444 research outputs found

    A first assessment of genetic variability in the longhorn beetle Rosalia alpina (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from the Italian Apennines

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    The Rosalia longicorn (Rosalia alpina) is a strictly protected saproxylic beetle, widely distributed in Central and Southern Europe and mainly associated with ancient beech forests. To improve knowledge about the conservation status of R. alpina in Italy, available molecular markers (microsatellites and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I(COI)) were tested for the first time on Italian populations. The study was performed in four sampling sites distributed in two areas placed in Northern (“Foreste Casentinesi” National Park) and Central Apennines (“Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise” National Park) where populational data about Rosalia longicorn were collected in the framework of the European LIFE MIPP Project. The genetic relationship among Apennine and Central/South-eastern European populations was explored by a comparison with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) data from literature. Microsatellite markers were only partially informative when applied to R. alpina Italian individuals, although providing some preliminary indication on an extensive gene flow among populations from the Apennines and local ongoing processes of genetic erosion. Genetic data are consistent with previous ecological data suggesting that the maintenance of variability in this species could be related to both habitat continuity and preservation of large senescent or standing dead trees in forests. Finally, a peculiar origin of the Apennine populations of R. alpina from a putative “Glacial Refugium” in Italy was inferred through COI data. The high genetic distance scored among the analysed populations and those from Central and South-eastern Europe indicates that the R. alpina deme from Apennine Mountains might represent a relevant conservation unit in Europe. Further genetic analyses will allow assessing other possible conservation units of R. alpina and, thus, defining large-scale conservation strategies to protect this endangered longhorn beetle in Europe

    Imaging the first light: experimental challenges and future perspectives in the observation of the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy

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    Measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) allow high precision observation of the Last Scattering Surface at redshift z∌z\sim1100. After the success of the NASA satellite COBE, that in 1992 provided the first detection of the CMB anisotropy, results from many ground-based and balloon-borne experiments have showed a remarkable consistency between different results and provided quantitative estimates of fundamental cosmological properties. During 2003 the team of the NASA WMAP satellite has released the first improved full-sky maps of the CMB since COBE, leading to a deeper insight into the origin and evolution of the Universe. The ESA satellite Planck, scheduled for launch in 2007, is designed to provide the ultimate measurement of the CMB temperature anisotropy over the full sky, with an accuracy that will be limited only by astrophysical foregrounds, and robust detection of polarisation anisotropy. In this paper we review the experimental challenges in high precision CMB experiments and discuss the future perspectives opened by second and third generation space missions like WMAP and Planck.Comment: To be published in "Recent Research Developments in Astronomy & Astrophysics Astrophysiscs" - Vol I

    Accelerating Cosmic Microwave Background map-making procedure through preconditioning

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    Estimation of the sky signal from sequences of time ordered data is one of the key steps in Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data analysis, commonly referred to as the map-making problem. Some of the most popular and general methods proposed for this problem involve solving generalised least squares (GLS) equations with non-diagonal noise weights given by a block-diagonal matrix with Toeplitz blocks. In this work we study new map-making solvers potentially suitable for applications to the largest anticipated data sets. They are based on iterative conjugate gradient (CG) approaches enhanced with novel, parallel, two-level preconditioners. We apply the proposed solvers to examples of simulated non-polarised and polarised CMB observations, and a set of idealised scanning strategies with sky coverage ranging from nearly a full sky down to small sky patches. We discuss in detail their implementation for massively parallel computational platforms and their performance for a broad range of parameters characterising the simulated data sets. We find that our best new solver can outperform carefully-optimised standard solvers used today by a factor of as much as 5 in terms of the convergence rate and a factor of up to 44 in terms of the time to solution, and to do so without significantly increasing the memory consumption and the volume of inter-processor communication. The performance of the new algorithms is also found to be more stable and robust, and less dependent on specific characteristics of the analysed data set. We therefore conclude that the proposed approaches are well suited to address successfully challenges posed by new and forthcoming CMB data sets.Comment: 19 pages // Final version submitted to A&

    Non-Gaussian bubbles in the sky

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    We point out a possible generation mechanism of non-Gaussian bubbles in the sky due to bubble nucleation in the early universe. We consider a curvaton scenario for inflation and assume that the curvaton field phi, whose energy density is subdominant during inflation but which is responsible for the curvature perturbation of the universe, is coupled to another field sigma which undergoes false vacuum decay through quantum tunneling. For this model, we compute the skewness of the curvaton fluctuations due to its interaction with sigma during tunneling, that is, on the background of an instanton solution that describes false vacuum decay. We find that the resulting skewness of the curvaton can become large in the spacetime region inside the bubble. We then compute the corresponding skewness in the statistical distribution of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature fluctuations. We find a non-vanishing skewness in a bubble-shaped region in the sky. It can be large enough to be detected in the near future, and if detected it will bring us invaluable information about the physics in the early universe.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Map-making in small field modulated CMB polarisation experiments: approximating the maximum-likelihood method

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    Map-making presents a significant computational challenge to the next generation of kilopixel CMB polarisation experiments. Years worth of time ordered data (TOD) from thousands of detectors will need to be compressed into maps of the T, Q and U Stokes parameters. Fundamental to the science goal of these experiments, the observation of B-modes, is the ability to control noise and systematics. In this paper, we consider an alternative to the maximum-likelihood method, called destriping, where the noise is modelled as a set of discrete offset functions and then subtracted from the time-stream. We compare our destriping code (Descart: the DEStriping CARTographer) to a full maximum-likelihood map-maker, applying them to 200 Monte-Carlo simulations of time-ordered data from a ground based, partial-sky polarisation modulation experiment. In these simulations, the noise is dominated by either detector or atmospheric 1/f noise. Using prior information of the power spectrum of this noise, we produce destriped maps of T, Q and U which are negligibly different from optimal. The method does not filter the signal or bias the E or B-mode power spectra. Depending on the length of the destriping baseline, the method delivers between 5 and 22 times improvement in computation time over the maximum-likelihood algorithm. We find that, for the specific case of single detector maps, it is essential to destripe the atmospheric 1/f in order to detect B-modes, even though the Q and U signals are modulated by a half-wave plate spinning at 5-Hz.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, MNRAS accepted v2: content added (inc: table 2), typos correcte

    Iterative destriping and photometric calibration for Planck-HFI, polarized, multi-detector map-making

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    We present an iterative scheme designed to recover calibrated I, Q, and U maps from Planck-HFI data using the orbital dipole due to the satellite motion with respect to the Solar System frame. It combines a map reconstruction, based on a destriping technique, juxtaposed with an absolute calibration algorithm. We evaluate systematic and statistical uncertainties incurred during both these steps with the help of realistic, Planck-like simulations containing CMB, foreground components and instrumental noise, and assess the accuracy of the sky map reconstruction by considering the maps of the residuals and their spectra. In particular, we discuss destriping residuals for polarization sensitive detectors similar to those of Planck-HFI under different noise hypotheses and show that these residuals are negligible (for intensity maps) or smaller than the white noise level (for Q and U Stokes maps), for l > 50. We also demonstrate that the combined level of residuals of this scheme remains comparable to those of the destriping-only case except at very low l where residuals from the calibration appear. For all the considered noise hypotheses, the relative calibration precision is on the order of a few 10e-4, with a systematic bias of the same order of magnitude.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures. Match published versio

    The data reduction pipeline for the Hi-GAL survey

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    We present the data reduction pipeline for the Hi-GAL survey. Hi-GAL is a key project of the Herschel satellite which is mapping the inner part of the Galactic plane (|l| <= 70\cdot and |b| <= 1\cdot), using 2 PACS and 3 SPIRE frequency bands, from 70{\mu}m to 500{\mu}m. Our pipeline relies only partially on the Herschel Interactive Standard Environment (HIPE) and features several newly developed routines to perform data reduction, including accurate data culling, noise estimation and minimum variance map-making, the latter performed with the ROMAGAL algorithm, a deep modification of the ROMA code already tested on cosmological surveys. We discuss in depth the properties of the Hi-GAL Science Demonstration Phase (SDP) data.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, MNRAS submitte

    Cosmological Parameters from the 2003 flight of BOOMERANG

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    We present the cosmological parameters from the CMB intensity and polarization power spectra of the 2003 Antarctic flight of the BOOMERANG telescope. The BOOMERANG data alone constrains the parameters of the Λ\LambdaCDM model remarkably well and is consistent with constraints from a multi-experiment combined CMB data set. We add LSS data from the 2dF and SDSS redshift surveys to the combined CMB data set and test several extensions to the standard model including: running of the spectral index, curvature, tensor modes, the effect of massive neutrinos, and an effective equation of state for dark energy. We also include an analysis of constraints to a model which allows a CDM isocurvature admixture.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Ap

    A weighting method to improve habitat association analysis: tested on British carabids

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    Analysis of species’ habitat associations is important for biodiversity conservation and spatial ecology. The original phi coefficient of association is a simple method that gives both positive and negative associations of individual species with habitats. The method originates in assessing the association of plant species with habitats, sampled by quadrats. Using this method for mobile animals creates problems as records often have imprecise locations, and would require either using only records related to a single habitat or arbitrarily choosing a single habitat to assign. We propose and test a new weighted version of the index that retains more records, which improves association estimates and allows assessment of more species. It weights habitats that lie within the area covered by the species record with their certainty level, in our case study, the proportion of the grid cell covered by that habitat. We used carabid beetle data from the National Biodiversity Network atlas and CEH Land Cover Map 2015 across Great Britain to compare the original method with the weighted version. We used presence‐only data, assigning species absences using a threshold based on the number of other species found at a location, and conducted a sensitivity analysis of this threshold. Qualitative descriptions of habitat associations were used as independent validation data. The weighted index allowed the analysis of 52 additional species (19% more) and gave results with as few as 50 records. For the species we could analyse using both indices, the weighted index explained 70% of the qualitative validation data compared to 68% for the original, indicating no accuracy loss. The weighted phi coefficient of association provides an improved method for habitat analysis giving information on preferred and avoided habitats for mobile species that have limited records, and can be used in modelling and analysis that directs conservation policy and practice

    A Measurement of the Angular Power Spectrum of the CMB Temperature Anisotropy from the 2003 Flight of Boomerang

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    We report on observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) obtained during the January 2003 flight of Boomerang . These results are derived from 195 hours of observation with four 145 GHz Polarization Sensitive Bolometer (PSB) pairs, identical in design to the four 143 GHz Planck HFI polarized pixels. The data include 75 hours of observations distributed over 1.84% of the sky with an additional 120 hours concentrated on the central portion of the field, itself representing 0.22% of the full sky. From these data we derive an estimate of the angular power spectrum of temperature fluctuations of the CMB in 24 bands over the multipole range (50 < l < 1500). A series of features, consistent with those expected from acoustic oscillations in the primordial photon-baryon fluid, are clearly evident in the power spectrum, as is the exponential damping of power on scales smaller than the photon mean free path at the epoch of last scattering (l > 900). As a consistency check, the collaboration has performed two fully independent analyses of the time ordered data, which are found to be in excellent agreement.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. High resolution figures and data are available at http://cmb.phys.cwru.edu/boomerang/ and http://oberon.roma1.infn.it/boomerang/b2
