1,070 research outputs found

    Experiences of Public-Private Collaboration for Stimulating

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    For over a decade now, work has been ongoing on the professional organization and management of town centre retail spaces in Spain under what is known as the Open Shopping Centre model. Introducing this model has involved a process of public-private collaboration in several different phases, conditioned to a large extent by the specific context of each initiative. With a view to furthering the process of benchmarking developed out of the experiences of recent years, we shall use case analysis to explain trends in initiatives for retail regeneration and stimulation undertaken in the Basque Country (an autonomous community in the north of Spain) since 2000. We analyze the factors that have prompted these initiatives, assessing and comparing the landmarks and conditions that have marked, or are determining, progress in the dynamic of collaboration between municipal authorities and retailers for a competitive improvement both in the retail sector and in the environment in which it operates: the city. Finally we list witch are these key factors

    Aspectos da legislação mineral e paramineral que afetam a atividade de mineração

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    Orientador: Hildebrando HerrmannDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de GeocienciasResumo: O objetivo geral deste trabalho é diagnosticar questões, referentes à legislação mineral e paramineral, que podem estar afetando o setor mineral, e criar um quadro a respeito do setor que sirva para análises posteriores, além de mostrar a importância da atividade de mineração no Brasil. A pesquisa desenvolvida, através de levantamento bibliográfico, pode ser classificada como exploratória. Seu objetivo é proporcionar maior familiaridade com o assunto, e torná-lo mais explícito. A necessidade de se diagnosticar questões que interferem na atividade de mineração tem como principal justificativa a queda abrupta de investimentos no setor mineral, que muitos atribuem às modificações introduzidas ao setor mineral pela Constituição de 1988, e também ao clima econômico recessivo mundial, agravado, no Brasil, por problemas políticos internosAbstract: The general purpose of this work is to diagnose questions concerning the mineral and "paramineral" legislation, which can be affecting the mineral sector, and to develop a sumrnary about the sector which attend on posterior analysis, and also to show the importance of mining activities on Brazil. The research developed, througb bibliographic survey, can be qualified as exploratory. Its intent is to provide a great familiarity with the matter, and to render it more explicit. The necessity of diagnose questions which intervene in the mining activity has as the main reason the abrupt decline of investment in the mineral sector, and many people relate it to the modifications introduced in the mineral sector for the 1988's Constitution, and also to the recession in the world's economy, injured, in Brazil, for problems in the internal politicMestradoAdministração e Politica de Recursos MineraisMestre em Geociência

    Cooperación interempresarial sectorial y en la cadena de suministro

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    Presentación para impartir docencia en el curso de comercio interior 2011 (Programa de becarios del Gobierno Vasco) Sesión completa (4horas y 15 minutos)Se analiza la aplicación del modelo cluster en el sector de la distribución comercia

    Anexo del caso Bertoko

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    Artículo original "Caso Bertoko" publicado en Cuadernos de Gestión 1(2): 107-117 (2001), disponible en ADDI: http://hdl.handle.net/10810/6998[ES] En el volumen 2, número 1 de esta revista, dentro de la sección de casos de empresas, se publicaba la problemática empresarial de Bertoko Gar, S.A. Esta empresa era presentada como una microcervecera fundada y establecida en Barazar (Vizcaya) en el año 1999 para la producción y comercialización de una cerveza caracterizada por su carácter local y artesanal. De forma excepcional y debido a los importantes cambios acontecidos en el devenir de esta empresa durante los últimos meses este anexo trata de actualizar la información publicada sobre el caso en su edición anterior

    Revitalización y dinamización comercial en entornos urbanos: experiencias del País Vasco

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    Para hacer frente a la creciente competencia entre ciudades como destinos de compra y al desarrollo de las nuevas formas de comercio periurbano, se viene trabajando, desde hace ya más de una década, en la planificación y gestión profesional de los espacios urbano/comerciales bajo lo que se conoce como modelo de Centro Comercial Abierto. Ahora bien, bajo esta denominación nos encontremos con planteamientos bien distintos y el nombre se emplea como bandera de un modo de entender la dinamización comercial, gestionando el espacio urbano en que se desarrolla la actividad comercial mediante la colaboración de todos los agentes implicados, tanto públicos como privados, pero las interpretaciones y su funcionamiento pueden ser muy diferentes en cada caso. En el presente trabajo exponemos, mediante el análisis de casos, la evolución de las experiencias de regeneración y dinamización comercial que se han desarrollado en el País Vasco desde el año 2000. Se analizan los factores que las han impulsado, evaluando y comparando las condiciones que han marcado, o están determinando, el avance en las dinámicas de colaboración público-privada para la mejora competitiva tanto del sector comercial como del entorno en que éste desarrolla su actividad: la ciudad.To face the increasing competition among cities as shopping destinations and new forms of out-of-town shopping, TCM schemes are being used since more than a decade, for planning the management of urban and retail spaces. In Spain TCM schemes are called Open City Center but this denomination is not clear. So, the name uses as flag of a way of understanding the commercial dinamización, in public-private partnership, but the interpretations can be very different in every case. In this study we expose, by means of the analysis of cases, the evolution of the regeneration experiences and commercial invigoration that have been developed in the Basque Country from the year 2000. We analyze the factors that have stimulated them, evaluating and comparing the determining conditions in the advance of public - private partnership to improve competitiveness, as much of the commercial sector as the environment in which this one develops its activity: the city

    A bibliometric review of the technology transfer literature

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    This study explores academic research on technology transfer (TT) and the related themes. The TT field has attracted considerable scholarly attention in recent years and has grown rapidly, resulting in a large body of knowledge. Using a bibliometric approach, this study reviews related research issues as well as their influence and connections and provides directions for future research. It uses Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science database that includes 3,218 bibliographic references. Several bibliometric analysis techniques and a subsequent review of the content of the most relevant documents are adopted. The performance analysis provided an updated overview of the evolution of the TT literature from 1969 to 2018 and quantitatively identified the most active and influential journals, articles, authors, and organizations. The co-authorship network analysis allowed us to identify and visualize the structure of relations between authors as well as determine the collaboration patterns among them. On the basis of the information supplied by the co-authorship network, the main literature was reviewed to identify the current status and research trends related to TT, identifying five main research streams and related topics. The implications of the study’s findings and directions for future TT research are finally discussed to enhance our understanding of TT agents and issues and support further research in this field.Funding for this research was provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation & Universities (MCIU/AEI/FEDER-UE) under the Grant Number RTI2018-097579-B-100, by UPV/EHU under the Grant Number GIU16/46, and by FESIDE

    Building bridges between gender and family business literature to advance women's empowerment

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    This study underlines the importance of addressing gender issues in family firms. It reinvigorates research in this field by revealing its current state, identifying research gaps, and suggesting future agendas. A bibliometric approach using a co-word analysis of 376 papers from the Web of Science database and their 885 keywords was performed to reveal the thematic structure of gender and family firm research, research topics, associations among them, and their evolution over the last 30 years (1991–2021). This review provides an extensive literature base and suggests research topics that facilitate the adoption of a gendered lens in family firm literature and business practice. This review demonstrates how gender issues are intertwined with management, leadership, and family business approaches. Our observations inform scholars, policymakers, and practitioners on the need to integrate gender issues into organizational culture and to connect empowerment strategies with the sociocultural environment. This study shows the need to address women’s empowerment in business, considering different sociocultural contexts in addition to a Western focus. It also calls for embracing gender and feminist perspectives in research.This research was partially supported by the Consolidated Research Group funding by the Basque Government under the grant number IT1641-22. It also receive financial support from the Spanish MICIU/AEI/FEDER-UE under the grant number RTI2018-097579-B-100. Amaia Maseda also received a Salvador de Madariaga Grant (PRX19/00636) from the Spanish MECD for a research stay at the University of Edinburgh Business School (UK)

    Educação Ambiental no Bioma Caatinga no Ensino Médio do Colégio Estadual Deputado Jayro Sento Sé em Sento-Sé, Bahia – Brasil, 2017.

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    Este trabalho apresenta a análise de um estudo sobre a Educação Ambiental no Bioma Caatinga, tendo como objetivo analisar as percepções dos professores do Ensino Médio sobre o ensino de forma interdisciplinar do bioma Caatinga no Colégio Estadual Deputado Jayro Sento-Sé, na cidade de Sento-Sé/Bahia no ano de 2017. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de enfoque misto, com desenho não experimental, com corte transversal, alcance descritiva, na qual, com o objetivo de colher informações, utilizou-se como técnica de coleta de dados a aplicação de dois questionários estruturados, sendo um aplicado a professores e outro, a alunos do Ensino Médio. Para a obtenção dos dados qualitativos, utilizou-se como técnica a análise documental e observação não participante. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que os professores percebem que é possível o ensino do bioma Caatinga de forma interdisciplinar; contudo, no questionário aplicados aos alunos, na análise da abordagem do conteúdo nos livros didáticos e na inexistência de atividades alusivas ao bioma no PPP, percebeu-se que apesar da relevância, essa temática é trabalhada de forma ineficiente, que pouco contribui para ampliar o conhecimento dos alunos acerca do ambiente que o cerca e tampouco despertar o sentimento de valorização do bioma

    Interpretación del paradigma «Student Engagement» en España (una revisión bibliométrica)

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    In this paper, we aim to evaluate the impact and the interpretation that has been made of the concept of «Student Engagement» in the Spanish university system. For this purpose, we have reviewed the contributions made in the last five years to the main international congresses on university teaching innovation held in Spain and the national-level publications on this topic that are registered in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Through this review, we can determine not only the impact of Student Engagement among national and international teachers that participate in these forums, but also the interpretation they make of the concept. The review of the documents, and our own position as teachers, makes us reflect on a proposal that could guide future lines of research on the issue. In this regard, we consider that the management of the university, especially in the Spanish system, still does not take a holistic perspective of the university student's experience into account. In order to fully develop the three dimensions of action to improve Student Engagement, we need a multidisciplinary approach that would take into consideration the purest contributions from management, from university experiential marketing, and from the educational sciences with their knowledge of teaching methodologies.En este trabajo pretendemos valorar el impacto y la interpretación que se ha hecho del concepto «Student Engagement» en el sistema universitario español. Para ello, hemos creído oportuno revisar las aportaciones realizadas en los últimos cinco años en los principales congresos internaciona­les en innovación docente universitaria celebrados en España y las publicaciones de ámbito nacional que sobre este tema aparecen registradas en las bases de datos de Scopus y Web of Science. Con ello, delimitaremos no solo el impacto del Student Engagement entre los docentes nacionales e inter­nacionales que participan en estos foros, sino tam­bién la interpretación que hacen de dicho concepto. La revisión de documentos y nuestra propia posición como docentes nos hace reflexionar sobre una pro­puesta que pueda guiar futuras líneas de investiga­ción en el tema. En este sentido, consideramos que la gestión de la universidad, especialmente en el sis­tema español, aún no se realiza teniendo en cuenta una visión holística de la experiencia del estudiante universitario. Para desarrollar plenamente las tres dimensiones de actuación sobre el Student Enga­gement será necesario un enfoque multidisciplinar que considere tanto las aportaciones más puras del management, del university experiential marketing, como las de las educational sciences con sus cono­cimientos en metodologías docentes

    Role of Candida species from HIV infected children in enamel caries lesions: an in vitro study

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    Objectives This study analyzed the capacity of Candida spp. from dental biofilm of HIV infected (HIV+) children to demineralize primary molar enamel in vitro by Transversal Microhardness (TMH), Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) and the quantity of calcium ions (Ca2+) released from the enamel. Material and Methods Candida spp. samples were isolated from the supragingival biofilm of HIV+ children. A hundred and forty (140) enamel blocks were randomly assigned to six groups: biofilm formed by C. albicans (Group 1); mixed biofilm formed by C. albicans and C. tropicalis (Group 2); mixed biofilm formed by C. albicans and C. parapsilosis (Group 3); mixed biofilm formed by C. albicans, C. parapsilosis and C. glabrata (Group 4); biofilm formed by C. albicans ATCC (Group 5) and medium without Candida (Group 6). Enamel blocks from each group were removed on days 3, 5, 8 and 15 after biofilm formation to evaluate the TMH and images of enamel were analyzed by PLM. The quantity of Ca2+ released, from Groups 1 and 6, was determined using an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The SPSS program was used for statistical analysis and the significance level was 5%. Results TMH showed a gradual reduction in enamel hardness (
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