8 research outputs found

    Campylobacter coli in Swine Slaughtering Flowchart and Research of cdt Genes

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    Background: Campylobacter spp. are among the microorganisms most commonly associated with foodborne disease. Campylobacter spp. isolation from pigs during the slaughter and final products have been reported in several countries, including Brazil. However, very little is known about the sources of contamination in the slaughtering flowchart and how these microorganisms are spread in processing plants. Considering the possibility of the pigs carry Campylobacter spp. since the farm or its products are contaminated in the slaughterhouse, this study had as aim to track Campylobacter spp. in pig slaughtering flowchart to understand the behavior of these pathogens in the production line.Materials, Methods & Results: Forty animals of 10 lots, four from each lot, were followed during slaughter. Stool samples were collected from the floor of each enclosure where the pigs were housed on the farm and immediately after stunning on slaughterhouse. Samples from carcass surface were collected after removal of the animals from scrap machine, after evisceration and before the refrigeration chamber. It was also collected surface samples from jowls and samples from the scalding tank water before and after the passage of animals. The swabs containing samples were plated onto Columbia agar supplemented with activated charcoal, oxygen reduction solution and antibiotics supplement, and incubated at 42°C for 48 h under microaerobic conditions. The colonies which presented with a shiny and moist appearance were analyzed by Gram staining for identification of Campylobacter by morphology, and then tested for catalase and oxidase. The Campylobacter isolates were identified for species C. jejuni or C. coli by PCR. Bands profiles were determined by rep-PCR and used to compare the strains. Campylobacter was isolated from 19 (9.5%) of the 200 pig samples analyzed, seven (36.8%) of the rectum, seven (36.8%) after evisceration and five (26.3%) before the refrigeration chamber. Campylobacter was not isolated from jowls and from scalding tank water. All isolates were C. coliand cdtnegative.Persistence of strains originating from the farm and cross contaminations during the slaughtering flowchart was identified by the analysis of the bands profiles obtained by rep-PCR.Discussion: C. coli was the species of Campylobacter present in the swine intestinal tract and in the swine slaughterhouse. The animals, once contaminated, can carry the microorganism during the stages of the slaughtering flowchart. The farm where the animals came from is an important source of contamination during processing, however cross contamination also plays a relevant role. The evisceration was considered the most critical stage, due to the greater number of isolates obtained after this procedure, what emphasize the importance of the hygienic-sanitary management in this stage. Campylobacter spp. can survive, despite not being able to multiply, in foods at refrigeration temperatures (-1 to 5°C) for one to three weeks. Therefore, the high percentage of isolates obtained from the carcass before the refrigeration chamber may represent a problem, since the contamination of the carcasses that enter in this sector can be maintained until the food reaches the consumer. There was no similarity between strains isolated from different lots, indicating that there were no persistence of strains both in the farm and in the slaughterhouse

    Screening Salmonella in pork slaughtering flowchart

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    Pork consumption per capita in Brazil is 15.1kg/year and despite its importance for the consumer pork products may be pathogens vehicles. Salmonellosis is one of the most importants foodborne diseases, and it is caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella, often contracted through the ingestion of contaminated animal products. The objective was to trace this microorganism during the pig slaughter flowchart, by comparing strains isolated at different points on the production line during the study period, were followed 10 lots of pigs from a farm in Rio Grande do Sul sent to slaughter, five lots carriers of Salmonella and five non-carriers. Four animals from each selected lot were followed during slaughter and processing. Stool samples were collected at slaughter and in three different parts of the flowchart, immediately after the animals left from scrap machine, after opening the abdominal cavity and just before the carcass enter the cooling chamber. It was also collected jowl samples. Water samples used in the scalding tank were collected before starting the slaughter process of each lot and after the passage of the animals. The isolates were analyzed by rep-PCR to compare the band patterns. The step with the highest number of isolates originated in the samples collected after stunning 35.3%. In other collection sites, immediately after the animals left from scrap machine, after evisceration, before entering the cooling chamber and jowls were isolated 17.6%, 17.6%, 23.5% and 5.8%, respectively. Through analysis by rep-PCR, it was found that Salmonella strains that reach the fridge in pigs carriers can not be deleted during processing, it is possible isolation of carcasses. It was also observed that animals introduced by strains can infect others in different stages of slaughtering flowchart, featuring cross-contamination. Based on the results, are recommended strict care in the execution of hygiene and sanitary measures taken during slaughter in order to ensure safe food to consumers.Sem bolsaO consumo de carne suína per capita no Brasil é de 15,1 kg/ano e apesar da sua importância para o consumidor, os produtos suínos, podem ser veículos de patógenos. Uma das Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos (DTA) mais importantes é a salmonelose, doença causada por bactérias do gênero Salmonella, geralmente contraída através da ingestão de alimentos de origem animal contaminados. O objetivo do trabalho foi rastrear esse micro-organismo durante o fluxograma de abate de suínos, através da comparação de cepas isoladas em diferentes pontos na linha de produção. Durante o período de estudo, foram acompanhados 10 lotes de suínos encaminhados para abate de uma granja no Rio Grande do Sul. Quatro animais de cada lote selecionado foram acompanhados durante o abate e processamento. Foram coletadas amostras de fezes através da introdução de uma zaragatoa no reto do animal, logo após a insensibilização e em três pontos diferentes do fluxograma, imediatamente após a saída dos animais da depiladeira, após a abertura da cavidade abdominal e momentos antes da carcaça entrar na câmara de refrigeração. Também foi realizada coleta de amostra de papada. Amostras da água utilizada no tanque de escaldagem foram coletadas antes de iniciar o abate de cada lote e após a passagem dos animais. Os isolados foram analisados pela técnica de rep-PCR para comparação dos padrões de bandas. A etapa com maior número de isolados teve origem nas amostras coletadas após a insensibilização 35,3%. Nos demais pontos de coleta, após a saída dos animais da depiladeira, após a evisceração, antes da entrada na câmara de refrigeração e papada, foram isolados 17,6%, 17,6%, 23,5% e 5,8%, respectivamente. Através da análise por rep-PCR, comprovou-se que cepas de Salmonella que chegam ao frigorífico em suínos portadores podem não ser eliminadas durante o processamento, sendo possível seu isolamento das carcaças. Também foi observado que cepas introduzidas por animais podem contaminar outros em diferentes etapas do fluxograma de abate, caracterizando contaminação cruzada. Com base nos resultados, recomendam-se cuidados rigorosos na execução de medidas higiênico-sanitárias adotadas durante o abate, de forma a garantir um alimento seguro ao consumidor

    Staphylococcus hyicus

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    RESUMO:Staphylococcus hyicus é um micro-organismo de impor tância em Medicina Veterinária e saúde pública, tendo em vista sua capacidade de causar doenças em animais e seres humanos. O pre sente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma revisão de literatura a fim de reunir as informações mais atuais sobre o S. hyicus. Para tanto, foram abordados: características da espécie, fatores de pato- genicidade e sua ocorrência em animais, alimentos e seres humanos

    Hepatomegalia e esplenomegalia em Oreochromis niloticus cultivadas em sistema de tanques-rede

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    A hepatomegalia e esplenomegalia são alterações na massa e/ou no tamanho do fígado e do baço, respectivamente. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a presença de hepatomegalia e de esplenomegalia em Oreochromis niloticus cultivadas em sistema de tanque-rede. Foram coletados 150 animais de três frigoríficos distintos (A, B e C) que receberam peixes de diferentes pisciculturas que utilizam o sistema de tanques-rede. Após a necropsia, foram mensuradas as quantidades de hepatomegalia e esplenomegalia. Os principais resultados demonstraram que 24,66 % dos peixes apresentaram alterações morfológicas no fígado e no baço. Concluímos que a hepatomegalia e a esplenomegalia podem causar distúrbios metabólicos e, consequentemente, prejuízos na produção de Oreochromis niloticus

    Francisella spp. em tilápias no Brasil: Uma revisão

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    O crescimento da tilapicultura nas últimas três décadas tem feito desse grupo de peixes um dos mais cultivados de forma extensiva no mundo. A tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) é a espécie mais cultivada nos parques aquícolas brasileiros, devido a sua rusticidade, rápido crescimento, tolerância a baixa qualidade da água e considerável resistência a doenças. Porém, uma bactéria emergente em aquicultura, Francisella noatunensis orientalis, extremamente virulenta, tem sido responsável por mortes de tilápias nos criatórios brasileiros. O diagnóstico através de testes moleculares como a PCR em tempo real (qPCR) tem contribuído na identificação das espécies de Francisella envolvidas nos casos de doença granulomatosa nesses peixes. Medidas profiláticas devem ser adotadas no intuito de diminuir o risco de contaminação das pisciculturas por essa bactéria garantindo assim a saúde do plantel e dessa forma, evitando prejuízos aos produtores. O presente estudo tem como objetivo informar sobre a situação da franciselose em tilápias na aquicultura brasileira.

    Campylobacter coli in Swine Slaughtering Flowchart and Research of cdt Genes

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    Background: Campylobacter spp. are among the microorganisms most commonly associated with foodborne disease. Campylobacter spp. isolation from pigs during the slaughter and final products have been reported in several countries, including Brazil. However, very little is known about the sources of contamination in the slaughtering flowchart and how these microorganisms are spread in processing plants. Considering the possibility of the pigs carry Campylobacter spp. since the farm or its products are contaminated in the slaughterhouse, this study had as aim to track Campylobacter spp. in pig slaughtering flowchart to understand the behavior of these pathogens in the production line.Materials, Methods & Results: Forty animals of 10 lots, four from each lot, were followed during slaughter. Stool samples were collected from the floor of each enclosure where the pigs were housed on the farm and immediately after stunning on slaughterhouse. Samples from carcass surface were collected after removal of the animals from scrap machine, after evisceration and before the refrigeration chamber. It was also collected surface samples from jowls and samples from the scalding tank water before and after the passage of animals. The swabs containing samples were plated onto Columbia agar supplemented with activated charcoal, oxygen reduction solution and antibiotics supplement, and incubated at 42°C for 48 h under microaerobic conditions. The colonies which presented with a shiny and moist appearance were analyzed by Gram staining for identification of Campylobacter by morphology, and then tested for catalase and oxidase. The Campylobacter isolates were identified for species C. jejuni or C. coli by PCR. Bands profiles were determined by rep-PCR and used to compare the strains. Campylobacter was isolated from 19 (9.5%) of the 200 pig samples analyzed, seven (36.8%) of the rectum, seven (36.8%) after evisceration and five (26.3%) before the refrigeration chamber. Campylobacter was not isolated from jowls and from scalding tank water. All isolates were C. coliand cdtnegative.Persistence of strains originating from the farm and cross contaminations during the slaughtering flowchart was identified by the analysis of the bands profiles obtained by rep-PCR.Discussion: C. coli was the species of Campylobacter present in the swine intestinal tract and in the swine slaughterhouse. The animals, once contaminated, can carry the microorganism during the stages of the slaughtering flowchart. The farm where the animals came from is an important source of contamination during processing, however cross contamination also plays a relevant role. The evisceration was considered the most critical stage, due to the greater number of isolates obtained after this procedure, what emphasize the importance of the hygienic-sanitary management in this stage. Campylobacter spp. can survive, despite not being able to multiply, in foods at refrigeration temperatures (-1 to 5°C) for one to three weeks. Therefore, the high percentage of isolates obtained from the carcass before the refrigeration chamber may represent a problem, since the contamination of the carcasses that enter in this sector can be maintained until the food reaches the consumer. There was no similarity between strains isolated from different lots, indicating that there were no persistence of strains both in the farm and in the slaughterhouse

    Influence of electroacupuncture on the points BP6 and E36 regarding gastric motility in Wistar rats

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    O estudo objetivou avaliar através de exame radiográfico, a ação da eletroacupuntura na motilidade gástrica de animais experimentais. Foram utilizados 24 ratos Wistar, três meses de idade, que receberam cinco esferas metálicas via sonda orogástrica (SO) com 2mL de contraste baritado, seguido dos tratamentos: eletroacupuntura nos pontos BP6 e E36 (T1); eletroacupuntura em pontos falsos (T2); água destilada estéril SO (T3); metoclopramida SO (T4). Após os tratamentos, foram feitas radiografias seriadas, de hora em hora, para acompanhar o tempo de esvaziamento gástrico das esferas nos ratos. Ao analisar o momento de saída das primeiras esferas, os animais do grupo T1 apresentaram uma média de 3h30min; no T2 a média foi maior que 6h, no T3 foi de 5h18min e no T4 de 4h36min. A ação da eletroacupuntura foi comparável à ação da metoclopramida, que sabidamente aumenta o peristaltismo, enquanto que a resposta do grupo Shan (T2) aproximou-se do grupo controle negativo. Diante dos resultados conclui-se que a eletroacupuntura nos pontos pré-determinados aumenta significativamente o peristaltismo gástrico, diminuindo assim o tempo de esvaziamento gástrico em ratos, podendo ser uma opção para o tratamento de distúrbios da motilidade.The study aimed to evaluate by radiographic examination the action of electroacupuncture on gastric motility in experimental animals. We used 24 Wistar rats, three months old, that received five metallic spheres, via orogastric tube (OT), with 2mL of barium contrast, followed by treatments: electroacupuncture points E36 and BP6 (T1); electroacupuncture in stitches (T2); sterile distilled water OT (T3); metoclopramide OT (T4). After treatment, serial radiographs, hourly, were made to follow the gastric emptying time of the spheres in rats. By analyzing the time of exit of the first sphere, animals in the group T1 had an average of 3h30min; at T2 the average was higher 6 hours; in T3 was 5h18min, and T4 showed an average of 4h36min. The action of electroacupuncture was comparable to the action of metoclopramide, which is know to increase peristalsis, whereas the response of the Shan group (T2) was close to the negative control group. Considering the results it was concluded that electroacupuncture at points predetermined significantly increases gastric peristalsis, reducing gastric emptying time in rats, may be an option for the treatment of motility disorders

    Radiological determination of gastric motility in experimental model treated with Rosmarinus officinalis Linn. (Lamiaceae) extracts

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    708-714Among the biological properties of Rosmarinus officinalis Linn. (rosemary), the infusions and ethanolic extracts are popularly used to treat gastrointestinal disorders. However, the effects of these extracts on the gastric motility are unknown. Here, we evaluated influence of the rosemary extracts on gastric motility and its chemical composition. Forty-eight female Wistar rats with food restriction for 12 h were made into eight experimental groups (n=6, each) and given oral treatments (1 mL) of ethanolic and aqueous extracts at the doses of 125, 250 and 500 mg/kg, and distilled water (control) and metoclopramide (2 mg/kg, intramuscular). After one hour, five metal spheres (1 mm) were administered with barium contrast. A series of radiographs were taken every hour for six hours. Significant differences were shown in the gastric emptying of the metal spheres within three hours among the extracts and the control groups. By high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), both extracts presented kaempferol, carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid as major compounds, which would influence in the higher time for emptying. This study showed that the rosemary extracts increased the gastric emptying time in healthy rats, suppressing the gastric motility, and may be useful in treating digestive disorders, like diarrhea