16 research outputs found

    Gestantes em situação de rua no município de Santos, SP: reflexões e desafios para as políticas públicas

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    O estudo teve como objetivo investigar o cotidiano de gestantes em situação de rua e sua relação com as políticas públicas na cidade de Santos, litoral do Estado de São Paulo. A coleta de dados foi feita através do registro e estudo de narrativas de memórias de vida. A análise deu-se pelo agrupamento temático de trechos das narrativas, sendo identificadas quatro principais categorias: vida na rua; cuidado e gestação; projetos futuros; e rede pública de serviços. As narrativas revelam mulheres com capacidade criativa para desejar uma vida melhor a partir da possibilidade de ter um filho. Entretanto, a condição social em que vivem, envolvendo a luta diária pela sobrevivência e, em alguns casos, a dependência química dificultam o planejamento de estratégias que transformem o desejo em um projeto de vida. Dessa forma, na maioria das vezes perdem a guarda de seus filhos. Embora conheçam os serviços públicos, quase sempre os acessam apenas em casos de urgência. Não se identificaram na rede de serviços assistenciais - pública e do terceiro setor - programas focados na questão da gestante em situação de rua, ainda que o Brasil já viva, atualmente, histórias de famílias que têm a situação de rua como experiência intergeracional. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de constituição de políticas intersetoriais, voltadas para gestantes em situação de rua

    Congruence of local ecological knowledge (LEK)-based methods and line-transect surveys in estimating wildlife abundance in tropical forests

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    Effective estimation of wildlife population abundance is an important component of population monitoring, and ultimately essential for the development of conservation actions. Diurnal line-transect surveys are one of the most applied methods for abundance estimations. Local ecological knowledge (LEK) is empirically acquired through the observation of ecological processes by local people. LEK-based methods have only been recognized as valid scientific methods for surveying fauna abundance in the last three decades. However, the agreement between both methods has not been extensively analysed. We compared concomitant abundance data for 91 wild species (mammals, birds and tortoises) from diurnal line transects (9,221 km of trails) and a LEK-based method (291 structured interviews) at 18 sites in Central and Western Amazonia. We used biological and socioecological factors to assess the agreements and divergences between abundance indices obtained from both methods. We found a significant agreement of population abundance indices for diurnal and game species. This relationship was also positive regardless of species sociality (solitary or social), body size and locomotion mode (terrestrial and arboreal); and of sampled forest type (upland and flooded forests). Conversely, we did not find significant abundance covariances for nocturnal and non-game species. Despite the general agreement between methods, line transects were not effective at surveying many species occurring in the area, with 40.2% and 39.8% of all species being rarely and never detected in at least one of the survey sites. On the other hand, these species were widely reported by local informants to occur at intermediate to high abundances. Although LEK-based methods have been long neglected by ecologists, our comparative study demonstrated their effectiveness for estimating vertebrate abundance of a wide diversity of taxa and forest environments. This can be used simultaneously with line-transect surveys to calibrate abundance estimates and record species that are rarely sighted during surveys on foot, but that are often observed by local people during their daily extractive activities. Thus, the combination of local and scientific knowledge is a potential tool to improve our knowledge of tropical forest species and foster the development of effective strategies to meet biodiversity conservation goals

    Predicting animal abundance through local ecological knowledge: An internal validation using consensus analysis

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    Given the ongoing environmental degradation from local to global scales, it is fundamental to develop more efficient means of gathering data on species and ecosystems. Local ecological knowledge, in which local communities can consistently provide information on the status of animal species over time, has been shown to be effective. Several studies demonstrate that data gathered using local ecological knowledge (LEK)-based methods are comparable with data obtained from conventional methods (such as line transects and camera traps). Here, we employ a consensus analysis to validate and evaluate the accuracy of interview data on LEK. Additionally, we investigate the influence of social and bioecological variables on enhancing data quality. We interviewed 323 persons in 19 villages in the Western and Central Amazon to determine the level of consensus on the abundance of hunted and non-hunted forest species. These villages varied in size, socio-economic characteristics and in the experience with wildlife of their dwellers. Interviewees estimated the relative abundance of 101 species with a broad spectrum of bioecological characteristics using a four-point Likert scale. High consensus was found for species population abundance in all sampled villages and for 79.6% of interviewees. The village consensus of all species abundance pooled was negatively correlated with village population size. The consensus level was high regardless of the interviewees' hunting experience. Species that are more frequently hunted or are more apparent had greater consensus values; only two species presented a low consensus level, which are rare and solitary species. We show in our study in the Amazon that information gathered by local peoples, Indigenous as well as non-Indigenous, can be useful in understanding the status of animal species found within their environment. The high level of cultural consensus we describe likely arises from knowledge sharing and the strong connection between the persons interviewed and the forest. We suggest that consensus analysis can be used to validate LEK-generated data instead of comparing these types of data with information obtained by conventional methods

    Predicting animal abundance through local ecological knowledge: An internal validation using consensus analysis

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    Given the ongoing environmental degradation from local to global scales, it is fundamental to develop more efficient means of gathering data on species and ecosystems. Local ecological knowledge, in which local communities can consistently provide information on the status of animal species over time, has been shown to be effective. Several studies demonstrate that data gathered using local ecological knowledge (LEK)‐based methods are comparable with data obtained from conventional methods (such as line transects and camera traps). Here, we employ a consensus analysis to validate and evaluate the accuracy of interview data on LEK. Additionally, we investigate the influence of social and bioecological variables on enhancing data quality. We interviewed 323 persons in 19 villages in the Western and Central Amazon to determine the level of consensus on the abundance of hunted and non‐hunted forest species. These villages varied in size, socio‐economic characteristics and in the experience with wildlife of their dwellers. Interviewees estimated the relative abundance of 101 species with a broad spectrum of bioecological characteristics using a four‐point Likert scale. High consensus was found for species population abundance in all sampled villages and for 79.6% of interviewees. The village consensus of all species abundance pooled was negatively correlated with village population size. The consensus level was high regardless of the interviewees' hunting experience. Species that are more frequently hunted or are more apparent had greater consensus values; only two species presented a low consensus level, which are rare and solitary species. We show in our study in the Amazon that information gathered by local peoples, Indigenous as well as non‐Indigenous, can be useful in understanding the status of animal species found within their environment. The high level of cultural consensus we describe likely arises from knowledge sharing and the strong connection between the persons interviewed and the forest. We suggest that consensus analysis can be used to validate LEK‐generated data instead of comparing these types of data with information obtained by conventional methods. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog

    TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access

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    Plant traits - the morphological, anatomical, physiological, biochemical and phenological characteristics of plants - determine how plants respond to environmental factors, affect other trophic levels, and influence ecosystem properties and their benefits and detriments to people. Plant trait data thus represent the basis for a vast area of research spanning from evolutionary biology, community and functional ecology, to biodiversity conservation, ecosystem and landscape management, restoration, biogeography and earth system modelling. Since its foundation in 2007, the TRY database of plant traits has grown continuously. It now provides unprecedented data coverage under an open access data policy and is the main plant trait database used by the research community worldwide. Increasingly, the TRY database also supports new frontiers of trait‐based plant research, including the identification of data gaps and the subsequent mobilization or measurement of new data. To support this development, in this article we evaluate the extent of the trait data compiled in TRY and analyse emerging patterns of data coverage and representativeness. Best species coverage is achieved for categorical traits - almost complete coverage for ‘plant growth form’. However, most traits relevant for ecology and vegetation modelling are characterized by continuous intraspecific variation and trait–environmental relationships. These traits have to be measured on individual plants in their respective environment. Despite unprecedented data coverage, we observe a humbling lack of completeness and representativeness of these continuous traits in many aspects. We, therefore, conclude that reducing data gaps and biases in the TRY database remains a key challenge and requires a coordinated approach to data mobilization and trait measurements. This can only be achieved in collaboration with other initiatives

    Predicting animal abundance through local ecological knowledge : An internal validation using consensus analysis

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    Given the ongoing environmental degradation from local to global scales, it is fundamental to develop more efficient means of gathering data on species and ecosystems. Local ecological knowledge, in which local communities can consistently provide information on the status of animal species over time, has been shown to be effective. Several studies demonstrate that data gathered using local ecological knowledge (LEK)-based methods are comparable with data obtained from conventional methods (such as line transects and camera traps). Here, we employ a consensus analysis to validate and evaluate the accuracy of interview data on LEK. Additionally, we investigate the influence of social and bioecological variables on enhancing data quality. We interviewed 323 persons in 19 villages in the Western and Central Amazon to determine the level of consensus on the abundance of hunted and non-hunted forest species. These villages varied in size, socio-economic characteristics and in the experience with wildlife of their dwellers. Interviewees estimated the relative abundance of 101 species with a broad spectrum of bioecological characteristics using a four-point Likert scale. High consensus was found for species population abundance in all sampled villages and for 79.6% of interviewees. The village consensus of all species abundance pooled was negatively correlated with village population size. The consensus level was high regardless of the interviewees' hunting experience. Species that are more frequently hunted or are more apparent had greater consensus values; only two species presented a low consensus level, which are rare and solitary species. We show in our study in the Amazon that information gathered by local peoples, Indigenous as well as non-Indigenous, can be useful in understanding the status of animal species found within their environment. The high level of cultural consensus we describe likely arises from knowledge sharing and the strong connection between the persons interviewed and the forest. We suggest that consensus analysis can be used to validate LEK-generated data instead of comparing these types of data with information obtained by conventional methods. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog

    Profae e lógica neoliberal: estreitas relações Profae and neoliberal logic: close relations

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    O Projeto de Profissionalização dos Trabalhadores da Área de Enfermagem (Profae) representa, desde 2000, a principal política do Ministério da Saúde (MS) voltada para a qualificação da força de trabalho do setor. Sem negar tal condição, o esforço analítico deste artigo é guiado pelo exercício de compreensão do Profae a partir da sua condição de política social formulada e implementada em função dos preceitos e prescrições gerenciais típicos do Estado capitalista reformado segundo a orientação neoliberal. Este esforço constitui o objetivo principal deste trabalho. Inicialmente, o Profae é considerado a partir de sua visibilidade social, expressa na forma de projeto voltado para a qualificação de profissionais da área de enfermagem. Em seguida, a partir de uma breve contextualização dos dilemas em torno da formação desses profissionais no Brasil, problematiza-se a possibilidade de o Profae servir, efetivamente, de instrumento para a reversão dessa precariedade formativa. Este movimento permite buscar as mediações do Profae com a tipificação imposta às políticas de caráter neoliberal em curso e com as formas de privatização do fundo público, consideradas aqui como mecanismos implícitos ao seu financiamento. Por fim, são expostas reflexões acerca da instrumentalidade política e econômica do Profae, para além de sua aparência de simples projeto de profissionalização dos trabalhadores da área de enfermagem.<br>The Professionalisation Project for Nurse Practitioners represents the Ministry of Health's main educational policy for such labour force since 2000. Granted this condition, the analytical effort of this article is to understand Profae as a social policy formulated and implemented by management precepts and prescriptions typical of the neoliberal capitalist State. This is the main objetive of this paper. Firstly, the social visibility of Profae - considered as a project geared towards the educational training of nurse practitioners - will be examined. After that, the dilemmas that surround the formation of these professionals in Brazil will be briefly presented, followed by a discussion on the actual possibility of Profae serving as an instrument to revert the deficiencies in this formation. This allows us to seek the mediation between Profae and the typification imposed on the current neoliberal policies, as well as the privatisation forms of public funds, seen as implicit mechanisms for their financing. Finally, the political and economic instrumentality of Profae, beyond its aspect of a mere professionalisation project for nurse practitioners, is examined

    Linguística clínica: Modelos, avaliação e intervenção

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    SinopseA Linguística Clínica reúne profissionais, investigadores e estudantes de diferentes graus académicos cujo foco de trabalho é a exploração da ponte entre a Linguística e a Fonoaudiologia (na tradição brasileira) ou a Terapia da Fala (na tradição portuguesa). Tem como objetivos centrais a construção de conhecimento sobre a natureza dos desempenhos linguísticos atípicos e a preocupação constante em tornar os processos de avaliação e de intervenção em contexto clínico cada vez mais rigorosos e eficazes. O presente volume destina-se a quem estuda ou investiga aspetos relacionados com desempenhos linguísticos atípicos em países lusófonos, nomeadamente a estudantes e docentes de cursos de graduação e pós-graduação nas áreas da Terapia da Fala/ Fonoaudiologia, da Linguística, da Psicologia e da Educação. Os capítulos que integram a presente publicação estão organizados em quatro blocos temáticos. O bloco inicial tem como objetivo central fornecer uma perspetiva histórica dos estudos em Fonologia Clínica e em Sintaxe Clínica. O segundo centra-se em aspetos fonológicos e sua relação com a dimensão fonética da língua. O terceiro bloco integra capítulos que exploram o módulo gramatical da sintaxe, a interface gramática-pragmática e o discurso. O último bloco reúne um conjunto de investigações sobre populações específicas. Synopsis Clinical Linguistics brings together professionals, researchers and students in different academic degrees focused on the bridge between Linguistics and Speech and Language Therapy. The main purpose is to display knowledge on the nature of atypical linguistic performances and to make the assessment and intervention processes increasingly rigorous and effective in the clinical context.This volume is intended for those who study or investigate aspects related to atypical linguistic performance in Portuguese-speaking countries, namely for students and teachers of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the areas of Speech and Language Therapy, Linguistics, Psychology and Education. The chapters that make up this publication are organized into four thematic blocks. The main objective of the initial block is to provide a historical perspective of studies in Clinical Phonology and Clinical Syntax. The second block focuses on phonological aspects and their relationship with the phonetic dimension of the language. The third one includes chapters that explore the grammatical module of syntax, the grammar-pragmatic interface and discourse. The last block brings together a set of investigations on specific populations

    Linguística clínica: Modelos, avaliação e intervenção

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    SinopseA Linguística Clínica reúne profissionais, investigadores e estudantes de diferentes graus académicos cujo foco de trabalho é a exploração da ponte entre a Linguística e a Fonoaudiologia (na tradição brasileira) ou a Terapia da Fala (na tradição portuguesa). Tem como objetivos centrais a construção de conhecimento sobre a natureza dos desempenhos linguísticos atípicos e a preocupação constante em tornar os processos de avaliação e de intervenção em contexto clínico cada vez mais rigorosos e eficazes. O presente volume destina-se a quem estuda ou investiga aspetos relacionados com desempenhos linguísticos atípicos em países lusófonos, nomeadamente a estudantes e docentes de cursos de graduação e pós-graduação nas áreas da Terapia da Fala/ Fonoaudiologia, da Linguística, da Psicologia e da Educação. Os capítulos que integram a presente publicação estão organizados em quatro blocos temáticos. O bloco inicial tem como objetivo central fornecer uma perspetiva histórica dos estudos em Fonologia Clínica e em Sintaxe Clínica. O segundo centra-se em aspetos fonológicos e sua relação com a dimensão fonética da língua. O terceiro bloco integra capítulos que exploram o módulo gramatical da sintaxe, a interface gramática-pragmática e o discurso. O último bloco reúne um conjunto de investigações sobre populações específicas. Synopsis Clinical Linguistics brings together professionals, researchers and students in different academic degrees focused on the bridge between Linguistics and Speech and Language Therapy. The main purpose is to display knowledge on the nature of atypical linguistic performances and to make the assessment and intervention processes increasingly rigorous and effective in the clinical context.This volume is intended for those who study or investigate aspects related to atypical linguistic performance in Portuguese-speaking countries, namely for students and teachers of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the areas of Speech and Language Therapy, Linguistics, Psychology and Education. The chapters that make up this publication are organized into four thematic blocks. The main objective of the initial block is to provide a historical perspective of studies in Clinical Phonology and Clinical Syntax. The second block focuses on phonological aspects and their relationship with the phonetic dimension of the language. The third one includes chapters that explore the grammatical module of syntax, the grammar-pragmatic interface and discourse. The last block brings together a set of investigations on specific populations

    Linguística clínica: Modelos, avaliação e intervenção

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    SinopseA Linguística Clínica reúne profissionais, investigadores e estudantes de diferentes graus académicos cujo foco de trabalho é a exploração da ponte entre a Linguística e a Fonoaudiologia (na tradição brasileira) ou a Terapia da Fala (na tradição portuguesa). Tem como objetivos centrais a construção de conhecimento sobre a natureza dos desempenhos linguísticos atípicos e a preocupação constante em tornar os processos de avaliação e de intervenção em contexto clínico cada vez mais rigorosos e eficazes. O presente volume destina-se a quem estuda ou investiga aspetos relacionados com desempenhos linguísticos atípicos em países lusófonos, nomeadamente a estudantes e docentes de cursos de graduação e pós-graduação nas áreas da Terapia da Fala/ Fonoaudiologia, da Linguística, da Psicologia e da Educação. Os capítulos que integram a presente publicação estão organizados em quatro blocos temáticos. O bloco inicial tem como objetivo central fornecer uma perspetiva histórica dos estudos em Fonologia Clínica e em Sintaxe Clínica. O segundo centra-se em aspetos fonológicos e sua relação com a dimensão fonética da língua. O terceiro bloco integra capítulos que exploram o módulo gramatical da sintaxe, a interface gramática-pragmática e o discurso. O último bloco reúne um conjunto de investigações sobre populações específicas. Synopsis Clinical Linguistics brings together professionals, researchers and students in different academic degrees focused on the bridge between Linguistics and Speech and Language Therapy. The main purpose is to display knowledge on the nature of atypical linguistic performances and to make the assessment and intervention processes increasingly rigorous and effective in the clinical context.This volume is intended for those who study or investigate aspects related to atypical linguistic performance in Portuguese-speaking countries, namely for students and teachers of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the areas of Speech and Language Therapy, Linguistics, Psychology and Education. The chapters that make up this publication are organized into four thematic blocks. The main objective of the initial block is to provide a historical perspective of studies in Clinical Phonology and Clinical Syntax. The second block focuses on phonological aspects and their relationship with the phonetic dimension of the language. The third one includes chapters that explore the grammatical module of syntax, the grammar-pragmatic interface and discourse. The last block brings together a set of investigations on specific populations