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    The Brazilian institution in charge of graduate programs (CAPES) evaluates all programs every three years, focusing on publications in scientific periodicals, which are classified by the Qualis – CAPES system. This study aims to measure the relative efficiency of post-graduate programs in Business, Accounting and Tourism through Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and to measure the change in productivity from the three-year period of 2004-2006 to the 2007-2009 period by the Malmquist Index. Efficiencies of some graduate programs in Brazil using DEA have been evaluated but the Malmquist Index was not used because the 2007-2009 data was only recently available. They also used different input and output variables and did not consider, in our view, the real importance CAPES attributes to publications. We used, as inputs, professors, dissertations and thesis and, as outputs, total points obtained from the Qualis classification of periodicals. Among the results: the efficiency increased from the first to the second period; the efficiency of public institutions was higher as was the efficiency of programs with PhD courses and of programs more than 12 years old; the Malmquist index increased from one triennium to another

    The importance of Integrative Capital’s management to obtain the expected results in terms of investment in Human Capital

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    This article has as goal to discuss the importance of Integrative Capital’s management to obtain positive results from the investments of Human Capital from the sector of Human Resources of institutions of a private administrative nature and check what generates more positive results in Integrative Capital: the investment in human resources for titration or new ways of management of Integrative Capital. From the reach of these goals, the problem will be answered: How to obtain more results in terms of Integrative Capital from the Human Capital? The hypothesis that guides this article are: the management of Integrative Capital generates results so positive or more than the investments in human resources to obtaining the titration; Integrative Capital’s management does not generate such positive results as the investments in human resources for titration. Inferences, deductions and inductions were built from a qualitative analysis of data in congruence to the theorized aspects and presented data. The results presented the need of having a management of Integrative Capital for obtaining satisfactory results from human resources and that only the investment for obtaining titration does not provide the enlargement of Integrative Capital.   &nbsp


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    O propósito deste texto é discutir a limitação de uma noção que desde os anos 2000 tem ganhado ares de “renovação conceitual” para o entendimento do regime ditatorial implantado no Brasil em 1964. A partir da constatação trivial de que tanto na operação do golpe de Estado quanto na condução da ditadura houve participação importante de setores não-fardados em posições relevantes, esta idéia busca definir tal situação a partir do termo “civil-militar” adjetivando tanto o golpe de 1964 quanto a ditadura que se seguiu. A partir de um apanhado na literatura, procura-se apontar as insuficiências e os desdobramentos mistificadores que tal noção encerra, em primeiro lugar por naturalizar uma visão corporativa dos militares sobre a sociedade; em segundo, por não ser capaz de dar conta dos nexos reais que articularam o grande capital monopolista com o aparelho de Estado naquela quadra histórica


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    The Adventures of Ngunga (1972), by angolan writer Pepetela, tells the story of an orphan boy who becomes a man while traveling through the kimbos of an Angola in the throes of an anti-colonial war. The narrative follows the physical displacement of a child insofar as it also reveals him as a protagonist who makes the road he travels the space for the exercise of a nomadic thought of an immanent nature, which enables him to form a free conscience. The adventures take place precisely on his journey, and as he travels he realizes the importance of undertaking his own thinking. In this article, I propose looking at Ngunga as a character capable of aestheticizing his own existence by promoting a guerrilla war of thought against its hegemony, capable of applying Deleuzian nomadology as a resource for decolonizing himself and freeing his conscience, as Franz Fanon wanted.As Aventuras de Ngunga (1972), do angolano Pepetela, conta a história de um garoto órfão que se faz homem enquanto viaja pelos kimbos de uma Angola em guerra anticolonial. A narrativa acompanha a deslocação física de uma criança na medida em que o revela também como um protagonista que faz do caminho percorrido o espaço para o exercício de um pensamento nômade de natureza imanente, que lhe possibilita formar uma consciência livre. As aventuras acontecem justamente na sua jornada, e enquanto transita percebe a importância de empreender o próprio pensamento. Neste artigo, proponho olhar para Ngunga como uma personagem capaz de estetizar a própria existência, promovendo uma guerrilha do pensamento contra a hegemonia do mesmo, capaz de aplicar a nomadologia deleuziana como recurso para descolonizar a si próprio e libertar sua consciência, como desejava Franz Fanon

    Caracterização das reservas das sementes e avaliação da germinação e formação de plântulas de nove espécies arbóreas de florestas alagáveis da Amazônia

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Botânica, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, 2013.Árvores que colonizam as áreas alagáveis da Amazônia ficam expostas a longos períodos de inundação. Para sobreviver a essas condições e garantir a perenização da espécie, as plantas precisam dispor de estratégias de tolerância ao alagamento evidenciadas a partir da formação da semente. Esse trabalho teve por objetivo analisar características morfológicas e bioquímicas de sementes de nove espécies lenhosas que habitam as cotas mais baixas do gradiente de inundação nas florestas alagáveis da Amazônia Central e avaliar a germinação e a formação de plântulas dessas espécies em condições de alagamento. O resultado da análise das reservas totais contidas na semente mostrou que as espécies investem na produção de reservas compactadas (carboidratos estruturais e lipídeos), que são mobilizados após a germinação das sementes para uso durante o desenvolvimento da plântula. As reservas de carboidratos foram compostas, na sua maior parte, por polissacarídeos de reserva de parede celular, que diferiram muito quanto ao tipo entre as espécies, conforme indicado pelas proporções de monossacarídeos. Para os açúcares solúveis as maiores concentrações verificadas foram de sacarose e rafinose. A análise da germinação e formação de plântulas mostrou que de maneira geral as espécies estudadas apresentaram adaptações à colonização dentro de ambientes sujeitos a frequentes inundações como as que ocorrem nas florestas alagáveis da Amazônia, pois todas as espécies com exceção de P. discolor, germinaram e formaram plântulas na água. Em algumas espécies as porcentagens de formação de plântulas na água foram bem altas, como verificado para Crateva tapia, Eugenia inundata e Albizia subdimidiata (> 80%). As plântulas formadas na água permaneceram até mais de 30 dias em condições de alagamento e, quando retiradas da água, a maioria conseguiu se recuperar. A maioria das espécies estudadas possui sementes com rápida germinação, até mesmo em condições de alagamento (<10 dias), uma vez que não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa do tempo de germinação entre os experimentos de alagamento e controle. O conjunto das características detectadas parece promover estratégias eficazes para a manutenção das populações das espécies estudadas, o que é confirmado por sua ampla ocorrência nas florestas alagáveis Amazônicas. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTTree species that colonize the Amazonian floodplains are subjected to long periods of submersion. To survive these conditions and ensure the perpetuation of the species, they need to have strategies for flood tolerance that should be evidenced from the formation of the seed. The goal of this study was to analyze morphological and biochemical seed characteristics of nine woody species that inhabit the lower portions of the flood-level gradient in the Central Amazonian floodplains and to evaluate germination and seedling formation of these species in water. All nine species are of widespread occurrence within the Amazonian floodplains. The result of analysis of total reserves contained in the seed showed that species invest in producing compacted reserves (structural carbohydrates and lipids) that are deployed after seed germination for use during the development of the seedling. Storage carbohydrates were composed in greater part by reserve cell wall polysaccharides, which differed greatly on the type among the nine species, as indicated by the different proportions of monosaccharides. For the soluble sugars higher concentrations were observed of sucrose and raffinose. Analysis of germination and seedling development showed that overall species are adapted to colonization of environments that are subjected to frequent floods, for all species, with the exception of Parkia discolor, germinated and formed seedlings in water. Crateva tapia, Eugenia inundata and Albizia subdimidiata were the ones with higher percentages of germination and seedling development in water (> 80%). Plantlets formed under these conditions remained in water and were able to withstand over 30 days of flooding and most of them were able to recover when removed from the water. Most species have seeds that germinate quickly, even in flooded conditions (<10 days), since there was no statistically significant difference in germination time between controls and submerged seeds. Overall, we conclude that these characteristics seem to promote effective strategies for maintaining populations of the studied species in the Amazonian floodplains

    Incidence of urinary retention in a tertiary post operative hospital

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    Patients in the immediate post-operative period have several clinical features and when they are admitted in the post-anesthetic recovery room the signs and symptoms that affect the patient physically and psychologically resulting of surgical procedures begin to emerge. Urinary retention occurs frequently in these patients, as some anesthetics contribute to the development of this clinical condition. This research aims to analyze the incidence of urinary retention after surgery of patients of various specialties, correlating the type of anesthesia and the need for urinary catheterization. This study is characterized as exploratory, descriptive, with quantitative approach and was performed in a hospital of high complexity in Juazeiro do Norte. The sample was composed of the patients admitted to the post-anesthetic recovery room and during that time they presented urinary retention. Data analysis was demonstrated by the tables relating to the literature. The study contributed to the growth of scientific knowledge for hospital staff under study, as there were a large number of species records about urinary retention of patients undergoing surgical procedures that were admitted to the patient unit, especially in surgical units. That worried the nursing staff on the efficiency of systematization so there was an improvement in the quality of care, as many times, such deductions were accompanied by distension and suprapubic pain. Through these results, we could identify some interventions that have contributed to solve this nursing diagnosis, involving the whole multidisciplinary team and ensure the patient unit staff understood holistically the issues involved in this clinical condition and to be more involved in this process


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    Domestic employment is one of the main entry paths for women into the labor market in Brazil, especially among Black and poor women. Understanding the domestic labor market in the country requires adopting the concept of intersectionality, which reveals how gender, race, and class inequalities shape the organization of this occupation. Among the paid domestic workers in Brazil, there are the monthly workers and the daily workers. The first group works in a single household and receives their salary monthly. On the other hand, daily workers are paid per day worked and often serve multiple households. Since the beginning of the 21st century, there has been a notable increase in the number of daily workers in Brazil, despite the rights restrictions that this group faces. This article aims to comprehend the process of becoming a daily laborer and the determining elements for the continuation of a career as a daily worker. To achieve this, a qualitative method of semi-structured interviews was employed with ten daily workers in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, and the collected data were analyzed using Laurence Bardin's content analysis. The findings of this research reveal that the choice to become a daily worker is not typically planned; however, throughout the experience as daily workers, these laborers perceive immediate advantages that lead them to prefer this occupation compared to that of a live-in domestic: more attractive remuneration, greater recognition, and autonomy. These perceived benefits end up overshadowing the absence of legal protections.O emprego doméstico é uma das principais vias de entrada das mulheres no mercado de trabalho no Brasil, especialmente entre as mulheres negras e pobres. A compreensão do mercado de trabalho doméstico no país requer a adoção do conceito de interseccionalidade, que revela como as desigualdades de gênero, raça e classe moldam a organização dessa ocupação. Entre as trabalhadoras domésticas remuneradas do Brasil, existem as mensalistas e as diaristas. O primeiro grupo trabalha em apenas uma residência e recebe seu salário por mês. Enquanto as diaristas recebem pagamento por dia trabalhado e frequentemente atendem múltiplos domicílios. A partir do início do século XXI, houve um notável aumento no contingente de diaristas no Brasil, apesar das restrições de direitos que esse grupo enfrenta. Este artigo objetiva compreender o processo de tornar-se e os elementos determinantes para a continuidade na ocupação de diarista. Para tanto, foi utilizado o método qualitativo de entrevistas semiestruturadas com dez diaristas na Região Metropolitana de Recife e os dados obtidos foram investigados por meio da análise de conteúdo desenvolvida por Laurence Bardin. Os resultados desta pesquisa revelam que a opção de tornar-se diarista não é normalmente planejada, contudo, ao longo da experiência como diaristas, as trabalhadoras percebem vantagens imediatas que as fazem preferir essa ocupação em comparação a de mensalista, como maior remuneração, reconhecimento e autonomia. Esses benefícios percebidos acabam por obscurecer a ausência de proteções legai

    The importance of Intellectual Capital’s management to obtain the expected results in terms of investment in Human Capital

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    This article has as goal to discuss the importance of Intellectual Capital’s management to obtain positive results from the investments of Human Capital from the sector of Human Resources of institutions of a private administrative nature and check what generates more positive results in Intellectual Capital: the investment in human resources for titration or new ways of management of Intellectual Capital. From the reach of these goals, the problem will be answered: How to obtain more results in terms of Intellectual Capital from the Human Capital? The hypothesis that guides this article are: the management of Intellectual Capital generates results so positive or more than the investments in human resources to obtaining the titration; Intellectual Capital’s management does not generate such positive results as the investments in human resources for titration. Inferences, deductions and inductions were built from a qualitative analysis of data in congruence to the theorized aspects and presented data. The results presented the need of having a management of Intellectual Capital for obtaining satisfactory results from human resources and that only the investment for obtaining titration does not provide the enlargement of Intellectual Capital

    The relationship between Investments to Increase Human Capital in the HEI and the Return on Intellectual and Integrative Capital

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    This article has as goal to compare the investments of Human Capital by the Humans Resources sector of institutions of a private administrative nature with the variation of Intellectual and Integrative Capital and to determine the relationship between the involvement of human resources with HEI and their title. From the reach of these goals, the problem will be answered: which is the relationship between the investments to increase the Human Capital in the HEI and the return in Intellectual and Integrative Capital? The hypothesis that guides this article are: there is no increase of Intellectual and Integrative Capital after teaching qualification. The data were analyzed qualitatively with the construction of inferences, deductions and inductions in dialogs with theoretical aspects. The results showed that there is no proportional relationship between the increases of human resources and the Intellectuals and Integrative Capitals. In some cases, it actually decreased


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    Neste artigo, analisa-se a maneira como o povo Xukuru do Ororubá estabeleceu relações híbridas religiosas na formação da Religião do Ritual Sagrado no território indígena. Os índios, membros do Terreiro da Boa Vista, trabalham permanentemente com o conceito do Bem Viver dos povos andinos, desenvolvendo práticas socioambientais e religiosas plurais que contribuíram em longo prazo para o processo de reelaboração religiosa dos espaços sagrados no território, como também para o ativismo da consciência socioambiental. Os dados apresentados foram coletados durante a pesquisa de campo realizada para tese de doutorado sobre a Religião Indígena do Ritual Sagrado no território indígena Xukuru do Ororubá. Ela ocorreu durante os anos de 2017 e 2018 no Terreiro da Boa Vista, localizado na Aldeia Couro Dantas no munícipio de Pesqueira (PE). A metodologia foi elaborada a partir do levantamento dos dados por meio das observações de campo dos Rituais Sagrados e entrevistas com índios participantes do Terreiro, além de observações das ações de práticas socioambientais e religiosas desenvolvidas, como o Urubá Terra – encontro de agricultura e partilha de sementes tradicionais – e o Encontro dos Sábios: Lonji Abaré (poder de observação). Nestes encontros, observou-se que os indígenas defendem que a agricultura possui uma dimensão sagrada. Como resultado da pesquisa no território indígena, pretende-se demonstrar como os índios participantes do Ritual Sagrado, a partir do processo de hibridação cultural e religioso, desenvolveram práticas religiosas inclusivas e pluralistas que contribuem para a superação da crise ambiental, a qual reverbera há mais de um século na região.