19 research outputs found

    Maturidade da gestão da cadeia de suprimentos : um estudo de caso de uma organização de biotecnologia em saúde

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    Orientador : Guilherme Francisco FredericoMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curso de MBA em Gerência em Sistemas LogísticosInclui referênciasResumo : Pesquisas voltadas para maturidade estão ganhando importância nos últimos anos em diferentes áreas de gestão. Em termos de Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos algumas abordagens sobre o tema foram desenvolvidas buscando uma melhor compreensão das dimensões que podem impulsionar o melhor desempenho. Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo de caso realizado em uma empresa de biotecnologia do setor de saúde localizada no Paraná, que é referência em inovação e biologia molecular no Brasil. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de reunir evidências sobre as dimensões e da Maturidade da Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos. Levando em consideração que a Cadeia de Suprimentos é crucial nas empresas ligadas ao setor de saúde, os resultados dessa pesquisa mostram as dimensões que devem ser melhoradas pela empresa para alcançar um nível maior de maturidade na Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos. Este estudo também pode contribuir para a teoria de modelos de maturidade em Gestão de Cadeias de Suprimentos bem como para as empresas similares que desejam aplicar o modelo de maturidade

    Evidence of Carboniferous arc magmatism preserved in the Chicxulub impact structure

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    Determining the nature and age of the 200-km-wide Chicxulub impact target rock is an essential step in advancing our understanding of the Maya Block basement. Few age constraints exist for the northern Maya Block crust, specifically the basement underlying the 66 Ma, 200 km-wide Chicxulub impact structure. The International Ocean Discovery Program-International Continental Scientific Drilling Program Expedition 364 core recovered a continuous section of basement rocks from the Chicxulub target rocks, which provides a unique opportunity to illuminate the pre-impact tectonic evolution of a terrane key to the development of the Gulf of Mexico. Sparse published ages for the Maya Block point to Mesoproterozoic, Ediacaran, Ordovician to Devonian crust are consistent with plate reconstruction models. In contrast, granitic basement recovered from the Chicxulub peak ring during Expedition 364 yielded new zircon U-Pb laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) concordant dates clustering around 334 ± 2.3 Ma. Zircon rare earth element (REE) chemistry is consistent with the granitoids having formed in a continental arc setting. Inherited zircon grains fall into three groups: 400–435 Ma, 500–635 Ma, and 940–1400 Ma, which are consistent with the incorporation of Peri-Gondwanan, Pan-African, and Grenvillian crust, respectively. Carboniferous U-Pb ages, trace element compositions, and inherited zircon grains indicate a pre-collisional continental volcanic arc located along the Maya Block's northern margin before NW Gondwana collided with Laurentia. The existence of a continental arc along NW Gondwana suggests southward-directed subduction of Rheic oceanic crust beneath the Maya Block and is similar to evidence for a continental arc along the northern margin of Gondwana that is documented in the Suwannee terrane, Florida, USA, and Coahuila Block of NE México

    Globally distributed iridium layer preserved within the Chicxulub impact structure

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    The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction is marked globally by elevated concentrations of iridium, emplaced by a hypervelocity impact event 66 million years ago. Here, we report new data from four independent laboratories that reveal a positive iridium anomaly within the peak-ring sequence of the Chicxulub impact structure, in drill core recovered by IODP-ICDP Expedition 364. The highest concentration of ultrafine meteoritic matter occurs in the post-impact sediments that cover the crater peak ring, just below the lowermost Danian pelagic limestone. Within years to decades after the impact event, this part of the Chicxulub impact basin returned to a relatively low-energy depositional environment, recording in unprecedented detail the recovery of life during the succeeding millennia. The iridium layer provides a key temporal horizon precisely linking Chicxulub to K-Pg boundary sections worldwide

    Making Sense of Destruction: A Geochemical and Petrological Investigation of the Impact Melt Rocks and Crystalline Basement of the Chicxulub Impact Structure

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    n the northwestern corner of the Yucatán Peninsula, México, lies buried the Chicxulub impact structure, the structure whose formation harkened the end of the Cretaceous period and, more famously, the dinosaurs. The Chicxulub impact structure is not only associated with the demise of the dinosaurs, but it is also considered one of the best-preserved large impact structures on Earth. This is entirely due to the fact that the structure was buried under hundreds of meters of sediment directly after impact. This burial is both a blessing and a curse, as while itspreservation is fantastic, the fact that it is buried, means that our knowledge of the structure is mostly based on seismic data, samples of ejecta material and samples recovered from petroleum exploration and scientific drilling campaigns into the structure.The most recent scientific drilling campaign is the 2016 International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) and International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) Expedition 364 into the peak-ring structure of the crater. The peak ring refers to a concentric ring in the middle of the crater that consists of basement material that is uplifted closer to the surface.Essentially, one can compare the behaviour of the rock during an impact to that of water being displacement when one throws a rock into it. As mind boggling as that sounds the rock effectively behaves as a liquid due to the magnitude of force an impact produces. As a result, this brings material that is normally buried very deep closer to the surface. This also means that all the material created as a result of the impact (commonly referred to as impactites) such as molten rock, or fractured and broken rock, that lies on top of this structure is also brought closer to the surface. As such this location was selected by the 2016 drilling campaign, as it would be possible to both study the impactite suite as well as basement rock that was heavily affected by the impact. The final core that was drilled is referred to as the M0077A core and totals 303 continuous subcores with a total cored length of 828.99 m sampling a maximum depth of 1334.69 mbsf. In this core a multitude of highly interesting rocks were sampled. Namely (from 6 the bottom to the top): Largely uninterrupted crystalline basement rock, which is interruptedby molten material that was formed by the impact (impact melt rock). This is overlain by additional impact melt rock and transitions into suevite, a rock consisting of reworked impact material. Finally on top of that we can observe normal sedimentary infill of the crater.For this PhD-thesis we focused on samples recovered in the Hole M0077A core with the focus to better understand the impact melt rock material on one hand, and the underlying crystalline basement on the other. We wanted to both understand exactly what part of thebasement was molten during impact, and to better understand how it was formed and how it behaved during the impact. Secondly, we wanted to further understand the Yucatán subsurface because not only is the Chicxulub crater buried, the majority of the basement in Yucatán is notexposed at the surface. So, the sampling of largely uninterrupted crystalline basement also presented an opportunity to better understand the geological history of the peninsula. This research culminated in 8 chapters with the aims to present a better understanding of both theformation of the Chicxulub impact structure and the Yucatán subsurface.Begraven in de noordwestelijke hoek van het Yucatán schiereiland, Mexico, ligt de Chicxulub inslagkrater, bekend van de meteorietinslag die het einde van het Krijt en de dinosauriërs aankondigde. Deze krater is niet alleen geassocieerd met de ondergang van de dinosauriërs, hetis tevens een van (en mogelijk zelfs) de best bewaarde grote inslagkrater op Aarde. Dit heeft geheel te maken met het feit dat de krater vrijwel direct na inslag begraven was met honderden meters aan sediment. Dit is zowel een zege als een vloek want, ook al is de krater prachtig bewaard gebleven, bemoeilijkt het feit dat deze begraven is directe observatie ervan. Derhalve is onze kennis van de krater vrijwel geheel gebaseerd op seismische data, geëjecteerd materiaal, en monsters verkregen via petroleum exploratie en wetenschappelijke boringen.De meest recente wetenschappelijke boring stamt uit 2016, en betreft de International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) and International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) Expeditie 364, welke een boring zette in de zogeheten peak ring van de krater. De peak ring, of letterlijk vertaald piek ring, betreft een concentrische ring in het midden van de krater bestaande uit ‘basement’ materiaal dat omhoog gebracht is door de inslag. Hoe men zich dit moet voorstellen is dat het gesteente zich tijdens en vlak na een inslag hetzelfde gedraagt als water wanneer men er een steen in gooit. Hoe ongeloofwaardig dit ook klinkt, het feit is daar dat gesteente zich bijna als een vloeistof gaat gedragen door de gigantische kracht die vrij komt tijdens een inslag. Als gevolg hiervan wordt gesteente dat zich normaliter diep onder hetaardoppervlak bevindt naar boven gebracht om de piek ring te vormen. Dit betekent ook dat al het materiaal dat gevormd wordt door een inslag (ook wel impactites genoemd), denk hierbij aan gesmolten en gebroken gesteente, dat zich afzet op de piek ring tevens dichter aan hetoppervlak wordt gebracht. Om deze reden was besloten om expeditie 364 te laten boren in de piek ring, om zodoende zowel het omhoog gebrachte “basement” materiaal te kunnen bestuderen en om al het impactite gesteente te bestuderen dat gevormd is door de inslag. De 8boorkern die uiteindelijk gezet is heeft de designatie M0077A en bestaat uit 303 vrijwel continue kleinere boorkernen met een totale lengte van 828.99 m, tot een maximale diepte van 1334 mbsf (meters below sea floor of wel meters beneden zeebodem). De M0077A boorkern monstert een verscheidenheid aan interessant gesteente. Namelijk (van beneden naar boven): een voor het grootste gedeelte continue successie van kristallijn “basement” gesteente, dat enkel onderbroken is door gesmolten impactites, impact smelt gesteente genoemd. Hier bovenop bevindt zich een continue successie van verder impact smelt gesteente dat transitioneert naar sueviet (een gesteente bestaand uit herwerkt impact materiaal). Dit alles is afgetopt met de normale sedimentatie die zich vervolgde nadat de krater in rust kwam. In deze PhD-thesis focust het onderzoek zich op enerzijds het gesmolten impact materiaal en anderzijds aan de door de inslag omhoog gebrachte “basement” materiaal, waarbij het doel was om zowel de afzetting en formatie van gesmolten inslag materiaal te begrijpen en om beter inzicht te verkrijgen in de ondergrond waarop de meteoriet was ingeslagen. Het belang van het laatste komt vooral voort uit het feit dat niet alleen de krater begraven ligt, maar dat tevens de ondergrond op het Yucatán schiereiland begraven is. Het doel was dus om inzicht te krijgen in de geologische geschiedenis van het schiereiland. Dit onderzoek heeft geleid tot 8 hoofdstukken waarin meer uit de doeken wordt gedaan over de vorming van de Chicxulub inslagkrater aan de ene hand, en de ondergrond en geologische geschiedenis van het Yucatánschiereiland aan de andere.Doctorat en Sciencesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    First petrographic and geochemical characterization of impact melt-rich lithologies and target rocks within the Rochechouart impact structure (France), recovered by the 2017 drilling campaign

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    International audienceThe Rochechouart impact structure is a deeply eroded crater with no remaining impact-related topography. Nonetheless, despite intense erosion down to the crater floor in many localities, this structure still preserves a suite of proximal impactites, including impactoclastites (melt-bearing ash-like deposits), suevites, impact melt rocks, and shocked crystalline basement. All of these lithologies have been sampled during the 2017 drilling campaign led by Philippe Lambert, which concerned 18 drill holes (with a total cumulative length of ~540 m) located at 8 sites along two 10-km radial transects across the center of the structure.Fifty-two samples from 6 drilling sites have been selected for this study. A subset of 32 samples has been characterized by a detailed petrographic and mineralogical examination coupled with micro X-ray fluorescence elemental distribution mapping. All samples selected have been analyzed for their whole-rock major and trace geochemical compositions. Through this combined approach we examine the representativeness of these drill core samples and aim to disentangle the different syn- and post-impact processes, such as melting and mixing of target rocks, meteoritic contribution, and hydrothermal alteration that occurred as a result of the Rochechouart impact event ~207 Myr ago.Our petrographic and geochemical observations indicate that the impact melt-rich lithologies are formed from melting and mixing of granite and gneiss target rocks. Two different impact melt rock types can be identified within the Rochechouart impact structure. Their spatial distribution is heterogeneous, with a red impact melt rock being concentrated towards the southwestern part of the structure, where granites mostly outcrop, whereas a yellow one is located mainly in the northeastern part, where gneisses are exposed. Both impact melt rock types are found, partly mingling, in the center of the structure. The post-impact hydrothermal alteration, which affects most impact structures, is also recorded in the samples through K-metasomatism and crystallization of secondary minerals. Despite this process, an impactor contribution is preserved within the melt-rich lithologies, as highlighted by the enrichment in specific trace elements (e.g., Ni, Ge, Cr) of these lithologies compared to the target rock

    Resolving impact volatilization and condensation from target rock mixing and hydrothermal overprinting within the Chicxulub impact structure

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    This work presents isotopic data for the non-traditional isotope systems Fe, Cu, and Zn on a set of Chicxulub impactites and target lithologies with the aim of better documenting the dynamic processes taking place during hypervelocity impact events, as well as those affecting impact structures during the post-impact phase. The focus lies on material from the recent IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Hole M0077A drill core obtained from the offshore Chicxulub peak ring. Two ejecta blanket samples from the UNAM 5 and 7 cores were used to compare the crater lithologies with those outside of the impact structure. The datasets of bulk Fe, Cu, and Zn isotope ratios are coupled with petrographic observations and bulk major and trace element compositions to disentangle equilibrium isotope fractionation effects from kinetic processes. The observed Fe and Cu isotopic signatures, with δ56/54Fe ranging from −0.95‰ to 0.58‰ and δ65/63Cu from −0.73‰ to 0.14‰, mostly reflect felsic, mafic, and carbonate target lithology mixing and secondary sulfide mineral formation, the latter associated to the extensive and long-lived (>105 years) hydrothermal system within Chicxulub structure. On the other hand, the stable Zn isotope ratios provide evidence for volatility-governed isotopic fractionation. The heavier Zn isotopic compositions observed for the uppermost part of the impactite sequence and a metamorphic clast (δ66/64Zn of up to 0.80‰ and 0.87‰, respectively) relative to most basement lithologies and impact melt rock units indicate partial vaporization of Zn, comparable to what has been observed for Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary layer sediments around the world, as well as for tektites from various strewn fields. In contrast to previous work, our data indicate that an isotopically light Zn reservoir (δ66/64Zn down to −0.49‰), of which the existence has previously been suggested based on mass balance considerations, may reside within the upper impact melt rock (UIM) unit. This observation is restricted to a few UIM samples only and cannot be extended to other target or impact melt rock units. Light isotopic signatures of moderately volatile elements in tektites and microtektites have previously been linked to (back-)condensation under distinct kinetic regimes. Although some of the signatures observed may have been partially overprinted during post-impact processes, our bulk data confirm impact volatilization and condensation of Zn, which may be even more pronounced at the microscale, with variable degrees of mixing between isotopically distinct reservoirs, not only at proximal to distal ejecta sites, but also within the lithologies associated with the Chicxulub impact crater

    Search for a meteoritic component within the impact melt rocks of the Chicxulub impact structure peak ring, Mexico

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    Constraining the degree of preservation of a meteoritic signature within an impact structure provides vital insights in the complex pathways and processes that occur during and after an impact cratering event, providing information on the fate of the projectile. The IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 drilling recovered a ∼829 m continuous core (M0077A) of impactites and basement rocks within the ∼200-km diameter Chicxulub impact structure peak ring. No highly siderophile element (HSE) data have been reported for any of the impact melt rocks of this drill core to date. Previous work has shown that most Chicxulub impactites contain less than 0.1% of a chondritic component. Only few impact melt rock samples in previous drill cores recovered from the Chicxulub might contain such a signal. Therefore, we analyzed impact melt rock and suevite samples, as well as pre-impact lithologies of the Chicxulub peak ring, with a focus on the HSE concentrations and Re–Os isotopic compositions. Similar to the concentrations of the other major and trace elements, those of the moderately siderophile elements (Cr, Co, Ni) of impact melt rock samples primarily reflect mixing between a mafic (dolerite) and felsic (granite) components, with the incorporation of carbonate material in the upper impact melt rock unit (from 715.60 to 747.02 meters below seafloor). The HSE concentrations of the impact melt rocks and suevites are generally low (<39 ppt Ir, <96 ppt Os, <149 ppt Pt), comparable to the values of the average upper continental crust, yet three impact melt rock samples exhibit an enrichment in Os (125–410 ppt) and two of them also in Ir (250–324 ppt) by one order of magnitude relative to the other investigated samples. The 187Os/188Os ratios of the impact melt rocks are highly variable, ranging from 0.18 to 2.09, probably reflecting heterogenous target rock contributions to the impact melt rocks. The significant amount of mafic dolerite (mainly ∼20–60% and up to 80–90%), which is less radiogenic (187Os/188Os ratio of 0.17), within the impact melt rocks makes an unambiguous identification of an extraterrestrial admixture challenging. Granite samples have unusually low 187Os/188Os ratios (0.16 on average), while impact melt rocks and suevites broadly follow a mixing trend between upper continental crust and chondritic/mantle material. Only one of the investigated samples of the upper impact melt rock unit could also be interpreted in terms of a highly diluted (∼0.01–0.05%) meteoritic component. Importantly, the impact melt rocks and pre-impact lithologies were affected by post-impact hydrothermal alteration processes, probably remobilizing Re and Os. The mafic contribution, explaining the least radiogenic 187Os/188Os values, is rather likely. The low amount of meteoritic material preserved within impactites of the Chicxulub impact structure may result from a combination of the assumed steeply-inclined trajectory of the Chicxulub impactor (enhanced vaporization, and incorporation of projectile material within the expansion plume), the impact velocity, and the volatile-rich target lithologies.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe