. The estimation follows a two-stage process. In the first one, the elasticities of substitution between age groups are obtained and the second one obtains the elasticities of substitution between skill groups. The paper concludes that the relative demand for semi-skilled work is increasing, but it is being compensating to the increase of the relative supply. The demand for skilled work seems to be constant during the period of the study, which indicates the relative supply totally explains the wage premium.