3,261 research outputs found

    Extreme & High Synchrotron Peaked Blazars at the limit of Fermi-LAT detectability: the γ\gamma-ray spectrum of 1BIGB sources

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    We present the 1-100 GeV spectral energy distribution for a population of 148 high-synchrotron-peaked blazars (HSPs) recently detected with Fermi-LAT as part of the First Brazil-ICRANet Gamma-ray Blazar catalogue (1BIGB). Most of the 1BIGB sources do not appear in previous Fermi-LAT catalogues and their gamma-ray spectral properties are presented here for the first time, representing a significant new extension of the gamma-ray blazar population. Since our sample was originally selected from an excess signal in the 0.3-500 GeV band, the sources stand out as promising TeV blazar candidates, potentially in reach of the forthcoming very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray observatory, CTA. The flux estimates presented here are derived considering PASS8 data, integrating over more than 9 years of Fermi-LAT observations. We also review the full broadband fit between 0.3-500 GeV presented in the original 1BIGB paper for all sources, updating the power-law parameters with currently available Fermi-LAT dataset. The importance of these sources in the context of VHE population studies with both current instruments and the future CTA is evaluated. To do so, we select a subsample of 1BIGB sources and extrapolate their gamma-ray SEDs to the highest energies, properly accounting for absorption due to the extragalactic background light. We compare those extrapolations to the published CTA sensitivity curves and estimate their detectability by CTA. Two notable sources from our sample, namely 1BIGB J224910.6-130002 and 1BIGB J194356.2+211821, are discussed in greater detail. All gamma-ray SEDs, which are shown here for the first time, are made publicly available via the Brazilian Science Data Center (BSDC) service, maintained at CBPF, in Rio de Janeiro.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Flow in work as a moderator of the self-determination model of work engagement

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    This study extends the self-determination model of work engagement. Based on flow theory and self-determination theory, it was hypothesised that the extent to which workers experience flow at work would moderate the positive association between perceived managerial autonomy support and work engagement, in such a way that for employees with more flow the association would be weaker (H1), and the positive associations between autonomy support and satisfaction of intrinsic psychological needs, in such a way that for employees with more flow these associations would be weaker (H2). A sample of 177 workers completed the Work Climate Questionnaire, Basic Need Satisfaction at Work Scale, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, and Flow Short Scale. Moderated mediation modelling supported hypothesis 1 and hypothesis 2 limitedly to the needs for competence and relatedness. The findings indicate that workers with more flow at work are more likely to engage in the job regardless of autonomy support

    An orally active formulation of angiotensin-(1-7) produces an antithrombotic effect

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    INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: The heptapeptide angiotensin-(1-7) is a component of the renin-angiotensin system, which promotes many beneficial cardiovascular effects, including antithrombotic activity. We have recently shown that the antithrombotic effect of angiotensin-(1-7) involves receptor Mas-mediated NO-release from platelets. Here, we describe an orally active formulation based on angiotensin-(1-7) inclusion in cyclodextrin [Ang-(1-7)- CyD] as an antithrombotic agent. Cyclodextrins are pharmaceutical tools that are used to enhance drug stability, absorption across biological barriers and gastric protection. METHOD: To test the antithrombotic effect of Ang-(1-7)-CyD, thrombus formation was induced in the abdominal vena cava of spontaneously hypertensive rats that were pretreated either acutely or chronically with Ang-(1-7)-CyD. Male Mas-knockout and wild-type mice were used to verify the role of the Mas receptor on the effect of Ang-(1-7)-CyD. RESULTS: Acute or chronic oral treatment with Ang-(1-7)-CyD promoted an antithrombotic effect (measured by thrombus weight; all values are, respectively, untreated vs. treated animals) in spontaneously hypertensive rats (acute: 2.86 + 0.43 mg vs. 1.14 + 0.40 mg; chronic: 4.27 + 1.03 mg vs. 1.39 + 0.68 mg). This effect was abolished in Mas-knockout mice (thrombus weight in Mas wild-type: 0.76 + 0.10 mg vs. 0.37 + 0.02 mg; thrombus weight in Mas-knockout: 0.96 + 0.11 mg vs. 0.87 + 0.14 mg). Furthermore, the antithrombotic effect of Ang-(1-7)-CyD was associated with an increase in the plasma level of Angiotensin-(1-7). CONCLUSION: These results show for the first time that the oral formulation Ang-(1-7)-CyD has biological activity and produces a Mas-dependent antithrombotic effect

    Penetrating Bladder Trauma: A High Risk Factor for Associated Rectal Injury

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    Demographics and mechanisms were analyzed in prospectively maintained level one trauma center database 1990–2012. Among 2,693 trauma laparotomies, 113 (4.1%) presented bladder lesions; 51.3% with penetrating injuries (n=58); 41.3% (n=24) with rectal injuries, males corresponding to 95.8%, mean age 29.8 years; 79.1% with gunshot wounds and 20.9% with impalement; 91.6% arriving the emergence room awake (Glasgow 14-15), hemodynamically stable (average systolic blood pressure 119.5 mmHg); 95.8% with macroscopic hematuria; and 100% with penetrating stigmata. Physical exam was not sensitive for rectal injuries, showing only 25% positivity in patients. While 60% of intraperitoneal bladder injuries were surgically repaired, extraperitoneal ones were mainly repaired using Foley catheter alone (87.6%). Rectal injuries, intraperitoneal in 66.6% of the cases and AAST-OIS grade II in 45.8%, were treated with primary suture plus protective colostomy; 8.3% were sigmoid injuries, and 70.8% of all injuries had a minimum stool spillage. Mean injury severity score was 19; mean length of stay 10 days; 20% of complications with no death. Concomitant rectal injuries were not a determinant prognosis factor. Penetrating bladder injuries are highly associated with rectal injuries (41.3%). Heme-negative rectal examination should not preclude proctoscopy and eventually rectal surgical exploration (only 25% sensitivity)

    Fungos potencialmente ocratoxígenos em café.

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    Micotoxinas. Fatores que influenciam a produção de micotoxinas. Influência da atividade de água. Fungos associados aos frutos e grãos de café. Fungos produtores de OTA. Ocratoxina em café. Alteração da qualidade provocada por fungos associados aos grãos de café. Interação da OTA e outras micotoxinas. Considerações finais.bitstream/item/65527/1/2003-DOC-0053.pd

    Diversidade genética entre acessos de Jatropha sp.

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    Uma das formas de identificação rápida de genótipos para composição de um banco de germoplasma é por meio da técnica de marcadores isoenzimáticos e moleculares. Com o objetivo de avaliar a variabilidade genética de acessos de Jatropha sp. Utilizou-se a técnica de marcadores isoenzimáticos e moleculares tipo RAPD. Foram utilizados 14 acessos de pinhão manso de diferentes origens, coletadas folhas jovens e procedido a extração (Isoenzimas) e purificação do DNA (RAPD). Para as isoenzimas a revelação foi feita para os sistemas enzimáticos álcool desidrogenase (ADH), esterase (EST), glutamato oxaloacetato transaminase (GOT) e peroxidase (PO), e na amplificação do DNA foram utilizados 14 oligonucleotídeos, sendo os produtos de amplificação separados em gel de agarose 0,8%, corados com brometo de etídio (0,5 µg/mL) e visualizados sob luz UV. As estimativas das similaridades genéticas (Sgij) entre cada par de genótipos foram calculadas pelo coeficiente de Jaccard usando o programa NTSYS-pc versão 2.1. Na análise de isoenzimas, os acessos mais similares foram 1 e 3, com 89% e o mais divergente foi o acesso 13 com 71%. No RAPD houve formação de grupos da espécie Jatropha curcas L. E do gênero Jatropha sp. O acesso 109 obteve 90% de divergência com os demais acessos. Os grupamentos formados apresentaram origens diversas, sendo possível um estudo de melhoramento visando características agronômicas desejáveis. Com os marcadores utilizados é possível a caracerização do banco de germoplasm

    Assessment of cytotoxicity in ten strains of Gambierdiscus australes from Macaronesian Islands by neuro-2a cell-based assays

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    Within the dinoflagellate genus Gambierdiscus several species are well-known producers of ciguatoxins (CTXs) and maitotoxins (MTXs). These compounds are potent marine toxins that accumulate through the food chain, leading to a foodborne disease known as ciguatera when contaminated fish is consumed. Given the threat that the presence of these toxins in seafood may pose to human health and fisheries, there is an evident necessity to assess the potential toxicity of Gambierdiscus sp. in a particular area. Thus, the purpose of this work was to evaluate the production of CTX and MTX of 10 strains of Gambierdiscus australes isolated from the Selvagem Grande Island (Madeira, Portugal) and El Hierro Island (Canary Islands, Spain). The strains were first characterized by light microscopy and species were confirmed by molecular biology, being identified as G. australes. Following the species identification, CTX and MTX production of G. australes extracts was evaluated at the exponential growth phase using neuro-2a cell-based assays. Additionally, the production of MTX was also investigated in two of the G. australes strains collected at the stationary growth phase. Interestingly, 9 out of 10 strains were found to produce CTX-like compounds, ranging from 200 to 697 fg equiv. CTX1B cell−1. None of the G. australes strains showed MTX-like activity at the exponential phase, but MTX production was observed in two strains at the stationary growth phase (227 and 275 pg equiv. MTX cell−1). Therefore, the presence of G. australes strains potentially producing CTX and MTX in these Macaronesian Islands was confirmed.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Fermentação em estado sólido: uma alternativa para o aproveitamento e valorização de resíduos agroindustriais tropicais.

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