536 research outputs found

    Astrocytes in paper chips and their interaction with hybrid vesicles

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    © 2022 The Authors. Advanced Biology published by Wiley-VCH GmbH. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.The role of astrocytes in brain function has received increased attention lately due to their critical role in brain development and function under physiological and pathophysiological conditions. However, the biological evaluation of soft material nanoparticles in astrocytes remains unexplored. Here, the interaction of crosslinked hybrid vesicles (HVs) and either C8-D1A astrocytes or primary astrocytes cultured in polystyrene tissue culture or floatable paper-based chips is investigated. The amphiphilic block copolymer poly(cholesteryl methacrylate)-block-poly(2-carboxyethyl acrylate) (P1) and 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine lipids are used for the assembly of HVs with crosslinked membranes. The assemblies show no short-term toxicity towards the C8-D1A astrocytes and the primary astrocytes, and both cell types internalize the HVs when cultured in 2D cell culture. Further, it is demonstrated that both the C8-D1A astrocytes and the primary astrocytes could mature in paper-based chips with preserved calcium signaling and glial fibrillary acidic protein expression. Last, it is confirmed that both types of astrocytes could internalize the HVs when cultured in paper-based chips. These findings lay out a fundamental understanding of the interaction between soft material nanoparticles and astrocytes, even when primary astrocytes are cultured in paper-based chips offering a 3D environment.This project was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 818890), the Lundbeck Foundation (R346-2020-1617), and the Carlsberg Foundation (CF 20–0418). The HRM Queen Margrethe II's travel grant (C.A.M.) is acknowledged for support. Tinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cre recombinase microinjection for single-cell tracing and localised gene targeting.

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    Tracing and manipulating cells in embryos are essential to understand development. Lipophilic dye microinjections, viral transfection and iontophoresis have been key to map the origin of the progenitor cells that form the different organs in the post-implantation mouse embryo. These techniques require advanced manipulation skills and only iontophoresis, a demanding approach of limited efficiency, has been used for single-cell labelling. Here, we perform lineage tracing and local gene ablation using cell-permeant Cre recombinase (TAT-Cre) microinjection. First, we map the fate of undifferentiated progenitors to the different heart chambers. Then, we achieve single-cell recombination by titrating the dose of TAT-Cre, which allows clonal analysis of nascent mesoderm progenitors. Finally, injecting TAT-Cre to Mycnflox/flox embryos in the primitive heart tube revealed that Mycn plays a cell-autonomous role in maintaining cardiomyocyte proliferation. This tool will help researchers identify the cell progenitors and gene networks involved in organ development, helping to understand the origin of congenital defects.This research was supported by grant PGC2018-096486-B-I00 from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and grant H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016-722427 from the EU Horizon 2020 program to M.T. M.S. was supported by a “la Caixa” Foundation PhD fellowship (LCF/BQ/DE18/11670014) and The Company of Biologists travelling fellowship (DEVTF181145). O.H.O. is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (grant RTI2018-097617-J-I00). J.N.D. received funding from grant 1380918 from the European Regional Development Fund Andalucıa 2014-2020 ́ Operating Program. Open access funding provided by Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares. Deposited in PMC for immediate release.S

    dReDBox: Materializing a full-stack rack-scale system prototype of a next-generation disaggregated datacenter

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    Current datacenters are based on server machines, whose mainboard and hardware components form the baseline, monolithic building block that the rest of the system software, middleware and application stack are built upon. This leads to the following limitations: (a) resource proportionality of a multi-tray system is bounded by the basic building block (mainboard), (b) resource allocation to processes or virtual machines (VMs) is bounded by the available resources within the boundary of the mainboard, leading to spare resource fragmentation and inefficiencies, and (c) upgrades must be applied to each and every server even when only a specific component needs to be upgraded. The dRedBox project (Disaggregated Recursive Datacentre-in-a-Box) addresses the above limitations, and proposes the next generation, low-power, across form-factor datacenters, departing from the paradigm of the mainboard-as-a-unit and enabling the creation of function-block-as-a-unit. Hardware-level disaggregation and software-defined wiring of resources is supported by a full-fledged Type-1 hypervisor that can execute commodity virtual machines, which communicate over a low-latency and high-throughput software-defined optical network. To evaluate its novel approach, dRedBox will demonstrate application execution in the domains of network functions virtualization, infrastructure analytics, and real-time video surveillance.This work has been supported in part by EU H2020 ICTproject dRedBox, contract #687632.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Relationships Between Vestibular Measures as Potential Predictors for Spaceflight Sensorimotor Adaptation

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    Introduction: During space exploration missions astronauts are exposed to a series of novel sensorimotor environments, requiring sensorimotor adaptation. Until adaptation is complete, sensorimotor decrements occur, affecting critical tasks such as piloted landing or docking. Of particularly interest are locomotion tasks such as emergency vehicle egress or extra-vehicular activity. While nearly all astronauts eventually adapt sufficiently, it appears there are substantial individual differences in how quickly and effectively this adaptation occurs. These individual differences in capacity for sensorimotor adaptation are poorly understood. Broadly, we aim to identify measures that may serve as pre-flight predictors of and individual's adaptation capacity to spaceflight-induced sensorimotor changes. As a first step, since spaceflight is thought to involve a reinterpretation of graviceptor cues (e.g. otolith cues from the vestibular system) we investigate the relationships between various measures of vestibular function in humans. Methods: In a set of 15 ground-based control subjects, we quantified individual differences in vestibular function using three measures: 1) ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential (oVEMP), 2) computerized dynamic posturography and 3) vestibular perceptual thresholds. oVEMP responses are elicited using a mechanical stimuli approach. Computerized dynamic posturography was used to quantify Sensory Organization Tests (SOTs), including SOT5M which involved performing pitching head movements while balancing on a sway-reference support surface with eyes closed. We implemented a vestibular perceptual threshold task using the tilt capabilities of the Tilt-Translation Sled (TTS) at JSC. On each trial, the subject was passively roll-tilted left ear down or right ear down in the dark and verbally provided a forced-choice response regarding which direction they felt tilted. The motion profile was a single-cycle sinusoid of angular acceleration with a duration of 5 seconds (frequency of 0.2 Hz), which was selected as it requires sensory integration of otolith and semicircular canal cues. Stimuli direction was randomized and magnitude was determined using an adaptive sampling procedure. One hundred trials were provided and each subject's responses were fit with a psychometric curve to estimate the subject's threshold. Results: Roll tilt perceptual thresholds at 0.2 Hz ranged from 0.5 degrees to 1.82 degrees across the 15 subjects (geometric mean of 1.04 degrees), consistent with previous studies. The inter-individual variability in thresholds may be able to help explain individual differences observed in sensorimotor adaptation to spaceflight. Analysis is ongoing for the oVEMPS and computerized dynamic posturography to identify relationships between the various vestibular measures. Discussion: Predicting individual differences in sensorimotor adaptation is critical both for the development of personalized countermeasures and mission planning. Here we aim to develop a basis of vestibular tests and parameters which may serve as predictors of individual differences in sensorimotor adaptability through studying the relationship between these measures

    Neural correlates of multi-day learning and savings in sensorimotor adaptation

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    Abstract In the present study we evaluated changes in neural activation that occur over the time course of multiple days of sensorimotor adaptation, and identified individual neural predictors of adaptation and savings magnitude. We collected functional MRI data while participants performed a manual adaptation task during four separate test sessions over a three-month period. This allowed us to examine changes in activation and associations with adaptation and savings at subsequent sessions. Participants exhibited reliable savings of adaptation across the four sessions. Brain activity associated with early adaptation increased across the sessions in a variety of frontal, parietal, cingulate, and temporal cortical areas, as well as various subcortical areas. We found that savings was positively associated with activation in several striatal, parietal, and cingulate cortical areas including the putamen, precuneus, angular gyrus, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC), and cingulate motor area. These findings suggest that participants may learn how to better engage cognitive processes across days, potentially reflecting improvements in action selection. We propose that such improvements may rely on action-value assignments, which previously have been linked to the dACC and striatum. As correct movements are assigned a higher value than incorrect movements, the former are more likely to be performed again

    Development of a Protocol to Test Proprioceptive Utilization as a Predictor for Sensorimotor Adaptability

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    Astronauts returning from space flight show significant inter-subject variations in their abilities to readapt to a gravitational environment because of their innate sensory weighting. The ability to predict the manner and degree to which each individual astronaut will be affected would improve the effectiveness of countermeasure training programs designed to enhance sensorimotor adaptability. We hypothesize participant's ability to utilize individual sensory information (vision, proprioception and vestibular) influences adaptation in sensorimotor performance after space flight. The goal of this study is to develop a reliable protocol to test proprioceptive utilization in a functional postural control task. Subjects "stand" in a supine position while strapped to a backpack frame holding a friction-free device using air-bearings that allow the subject to move freely in the frontal plane, similar to when in upright standing. The frame is attached to a pneumatic cylinder, which can provide different levels of a gravity-like force that the subject must balance against to remain "upright". The supine posture with eyes closed ensures reduced vestibular and visual contribution to postural control suggesting somatosensory and/or non-otolith vestibular inputs will provide relevant information for maintaining balance control in this task. This setup is called the gravity bed. Fourteen healthy subjects carried out three trials each with eyes open alternated with eyes closed, "standing" on their dominant leg in the gravity bed environment while loaded with 60 percent of their body weight. Subjects were instructed to: "use your sense of sway about the ankle and pressure changes under the foot to maintain balance." Maximum length of a trial was 45 seconds. A force plate underneath the foot recorded forces and moments during the trial and an inertial measurement unit (IMU) attached on the backpack's frame near the center of mass of the subject recorded upper body postural responses. Series of linear and non-linear analyses were carried out on several force plate and IMU data including stabilogram diffusion analysis on the center of pressure (COP) to find a subset of parameters that were sensitive to detect differences in postural performance between eyes open and closed conditions. Results revealed that seven parameters (root mean square (RMS) of medio-lateral (ML) COP, range of ML COP, RMS of roll moment, range of trunk roll, minimum time-to-boundary (TTB), integrated TTB, and critical mean square planar displacement (delta r (sup 2) (sub c)) were significantly different between eyes open and closed conditions. We will present data to show the efficacy of using performance in single leg stance with eyes closed on the gravity bed to assess individuals' ability to utilize proprioceptive information in a functional postural control task to predict re-adaptation for sensorimotor and functional performance

    Determinantes de la adopci?n de la inteligencia artificial en la prevenci?n de violencia en eventos deportivos masivos de f?tbol en la ciudad de Lima

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    La CONMEBOL promueve pol?ticas de seguridad que requieren de tecnolog?a para prevenir y contrarrestar la violencia en los eventos masivos de f?tbol. Por ello, la presente investigaci?n busca identificar los factores que favorecen la adopci?n de la inteligencia artificial en la prevenci?n de violencia en los espect?culos masivos de f?tbol; cu?les son las caracter?sticas de esta tecnolog?a convenientes para este fin; y c?mo los clubes de f?tbol pueden alinearse a las nuevas pol?ticas de seguridad de la CONMEBOL. La tesis es de car?cter exploratorio, se ha construido el instrumento de investigaci?n en base a entrevistas no estructuradas a expertos en el rubro. Los resultados de esta investigaci?n han dado como factores determinantes para la adopci?n de la inteligencia artificial en eventos masivos de f?tbol: las condiciones facilitadoras, la expectativa de rendimiento y el aspecto regulatorio. En relaci?n a la tecnolog?a de inteligencia artificial, se espera que deba brindar amplias capacidades cognitivas, sensoriales y f?sicas; y un planeamiento y manejo de expectativas de uso acorde con los requerimientos de los principales interesados

    The hydroxyl functionality and a rigid proximal N are required for forming a novel non-covalent quinine-heme complex

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    Quinoline antimalarial drugs bind both monomeric and dimeric forms of free heme, with distinct preferences depending on the chemical environment. Under biological conditions, chloroquine (CQ) appears to prefer to bind to μ-oxo dimeric heme, while quinine (QN) preferentially binds monomer. To further explore this important distinction, we study three newly synthesized and several commercially available QN analogues lacking various functional groups. We find that removal of the QN hydroxyl lowers heme affinity, hemozoin (Hz) inhibition efficiency, and antiplasmodial activity. Elimination of the rigid quinuclidyl ring has similar effects, but elimination of either the vinyl or methoxy group does not. Replacing the quinuclidyl N with a less rigid tertiary aliphatic N only partially restores activity. To further study these trends, we probe drug-heme interactions via NMR studies with both Fe and Zn protoporphyrin IX (FPIX, ZnPIX) for QN, dehydroxyQN (DHQN), dequinuclidylQN (DQQN), and deamino-dequinuclidylQN (DADQQN). Magnetic susceptibility measurements in the presence of FPIX demonstrate that these compounds differentially perturb FPIX monomer-dimer equilibrium. We also isolate the QN-FPIX complex formed under mild aqueous conditions and analyze it by mass spectrometry, as well as fluorescence, vibrational, and solid state NMR spectroscopies. The data elucidate key features of QN pharmacology and allow us to propose a refined model for the preferred binding of QN to monomeric FPIX under biologically relevant conditions. With this model in hand, we also propose how QN, CQ, and amodiaquine (AQ) differ in their ability to inhibit Hz formation