1,946 research outputs found

    Ciência, Tecnologia e Desenvolvimento Industrial no Portugal Oitocentista. O caso dos lanifícios do Alentejo

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    Na primeira parte deste trabalho pretendemos analisar até que ponto Portugal estava desfasado em termos científicos e tecnológicos daquilo que era feito nos outros países da Europa, procurando verificaras possibilidades de circulação e transmissão do conhecimentos e a aproximação que, ao longo do período em análise, se verificou entre o mundo científico e a actividade económica e política. Análise que passa necessariamente pela acção das instituições, como as academias, as sociedades e as associações, de estruturas administrativas, como a Junta do Comércio ou o Ministério das Obras, Públicas Comércio e Industria, e pelo papel desempenhado pelos homens ligados a essas instituições ou às estruturas administrativas- Na segunda parte do trabalho analisamos a indústria dos lanifícios em dois distritos do Alentejo, Évora e Portalegre, procurando verificar quer a forma como tradicionalmente se organizava esta actividade, quer a forma como os discursos sobre o progresso e as vantagens de aplicação de maquinismos ou de princípios científicos e técnicos foram entendidos e aplicados pelos fabricantes e pelos industriais que na região alentejana se dedicavam a esta actividade

    Design and Synthesis of CNS-targeted Flavones and Analogues with Neuroprotective Potential Against H2O2- and Aβ1-42-Induced Toxicity in SH-SY5Y Human Neuroblastoma Cells

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    With the lack of available drugs able to prevent the progression of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the discovery of new neuroprotective treatments able to rescue neurons from cell injury is presently a matter of extreme importance and urgency. Here, we were inspired by the widely reported potential of natural flavonoids to build a library of novel flavones, chromen-4-ones and their C-glucosyl derivatives, and to explore their ability as neuroprotective agents with suitable pharmacokinetic profiles. All compounds were firstly evaluated in a parallel artificial membrane permeability assay (PAMPA) to assess their effective permeability across biological membranes, namely the blood-brain barrier (BBB). With this test, we aimed not only at assessing if our candidates would be well-distributed, but also at rationalizing the influence of the sugar moiety on the physicochemical properties. To complement our analysis, logD7.4 was determined. From all screened compounds, the p-morpholinyl flavones stood out for their ability to fully rescue SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells against both H2O2- and Aβ1-42-induced cell death. Cholinesterase inhibition was also evaluated, and modest inhibitory activities were found. This work highlights the potential of C-glucosylflavones as neuroprotective agents, and presents the p-morpholinyl C-glucosylflavone 37, which did not show any cytotoxicity towards HepG2 and Caco-2 cells at 100 μM, as a new lead structure for further development against AD.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia-UID/Multi/0612/2019Unión Europea-D3i4AD), FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IAPP, GA 61234

    Aerobic and anoxic growth and nitrate removal capacity of a marine denitrifying bacterium isolated from a recirculation aquaculture system

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    Bacterial biofilters used in marine recirculation aquaculture systems need improvements to enhance nitrogen removal efficiency. Relatively little is known about biofilter autochthonous population structure and function. The present study was aimed at isolating and characterizing an Autochthonous denitrifying bacterium from a marine biofilter installed at a recirculation aquaculture system. Colonization of four different media in a marine fish farm was followed by isolation of various denitrifying strains and molecular classification of the most promising one, strain T2, as a novel member of the Pseudomonas fluorescens cluster. This strain exhibits high metabolic versatility regarding N and C source utilization and environmental conditions for growth. It removed nitrate through aerobic assimilatory metabolism at a specific rate of 116.2 mg NO3-N g dw _1 h _1. Dissimilatory NO3-N removal was observed under oxic conditions at a limited rate, where transient NO2-N formed represented 22% (0.17 mg L _1) of the maximum transient NO2-N observed under anoxic conditions. Dissimilatory NO3-N removal under anoxic conditions occurred at a specific rate of 53.5 mgNO3-N g dw _1 h _1. The isolated denitrifying strain was able to colonize different materials, such as granular activated carbon (GAC), Filtralite and Bioflow plastic rings, which allow the development of a prototype bioreactor for strain characterization under dynamic conditions and mimicking fish-farm operating conditions

    “Introduction. «L’ingénieur dans tous ses états»: l’essor d’un champ de recherche pluridisciplinaire et transnational”

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    En octobre 1980, se tenait à l’Ecomusée du Creusot, ce haut lieu symbolique d’histoire industrielle française, un colloque intitulé « Ingénieurs et société » , une grande première dans le genre. Réunie sur l’initiative du directeur de l’Ecomusée, Marcel Evrard, sous la présidence de l’historien André Thépot, une assemblée pluridisciplinaire d’experts a été invitée à réfléchir sur les origines et la nature du groupe professionnel des ingénieurs qui, malgré le nombre de travaux les mentionnant, demeuraient, selon le constat collectif des experts, d’illustres inconnus de l’histoire. Ainsi, les organisateurs ont-ils souhaité dresser le bilan des travaux sur les ingénieurs menés jusqu’alors « en ordre dispersé » à l’occasion et/ou dans le cadre d’études aux thématiques historiques connexes ciblant un domaine des techniques, un secteur de l’industrie, un champ de recherche scientifique, une aire géographique, une administration, une institution, une entreprise, une biographie d’exception, pour ne citer que les cadrages les plus fréquents. En revanche, tout symbolique que fût son rôle dans l’industrialisation aux XIXe et XXe siècles, le groupe professionnel des ingénieurs ne pouvait pas se prévaloir de référer son histoire « à un domaine historique et sociologique constitué » : il demeurait donc très difficile à catégoriser . La démarche a été sous-tendue par une prise de conscience importante, celle d’appréhender la perte de cohérence qui menaçait ce groupe professionnel sous l’impact de l’éclatement de plus en plus prononcé des domaines d’intervention, de la diversification des modes d’action et des fonctions assimilées. Désenclaver les recherches sur les ingénieurs en tant que groupe professionnel et phénomène de société, les sortir de leur confinement, leur imprimer une dynamique propre, – telle était l’ambition des promoteurs du colloque. Et l’ouvrage Ingénieurs dans la société française qui en est issu (1982), a posé les fondements d’un nouveau champ d’investigations, tant au point de vue des problématiques que des approches méthodologiques..

    Specific Antiproliferative Properties of Proteinaceous Toxin Secretions from the Marine Annelid Eulalia sp. onto Ovarian Cancer Cells

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    The Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) funded project WormALL (PTDC/BTA-BTA/28650/2017) plus the grants SFRH/BD/109462/2015 to A.P.R., and CEECIND/02699/2017 to A.R.G. The Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit-UCIBIO is financed by national funds from FCT, ref. UIDB/04378/2020. FCT, along with the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the COMPETE 2020-Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation also funded the projects: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007440 (UID/NEU/04539/2019), POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016428 (SAICTPAC/0010/2015), POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029311 (PTDC/BTM-TEC/29311/2017), POCI-01-0145-FEDER-30943 (PTDC/MEC-PSQ/30943/2017) and PTDC/MED-NEU/27946/2017. The work was also funded by the National Mass Spectrometry Network (RNEM) under the contract POCI-01-0145-FEDER-402-022125 (ref.: ROTEIRO/0028/2013).As Yondelis joins the ranks of approved anti-cancer drugs, the benefit from exploring the oceans' biodiversity becomes clear. From marine toxins, relevant bioproducts can be obtained due to their potential to interfere with specific pathways. We explored the cytotoxicity of toxin-bearing secretions of the polychaete Eulalia onto a battery of normal and cancer human cell lines and discovered that the cocktail of proteins is more toxic towards an ovarian cancer cell line (A2780). The secretions' main proteins were identified by proteomics and transcriptomics: 14-3-3 protein, Hsp70, Rab3, Arylsulfatase B and serine protease, the latter two being known toxins. This mixture of toxins induces cell-cycle arrest at G2/M phase after 3h exposure in A2780 cells and extrinsic programmed cell death. These findings indicate that partial re-activation of the G2/M checkpoint, which is inactivated in many cancer cells, can be partly reversed by the toxic mixture. Protein-protein interaction networks partake in two cytotoxic effects: cell-cycle arrest with a link to RAB3C and RAF1; and lytic activity of arylsulfatases. The discovery of both mechanisms indicates that venomous mixtures may affect proliferating cells in a specific manner, highlighting the cocktails' potential in the fine-tuning of anti-cancer therapeutics targeting cell cycle and protein homeostasis.publishersversionpublishe

    Studies on the mechanism of action of anti-tumor bis(aminophenolate) ruthenium(III) complexes

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    Two recently published Ru(III) comp lexes bearing ( N 2 O 2 ) tetradentate bis(aminophenolate) ligands, 20 formulated as [Ru(III)( s alan )(PPh 3 )Cl] ( where s alan is the tetradentate ligand 6,6' - (1S,2S) - 21 cyclohexane - 1,2 - diylbis(azanediyl)bis(met hylene)bis(3 - methoxyphenol) in c omplex 1 , or 2,2' - (1S,2S) - 22 cyclohexane - 1,2 - diylbis(azanediyl)bis(meth ylene)bis(4 - methoxyphenol) in c omplex 2 , and PPh 3 is 23 triphenylphosphane ) were studied herein to outline their antitumor mode of action. Previously, it was 24 found that they were very active against human ovar ian and bre a st adenocarcinoma cells (on a 72 h 25 challenge ) . In this work, the human cisplatin - sensitive o varian adeno carcinoma line A2780 was used 26 as the cell model for further studies a t a 24 h challenge . B oth complexes are active , their cytotoxicity 27 being c omparable to that of c isplatin in the same conditions. 28 A s a possible target in the cell for their action, the int eraction of 1 and 2 with DNA was assessed 29 through displacement of well - established DNA fluorescent probes ( ethidium bromide , EB, and 4',6 - 30 d iamidino - 2 - p henylindole, DAPI ) through s teady - state and time - resolved fluorescence spectroscopy . 31 The complete emission spectra were analysed globally for the binary DNA ‒ p robe and ternary DNA ‒ 32 p robe ‒ Ru(III) complex systems . B oth Ru(III) complexes can displace EB and bind to DNA with 33 similar and moderate strong affinity with conditional stability constants of log K’ = ( 5.05 ± 0.01 ) for 1 34 and log K’= ( 4.79 ± 0.01 ) for 2 . The analysis of time - domain fluorescence intensity decays confirmed 35 both qualitatively and quantitatively the model used to describe the binding and competition processes. 36 Cell studies indicated that apoptosis is t he major mechanism of cell death for both complexes , with 2 37 (the mo re active complex ) promoting that process more efficiently than 1 . Transmission electron 38 micro graphs revealed clear a lteration s on intracellular organization consistent with the induction of 39 programmed cell death processes

    Ventajas de la gestión activa de la demanda (Demand management) en el control de Smart-grids

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    La gestión del sistema eléctrico por las utilities se ve afectado por varios factores, como un aumento del consumo, una mayor penetración de las energías renovables y la tendencia a la generación distribuida (para minimizar pérdidas asociadas al transporte y distribución). Obviamente, el consumo no es constante, produciéndose valles y picos. Habitualmente, dicha curva no se ajusta a la de generación, obligando a sobredimensionar la generación o desplegar sistemas de almacenamiento que amortigüen este desfase. Desafortunadamente, estas soluciones son costosas y finalmente repercuten en el cliente. Una solución en auge es aplicar los sistemas de “Demand Response” (DR), que convierten el consumo del cliente en un activo controlable por el operador del sistema de distribución, permitiendo ajustar de forma dinámica su consumo energético, adaptándolo a las necesidades de la red y mejorando la eficiencia. Para lograr esto debe establecerse una comunicación utility-usuario, mediante la cual pueda solicitarse una reducción del consumo en ciertas franjas horarias, aplicándole al cliente bonificaciones por ello. Por todo esto, se estima que la tecnología DR será clave en el futuro del sistema eléctrico, y en la cual el TIC-150, a través de la colaboración con diversas utilities de ámbito internacional, está trabajando activamenteThe management of the electric system is affected by many factors, such as the rising of the consumption, the growing of renewable energies and the apparition of distributed generation (in order to reduce losses in transmission and distribution). Obviously, the consumption is not constant. The consumption curve contains “valleys” (low demand periods) and “peaks” (high demand periods). Traditionally, the generation curve does not fit with the consumption curve, so the electric generation system must be oversizing, or electric storage must be installed. Unfortunately, these solutions are expensive and they increase customer bill. A new solution is applying Demand Response systems. They transform the consumption into an asset that the distribution system can manage, adjusting this consumption dynamically, adjusting it to the needs of the system and improving efficiency. Obviously, to achieve this objective there must exist a utility-customer communication. This allows to request a reduction of customer consumption when it is needed. Customers would reduce their bill thanks to this. This is why DR technology is expected to be key in the electric system future. The TIC-150 is collaborating actively with diverse international utilities in this field.Plan Propio de la Universidad de Sevilla Proyecto: 2017/0000096

    In-situ laboratory X-ray diffraction applied to assess cement hydration

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    In-situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a powerful tool to assess the hydration of cementitious materials, providing time-resolved quantitative analysis with reasonable accuracy without disturbing sample. However, the lack of guidelines and well-established procedures for data collection and analysis is the limiting factor for spreading this technique. This paper discussed using in-situ laboratory XRD to assess cement hydration. The first part was dedicated to a literature review on the topic. Then, experimental strategies were discussed, and recommendations related to the data analysis routine were drawn; the advantages and limitations of this technique were also discussed. We can conclude that the critical factors for a successful analysis are the choice of an adequate experimental setup with good statistics and low measurement time, the proper consideration of different amorphous contributions in the XRD pattern, and a good data analysis routine. Independent techniques are highly recommended to support the in-situ XRD data.PID2020-114650RB-I0