34 research outputs found
Cada um sabe a dor e a delícia de ser o que é: o saber não sabido do desejo
This article intends to present some reflections on the ethical agreement that rules on the everyday of the École Expérimentale de Bonneuil-sur-Marne. This it quite different from the traditional institutions that organize themselves according to moralistic codes. The author has worked as a trainee at Bonneuil.Este artigo se propõe a apresentar, a partir de um breve estágio realizado na École Expérimentale de Bonneuil-sur-Marne, as reflexões acerca do engajamento ético que ordena o cotidiano naquela instituição, à diferença das instituições clássicas que se organizam com base na obediência a regras morais
The difficulty of the Lacanian text
Procurando compreender a dificuldade do texto lacaniano, levantamos, a partir de um estudo teórico, as interpretações dadas tanto por autores que abordam o tema do estilo de Lacan sob uma perspectiva crítica, quanto por aqueles que o justificam e defendem sua legitimidade, utilizando também algumas obras do próprio Lacan. A análise do trabalho desses comentadores nos levou a oito explicações diferentes para o estilo lacaniano. Ressalta-se o debate entre a corrente científica, que exige clareza e condena as características desse estilo como impróprias para um discurso científico, e a corrente subjetiva, que o justifica como um modo intencional e particular de transmissão da psicanálise.Palavras-chave: Lacan; estilo; crítica; psicanálise; transmissão. Trying to comprehend the difficulty of the Lacanian text through a theoretical study, we compiled interpretations by commentators that address the subject of the Lacanian style from a critical perspective and from those who justify and defend its legitimacy, using also some of Lacan’s own work. The analysis of these commentators’s work has driven us to list eight different explanations to the Lacanian style. It is emphasized the importance of the debate between the scientific current, that demands clarity and condemns the characteristics of the Lacanian style as inadequate to a scientific discourse, and the subjective current, that justifies it as an intentional and particular way of transmitting psychoanalysis. Keywords: Lacan; style; criticism; psychoanalysis; transmission
Psicanálise aplicada à educação: uma discussão teórica a partir de freud e lacan
This work theoretically argues the question of the application of the psychoanalysis to the education. Freud, distinguishing the psychoanalysis from other therapies points out its especificity in the boarding to the unconscious and the points that limits the academic transmission in the formation of the analyst. Lacan is centered in the question of the analyst production and from there the decurrent ethics, for Him, these two axles define the field of application of the psychoanalysis. It is in the measure of its submission to the cause of the unconscious that this practic reveals analitic, what only is witnessed in a posteriori. Thus, it is only collecting the certifications of acts that are born of the initiative of the analysts that we can say of (the im)possibilities of application of the psychoanalysis.Este trabajo discute teóricamente la cuestión de la aplicación del psicoanálisis a la educación. Freud, distinguiendo el psicoanálisis de otras terapias, localizó su especificidad en la aproximación al inconsciente, destacando los límites de la transmisión académica en la formación del analista. Lacan se centra en la cuestión de la producción del analista y de la ética consecuente, ya que para éste, esos dos ejes definen el campo de aplicación del psicoanálisis. Es en la medida de su sumisión a la causa del inconsciente que una práctica se revela analítica, aspecto que sólo es evidente de forma a posteriori. Así, es solamente a partir de los testimonios de los actos nacidos por la iniciativa de los analistas que podemos hablar de las imposibilidades de aplicación del psicoanálisis.Este trabalho discute teoricamente a questão da aplicação da psicanálise à educação. Freud, ao distinguir a psicanálise de outras terapias, situa sua especificidade na abordagem ao inconsciente, apontando os limites da transmissão acadêmica na formação do analista. Lacan centra-se na questão da produção do analista e da ética daí decorrente, já que estes dois eixos definem o campo de aplicação da psicanálise. É na medida de sua submissão à causa do inconsciente que uma prática se revela analítica, o que só se testemunha no a posteriori. Assim, é somente recolhendo os testemunhos de atos que nascem da iniciativa dos analistas que podemos dizer das (im)possibilidades de aplicação da psicanálise
Effects of Autohemotherapy on Hematologic Parameters and Morphology of Canine Oral Papillomatosis
Background: Several treatments for oral papillomatosis in dogs, with satisfactory results, have already been described in the literature. However, there is need for further studies regarding remission time, association and exposure to drugs, side effects, cost-effectiveness and reproducibility of results. Autohemotherapy (AHT) is a therapeutic technique increasingly used in veterinary medicine that has been providing satisfactory clinical results to treat several pathologies. The procedure consists of removing blood by intravenous puncture that is immediately re-administered via intramuscular, subcutaneous, intravenous or intradermal. Although the empirical isolated use via intramuscular reached excellent results in routine medical treatment of dogs and since few studies and protocols have been described for this species, many times the treatment is based on the experience with the bovine papillomatosis. To this end, this report describes a case of canine oral papillomatosis treated with autohemotherapy (AHT), emphasizing the dosage and clinical evolution of the case.Case: A one-year-old mongrel dog rescued from the street eight months earlier was treated. The animal was thin resulting from the small food amount ingested due to feeding difficulty, infested with ticks, had bad breath and few small warts on the lips, which, after five months, grew and multiplied, and were distributed throughout the oral cavity. The animal clinical history led to papillomatosis diagnosis, which was confirmed by cytological and histopathological exams. The AHT treatment consisted of taking 5 mL of whole blood without EDTA and immediately injecting this volume intramuscularly, every four days until the total remission of the clinical symptoms. Every four days, the papilloma fall off, and involution processes were recorded through a detailed macroscopic analysis of the warts (quantity, consistency, color and size), as well as hematological evaluations (blood count, hemoparasite screening and total plasm protein), which were performed before each AHT treatment until the complete clinical resolution of the disease (24 days).Discussion: The dose adopted in this autohemotherapy study was clinically effective since the papillomas started to fall off after four days of therapy, with total resolution in 24 days. Therefore, it can be concluded that the 5 mL AHT injected intramuscularly every four days reduced treatment time and decreased therapeutic costs. There are few studies evaluating more accurately the hematological aspects related to the therapeutic use of autohemotherapy to treat canine oral papillomatosis, the existing reports are restricted to the initial measurement as an evaluation of the general condition of the patient and/or diagnosis of possible basal diseases. In this study, no changes were observed in the blood count during the entire therapeutic process, demonstrating that the AHT did not interfere in the red series dynamics of the treated animal. Additionally, thrombocytosis followed by thrombocytopenia exhibited a correlation with the macroscopic appearance of warts [enlargement and modified color, texture, shape and consistency]. This observation is possibly related to a platelet mobilization toward the site of action [warts], so that there was a modulation in the immune response, amplifying the inflammatory process and tissue repair, which resulted in the fall off and involution of the papillomas
Analyticals effects of a group listening: a discussion on the function of the analyst
Este trabajo se basa en un informe clínico de escucha en grupo a los maestros, en el contexto de un trabajo psicoanalítico en extensión, en lo cual deja en claro la producción de efectos similares a una rectificación subjetiva. De la cuestión de lo que funcionó en este modo de escucha para permitir tales efectos, un viaje realizado con las obras de Lacan en torno a la función del analista permitió encontrar en la formulación del deseo del analista una posible aprehensión, lo que autoriza a formular su incidencia en este trabajo como escucha dirigida al deseo más allá de la demanda.O artigo parte de um relato clínico de escuta em grupo a professores, no contexto de um trabalho de psicanálise em extensão, no qual se evidencia a produção de efeitos análogos a uma retificação subjetiva. A partir da interrogação acerca do que operou nessa escuta de modo a viabilizar tais efeitos, um percurso realizado junto a obras de Lacan em torno da função do analista permitiu localizar na formulação do desejo do analista uma apreensão possível, autorizando formular sua incidência nesse trabalho como escuta dirigida ao desejo mais além da demanda.The article is based on a clinical report of group listening to teachers, in the context of a psychoanalytic work in extension, in which the production of similar effects to a subjective rectification is clear. From the question of what worked in this listening mode to enable such effects, a journey conducted with Lacan's work around the analyst's function allowed to locate in the formulating of the analyst's desire a possible perception, authorizing the formulation of the incidence in this work as listening addressed to the desire beyond the demand
Productivity and quality of cotton fiber in different planting seasons
Cotton is one of the main agricultural products produced in Brazil. With such a high demand in the market, it is necessary that the cotton cultivars present high productivity and fiber quality. In order to favor the expression of the potential of the genotypes, the cultivation must occur in climatic conditions that provide good development of the plants, being the sowing time a primordial factor for the good performance of the cotton plant. In order to establish an ideal sowing season for different cotton genotypes, the present study aimed to evaluate the best sowing season of cotton genotypes for the environment of Uberlândia (Minas Gerais State), aiming at productivity and fiber quality. The experiment was carried out in field conditions, in the 2016/2017 harvest in the experimental area located at Fazenda Capim Branco, in the city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais State. A randomized complete block design (DBC) with four replications in a 4x7 factorial scheme was used: 4/12 sowing dates: 05/12, 19/12, 30/12, 13/01 and 7 genotypes. 5 strains of the breeding program of the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) and 2 commercial cultivars. The evaluated characteristics were: seed cotton yield, feather yield, micronaire index, maturity index, fiber length, uniformity of length, short fibers, resistance and elongation. It was concluded that the best sowing season for a high productivity was the one performed on 12/05/16, with emphasis on the UFUJP-Z genotype. For fiber quality, UFUJP-C showed the best results at the 12/19/16 sowing season
Cada um sabe a dor e a delícia de ser o que é: o saber não sabido do desejo
This article intends to present some reflections on the ethical agreement that rules on the everyday of the École Expérimentale de Bonneuil-sur-Marne. This it quite different from the traditional institutions that organize themselves according to moralistic codes. The author has worked as a trainee at Bonneuil.Este artigo se propõe a apresentar, a partir de um breve estágio realizado na École Expérimentale de Bonneuil-sur-Marne, as reflexões acerca do engajamento ético que ordena o cotidiano naquela instituição, à diferença das instituições clássicas que se organizam com base na obediência a regras morais
O diagnóstico: da psiquiatria à psicanálise
This article discusses the place of diagnosis in psychiatry and psychoanalysis, as well as its effects on the conduct of the treatment. In psychiatry addresses, from the history of diagnostic systematization, the elements present in the constitution of psychopathology. In the field of psychoanalysis points the difference this diagnostic front approach to psychiatry through studies of commentators who have studied the subject in perspective Freud-Lacanian.Este artigo discute o lugar do diagnóstico na psiquiatria e na psicanálise, bem como seus efeitos para a condução do tratamento. Na psiquiatria aborda, a partir da história das sistematizações diagnósticas, os elementos presentes na constituição dos quadros psicopatológicos. No campo da psicanálise aponta a diferença dessa abordagem diagnóstica frente à psiquiatria, através de estudos de comentadores que se debruçaram sobre o tema na perspectiva Freudo-lacaniana