1,649 research outputs found

    Mach's Principle and Model for a Broken Symmetric Theory of Gravity

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    We investigate spontaneous symmetry breaking in a conformally invariant gravitational model. In particular, we use a conformally invariant scalar tensor theory as the vacuum sector of a gravitational model to examine the idea that gravitational coupling may be the result of a spontaneous symmetry breaking. In this model matter is taken to be coupled with a metric which is different but conformally related to the metric appearing explicitly in the vacuum sector. We show that after the spontaneous symmetry breaking the resulting theory is consistent with Mach's principle in the sense that inertial masses of particles have variable configurations in a cosmological context. Moreover, our analysis allows to construct a mechanism in which the resulting large vacuum energy density relaxes during evolution of the universe.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Gesture-speech physics in fluent speech and rhythmic upper limb movements

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    Communicative hand gestures are often coordinated with prosodic aspects of speech, and salient moments of gestural movement (e.g., quick changes in speed) often co-occur with salient moments in speech (e.g., near peaks in fundamental frequency and intensity). A common understanding is that such gesture and speech coordination is culturally and cognitively acquired, rather than having a biological basis. Recently, however, the biomechanical physical coupling of arm movements to speech movements has been identified as a potentially important factor in understanding the emergence of gesture-speech coordination. Specifically, in the case of steady-state vocalization and mono-syllable utterances, forces produced during gesturing are transferred onto the tensioned body, leading to changes in respiratory-related activity and thereby affecting vocalization F0 and intensity. In the current experiment (N = 37), we extend this previous line of work to show that gesture-speech physics impacts fluent speech, too. Compared with non-movement, participants who are producing fluent self-formulated speech, while rhythmically moving their limbs, demonstrate heightened F0 and amplitude envelope, and such effects are more pronounced for higher-impulse arm versus lower-impulse wrist movement. We replicate that acoustic peaks arise especially during moments of peak-impulse (i.e., the beat) of the movement, namely around deceleration phases of the movement. Finally, higher deceleration rates of higher-mass arm movements were related to higher peaks in acoustics. These results confirm a role for physical-impulses of gesture affecting the speech system. We discuss the implications of gesture-speech physics for understanding of the emergence of communicative gesture, both ontogenetically and phylogenetically

    Standardized videos in addition to the surgical curriculum in Medical Education for surgical clerkships:a cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Medical students are expected to translate the theoretical knowledge gained during their study to practical knowledge during the clerkships. A surgical educational platform with standardized videos may be the solution. However, the effects of a structured online video-based platform in addition to the standard curriculum on students’ self-reported and tested surgical knowledge during the surgical clerkship must be assessed. METHODS: Fourth-year medical students (n = 178) participated in a 6-week course of theoretical and practical training followed by a 10-week in-hospital clerkship in the Erasmus University Medical Center (Erasmus MC), Rotterdam, The Netherlands and 11 affiliated general hospitals. Ninety students followed the usual surgical curriculum (control group), followed by 88 students who were given voluntary access to a video-based surgical educational platform of Incision Academy (video group). At the start (T0) and end (T1) of the clerkship, both groups filled out a surgical knowledge test and a survey regarding their self-reported surgical knowledge and their access to available study sources. Supervisors were blinded and surveyed concerning students’ performance and their acquired knowledge. We analyzed the data using paired and unpaired student t-tests and linear regression. RESULTS: At the end of the clerkship, students in the video group indicated that they had better resources at their disposal than the control group for surgical procedures (p = 0.001). Furthermore, students in the video group showed a greater increase in self-reported surgical knowledge during their clerkship (p = 0.03) and in more objectively tested surgical knowledge (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: An online surgical educational platform with standardized videos is a valuable addition to the current surgical curriculum according to students and their supervisors. It improves their test scores and self-reported surgical knowledge. Students feel better prepared and more able to find the information necessary to complete the clerkship. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Registry not necessary according to ICMJE guidelines. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12909-022-03314-w

    Observation of band structure and density of states effects in Co-based magnetic tunnel junctions

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    Utilizing Co/Al2_2O3_3/Co magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) with Co electrodes of different crystalline phases, a clear relationship between electrode structure and junction transport properties is presented. For junctions with one fcc(111) textured and one polycrystalline (poly-phase and poly-directional) Co electrode, a strong asymmetry is observed in the magnetotransport properties, while when both electrodes are polycrystalline the magnetotransport is essentially symmetric. These observations are successfully explained within a model based on ballistic tunneling between the calculated band structures (DOS) of fcc-Co and hcp-Co.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    A novel metabarcoding primer pair for environmental DNA analysis of Cephalopoda (Mollusca) targeting the nuclear 18S rRNA region

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    Cephalopods are pivotal components of marine food webs, but biodiversity studies are hampered by challenges to sample these agile marine molluscs. Metabarcoding of environmental DNA (eDNA) is a potentially powerful technique to study oceanic cephalopod biodiversity and distribution but has not been applied thus far. We present a novel universal primer pair for metabarcoding cephalopods from eDNA, Ceph18S (Forward: 5′-CGC GGC GCT ACA TAT TAG AC-3′, Reverse: 5′-GCA CTT AAC CGA CCG TCG AC-3′). The primer pair targets the hypervariable region V2 of the nuclear 18S rRNA gene and amplifies a relatively short target sequence of approximately 200 bp in order to allow the amplification of degraded DNA. In silico tests on a reference database and empirical tests on DNA extracts from cephalopod tissue estimate that 44-66% of cephalopod species, corresponding to about 310-460 species, can be amplified and identified with this primer pair. A multi-marker approach with the novel Ceph18S and two previously published cephalopod mitochondrial 16S rRNA primer sets targeting the same region (Jarman et al. 2006 Mol. Ecol. Notes. 6, 268-271; Peters et al. 2015 Mar. Ecol. 36, 1428-1439) is estimated to amplify and identify 89% of all cephalopod species, of which an estimated 19% can only be identified by Ceph18S. All sequences obtained with Ceph18S were submitted to GenBank, resulting in new 18S rRNA sequences for 13 cephalopod tax

    Predicting disclosure and help-seeking in university students with psychosocial problems based on stigma and attitudes towards disclosure and help-seeking

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    Despite high prevalence of mental health problems among university students, there’s a gap between the need for help and the actual treatment received. This study investigated disclosure on distress and hazardous alcohol use and help-seeking behavior in a sample of 1,791 students of a Dutch university of applied sciences. Students’ perceived public and personal stigma, and attitudes towards disclosure and help-seeking were assessed as possible predictors of disclosure and help-seeking behavior. Results of the analysis of variance and logistic regression analysis indicated that perceived public and personal stigma did not predict disclosure and helpseeking behavior, but that attitudes towards disclosure and help-seeking did. Students with both distress and hazardous alcohol use have the least tendency to disclose their problems to family, friends or classmates, but at the same time they do tend to seek help. Disclosure and seeking help for mental health challenges are health promoting competencies that seem to need more attention in university students. Although further research needs to validate these findings, it is recommended to promote disclosure and help-seeking among students by investing in mental health literacy programs, to educate students about mental health issues, raise awareness on available mental health services and their potential benefits

    Characterization of BIS20x3, a bi-specific antibody activating and retargeting T-cells to CD20-positive B-cells

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    This paper describes a bi-specific antibody, which was called BIS20x3. It retargets CD3ɛ-positive cells (T-cells) to CD20-positive cells and was obtained by hybrid–hybridoma fusion. BIS20x3 could be isolated readily from quadroma culture supernatant and retained all the signalling characteristics associated with both of its chains. Cross-linking of BIS20x3 on Ramos cells leads to DNA fragmentation percentages similar to those obtained after Rituximab-cross-linking. Cross-linking of BIS20x3 on T-cells using cross-linking F(ab′)2-fragments induced T-cell activation. Indirect cross-linking of T-cell-bound BIS20x3 via Ramos cells hyper-activated the T-cells. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that BIS20x3 effectively re-targets T-cells to B-cells, leading to high B-cell cytotoxicity. The results presented in this paper show that BIS20x3 is fully functional in retargeting T-cells to B-cells and suggest that B-cell lymphomas may represent ideal targets for T-cell retargeting bi-specific antibodies, because the retargeted T-cell is maximally stimulated in the presence of B-cells. Additionally, since B-cells may up-regulate CD95/ Fas expression upon binding of CD20-directed antibodies, B-cells will become even more sensitive for T-cell mediated killing via CD95L/ Fas L, and therefore supports the intention to use T-cell retargeting bi-specific antibodies recognizing CD20 on B-cell malignancies as a treatment modality for these diseases. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    Privacy Architectures: Reasoning About Data Minimisation and Integrity

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    Privacy by design will become a legal obligation in the European Community if the Data Protection Regulation eventually gets adopted. However, taking into account privacy requirements in the design of a system is a challenging task. We propose an approach based on the specification of privacy architectures and focus on a key aspect of privacy, data minimisation, and its tension with integrity requirements. We illustrate our formal framework through a smart metering case study.Comment: appears in STM - 10th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management 8743 (2014

    До мінералогії сезонних сульфатів мису Фіолент (Південно-Західний Крим)

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    Комплексом методів вивчено колекцію зразків вторинних мінералів одного з узбережних відслонень зони окиснення сульфідної мінералізації мису Фіолент (Південно-Західний Крим). Установлено, що всі досліджені зразки є полімінеральними утвореннями, в яких одночасно співіснують у різних пропорціях сульфати Mg, Al, Fe²⁺, Fe³⁺, Ca тощо: пікерингіт (найпоширеніший), пікерингіт залізистий, гексагідрит, старкіїт, епсоміт, алуноген, ботріоген, копіапіт, ярозит, гіпс та ін. Старкіїт і ботріоген у Криму виявлено вперше.The collection of secondary minerals from one of littoral occurrences of sulphide zone of oxidation of the Fiolent Cape (South-Western Crimea) is studied by different methods. It was established that all studied samples were polymineral formations which consisted of sulphates of Mg, Al, Fe²⁺, Fe³⁺, Ca, etc. in different proportions: pickeringite (the most wide-spread), ferropickeringite, hexahydrite, starkeyite, epsomite, alunogen, botryogen, copiapite, jarosite, gypsum etc. Starkeyite and botryogen are detected in the Crimea for the first time

    Corticosteroid therapy for the management of paradoxical inflammatory reaction in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis

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    Background Paradoxical reaction after the initiation of tuberculosis treatment is defined as increased inflammation following effective antimycobacterial treatment. This is a phenomenon that can severely complicate a patient's recovery, potentially leading to further morbidity and residual deficits. Paradoxical reaction remains poorly understood regarding its pathophysiology and management. Only a limited number of reports look critically at the available therapeutic options, with evidence of the efficacy of prednisolone therapy being primarily limited to extrapulmonary PR only. Case We describe two HIV negative patients who were admitted to our department with pulmonary tuberculosis, presenting with inflammatory patterns attributable to PR and their response to adjunctive steroid therapy. Discussion and Conclusions The presented cases further highlight the need for immunological studies and randomized trials for corticosteroid therapy are needed to better understand this phenomenon as well as provide an evidence-base for anti-inflammatory treatment. Furthermore, by means of this case series, we are also able to highlight the potential variability in the symptomatology of the lesser known PR phenomenon, in which we observed a hypotensive shock-like syndrome not previously described in literature