418 research outputs found

    Estado de la educación y formación empresarial en los países y regiones españolas del GEM

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    ABSTRACT Specialised literature presents education and training as a determining factor for entrepreneurship. However, time and time again experts at the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) have stated that it’s one lowest, and sometimes the least, valued elements in this area. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyse the state of entrepreneurship education and training in its different stages within the countries and regions that participated in GEM 2012. Specifically, what is sought is, based on the opinion of the experts, the state of entrepreneurship training and education in each level analysed in GEM, generically as well as by country, while looking at the possible differences (strengths and weaknesses) that appear in each one. Furthermore, this is paired with a national analysis that examines the situation of the different participating regions in the study. In order to carry out the analysis, the 2012 NES database is used. In that edition, a total of 69 countries participated and, in the case of Spain, there were 14 regions all with 36 experts in each. The data processing is carried out using the Rasch model for measurement. The preliminary results show that, in general, university level education geared towards entrepreneurship is more highly developed than at the lower levels of education, such as in secondary and primary education. Nevertheless, the individual analysis makes it possible to detect differences between countries and regions. La literatura especializada presenta a la educación y formación como un factor determinante del emprendimiento. Sin embargo, reiteradamente los expertos del Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) han puesto de manifiesto que es una de las condiciones del entorno peor valoradas, en muchos casos la más deficiente. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio es analizar, basándonos en la opinión de los expertos, el estado de la educación y formación empresarial, en sus diferentes etapas, en los países y regiones que han participado en el GEM 2012. Concretamente, se pretende conocer el grado de desarrollo alcanzado en cada uno de los niveles que se analizan en el informe GEM, tanto genéricamente como por país, analizando las posibles diferencias (fortalezas y debilidades) que aparezcan en cada uno. Además, esto se completa con un análisis de ámbito nacional, analizando la situación de las diferentes regiones españolas participantes en el estudio. Para la realización del análisis se utiliza la base de datos NES 2012. En dicha edición participaron un total de 69 países y, en el caso de España, 14 regiones, contando en cada caso con 36 expertos. El tratamiento de los datos se realiza mediante el uso de la Teoría de Medición de Rasch. Los resultados muestran que, en general, la enseñanza universitaria orientada al emprendimiento está más desarrollada que las enseñanzas de niveles inferiores, como pueden ser la secundaria y la primaria. No obstante, el análisis individual permite detectar diferencias entre los países y las regiones. ABSTRACT Specialised literature presents education and training as a determining factor for entrepreneurship. However, time and time again experts at the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) have stated that it’s one lowest, and sometimes the least, valued elements in this area. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyse the state of entrepreneurship education and training in its different stages within the countries and regions that participated in GEM 2012. Specifically, what is sought is, based on the opinion of the experts, the state of entrepreneurship training and education in each level analysed in GEM, generically as well as by country, while looking at the possible differences (strengths and weaknesses) that appear in each one. Furthermore, this is paired with a national analysis that examines the situation of the different participating regions in the study. In order to carry out the analysis, the 2012 NES database is used. In that edition, a total of 69 countries participated and, in the case of Spain, there were 14 regions all with 36 experts in each. The data processing is carried out using the Rasch model for measurement. The preliminary results show that, in general, university level education geared towards entrepreneurship is more highly developed than at the lower levels of education, such as in secondary and primary education. Nevertheless, the individual analysis makes it possible to detect differences between countries and regions.  &nbsp

    Survey dataset on reasons why companies decide to implement continuous improvement

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    ABSTRACT: Continuous improvement practices are increasingly common among all kinds of companies as a means to achieve business excellence. However, the reasons why companies implement continuous improvement might vary a lot. This article presents data on the motivations that induce companies to develop continuous improvement initiatives. The data were collected through a survey. Of the 209 companies surveyed, 109 answered it. The dataset includes information about the main characteristics of the company (size, sector) together with information about the main reasons to set up continuous improvement management practices. The dataset is available in excel format. The authors consider that these data are useful not only for researchers but also for consultants and for those practitioners interested in decision sciences

    Responsabilidad social corporativa

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    Altres noms de l'entitat: Caja Cantabria; Grupo Caja de Ahorros de Santander y CantabriaEl juliol 2011 s'integra a Liberban

    Influence of data sources and processing methods on theoretical river network quality

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    Stream ecosystem research and water resource management need to be considered over broad spatial scales. Moreover, the investigation of the spatial configuration and habitat characteristics of streams requires an accurate and precise spatial framework to reflect a catchment's physical reality that can successfully explain observed patterns at smaller scales. In this sense, geographic information systems represent an essential tool to satisfy the needs of researchers and managers. Specifically, theoretical river networks (TRNs) extracted from digital elevation models (DEMs) have become much more common in recent years, as they can provide a suitable spatial network and hierarchical organisation to sort out river ecosystem information from reach to catchment levels. Nevertheless the quality of the extracted TRN depends greatly on the spatial resolution of the DEM and the methodology used in the network extraction processes. In this study, we compare the quality of 9 TRNs extracted from DEMs with different spatial resolutions ranging from regional (5 m) to national (25 m) and global scales (90 m) using the ArcHydro, Hec-GeoHMS and Netstream software packages. To achieve our goal, we compared (i) the DEM-derived slope; (ii) the spatial accuracy of the TRNs in relation to a control river network; (iii) the structure of the TRNs through analysis of the number of river segments, average river segment length and total river length by stream order, drainage density and the mean upstream slope throughout the TRN; and (iv) the ability of variables derived from TRNs to discriminate among stream types classified according to flow type and substrate composition. We demonstrated that not only DEM spatial resolution but also the DEM data source and raster creation process exert an important influence on terrain characteristics derived from DEMs and TRN properties. Moreover, TRNs extracted with NetStream generally showed better performance than those extracted with ArchHydro and HecGeoHMS. Nevertheless, river network extraction quality, DEM spatial resolution and extraction algorithms exhibit complex relationships due to the large number of interacting factors.La investigación de los ecosistemas acuáticos continentales y la gestión de recursos hídricos necesitan ser considerados a escalas espaciales que abarquen grandes territorios. Así mismo, el estudio de la configuración espacial de los sistemas fluviales y las características del hábitat requieren de un marco espacial preciso con el que explicar los patrones observados a pequeña escala a partir de las características físicas de la cuenca. En este sentido, los sistemas de información geográfica representan una herramienta esencial. Específicamente, la extracción de redes fluviales teóricas (RFT) a partir de modelos digitales de elevación (MDEs) ha sufrido una importante expansión y desarrollo en los últimos años. Las RTF, proporcionan un marco espacial adecuado e integran la estructura jerárquica de los ecosistemas fluviales, de tal modo que pueden englobar información a diferentes escales espaciales, desde el nivel de cuenca al de tramo. Sin embargo, la calidad de las RFTs depende, en gran medida, de la resolución espacial de los MDE y de los métodos utilizados en el proceso de extracción de la red. En este estudio hemos comparado la calidad de 9 RFTs obtenidas a partir de MDEs con diferentes resoluciones espaciales, que van desde la escala regional (5 m), nacional (25 m) hasta global (90 m) mediante ArcHydro, HecGeoHMS y NetStream.Para lograr nuestro objetivos hemos comparado (i) las características de la pendiente derivada de los MDEs, (ii) la precisión espacial de las RFT en relación a una red fluvial control, (iii) la estructura de los RTFs mediante el análisis del número de segmentos, la longitud media y total de los segmentos de cada orden fluvial, la densidad de drenaje y la pendiente media de la cuenca a lo largo de la RFT y (iv) la capacidad de variables físicas derivadas de las RFT para discriminar entre tipos de ríos clasificados con base en el tipo de flujo y la composición del sustrato. Los resultados obtenidos han demostrado que la calidad de las características físicas derivadas del MDE y las propiedades de las RFTs no están determinadas únicamente por la resolución espacial del MDE, sino que el tipo de dato del que provenga el MDE y el proceso de generación del mismo ejercen una gran influencia. Además, NetStream ha generado, por lo general, unas RTFs más precisas que ArcHydro y HecGeoHMS. Sin embargo, la interacción de un gran número de factores durante el proceso de generación de redes hace que las relaciones entre la calidad de las mismas, la resolución espacial de los MDE y los algoritmos utilizados sean complejas
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