4,588 research outputs found

    The determinants of performance in financial institutions: an application to Spanish savings banks

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    This paper analyses the determinants of the performance of Spanish savings banks. We study whether efficiency, core capital, the delinquency ratio, liquidity, the number of branches and profitability influence the performance of these entities. We find evidence that efficiency and core capital lead to greater performance. However, the results indicate that the higher the delinquency ratio, the lower the performance will be. Entities that opened new branches uncontrollably, without an analysis of their viability and profitability, now have a network which clearly decreases their performance. Only the entities that have maintained a solid core capital can maintain their position during the financial crisis. They had greater financial strength and more ability to recognise provisions without excessively damaging their capital and, thus, their solvency

    Respuestas de los consumidores a los hoteles certificados medioambientalmente: el efecto moderador de la conciencia medioambiental sobre la formación de intenciones comportamentales

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    Este estudio desarrolla un modelo que explora la relación entre las prácticas verdes, la imagen verde, la conciencia medioambiental y las intenciones comportamentales de los clientes en un contexto hotelero certificado. Para testar empíricamente el modelo propuesto se realizaron 502 encuestas personales a clientes hoteleros en España. Los resultados muestran como las percepciones de los clientes sobre las prácticas verdes tienen un efecto directo y positivo en la imagen verde de las compañías hoteleras. Al mismo tiempo, esta imagen influye directa y positivamente sobre las intenciones de comportamiento de los clientes hacia los hoteles certificados medioambientalmente. También se demuestra que cuanto mayor sea la conciencia medioambiental de los consumidores, mayor será su intención de hospedarse, realizar comentarios positivos y pagar una prima por alojarse en hoteles certificados. Por último, la conciencia medioambiental ejerce un efecto moderador sobre la relación causal entre la imagen verde y las intenciones comportamentales.This study develops a model that investigates the relationship among green practices, green image, environmental consciousness and the behavioral intentions of customers in a certified hotel context. The study examines the direct and the moderating role of environmental consciousness in the formation of behavioral intentions based on green initiatives. To test the proposed model empirically, 502 personal surveys of hotel customers were conducted in Spain. The findings show that customer perceptions of green practices have a positive direct effect on a hotel´s green image. At the same time, this environmental image has positive direct effects on customer behavioral intentions towards certified hotels. The authors also found that the higher the environmental consciousness of consumers, the greater their intention to stay, to spread positive word-of-mouth and pay a premium for environmentally-certified hotels. Finally, consumer environmental consciousness also exerts a moderating effect on the causal relationship between green image and behavioral intentions

    New design parameters for biparabolic beach profiles (SW Cadiz, Spain)

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    165 profiles of seventy-one beaches along the Gulf of Cadiz (SW, Spain) were studied to improve the formulation of the beach profile in tidal seas. Maritime climate, degree of energy exposure and size of the sand grains were taken into account to study the two sections of the biparabolic profile. The objective of the study was the determination of more accurate formulations of the design parameters for the equilibrium profile that involves tidal seas. These formulations were modelled and validated based on existing profiles to quantify the error existing between the real profile and the modelling. This comparative analysis was extended by considering the formulations proposed by other authors. The best results were obtained with the proposal presented herein

    Statistical dependence of pipe breaks on explanatory variables

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    Aging infrastructure is the main challenge currently faced by water suppliers. Estimation of assets lifetime requires reliable criteria to plan assets repair and renewal strategies. To do so, pipe break prediction is one of the most important inputs. This paper analyzes the statistical dependence of pipe breaks on explanatory variables, determining their optimal combination and quantifying their influence on failure prediction accuracy. A large set of registered data from Madrid water supply network, managed by Canal de Isabel II, has been filtered, classified and studied. Several statistical Bayesian models have been built and validated from the available information with a technique that combines reference periods of time as well as geographical location. Statistical models of increasing complexity are built from zero up to five explanatory variables following two approaches: a set of independent variables or a combination of two joint variables plus an additional number of independent variables. With the aim of finding the variable combination that provides the most accurate prediction, models are compared following an objective validation procedure based on the model skill to predict the number of pipe breaks in a large set of geographical locations. As expected, model performance improves as the number of explanatory variables increases. However, the rate of improvement is not constant. Performance metrics improve significantly up to three variables, but the tendency is softened for higher order models, especially in trunk mains where performance is reduced. Slight differences are found between trunk mains and distribution lines when selecting the most influent variables and models

    Towards the predictive analysis of cloud systems with e-Motions

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    Current methods for the predictive analysis of software systems are not directly applicable on self-adaptive systems as cloud systems, mainly due to their complexity and dynamism. To tackle the difficulties to handle the dynamic changes in the systems and their environments, we propose using graph transformation to define an adaptive com- ponent model and analysis tools for it, what allows us to carry on such analyses on dynamic architectures. Specifically, we use the e-Motions system to define the Palladio component model, and simulation-based analysis tools for it. Adaptation mechanisms are then specified as generic adaptation rules. This setting will allow us to study different mechanisms for the management of dynamic systems and their adaptation mechanisms, and different QoS metrics to be considered in a dynamic environment.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Conyza bonariensis e Conyza sumatrensis: sensibilidade ao glifosato em diferentes estádios de crescimento

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    Conyza sumatrensis y Conyza bonariensis son dos de las malezas más problemáticas en Argentina. En el sudeste bonaerense no existe información referida a la sensibilidad a glifosato de las especies de Conyza predominantes. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la sensibilidad a glifosato y la dosis letal media en dos estados de desarrollo en las especies C. bonariensis y C. sumatrensis. Se realizó un ensayo con plantas en estadio de roseta y elongación del tallo. En cada estadio se aplicaron dosis crecientes del herbicida glifosato (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 y 12 L ha-1de producto formulado CREDIT 48%). Posteriormente se efectuaron evaluaciones visuales de control y se determinó la biomasa aérea. Las curvas de dosis respuesta se ajustaron utilizando los modelos log-logístico y lineal plateau, además, se calculó la dosis requerida para alcanzar el 50% de control (EC50). En estadio de roseta, la EC50 fue de 1.37 y 1.12 L ha-1 en C. sumatrensis y C. bonariensis respectivamente, mostrando similar grado de tolerancia al herbicida. En estado de elongación ambas especies presentaron mayores valores de EC50 (8.04 y 2.44 L ha-1 respectivamente). Los resultados demostraron que las especies de Conyza difieren en su respuesta al herbicida glifosato. C. sumatrensis presentó mayor tolerancia al herbicida que C. bonariensis. Ambas especies mostraron diferencias en la respuesta a glifosato en los dos estados de crecimiento evaluados, aumentando la tolerancia en el estado de elongación de tallo.Conyza sumatrensis and Conyza bonariensis are two of the most problematic weeds in Argentina. In the southeast of Buenos Aires there is no information regarding the sensitivity of Conyza species to glyphosate. The objectives of this work were: a) to determine differences in sensitivity of C. bonariensis and C. sumatrensis to glyphosate, b) to evaluate the effect of the growth stage of C. bonariensis and C. sumatrensis plants on glyphosate efficacy, and c) to determine the median lethal glyphosate dose for both species. An experiment was conducted with plants at the rosette and stem elongation stages. Increasing doses of glyphosate (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 L ha-1 of formulated product corresponding to 0, 180, 360, 720, 1080, 2880 y 4320 g acid equivalent ha-1) (CREDIT 48% salt; 36g acid equivalent) were applied at each stage. Control was assessed visually, and aboveground biomass was determined. Dose-response curves were adjusted using the log-logistic and linear plateau models and the glyphosate dose required for 50% weed control (EC50) was calculated. C. sumatrensis was less sensitive to glyphosate than C. bonariensis. Later growth stages required a higher dose of glyphosate to achieve the same level of control. The EC50 values were 1.37 and 1.12 L ha-1 for C. sumatrensis and C. bonariensis respectively, in rosette stage, while in the stem elongation stage both species had high EC50 values (8.04 and 2.44 L ha-1 , respectively).Conyza sumatrensis y Conyza bonariensis son dos de las malezas más problemáticas en Argentina. En el sudeste bonaerense no existe información referida a la sensibilidad a glifosato de las especies de Conyza predominantes. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la sensibilidad a glifosato y la dosis letal media en dos estados de desarrollo en las especies C. bonariensis y C. sumatrensis. Se realizó un ensayo con plantas en estadio de roseta y elongación del tallo. En cada estadio se aplicaron dosis crecientes del herbicida glifosato (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 y 12 L ha-1de producto formulado CREDIT 48%). Posteriormente se efectuaron evaluaciones visuales de control y se determinó la biomasa aérea. Las curvas de dosis respuesta se ajustaron utilizando los modelos log-logístico y lineal plateau, además, se calculó la dosis requerida para alcanzar el 50% de control (EC50). En estadio de roseta, la EC50 fue de 1.37 y 1.12 L ha-1 en C. sumatrensis y C. bonariensis respectivamente, mostrando similar grado de tolerancia al herbicida. En estado de elongación ambas especies presentaron mayores valores de EC50 (8.04 y 2.44 L ha-1 respectivamente). Los resultados demostraron que las especies de Conyza difieren en su respuesta al herbicida glifosato. C. sumatrensis presentó mayor tolerancia al herbicida que C. bonariensis. Ambas especies mostraron diferencias en la respuesta a glifosato en los dos estados de crecimiento evaluados, aumentando la tolerancia en el estado de elongación de tallo

    Metalotioneínas de Tetrahymena: biodiversidad molecular, adaptación a metales, cepas knockout y/o knockdown y potencial utilización en biorremediación

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    Algunos metales son esenciales en múltiples procesos biológicos pero otros, sin embargo,se incluyen entre los contaminantes más abundantes y persistentes del planeta, llegando a serconsiderados como prioritarios. Los seres vivos han desarrollado una serie de mecanismos deresistencia frente a estos contaminantes, entre los que se encuentran el secuestro intracelularo la bioacumulación de los cationes metálicos mediante diversas moléculas queladoras, talescomo: las fitoquelatinas, las metalotioneínas o el glutatión.Las metalotioneínas (MTs) constituyen una superfamilia de proteínas citosólicas de bajopeso molecular, capaces de quelar metales pesados a través de sus numerosos residuos decisteína. Se han descrito MTs en multitud de organismos diferentes: vertebrados (incluyendo elser humano), invertebrados, plantas y microorganismos eucariotas o procariotas, existiendoentre ellas una gran heterogeneidad estructural y funcional. Las MTs del ciliado Tetrahymena(incluidas en la familia 7) muestran un especial interés ya que presentan características únicasfrente a las MTs clásicas descritas en otros organismos, tales como su mayor longitud ycontenido total en residuos de cisteínas así como su mayor capacidad de quelación de metal..

    Two Stochastic Differential Equations for Modeling Oscillabolastic-Type Behavior

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    Stochastic models based on deterministic ones play an important role in the description of growth phenomena. In particular, models showing oscillatory behavior are suitable for modeling phenomena in several application areas, among which the field of biomedicine stands out. The oscillabolastic growth curve is an example of such oscillatory models. In this work, two stochastic models based on diffusion processes related to the oscillabolastic curve are proposed. Each of them is the solution of a stochastic differential equation obtained by modifying, in a different way, the original ordinary differential equation giving rise to the curve. After obtaining the distributions of the processes, the problem of estimating the parameters is analyzed by means of the maximum likelihood method. Due to the parametric structure of the processes, the resulting systems of equations are quite complex and require numerical methods for their resolution. The problem of obtaining initial solutions is addressed and a strategy is established for this purpose. Finally, a simulation study is carried out.This work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Spain, under Grant MTM2017-85568-P and by the Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento de la Junta de Andalucía, Spain under Grant A-FQM-456-UGR18

    T-Growth Stochastic Model: Simulation and Inference via Metaheuristic Algorithms

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    The main objective of this work is to introduce a stochastic model associated with the one described by the T-growth curve, which is in turn a modification of the logistic curve. By conveniently reformulating the T curve, it may be obtained as a solution to a linear differential equation. This greatly simplifies the mathematical treatment of the model and allows a diffusion process to be defined, which is derived from the non-homogeneous lognormal diffusion process, whose mean function is a T curve. This allows the phenomenon under study to be viewed in a dynamic way. In these pages, the distribution of the process is obtained, as are its main characteristics. The maximum likelihood estimation procedure is carried out by optimization via metaheuristic algorithms. Thanks to an exhaustive study of the curve, a strategy is obtained to bound the parametric space, which is a requirement for the application of various swarm-based metaheuristic algorithms. A simulation study is presented to show the validity of the bounding procedure and an example based on real data is provided.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Spain, under Grant MTM2017-85568-PFEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento, Spain, Grant A-FQM-456-UGR1


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    A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a influência da construção da visão interdisciplinar na aprendizagem durante os estudos de pós-graduação para a promoção de um diferente entendimento e atuação frente aos desafios da Sociedade do Conhecimento. Para tal foi realizada uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, de fins exploratório descritivo por meios bibliográficos e estudo de caso. A revisão de literatura apresenta uma reflexão sobre a aprendizagem e a constituição da visão interdisciplinar. A partir da pesquisa empírica confirmou-se a importância da interdisciplinaridade para o processo de aprendizagem, reconhecendo sobretudo, a abrangência da formação desta natureza que vai além da aprendizagem de conceitos ao desenvolver capacidades e atitudes pessoais que se destacam perante a complexidade da sociedade do conhecimento. Pode-se concluir a importância da interdisciplinaridade para o processo de aprendizagem individual dos egressos gerando conquistas e benefícios que não seriam alcançados em um programa disciplinar tradicional. Pelo estudo de caso, considera-se que o olhar sob a perspectiva da interdisciplinaridade é um diferencial que os egressos levam para a vida profissional, conseguindo a partir dessa visão uma atuação mais efetiva no mercado, agregando valor e gerando competitividade