244 research outputs found

    Qualidade do ambiente “Indoor” de serviços de diagnóstico por imagens em hospitais: exposição à baixas doses de radiação

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    Estimates of radiation risks at low doses and low dose rates are important, for example for populations living in contaminated areas after nuclear accidents or in high natural background radiation areas, or for radiation protection of individuals occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation This work aimed to study the indoor environment regarding on Radiological Safety and on microbiological contamination due airborne fungi, by monitoring the potential mutagenic effects caused by possible low doses of radiation exposure. As a bioindicator of mutagenicity it was chosen the micronuclei production by Tradescantia pallida, one of the most sensitive organisms for the detection of mutagens in the air; the fungi contamination research was performed by spontaneous deposition in plate. We monitored five Hospitals image services in the Sorocaba city, state of São Paulo, Brazil, two of them are public services and the other three, are private ones. The results pointed mutagenic activity in the images rooms in the two public hospitals, but not in the three private image services.  It was found spores, mainly of the genres Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium and Fusarium, in all rooms, indicating risk of opportunistic infections, especially related to the presence of Penicilium sp and Fusarium sp genres.  The T. pallida bioassay represents a adjuvant tool in monitoring these indoor environments and showed that there is a mutagenic activity, despite being controlled environments. Therefore, even in these controlled environments the risks related to exposure to radiation are still imponderable. Keyword: Ionizing radiation. Tradescantia pallida. Mutagenesis. Anemophilus fungi.Estimativas de riscos de radiação em baixas doses e baixas taxas de dose são importantes, por exemplo, para populações que vivem em áreas contaminadas após acidentes nucleares ou em áreas de alta radiação natural de fundo, ou para proteção de radiação de indivíduos ocupacionalmente expostos à radiação ionizante. Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar o ambiente interno no que diz respeito à Segurança Radiológica e à contaminação microbiológica por fungos aerotransportados, monitorando os potenciais efeitos mutagênicos causados por possíveis baixas doses de exposição à radiação. Como bioindicador de mutagenicidade, escolheu-se a produção de micronúcleos por Tradescantia pallida, um dos organismos mais sensíveis para a detecção de mutagênicos no ar; a pesquisa de contaminação por fungos foi realizada por deposição espontânea em placa. Foram monitorados cinco serviços de imagem de Hospitais da cidade de Sorocaba, estado de São Paulo, Brasil, dois deles públicos e os outros três privados. Os resultados apontaram atividade mutagênica nas salas de imagens dos dois hospitais públicos, mas não nos três serviços privados de imagens. Foram encontrados esporos, principalmente dos gêneros Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium e Fusarium, em todas as salas, indicando risco de infecções oportunistas, principalmente relacionadas à presença dos gêneros Penicilium sp e Fusarium sp. O bioensaio de T. pallida representa uma ferramenta coadjuvante no monitoramento desses ambientes internos e mostrou que existe atividade mutagênica, apesar de serem ambientes controlados. Portanto, mesmo nesses ambientes controlados os riscos relacionados à exposição à radiação ainda são imponderáveis. Palavras-chave: Radiação ionizante. Tradescantia pallida. Mutagênese. Fungos Anemófilos

    Psychiatric manifestations of the B 12 vitamin deficiency

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    Os autores revisam, neste artigo, os mecanismos fisiopatológicos, achados físicos e síndromes psiquiátricas ligados à hipovitaminose B 12 ' Os quadros psiquiátricos podem aparecer antes ou após a anemia megaloblástica e mesmo desacompanhados desta. A carência de B 12 foi mais relacionada, como fator causal, à depressão, psicose e demência, tendo a deficiência de folato um papel na duração dos episódios depressivos. Pelo menos em alguns pacientes com depressão ou demência, ocorre a deterioração do hábito alimentar, o que acaba levando ao déficit de cobaslamina, e não o contrário. A mania e outros quadros, como comportamento violento, delírio, paranóia, alucinações e mudança de comportamento, aparecem com menos freqüência, mas devem ser lembrados como sintomas possíveis da carência de cobalamina.The pathophysiologic mechanisms, c/inicalfindings and psychiatric syndromes related to B 12 hipovitaminosis are discussed in this artic/e. The psychiatric disorders can be presented either associated to megaloblastic anemia or even alone. Depression, psychosis and demencia have been more Iinked to B 12 deficiency. Besides, folate deficiency has a role in depression disorders duration. Some patients with depression or demencia may present cobalamin deficiency secondary to eating deterioration. Although less commonly presented, mania and other symptoms (violent behavior, delusion, paranoia, alucinations and behavioral changes) should be remembered as possible manifestations of cobalamin deficiency

    The effect of school-based physical activity interventions on body mass index: a meta-analysis of randomized trials

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    This study reviewed the effectiveness of school-based physical activity interventions aimed at reducing overweight, obesity and hypertension in children. We searched 14 databases and analyzed studies published between April 2009 and September 2012. Only randomized controlled trials performed at the school level that included elements of physical activity but did not include nutritional co-interventions were analyzed. Studies were assessed by two recommended tools (EPHPP and GRADE), and the standardized mean differences with 95% confidence intervals were collected for a random-effect meta-analysis. A total of 12 papers were included in the meta-analysis, and these were divided according to three outcomes: body mass index (11 trials, n  =  4,273, −0.02, 95% CI: −0.13 to 0.17, p  =  0.8); body weight (5 trials, n  =  1,330, −0.07, 95% CI: −0.18 to 0.04, p  =  0.2); and blood pressure (6 trials, n  =  1,549), including systolic (0.11, 95% CI: −0.10 to 0.31, p  =  0.3) and diastolic pressure (−0.00, 95% CI: −0.10 to 0.10, p  =  0.9). This meta-analysis of data from 11 randomized, school-based physical activity interventions suggests that, regardless of the potential benefits of physical activity in the school environment, the interventions did not have a statistically significant effect. However, it is difficult to generalize from these results because the duration, intensity and type of physical activity used in the interventions varied greatly.Cotas do Programa de Pos-Graduacao do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade de São Paulo Hospital das Clinicas Faculdade de MedicinaFederal University of São PauloFederal University of São Paulo Pediatrics Department, NutrologyUNIFESP, Pediatrics Department, Nutrology09/12438-5SciEL

    The effect of school-based physical activity interventions on body mass index: a meta-analysis of randomized trials

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    This study reviewed the effectiveness of school-based physical activity interventions aimed at reducing overweight, obesity and hypertension in children. We searched 14 databases and analyzed studies published between April 2009 and September 2012. Only randomized controlled trials performed at the school level that included elements of physical activity but did not include nutritional co-interventions were analyzed. Studies were assessed by two recommended tools (EPHPP and GRADE), and the standardized mean differences with 95% confidence intervals were collected for a random-effect meta-analysis. A total of 12 papers were included in the meta-analysis, and these were divided according to three outcomes: body mass index (11 trials, n  =  4,273, −0.02, 95% CI: −0.13 to 0.17, p  =  0.8); body weight (5 trials, n  =  1,330, −0.07, 95% CI: −0.18 to 0.04, p  =  0.2); and blood pressure (6 trials, n  =  1,549), including systolic (0.11, 95% CI: −0.10 to 0.31, p  =  0.3) and diastolic pressure (−0.00, 95% CI: −0.10 to 0.10, p  =  0.9). This meta-analysis of data from 11 randomized, school-based physical activity interventions suggests that, regardless of the potential benefits of physical activity in the school environment, the interventions did not have a statistically significant effect. However, it is difficult to generalize from these results because the duration, intensity and type of physical activity used in the interventions varied greatly

    Chemoprotective Effect of Leaf Extracts of Cecropia distachya Huber (Urticaceae) in Mice Submitted to Oxidative Stress Induced by Cyclophosphamide

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the chemoprotective effects of the embaúba Cecropia distachya Huber (two methanolic fractions: F1 and F2) on oxidative stress induced by cyclophosphamide (75 mg kg-1) in mice, as well as phytochemical analyzes by LC-MS/MS. In the experimental model, the fractions increased the hepatic and cardiac catalase (CAT), reduced glutathione (GSH) of the kidney and the heart. F1 increased platelet levels (PLT), hemogram (RBC), hematocrit (HCT) and hemoglobin (Hb) and F1 reduced hepatic lipid peroxidation (TBARS) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activity increased. F1 was attributed to possible hypoglycemic activity and possible immunosuppressive effects and F2 presented antimutagenic activity. In some cases, the fractions were also hepatotoxic. These results demonstrated that the fractions stimulate the antioxidant defenses, being hypoglycemic (F1) and antimutagenic (F2), and, the harmful effects attributed to the fractions may be the association of compounds that were not elucidated in this work. &nbsp