2,139 research outputs found


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    EFAlDia es una aplicación cuya misión es complementar en tiempo real la labor del docente de Educación Física, para la mejora de la evaluación. A través de esta aplicación, con la introducción de datos (escritos y transcritos a partir de voz) el docente podrá realizar la toma de anotaciones en tiempo real, su consulta y la planificación temporal de las clases, dividiéndolas en objetivos que permitirán la evaluación diaria. Este es el principal motivo por el cual se ha desarrollado una aplicación móvil que permita la organización y planificación de las clases y la evaluación individual de cada alumno. En conclusión, EFAlDia busca facilitar la labor docente en el área de Educación Física. Actuando de medio con el que el docente podrá planificar sus clases, redactar y consultar las fichas de sus alumnos, con un gran ahorro de tiempo, complementando la enseñanza tradicional de seguimiento y evaluación que se emplean en esta materia.Grado en Ingeniería Informática de Servicios y Aplicacione

    Estudio histórico, tipológico y estructural del Frontón Beti Jai (Madrid).

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    [ES] La pelota vasca es un enraizado deporte de un territorio concreto, el País Vasco, que se ha expandido a lo largo de todo el mundo, siendo practicado tanto en Europa como en América de Sur. Quizá sea por su tradición, su espíritu deportivo, la emoción de los pelotaris partido tras partido, que consiguió despertar el interés de las clases más altas de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, cuando la propia realeza española, adoradores de este deporte, se lo traen consigo a Madrid. Los frontones se convirtieron en los centros de ocio de la cultura madrileña. Desgraciadamente, el auge de la pelota vasca en Madrid se desploma y los frontones se derriban o abandonan. Esto último fue lo que le ocurrió al edificio objeto de estudio en este trabajo, el frontón Beti Jai. Fue adoptando variedad de usos, cada cuál estropeándolo un poco más, casi alcanzando la situación de ruina. Finalmente, gracias a la reciente revalorización del patrimonio, al COAM y a la plataforma Salvemos el Frontón Beti Jai, formada por un heterogéneo grupo de personalidades relacionadas tanto con la arquitectura como con la pelota vasca, recupera su esplendor. Se realiza una cuidadísima investigación y análisis del estado del edificio para ser rehabilitado tal y cómo fue originalmente. Debido a las limitaciones de Seguridad Estructural vigentes en España a través del CTE, durante la rehabilitación es preciso realizar refuerzos en la estructura. El trabajo ubicará al lector en este contexto histórico, desarrollará la geometría y la construcción del edificio y, posteriormente, analizará la estructura original del proyecto, para así determinar los elementos que no satisfacen los mínimos y comentar el refuerzo ejecutado.[EN] Basque ball is a sport rooted in a specific territory, the Basque Country, which has expanded throughout the world, being practised both in Europe and South America. Perhaps it is because of its tradition, its sportsmanship, the excitement of the pelotaris match after match that it managed to arouse the interest of the upper classes at the end of the 19th At and beginning of the 20th century, when the Spanish royalty themselves, worshippers of this sport, brought it to Madrid. Fronton courts became the leisure centres of Madrid's culture. Unfortunately, the boom of Basque ball in Madrid collapses and its courts are demolished or abandoned. That last circumstance happened to the building under study in this work, the Beti Jai Basque ball court. It adopted a variety of uses, each one spoiling it a little more, almost reaching the situation of ruin. Finally, thanks to the recent revaluation of the heritage, the COAM and the platform Salvemos el Frontón Beti Jai were formed by a heterogeneous group of personalities related to architecture, and Basque pelota recovers its splendour. Meticulous research and analysis of the state of the building are carried out to rehabilitate it as it was initially. Due to the limitations of Structural Safety in Spain compiled in the CTE, it is necessary to make reinforcements in the structure during the rehabilitation. The work will place the reader in this historical context, develop the building's geometry and construction, and, subsequently, analyse the original structure of the project to determine the elements that do not satisfy the minimums and comment on the reinforcement carried out.Santamaría De Andrés, IC. (2020). Estudio histórico, tipológico y estructural del Frontón Beti Jai (Madrid). Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18100

    A lexicographic approach to slurs in Uruguayan Spanish

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    El presente trabajo tiene por cometido incursionar en el estudio de los insultos de grupo –expresiones lingüísticas utilizadas para expresar una actitud peyorativa hacia una persona como integrante de un colectivo– desde un abordaje lexicográfico. Tal perspectiva toma algunos posicionamientos y planteos del debate actual sobre los insultos de grupo provenientes de la filosofía del lenguaje con el fin de iluminar sus posibles consecuencias en la confección y análisis de los diccionarios. Sobre la base de Pullum (2018), y el empleo de la distinción entre información semántica y metainformación, se estudia en particular el Diccionario del Español del Uruguay (DEU, 2011) en cuanto a la presentación de seis entradas léxicas correspondientes a insultos de grupo relativos a las clases sociales. Los resultados primarios obtenidos revelan un manejo no homogéneo de los criterios para diferenciar el contenido netamente semántico de otras informaciones pertinentes más ligadas al uso efectivo y dependiente del contexto. El trabajo, inscripto en un enfoque interdisciplinario, pauta un primer paso en el estudio lexicográfico y lingüístico de los insultos de grupo, tema muy poco estudiado para el español.The goal of this paper is to explore the analysis of slurs (linguistic expressions which are used to express a pejorative attitude towards a person as a part of a group) from a lexicographic approach. Such an approach takes into account some of the philosophy of language current debates with respect to slurs in order to enlighten its possible consequences in the elaboration and analysis of dictionaries. Based on Pullum (2018), and his appropriation of the distinction between semantic information and metadata, we analyze the Diccionario del Español del Uruguay (DEU, 2011) with regards to six lexical entries which correspond to social classes slurs. The primary results show a non-homogeneous management of the criteria to differentiate net semantic content from other relevant information which are linked to the actual use and depend upon the context of the lexical item. This paper, which is an outcome of an interdisciplinary effort to understand the use of slurs, marks a first step towards de lexicographic and linguistic study of slurs, an issue in Spanish that has not received much attention yet

    Load sharing between synergistic muscles characterized by a ligand‑binding approach and elastography

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    The skeletal muscle contraction is determined by cross-bridge formation between the myosin heads and the actin active sites. When the muscle contracts, it shortens, increasing its longitudinal shear elastic modulus (µL). Structurally, skeletal muscle can be considered analogous to the molecular receptors that form receptor–ligand complexes and exhibit specifc ligand-binding dynamics. In this context, this work aims to apply elastography and the ligand-binding framework to approach the possible intrinsic mechanisms behind muscle synergism. Based on the short-range stifness principle and the acoustic–elasticity theory, we defne the coefcient C, which is directly related to the fraction saturation of molecular receptors and links the relative longitudinal deformation of the muscle to its µL. We show that such a coefcient can be obtained directly from µL estimates, thus calculating it for the biceps brachii, brachioradialis, and brachialis muscles during isometric elbow fexion torque (τ) ramps. The resulting C(τ ) curves were analyzed by conventional characterization methods of receptor– ligand systems to study the dynamical behavior of each muscle. The results showed that, depending on muscle, C(τ ) exhibits typical ligand-binding dynamics during joint torque production. Therefore, the above indicates that these diferent behaviors describe the longitudinal shortening pattern of each muscle during load sharing. As a plausible interpretation, we suggested that this could be related to the binding kinetics of the cross-bridges during their synergistic action as torque increases. Likewise, it shows that elastography could be useful to assess contractile processes at diferent scales related to the change in the mechanical properties of skeletal muscle.CSIC: No. 004010-000137-2

    Deeping in the genetics of medium-sized cities. Heritage as an identity feature in Andalusia

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    Interest in urban agglomerations, metropolitan areas, large cities and in general the spaces where the majority of the world's population is concentrated, has occupied the interest of an urban research for decades. According to the United Nations sources, today, the world population is 7.6 billion, is going to reach 8.6 billion in 2030 and 9.8 billion people in 2050. In Spain, according to sources from the National Institute of Statistics, the population reaches 46.57 million inhabitants, although its distribution is not uniform in the territory. Andalusia, with 8.37 million, is the first most populated Spanish autonomous community, followed by Catalonia (7.55) and the Community of Madrid (6.50) with almost one million fewer inhabitants, respectively. Following the same indicators, most of this population already lives in large cities and in the upcoming years, this figure will increase exponentially. This means that a large part of people will be concentrated in a small part of the territory and, on the other hand, which we begin to have large areas of the territory without inhabiting or with a very low population density. Examining aspects traditionally considered as secondary, involving a minority of the population, has been one of the disciplinary general constants in the last century and that not only affects architects or urban planners. To say medium-sized cities in Europe is to think about urban-territorial heritage, historic landscapes that continue shaping wide territories. In Andalusia (87600 km2), the effects of metropolization are still punctual (3.72 % on 778 municipalities). Totalling 778 municipalities, up to 122 of them are listed for their Historical Centres. We find that only 3.72 % of these municipalities exceeds a population of 50 000 inhabitants. The Heritage constitutes its 'genetic heritage'. Both considering international and national scales, its historic relevance is noted in Civitates Orbis Terrarum (with 25 Andalusian cities from 34 Spanish). Nowadays, its heritage value is represented by the Historic Centres (the first two listed cities in Spain, 1929, were Andalusian), and World Heritage inscriptions. This outlines the necessity of decoding the Heritage DNA, as an indissoluble variable prior to planning. The aim of this research is to characterize the European medium-sized cities and their territory in the heritage terms, defining what is the Andalusian territory. Different cultural and productive landscapes are the main actors of the medium-sized Andalusian cities: the landscape of fishing, the art of the almadraba, the wine cellars, the olive trees plantations, the urban networks of convents are only a sample. The dynamics experimented at this regional level could be extended to the rest of the European countries analysed in the project. This research will gather partial results of an R&D project "Patrimonial Urban Characterization and Cultural Tourism Model in the Middle Cities. Potentialities and Challenges for its Internationalization: Inner Baetica", funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain

    Small-signal modeling of phase-shifted full-bridge converter considering the delay associated to the leakage inductance

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    This paper demonstrates that in the Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge (PSFB) buck-derived converter, there is a random delay associated with the blanking time produced by the leakage inductance. This random delay predicts the additional phase drop that is present in the frequency response of the open-loop audio-susceptibility transfer function when the converter shows a significant blanking time. The existing models of the PSFB converter do not contemplate the delay and gain differences associated to voltage drop produced in the leakage inductor of the transformer. The small-signal model proposed in this paper is based on the combination of two types of analysis: the first analysis consists of obtaining a small-signal model using the average modeling technique and the second analysis consists of studying the natural response of the power converter. The dynamic modeling of the Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge converter, including the random delay, has been validated by simulations and experimental test.This research was funded by the European Regional Development Fund, the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the State Research Agency, grant number DPI2017-84572-C2-2-R

    Effects of Gamma Irradiation on the Kinetics of the Adsorption and Desorption of Hydrogen in Carbon Microfibres

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    In this study, three types of carbon fibres were used, they were ex-polyacrylonitrile carbon fibres with high bulk modulus, ex-polyacrylonitrile fibres with high strength, and vapour grown carbon fibres. All the samples were subjected to a hydrogen adsorption process at room temperature in an over-pressured atmosphere of 25 bars. The adsorption process was monitored through electrical resistivity measurements. As conditioning of the fibres, a chemical activation by acid etching followed by ¿-ray irradiation with 60Co radioisotopes was performed. The surface energy was deter-mined by means of the sessile drop test. Both conditioning treatments are supplementary; the chemical activation works on the outer surface and the ¿-irradiation works in the bulk material as well. Apparently, the most significant parameter for hydrogen storage is the crystallite size. From this point of view, the mostPeer Reviewe

    Estatuto de Redacción de la Agencia EFE, medio publico e internacional

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    Spain’s state-owned news agency, Agencia EFE, is the first of the major international wire services to establish an Editorial Council and a Charter to assure the independence of its journalists. Herein, the process of creating the Council and draughting (o drafting, en EEUU) the Charter, which the authors believe introduces important differences and innovations with respect to others.La Agencia EFE, de titularidad pública, es la primera de las internacionales que se dota de un Consejo y Estatuto de Redacción para garantizar la independencia de sus periodistas. Aquí se cuenta el proceso de creación de ese Consejo y de redacción del texto base, que los autores consideran con importantes diferencias e innovaciones respecto a otros Estatuto

    Use value vs technical requirements: Methodology for assessing potential uses in heritage buildings: the case of Lucena (Cordoba)

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    The present study aims to propose a methodology for adaptive reuse in municipal buildings in medium-sized cities. This investigation has been developed as part of the Strategic Plan for Intervention and Reuse of the municipal buildings of Lucena (Cordoba, Spain). Moving beyond the strictly utilitarian character of the historical object defended by Riegl, the use-value of Cultural Heritage has been established as a criterion of analysis. The advantage of this method was to evaluate the potential uses not yet activated, following the theory of cultural change or adaptation. Also, the additional conservation effort and functional value of these properties have been assessed, seeking to give continuity to the original and traditional functions of the building to reinforce its cultural significance. Therefore, the current study adopts the case study approach of the intervention plan for two municipally owned buildings in Lucena. Both are listed or proposed for their inclusion: La Tercia and the old winery Los Víbora. The research establishes a list of possible uses and the necessary interventions for rehabilitating each of these buildings, representatives of the extensive industrial legacy of the city of Lucena, based on their typological, constructive, and structural characteristics, together with their state of conservation. Additionally, the study has relied upon participant observation to examine the degree of recognition of these edifications within the collective needs of the population of Lucena. In both cases, they have lost their original use, due to their poor conservation. In this sense, they could be considered to have lost their functional validity. However, in a broad understanding of the use-value, the work has aimed to establish the building potential to overcome this situation adapting to the original use complementary functionalities. Therefore, a delicate reflection to propose new uses for them was especially relevant. In this respect, the paper addresses the idea of optimising public resources and the possible repercussions of multiple actions on the value of authenticity, from a current approach to the rehabilitation of heritage buildings based on the concept of sustainabilit

    Motivating pregnant and breastfeeding women in Spain to avoid persistent toxic substances in their diet

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    The objective of this study was to explore what motivates pregnant and breastfeeding women to make changes in their diet, specifically to examine how their perceptions regarding diet facilitate or act as obstacles to introducing healthy eating habits. For the optimal development of the mother, the fetus, or breastfeeding baby, it is important to avoid foods containing substances, such as persistent toxic substances (PTSs), that are harmful to health during pregnancy and after the baby's birth. This study used a qualitative research methodology, based on semi-structured individual interviews, food diaries, free lists, and focus groups with 111 pregnant and breastfeeding women in Spain. This approach was followed by a systematic and exhaustive exploitation of the qualitative data obtained, following the methodological principles of grounded theory. From the study results, we conclude that the motivation for a change in diet to avoid PTSs is based on the desire to promote good health, beliefs about the importance of having a varied diet, and the avoidance of potential risks. The main obstacles to change can be attributed to inadequate information, contradictory discourses, and socioeconomic diffculties