1,193 research outputs found

    “Debiteure” van die bedryfsekonomie*

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    Business Economics is a relatively young science, yet this fact presents a challenge to those who want to he called “debtors" of Business Economics. For the Christian businessman or the lecturer in Business Economics it means a reformulation of the basic principle of Economics and an acknowledgement of the fact that economic decisions involve more than economic norms only. Accounts receivables represent I.O.U.’s and in order to evaluate credit risk one must consider the five c’s of credit: character, capacity, collateral, capital and condition. If the liabilities, according to the requirements of the five c’s, are met, the “debtors” will appear in their rightful place on the balance sheet, that is under the assets. Then and then only can “debtors" generate a “profit"'

    Improved bounds for the crossing numbers of K_m,n and K_n

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    It has been long--conjectured that the crossing number cr(K_m,n) of the complete bipartite graph K_m,n equals the Zarankiewicz Number Z(m,n):= floor((m-1)/2) floor(m/2) floor((n-1)/2) floor(n/2). Another long--standing conjecture states that the crossing number cr(K_n) of the complete graph K_n equals Z(n):= floor(n/2) floor((n-1)/2) floor((n-2)/2) floor((n-3)/2)/4. In this paper we show the following improved bounds on the asymptotic ratios of these crossing numbers and their conjectured values: (i) for each fixed m >= 9, lim_{n->infty} cr(K_m,n)/Z(m,n) >= 0.83m/(m-1); (ii) lim_{n->infty} cr(K_n,n)/Z(n,n) >= 0.83; and (iii) lim_{n->infty} cr(K_n)/Z(n) >= 0.83. The previous best known lower bounds were 0.8m/(m-1), 0.8, and 0.8, respectively. These improved bounds are obtained as a consequence of the new bound cr(K_{7,n}) >= 2.1796n^2 - 4.5n. To obtain this improved lower bound for cr(K_{7,n}), we use some elementary topological facts on drawings of K_{2,7} to set up a quadratic program on 6! variables whose minimum p satisfies cr(K_{7,n}) >= (p/2)n^2 - 4.5n, and then use state--of--the--art quadratic optimization techniques combined with a bit of invariant theory of permutation groups to show that p >= 4.3593.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, 2 figure

    [Special Issue on SEA Demographics] Response - Language Policy: Using the American Community Survey to Investigate Bilingualism and Biliteracy among Immigrant Communities

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    This article is a response to Mark Pfeifers Cambodian, Hmong, Lao and Vietnamese Americans in the 2005 American Community Survey and elaborates on the utility of the American Community Survey (ACS) for studying immigrant groups in the United States of America, and also compares the ACS to the U.S. Census. Neither the Census nor ACS questionnaire is structured to capture the language and literacy skills of immigrant communities in as far as these surveys only collect information about respondents oral language abilities, with a focus on English fluency. Direct, self-reported, and surrogate measures of literacy are discussed, with a proposal to use education level as surrogate for literacy. Using the Vietnamese subpopulation in the ACS, examples are presented of ways to construct composite variables from the ACS raw microdata, to measure respondents bilingualism and biliteracy. When such new variables are used in analysis of immigrant communities, a more complex multilingual picture emerges than is presented normally in Census and ACS data products available to the public

    The applicability of some marketing principles to the Gospel

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    The primary objective of this study irav to test the applicability of some marketing principles to the Gospel. The secondary objective was to ascertain a correlation between the growing and declining churches and their respective adherence to or rejection of marketing principles. A new concept of marketing - the stewardship marketing concept - had to be formulated to satisfy the unique character of the Gospel. This broadened stewardship marketing concept allows the Gospel to be described as an intangible product which can be promoted, distributed and exchanged for scarce resources. Man's inability to 'sell' an excellent product like the Gospel dearly asks for a new distribution system to promote the Gospel This new distribution system, defined as a multi-channel vertical marketing system, can supplement and does not necessarily become a substitute for existing church structures

    Generation and detection of very high frequency acoustic waves in solids Final report

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    Techniques for generation and detection of very high frequency acoustic waves in solid

    Integrated management of childhood illness - A new approach to old diseases

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