600 research outputs found

    Production of Metabolites as Bacterial Responses to the Marine Environment

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    Bacteria in marine environments are often under extreme conditions of e.g., pressure, temperature, salinity, and depletion of micronutrients, with survival and proliferation often depending on the ability to produce biologically active compounds. Some marine bacteria produce biosurfactants, which help to transport hydrophobic low water soluble substrates by increasing their bioavailability. However, other functions related to heavy metal binding, quorum sensing and biofilm formation have been described. In the case of metal ions, bacteria developed a strategy involving the release of binding agents to increase their bioavailability. In the particular case of the Fe3+ ion, which is almost insoluble in water, bacteria secrete siderophores that form soluble complexes with the ion, allowing the cells to uptake the iron required for cell functioning. Adaptive changes in the lipid composition of marine bacteria have been observed in response to environmental variations in pressure, temperature and salinity. Some fatty acids, including docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids, have only been reported in prokaryotes in deep-sea bacteria. Cell membrane permeability can also be adapted to extreme environmental conditions by the production of hopanoids, which are pentacyclic triterpenoids that have a function similar to cholesterol in eukaryotes. Bacteria can also produce molecules that prevent the attachment, growth and/or survival of challenging organisms in competitive environments. The production of these compounds is particularly important in surface attached strains and in those in biofilms. The wide array of compounds produced by marine bacteria as an adaptive response to demanding conditions makes them suitable candidates for screening of compounds with commercially interesting biological functions. Biosurfactants produced by marine bacteria may be helpful to increase mass transfer in different industrial processes and in the bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated sites. Siderophores are necessary e.g., in the treatment of diseases with metal ion imbalance, while antifouling compounds could be used to treat man-made surfaces that are used in marine environments. New classes of antibiotics could efficiently combat bacteria resistant to the existing antibiotics. The present work aims to provide a comprehensive review of the metabolites produced by marine bacteria in order to cope with intrusive environments, and to illustrate how such metabolites can be advantageously used in several relevant areas, from bioremediation to health and pharmaceutical sectors

    Using biotechnology to solve engineering problems Non-destructive testing of microfabrication components

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    Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT), Portugal, for financial support under program "Investigador FCT 2013" (IF/01203/2013/CP1163/CT0002) and UID/BIO/04565/2013. TS and RM acknowledge FCT for PEst-OE/EME/UI0667/2014 and UID/EMS/00667/2013. The study was also partially supported by project PTDC/EME-TME/118678/2010.In an increasingly miniaturised technological world, non-destructive testing (NDT) methodologies able to detect defects at the micro scale are necessary to prevent failures. Although several existing methods allow the detection of defects at that scale, their application may be hindered by the small size of the samples to examine. In this study, the application of bacterial cells to help the detection of fissures, cracks, and voids on the surface of metals is proposed. The application of magnetic and electric fields after deposition of the cells ensured the distribution of the cells over the entire surfaces and helped the penetration of the cells inside the defects. The use of fluorophores to stain the cells allowed their visualisation and the identification of the defects. Furthermore, the size and zeta potential of the cells and their production of siderophores and biosurfactants could be influenced to detect smaller defects. Micro and nano surface defects made in aluminium, steel, and copper alloys could be readily identified by two Staphylococcus strains and Rhodococcus erythropolis cells.publishersversionpublishe

    Detection of mcr-1 Gene in undefined Vibrio species isolated from clams

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    The increase of antimicrobial resistant strains is leading to an emerging threat to public health. Pathogenic Vibrio are responsible for human and animal illness. The Enterobacteriaceae family includes microorganisms that affect humans, causing several infections. One of the main causes of human infection is related to the ingestion of undercooked seafood. Due to their filterfeeding habit, marine invertebrates, such as clams, are known to be a natural reservoir of specific microbial communities. In the present study, Vibrionaceae and coliforms microorganisms were isolated from clams. A microbial susceptibility test was performed using the disk diffusion method. From 43 presumptive Vibrio spp. and 17 coliforms, three Vibrio spp. with MICs to colistin > 512 mg L−1 were found. From the 23 antimicrobial resistance genes investigated, only the three isolates that showed phenotypic resistance to colistin contained the mcr‐1 gene. Genotypic analysis for virulence genes in EB07V indicated chiA gene presence. The results from the plasmid cure and transformation showed that the resistance is chromosomally mediated. Biochemical analysis and MLSA, on the basis of four protein‐coding gene sequences (recA, rpoB, groEL and dnaJ), grouped the isolates into the genus Vibrio but distinguished them as different from any known Vibrio spp.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Membrane transport systems and the biodegradation potential and pathogenicity of genus Rhodococcus

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    PMID:24772091 WOS:000347032600001The Rhodococcus genus contains species with remarkable ability to tolerate toxic compounds and to degrade a myriad of substrates. These substrates have to cross a distinctive cell envelope dominated by mycolic acids anchored in a scaffold of arabinogalactan covalently attached to the cell wall peptidoglycan, and a cellular membrane with phospholipids, whose composition in fatty acids can be rapidly altered in response to environmental conditions. The hydrophobic nature of the cell envelope facilitates the entrance of hydrophobic molecules but some substrates require active transport systems. Additionally, toxic compounds may also be extruded by energy spending efflux systems. In this review, physiological evidences of the use of transport systems by Rhodococcus strains and genomic studies that corroborate their existence are presented and discussed. The recently released complete genomes of several Rhodococcus strains will be the basis for an in silico correlation analysis between the efflux pumps present in the genome and their role on active transport of substrates. These transport systems will be placed on an integrative perspective of the impact of this important genus on biotechnology and health, ranging from bioremediation to antibiotic and biocide resistance.publishersversionpublishe

    Up-Regulation of the Nrf2/HO-1 Antioxidant Pathway in Macrophages by an Extract from a New Halophilic Archaea Isolated in Odiel Saltworks

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    The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) plays an important role in the progression of many inflammatory diseases. The search for antioxidants with the ability for scavenging free radicals from the body cells that reduce oxidative damage is essential to prevent and treat these pathologies. Haloarchaea are extremely halophilic microorganisms that inhabit hypersaline environments, such as saltworks or salt lakes, where they have to tolerate high salinity, and elevated ultraviolet (UV) and infrared radiations. To cope with these extreme conditions, haloarchaea have developed singular mechanisms to maintain an osmotic balance with the medium, and are endowed with unique compounds, not found in other species, with bioactive properties that have not been fully explored. This study aims to assess the potential of haloarchaea as a new source of natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents. A carotenoid-producing haloarchaea was isolated from Odiel Saltworks (OS) and identified on the basis of its 16S rRNA coding gene sequence as a new strain belonging to the genus Haloarcula. The Haloarcula sp. OS acetone extract (HAE) obtained from the biomass contained bacterioruberin and mainly C18 fatty acids, and showed potent antioxidant capacity using ABTS assay. This study further demonstrates, for the first time, that pretreatment with HAE of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated macrophages results in a reduction in ROS production, a decrease in the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-6 levels, and up-regulation of the factor Nrf2 and its target gene heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), supporting the potential of the HAE as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of oxidative stress-related inflammatory diseases.This research was funded by the Operative FEDER Program-Andalucía 2014-2020 (US-1380844 and UHU-1257518), Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-110438RBC22-AEI/FEDER), the Andalusian government (I+D+i-JA-PAIDI-Retos projects 2020-PY20) and the “VII Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia” of The University of Seville. The work was partially funded by national funds from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) in the scope of the projects UIDB/04565/2020 and UIDP/04565/2020 of the Research Unit iBB-Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences, and of the project LA/P/0140/2020 of the i4HB-Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy. P.G.-V acknowledges financial support from the “Margarita Salas” grant for the training of young doctors, University of Huelva

    Specificity and sensitivity comparative study between phage PVP-S1 and monoclonal antibody as receptor in polydiacetylene vesicles for Salmonella colorimetric detection

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    Polydiacetylene polymer (PDA) has been intensively studied because of its properties as colour change from blue to red and change from non-fluorescent to fluorescent form due to an external stimulus that lead to a reorientation of the PDA within the organized structure. External stimulus could be temperature, pH, solvent influence, bacteria presence, mechanical stresses and others (Oliveira et al., 2012). Pires et al. (2010) support the hypothesis that such phenomena occurred due to conformational changes associated with the functional group rotation around the simple carbon-carbon bond present in PDA chains. When the backbones of PDA conjugated polymer chains are perturbed, the delocalized π-network induces changes in electronic absorption and emission properties (Huo et al., 1999). For a particular colour change, it is possible to incorporate a compound in the polydiacetylene carboxyl groups that will work as a specific receptor for the bacteria detection. This technology can be used for the detection of pathogens and thus is important to avoid food contamination once the standard technology demands long time and people trained. The selection of the receptor used in the PDA is the first critical step to develop a biosensor with improved selectivity, selectivity and stability. For this reason, the aim of this study was to make a comparative study between two recognition molecules: phage PVP-S1 (Santos et al., 2011) and a monoclonal antibody in the PDA sensor for the detection of Salmonella. Antibodies lack specificity, poor separation efficiency and sensitivity. Phages are extremely specific, withstand harsh environments, are economically and easily produced, show high stability during storage and thus present potential for bacterial detection. Overall the selection of the recognition molecule that show the best features is important to develop a simple and rapid sensor for the industry and consumer’s life. The specificity of the sensor was proven by using Staphylococus aures and Escherichia coli as gram-positive and gram-negative controls, respectively

    Spatial Factors Play a Major Role as Determinants of Endemic Ground Beetle Beta Diversity of Madeira Island Laurisilva

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    The development in recent years of new beta diversity analytical approaches highlighted valuable information on the different processes structuring ecological communities. A crucial development for the understanding of beta diversity patterns was also its differentiation in two components: species turnover and richness differences. In this study, we evaluate beta diversity patterns of ground beetles from 26 sites in Madeira Island distributed throughout Laurisilva – a relict forest restricted to the Macaronesian archipelagos. We assess how the two components of ground beetle beta diversity (βrepl – species turnover and βrich - species richness differences) relate with differences in climate, geography, landscape composition matrix, woody plant species richness and soil characteristics and the relative importance of the effects of these variables at different spatial scales. We sampled 1025 specimens from 31 species, most of which are endemic to Madeira Island. A spatially explicit analysis was used to evaluate the contribution of pure environmental, pure spatial and environmental spatially structured effects on variation in ground beetle species richness and composition. Variation partitioning showed that 31.9% of species turnover (βrepl) and 40.7% of species richness variation (βrich) could be explained by the environmental and spatial variables. However, different environmental variables controlled the two types of beta diversity: βrepl was influenced by climate, disturbance and soil organic matter content whilst βrich was controlled by altitude and slope. Furthermore, spatial variables, represented through Moran’s eigenvector maps, played a significant role in explaining both βrepl and βrich, suggesting that both dispersal ability and Madeira Island complex orography are crucial for the understanding of beta diversity patterns in this group of beetles.Peer reviewe