126 research outputs found

    Atividade, participa??o social e fatores contextuais de adultos com paralisia cerebral

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    O presente trabalho foi realizado com apoio do Programa Institucional de Inicia??o Cient?fica - PIBIC/CNPq.Grande parte dos estudos concentram-se em crian?as com paralisia cerebral (PC) e pouco se sabe sobre a trajet?ria de sa?de a longo prazo entre os adultos com PC. Ao se considerar o modelo biopsicossocial, a realiza??o de atividades, a participa??o e a influ?ncia de barreiras e facilitadores ambientais, torna-se um aspecto importante de ser explorado. Compreender e descrever a funcionalidade e a incapacidade dos indiv?duos pode ter papel significativo na organiza??o dos processos cotidianos de trabalho das equipes de sa?de. A identifica??o de aspectos relacionados ? sa?de de adultos com PC ? importante para que profissionais da sa?de possam gerar abordagens terap?uticas adequadas e direcionadas, contribuir para o desenvolvimento de estrat?gias de interven??es. Este estudo se prop?s a avaliar 30 indiv?duos adultos com paralisia cerebral em acompanhamento e egressos de um Centro Especializado em Reabilita??o, localizado no Vale do Jequitinhonha no estado de Minas Gerais. Este trabalho ser? apresentado em formato de dois artigos cient?ficos. O primeiro refere-se ? caracteriza??o da participa??o social e os fatores ambientais associados, avaliados por meio do Measure of the Quality of the Environment (MQE-Brasil). Neste estudo os participantes consideraram importante o aprimoramento de sua participa??o social, no entanto, n?o julgara seu desempenho ruim e indicaram estar satisfeitos com a sua participa??o social em ambientes comunit?rios. Al?m disto, apontaram mais facilitadores do que barreiras ambientais. A an?lise de regress?o multivariada demonstrou que ter o apoio das pessoas em sua volta, dispositivos de aux?lio e o uso de comunica??o eletr?nica, explicaram grande parte, 68% da participa??o social. O segundo artigo, descritivo teve o objetivo de analisar a percep??o dos participantes quanto a import?ncia, desempenho e satisfa??o na realiza??o de atividades funcionais. Por meio da aplica??o da Medida Canadense de Desempenho Ocupacional (COPM), os participantes listaram atividades que apresentaram import?ncia nos dom?nios de autocuidado, produtividade e lazer, com pontua??es mais baixas para desempenho do que para satisfa??o. Houve queixas espec?ficas para cada participante classificado a partir dos diferentes tipos do Sistema de Classifica??o da Fun??o Motora Grossa (GMFCS), no entanto de um modo geral, o vestu?rio e a alimenta??o foram destaques para autocuidado, assim como o andar e mover-se e o desejo de realizar atividades de artesanato em produtividade como forma de gera??o de renda extra. Os resultados dos dois estudos evidenciam que adultos com paralisia cerebral tem queixas espec?ficas sobre a realiza??o de suas atividades, assim como as principais barreiras ambientais; necessitando de acompanhamento por equipe multidisciplinar, embora a maioria receba alta dos servi?os de reabilita??o neste per?odo do ciclo da vida.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Sa?de, Sociedade e Ambiente, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2021.Most studies focus on children with cerebral palsy (CP) and little is known about the long-term health trajectory among adults with CP. When considering the biopsychosocial model, the performance of activities, participation and the influence of environmental barriers and facilitators, becomes an important aspect to be explored. Understanding and describing the functionality and disability of individuals can play a significant role in the organization of the health teams' daily work processes. The identification of health-related aspects of adults with CP is important so that health professionals can generate appropriate and targeted therapeutic approaches, contributing to the development of intervention strategies. This study aimed to evaluate 30 adult individuals with cerebral palsy in follow-up and discharged from a Specialized Rehabilitation Center, located in Vale do Jequitinhonha in the state of Minas Gerais. This work will be presented in the format of two scientific articles. The first refers to the characterization of social participation and the associated environmental factors, evaluated through the Measure of the Quality of the Environment (MQE-Brazil). In this study, the participants considered it important to improve their social participation, however, they did not judge their performance to be poor and indicated that they were satisfied with their social participation in community environments. Furthermore, they pointed out more facilitators than environmental barriers. Multivariate regression analysis showed that having the support of people around you, assistive devices and the use of electronic communication explained a large part, 68% of social participation. The second article, descriptive, aimed to analyze the participants' perception of the importance, performance and satisfaction in performing functional activities. Through the application of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM), the participants In this study, the participants considered it important to improve their social participation, however, they did not judge their performance to be poor and indicated that they were satisfied with their social participation in community environments. Furthermore, they pointed out more facilitators than environmental barriers. The second article, descriptive, aimed to analyze the participants' perception of the importance, performance and satisfaction in performing functional activities. Through the application of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM), the participants Multivariate regression analysis showed that having the support of people around you, assistive devices and the use of electronic communication explained a large part, 68% of social participation. Through the application of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM), the participants listed activities that were important in the domains of self-care, productivity and leisure, with lower scores for performance than for satisfaction. There were specific complaints for each participant classified from the different types of the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), however in general, clothing and food were highlights for self-care, as well as walking and moving and the desire to carry out handicraft activities in productivity as a way to generate extra income. The results of the two studies show that adults with cerebral palsy have specific complaints about performing their activities, as well as the main environmental barriers; needing follow-up by a multidisciplinary team, although most are discharged from rehabilitation services during this period of their life cycle

    Gest?o p?blica e o enfrentamento ? viol?ncia contra a mulher: um estudo no cras do munic?pio de Nova Floresta-PB

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    A presente pesquisa cient?fica pretende analisar a atua??o da Gest?o P?blica Municipal no enfrentamento ? viol?ncia contra a mulher, com ?nfase nas atividades prestadas pelo CRAS do munic?pio de Nova Floresta- PB na inser??o das mulheres em pol?ticas p?blicas de prote??o social, com a finalidade de examinar a efetividade dessas a??es. A investiga??o norteou-se pelos seguintes objetivos: an?lise do contexto hist?rico das pol?ticas p?blicas brasileiras direcionadas as mulheres v?timas de viol?ncias; o estudo sobre a implanta??o e organiza??o do trabalho do CRAS no Plano Municipal de Assist?ncia Social e as pol?ticas p?blicas ofertadas as mulheres; e finaliza com a resposta a situa??o exposta na formula??o do problema e da hip?tese, ou seja, existe, no ?mbito do CRAS do mun?cipio de Nova Floresta, pol?ticas p?blicas para as mulheres, especialmente para as v?timas de viol?ncia dom?stica, por?m com a necessidade de melhorias. Ao alcance da atividade proposta, apresentou-se cab?vel a utiliza??o dos m?todos bibliogr?fico, exeg?tico-jur?dico e a coleta de dados que se efetivou atrav?s de pesquisa documental e da pesquisa de campo. Cumpre salientar que a tem?tica ? relevante, em virtude de evidenciar a luta dos movimentos feministas, como tamb?m do poder estatal para com os direitos das mulheres

    Os futuros gestores e o mercado de trabalho na cidade de Guarabira

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    23 f.: il.; colorOs futuros gestores comerciais encontram dificuldades para se inserir no mercado de trabalho pelo aumento significativo da concorr?ncia. Esse aumento ocorre devido ? globaliza??o, ao aumento do empreendedorismo e as poucas oportunidades de emprego oferecidas para os gestores comerciais nas organiza??es. Nesse sentido, o objetivo da pesquisa foi analisar as poss?veis dificuldades enfrentadas pelos futuros gestores para se inserirem no mercado de trabalho. A pesquisa teve car?ter quantitativo, descritivo e explorat?rio. Foi realizada no Instituto Federal da Para?ba no Campus Guarabira atrav?s de question?rio que trouxe perguntas sobre o que os futuros gestores consideram a respeito das poss?veis dificuldades que os mesmos ir?o enfrentar para ingressar no mercado de trabalho. Dentre os resultados encontrados, destacam-se a cidade de Guarabira com mais alunos que frequentam o curso, que s?o alunos da pr?pria cidade cede do campus, a faixa et?ria da maioria dos alunos foram de jovens com idades entre 18 e 25 anos e a maioria com renda de at? dois sal?rios m?nimos. Foi encontrado um resultado preocupante j? que em geral os futuros gestores n?o fazem investimentos pessoas em educa??o profissional al?m do curso tanto como deveriam fazer. Quanto as principais dificuldades que acham que ir?o enfrentar destacou-se a falta de experi?ncia profissional. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram que grande parte dos futuros gestores j? passaram por processos seletivos em empresas. Os futuros gestores em geral se mostraram cientes das habilidades exigidas pelas empresas na escolha de um gestor, al?m de concordarem que a experi?ncia na ?rea profissional, a forma??o t?cnica e espec?fica e um bom desempenho na entrevista s?o fatores determinantes para se inserirem no mercado de trabalho. Al?m disso, a pesquisa mostrou que s?o poucas as diferen?as entre futuros gestores da fase inicial do curso e futuros gestores da fase final do curso

    Planejamento estrat?gico organizacional : reflex?es a partir da utiliza??o das matrizes SWOT e GUT em uma associa??o de catadores de materiais recicl?veis.

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    O trabalho teve como objetivo aplicar as matrizes SWOT e GUT na Associa??o de Materiais Recicl?veis do Munic?pio de Jo?o Monlevade- MG para analisar sua situa??o atual e estabelecer prioridades em rela??o aos principais problemas levantados, de modo a servir de insumos para a constru??o de um planejamento estrat?gico. Para tanto, utilizou-se as matrizes SWOT e GUT, que s?o ferramentas que promovem o diagn?stico do ambiente organizacional, priorizando algumas a??es estrat?gicas que ampliam a possibilidade de sucesso da organiza??o, tanto no presente como no futuro. Quanto aos procedimentos metodol?gicos, o estudo fundamenta-se em pesquisas bibliogr?ficas e documentais, pesquisa-a??o, acompanhamento das atividades di?rias da associa??o, participa??o nas reuni?es internas e externas dos associados e/ou parceiros da organiza??o, di?logo com os catadores, acompanhamento e an?lise do programa da coleta seletiva implantada. Observa-se que a aplica??o das matrizes SWOT e GUT colabora para o reconhecimento de caracter?sticas que inviabilizam a sustentabilidade, produtividade, fideliza??o dos clientes, vantagem competitiva, entre outras, t?o importantes quanto as destacadas. O resultado da pesquisa apresenta fatores que auxiliaram na edifica??o de novas fases e a??es de curto, m?dio e/ou longo prazo na associa??o, de modo a tentar garantir sucesso e sustentabilidade

    Morphologic characterization of sweet potato accesses from the germplasm bank of the Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, Brazil

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    O trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar morfologicamente os acessos de batata-doce do banco de germoplasma da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM). O experimento foi realizado no Setor de Olericultura da UFVJM, per?odo de fevereiro a novembro de 2006, utilizando-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados (DBC), contendo 65 tratamentos e 3 repeti??es, totalizando 195 parcelas de 4,5 m? cada. As avalia??es da parte vegetativa foram feitas tr?s meses ap?s o plantio e a colheita de ra?zes foi realizada nove meses ap?s o plantio das ramas. Observou-se pelo dendrograma de dissimilaridade morfol?gica, que os acessos da cole??o do banco de germoplasma da UFVJM apresentaram ampla variabilidade morfol?gica. Os descritores referentes ? parte a?rea se mostraram significativos com diferen?a entre clones, pelo teste Scott-Knott (p=0,05), diferentemente daqueles referentes ? raiz.Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecu?ria de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Sweet potato accesses from the germplasm bank of the Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, Diamantina, Minas Gerais state, Brazil were characterized. The experiment was carried out between February and November 2006, using a randomized blocks design, with 65 treatments and three replications, totaling 195 plots. The evaluation of the vegetative part was carried out three months after planting and the roots were harvested nine months after planting. Based on the dendrogram of morphologic differences we observed a great morphologic variability on the accesses. The characteristics of the vegetative part showed significant differences among the clones, by Scott Knot test at 5% probability, differently from those of the roots

    Arboreal component, phytosociology structure and environmental relations in a remnant of cerrad?o, Curvelo - MG

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    Neste trabalho, objetivou-se verificar a exist?ncia de varia??es na composi??o e distribui??o das esp?cies arb?reas em virtude das caracter?sticas do solo, em um fragmento de cerrad?o distr?fico, no munic?pio de Curvelo-MG. Para a descri??o da comunidade arb?rea, foram instaladas dez parcelas permanentes de 1.000 m? (20 x 50 m) com dist?ncias fixas de 100 m entre cada parcela. Todos os indiv?duos arb?reos vivos com DAS (di?metro a 0,3 m do n?vel do solo) > 5,0 cm foram amostrados. Os indiv?duos de fuste bifurcado foram inclu?dos quando o valor dos DAS fundidos atendia ao crit?rio. Foram coletadas amostras de solo em duas profundidades (0-20 e 20-40 cm) e medida as dist?ncias das parcelas a um curso de ?gua. Para estudar a comunidade, foram gerados diagramas de ordena??o de parcelas, esp?cies e vari?veis ambientais por meio da an?lise de correspond?ncia can?nica (CCA). A riqueza amostrada foi de 92 esp?cies, 36 fam?lias e 74 g?neros, destacando Erythroxylum, Byrsonima, Myrcia e Qualea. Os estimadores de jackknife (primeira e segunda ordem) projetaram uma riqueza de 106,4 e 107,8 esp?cies. As esp?cies Magonia pubescens, Terminalia argentea, Annona crassiflora, Eugenia dysenterica e Xylopia aromatica apresentaram-se distribu?das sob gradiente em fun??o de vari?veis ambientais.Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecu?ria de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)This work aimed to verify the existence of variations in composition and distribution of tree species due to soil characteristics in a fragment of dystrophic savanna in Curvelo-MG. On description in the compartment of the phanerophytes of this plant community, were installed ten permanent plots with 1.000 m? (20 x 50 m) with fixed distances of 100 m between each plot. All alive individuals that had diameter at soil height (DSH - diameter to 0.3 m from ground level) > 5.0 cm were sampled. The Individuals with multiple boles were sampled when the value of square root of the sum-square of DSH had been greater than criterion of the inventory. Were collected Soil samples at two depths (0-20 e 20-40 cm) and was measured the distances of plots of a watercourse. To study the community were generated ordination diagrams of plots, species and environmental variables by means of a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The richness sampled was 92 species, 36 families and 74 genera, Erythroxylum, Byrsonima, Myrcia and Qualea. Jackknife estimators (first and second order) designed a wealth of 106.4 and 107.8 species. The species Magonia pubescens, Terminalia argentea, Annona crassiflora, Eugenia dysenterica e Xylopia aromatica were distribuited underneath the environmental gradient

    Distinct neuroanatomical correlates of neuropsychiatric symptoms in the three main forms of genetic frontotemporal dementia in the GENFI Cohort

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    Background: The overlap between frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and primary psychiatric disorders has been brought to light by reports of prominent neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) in FTD-related genetic mutations, particularly among C9orf72 and GRN carriers. It has been recently demonstrated that early neuroanatomical changes in genetic FTD may be different across the major disease-causing mutations. Objective: We aimed to identify whether NPS could be driven by distinct structural correlates. Methods: One hundred and sixty-seven mutation carriers (75 GRN, 60 C9orf72, and 32 MAPT) were included from the Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI) study, a large international cohort of genetic FTD. Neuropsychiatric symptoms including delusions, hallucinations (visual, auditory, and tactile), depression, and anxiety were investigated using a structured interview. Voxel-based morphometry was performed to identify neuroanatomical correlates of NPS. Results: Psychotic symptoms correlated mainly with grey matter (GM) atrophy in the anterior insula, left thalamus, cerebellum, and cortical regions including frontal, parietal, and occipital lobes in GRN mutations carriers. GM atrophy in posterior structures of the default-mode network was associated with anxiety in the GRN group. Delusions in C9orf72 expansion carriers were mainly associated with left frontal cortical atrophy. Cerebellar atrophy was found to be correlated only with anxiety in C9orf72 carriers. NPS in the MAPT group were mainly associated with volume loss in the temporal lobe. Conclusion: Neuroanatomical correlates of NPS appear to be distinct across the main forms of genetic FTD. Overall, our findings support overlapping brain structural changes between FTD and primary psychiatric disorders

    White matter hyperintensities are seen only in GRN mutation carriers in the GENFI cohort

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    Genetic frontotemporal dementia is most commonly caused by mutations in the progranulin (GRN), microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT) and chromosome 9 open reading frame 72 (C9orf72) genes. Previous small studies have reported the presence of cerebral white matter hyperintensities (WMH) in genetic FTD but this has not been systematically studied across the different mutations. In this study WMH were assessed in 180 participants from the Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI) with 3D T1- and T2-weighed magnetic resonance images: 43 symptomatic (7 GRN, 13 MAPT and 23 C9orf72), 61 presymptomatic mutation carriers (25 GRN, 8 MAPT and 28 C9orf72) and 76 mutation negative non-carrier family members. An automatic detection and quantification algorithm was developed for determining load, location and appearance of WMH. Significant differences were seen only in the symptomatic GRN group compared with the other groups with no differences in the MAPT or C9orf72 groups: increased global load of WMH was seen, with WMH located in the frontal and occipital lobes more so than the parietal lobes, and nearer to the ventricles rather than juxtacortical. Although no differences were seen in the presymptomatic group as a whole, in the GRN cohort only there was an association of increased WMH volume with expected years from symptom onset. The appearance of the WMH was also different in the GRN group compared with the other groups, with the lesions in the GRN group being more similar to each other. The presence of WMH in those with progranulin deficiency may be related to the known role of progranulin in neuroinflammation, although other roles are also proposed including an effect on blood-brain barrier permeability and the cerebral vasculature. Future studies will be useful to investigate the longitudinal evolution of WMH and their potential use as a biomarker as well as post-mortem studies investigating the histopathological nature of the lesions

    Distinct patterns of brain atrophy in Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia Initiative (GENFI) cohort revealed by visual rating scales

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    Background: In patients with frontotemporal dementia, it has been shown that brain atrophy occurs earliest in the anterior cingulate, insula and frontal lobes. We used visual rating scales to investigate whether identifying atrophy in these areas may be helpful in distinguishing symptomatic patients carrying different causal mutations in the microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT), progranulin (GRN) and chromosome 9 open reading frame (C9ORF72) genes. We also analysed asymptomatic carriers to see whether it was possible to visually identify brain atrophy before the appearance of symptoms. Methods: Magnetic resonance imaging of 343 subjects (63 symptomatic mutation carriers, 132 presymptomatic mutation carriers and 148 control subjects) from the Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia Initiative study were analysed by two trained raters using a protocol of six visual rating scales that identified atrophy in key regions of the brain (orbitofrontal, anterior cingulate, frontoinsula, anterior and medial temporal lobes and posterior cortical areas). Results: Intra- and interrater agreement were greater than 0.73 for all the scales. Voxel-based morphometric analysis demonstrated a strong correlation between the visual rating scale scores and grey matter atrophy in the same region for each of the scales. Typical patterns of atrophy were identified: symmetric anterior and medial temporal lobe involvement for MAPT, asymmetric frontal and parietal loss for GRN, and a more widespread pattern for C9ORF72. Presymptomatic MAPT carriers showed greater atrophy in the medial temporal region than control subjects, but the visual rating scales could not identify presymptomatic atrophy in GRN or C9ORF72 carriers. Conclusions: These simple-to-use and reproducible scales may be useful tools in the clinical setting for the discrimination of different mutations of frontotemporal dementia, and they may even help to identify atrophy prior to onset in those with MAPT mutations