155 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la calidad de protocolo clínico para atención en planificación familiar de personas viviendo con VIH/sida

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    Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade de protocolo clínico para atendimento em planejamento familiar de pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids. Método: Pesquisa avaliativa realizada com base nos seis domínios do Appraisal of Guideline for Research & Evaluation II e no Coeficiente de Variação de Pearson. Resultados: O protocolo alcançou entre 88,8% e 100,0% de qualidade nos domínios do Appraisal of Guideline for Research & Evaluation II e 93,3% na avaliação global. Obteve-se coeficiente de variação de Pearson entre zero e 18,6. Uma vez que se adotou percentual mínimo de 70,0% à qualidade atribuída pelos avaliadores, conferiu-se qualidade em todos os domínios do Appraisal of Guideline for Research & Evaluation II. Com o coeficiente em todos os domínios inferior a 25%, infere-se que as pontuações atribuídas pelos avaliadores foram lineares ou homogêneas, significando elevada concordância entre eles. Conclusão: O protocolo foi avaliado como instrumento de qualidade, recomendado para uso por profissionais de saúde que lidam com o planejamento familiar de pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids.Objective: To evaluate the quality of a clinical protocol for family planning care for people living with HIV/AIDS. Method: An evaluative study based on the six domains of the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation II and on Pearson's Coefficient of Variation. Results: The protocol reached between 88.8% and 100.0% quality in the domains of the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation II and 93.3% in the overall evaluation. The obtained Pearson's coefficient of variation was between zero and 18.6. Considering that a minimum percentage of 70.0% was adopted for the quality attributed by the evaluators, quality has been achieved for all domains of the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation II. As a coefficient for all domains was less than 25%, we can infer that the scores attributed by the evaluators were linear or homogeneous, meaning high agreement between them. Conclusion: The protocol was evaluated as a quality instrument, recommended for use by health professionals who deal with family planning for people living with HIV/AIDS.Objetivo: Evaluar la calidad de protocolo clínico para atención en planificación familiar de personas viviendo con VIH/SIDA. Método: Investigación evaluativa llevada a cabo con base en los seis dominios del Appraisal of Guideline for Research & Evaluation II y en el Coeficiente de Variación de Pearson. Resultados: El protocolo alcanzó entre el 88,8% y el 100,0% de calidad en los dominios del Appraisal of Guideline for Research & Evaluation II y el 93,3% en la evaluación global. Se logró el coeficiente de variación de Pearson entre cero y 18,6. Toda vez que se adoptó porcentual mínimo del 70,0% a la calidad atribuida por los evaluadores, se verificó calidad en todos los dominios del Appraisal of Guideline for Research & Evaluation II. Con el coeficiente inferior al 25% en todos los dominios, se infiere que los puntajes atribuidos por los evaluadores fueron lineales y homogéneos, significando elevada concordancia entre ellos. Conclusión: El protocolo fue evaluado como instrumento de calidad, recomendado para empleo por profesionales sanitarios que manejan la planificación familiar de personas viviendo con VIH/SIDA

    Access to childbirth care services in the interior of Pernambuco, Northeast region of Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the access of women to the public health system network to childbirth care, highlighting the barriers related to the “availability and accommodation” dimension in a health macroregion of Pernambuco. METHODS: Ecological study, conducted based on hospital birth records from the Hospital Information System of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), and information from the state’s Hospital Beds Regulation Center, about women residing in health macroregion II, in 2018. Displacements were reviewed considering the geographic distance between the municipality of residence and that of the childbirth; estimated time of displacement of pregnant women; ratio of shifts blocked for admission of pregnant women for delivery; and the reason for unavailability. RESULTS: In 2018, health macroregion II performed 84% of usual risk childbirths, and 46.9% of high-risk childbirths. The remaining high-risk childbirths (51.1%) occurred in macroregion I, especially in Recife. The reference maternity for high-risk childbirths in that macroregion had 30.4% of the days of day shifts and 38.9% of the night shifts blocked for admission of childbirths; the main reason was the difficulty in maintaining the full team in service. CONCLUSIONS: Women residing in the health macroregion II of Pernambuco face great barriers of access in search of hospital care for childbirth, traveling great distances even when pregnant women of usual risk, leading to pilgrimage in search of this care. There is difficulty regarding availability and accommodation in high-risk services and obstetric emergencies, with shortage of physical and human resources. The obstetric care network in macroregion II of Pernambuco is not structured to ensure equitable access to care for pregnant women at the time of childbirth. This highlights the need for restructuring this healthcare services pursuant to what is recommended by the Cegonha Network.OBJETIVO: Analisar o acesso de mulheres atendidas na rede pública aos serviços de atenção ao parto, destacando-se as barreiras relacionadas à dimensão “disponibilidade e acomodação” em uma macrorregião de saúde de Pernambuco. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico, realizado a partir dos registros de partos hospitalares do Sistema de Informação Hospitalar e de informações da Central de Regulação de Leitos do estado sobre mulheres residentes na macrorregião de saúde II, em 2018. Analisou-se os deslocamentos, considerando a distância geográfica entre o município de residência e o de ocorrência do parto, o tempo estimado do deslocamento das gestantes, a proporção de plantões bloqueados para admissão das gestantes para o parto e o motivo da indisponibilidade. RESULTADOS: Em 2018, a macrorregião de saúde II realizou 84% dos partos de risco habitual e 46,9% de alto risco. Os demais partos de alto risco (51,1%) ocorreram na macrorregião I, sobretudo no Recife. A maternidade de referência para partos de alto risco dessa macrorregião teve 30,4% dos dias de plantões diurnos bloqueados para admissão de partos e 38,9% dos noturnos; o principal motivo foi a dificuldade em manter a equipe completa no serviço. CONCLUSÕES: Mulheres residentes na macrorregião de saúde II de Pernambuco enfrentam grandes barreiras de acesso em busca de atendimento hospitalar para o parto, percorrendo grandes distâncias, mesmo quando gestantes de risco habitual, levando à peregrinação em busca dessa assistência. Há dificuldade de disponibilidade e acomodação nos serviços de alto risco e de emergências obstétricas, com insuficiente capacidade física e de recursos humanos. A rede de atenção obstétrica na macrorregião II de Pernambuco não está estruturada para garantir um acesso equânime à assistência das gestantes no momento do parto, o que evidencia a necessidade de sua reestruturação em aproximação ao preconizado pela Rede Cegonha


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    Analisa o panorama contemporâneo em seus muitos cenários que se estruturam no campo da sociedade, da educação e da preservação ambiental, circulando entre aspectos de dominação, estereotipia e preconceitos de toda natureza que se entrincheiram e afetam à queima roupa, homens mulheres, homoafetivos. índios, negros, enfim, sertanejos do semiárido baiano. Procura, primeiramente, analisar o papel da Ecologia Humana como veículo de transposição para a construção de uma sociedade sustentável, enquanto transcorre a itinerários que perpassam os arredores de nossa líquida sociedade, em tempo que desliza por ambientes educacionais, os quais, a nosso ver, têm papel fundamental de alavanca social nessas profundas transformações que se faz imperativa. O nosso principal herói que percorrerá as arquiteturas dos novos tempos será cada um de nós, cujo caminhar evolutivo precede a um mergulho em uma nova realidade mundial e em si próprios, cujos sentimentos descartáveis se aliam ao desejo de pertencimento e de cruzamento do "velho" ao "novo mundo", rumo a Ecoeducação


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    Analisa o panorama contemporâneo em seus muitos cenários que se estruturam no campo da sociedade, da educação e da preservação ambiental, circulando entre aspectos de dominação, estereotipia e preconceitos de toda natureza que se entrincheiram e afetam à queima roupa, homens mulheres, homoafetivos. índios, negros, enfim, sertanejos do semiárido baiano. Procura, primeiramente, analisar o papel da Ecologia Humana como veículo de transposição para a construção de uma sociedade sustentável, enquanto transcorre a itinerários que perpassam os arredores de nossa líquida sociedade, em tempo que desliza por ambientes educacionais, os quais, a nosso ver, têm papel fundamental de alavanca social nessas profundas transformações que se faz imperativa. O nosso principal herói que percorrerá as arquiteturas dos novos tempos será cada um de nós, cujo caminhar evolutivo precede a um mergulho em uma nova realidade mundial e em si próprios, cujos sentimentos descartáveis se aliam ao desejo de pertencimento e de cruzamento do "velho" ao "novo mundo", rumo a Ecoeducação

    Regional-based Integrated Healthcare Network policy in Brazil: from formulation to practice

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    Background Regional-based Integrated Healthcare Networks (IHNs) have been promoted in Brazil to overcome the fragmentation due to the health system decentralization to the municipal level; however, evaluations are scarce. The aim of this article is to analyse the content of IHN policies in force in Brazil, and the factors that influence policy implementation from the policymakers’ perspective. Methods A two-fold, exploratory and descriptive qualitative study was carried out based on (1) content analysis of policy documents selected to meet the following criteria: legislative documents dealing with regional-based IHNs; enacted by federal government; and in force, (2) semi-structured individual interviews were conducted to a theoretical sample of policymakers at federal (eight), state (five) and municipal levels (four). Final sample size was reached by saturation of information. An inductive thematic analysis was conducted. Results The results show difficulties in the implementation of IHN policies due to weaknesses that arise from the policy design and the performance of the three levels of government. There is a lack of specificity as to the criteria and tools for configuring and financing IHNs that need to be agreed upon between involved governments. For their part, policymakers emphasize the difficulty of establishing agreements in a health system with disincentives for collaboration between municipalities. The allocation of responsibilities that are too complex for the capacity and size of the municipalities, the abandonment of essential functions such as network planning by states and the strategic role by the Ministry, the ‘invasion’ of competences among levels of government and high political turnover are also highlighted. Conclusions The implementation of regional-based IHN policy in Brazil is hampered by the decentralized organization of the health system to the municipal level, suggesting the need to centralize certain functions to regional structures or states and to define better the role of the government levels involved


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    The study aimed to analyze maternal deaths recorded in Ceará/ Brazil from 1998 to 2002 (n = 621). The data were supplied by Epidemics Surveillance of Ceará Health Bureau. Xv²(x squared) test or Maximum Ratio Probability for tables RxS was used to analyze the association among the categorized variables. Most deceased women were between 20 and 34 years, low income, gestational interval larger than two years and delivery up to four children. Consultation number analysis was harmed by information shortage and for the fact that gestational age was not analyzed at the time of the death. Deaths mostly happened at the hospital, assisted by doctors and obstetricians. Maternal death should be observed under care delivery quality on prenatal, childbirth and after-childbirth, so that technical accuracy and care-rendered commitment with respective recording be set up.Este estudo retrospectivo teve como objetivo analisar os óbitos maternos notificados no Ceará de 1998 a 2002 (n=621). Os dados foram fornecidos pela Vigilância Epidemiológica da Secretaria da Saúde do Ceará. Para análise de associação entre variáveis utilizou-se o teste de Qui-quadrado ou a Razão de Máxima Verossimilhança para tabelas RxS. A maioria dos óbitos foi de mulheres entre 20 e 34 anos, de baixa renda, intervalo gestacional maior que dois anos e paridade de até quatro filhos. A análise do número de consultas ficou prejudicada pela subinformação e pelo fato de que não se analisou a idade gestacional em que ocorrera o óbito. A maioria dos óbitos ocorrera no hospital, assistidos por clínicos e obstetras. O óbito materno merece ser visto sob a qualidade da assistência ao pré-natal, parto e puerpério, de maneira a se estabelecer rigor técnico e compromisso com o atendimento prestado e sua notificação.El estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar los óbitos maternos notificados en Ceará de 1998 a 2002 (n = 621). Los datos fueron facilitados por la Vigilancia Epidemiológica de la Secretaría de Salud de Ceará. Para el análisis de asociación entre variables se utilizó test de Chi-cuadrado o Razón de Máxima Verosimilitud para tablas R x S. La mayoría de los óbitos fue de mujeres entre 20 y 34 años, de baja renta, intervalo estacional mayor de dos años y que parieron hasta cuatro hijos. El análisis del número de consultas quedó perjudicado por la subinformación y por el hecho de que no se analizó la edad gestacional en que ocurrió el óbito. La mayoría de los óbitos ocurrieron en el hospital, asistidos por clínicos y obstetras. El óbito materno merece ser tratado con la calidad de asistencia al prenatal, parto y posparto, de forma que se establezca rigor técnico y compromiso con la atención prestada y su notificación

    Inequities in access to health care in different health systems: A study in municipalities of central Colombia and north-eastern Brazil

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    Introduction. Health system reforms are undertaken with the aim of improving equity of access to health care. Their impact is generally analyzed based on health care utilization, without distinguishing between levels of care. This study aims to analyze inequities in access to the continuum of care in municipalities of Brazil and Colombia. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted based on a survey of a multistage probability sample of people who had had at least one health problem in the prior three months (2,163 in Colombia and 2,167 in Brazil). The outcome variables were dichotomous variables on the utilization of curative and preventive services. The main independent variables were income, being the holder of a private health plan and, in Colombia, type of insurance scheme of the General System of Social Security in Health (SGSSS). For each country, the prevalence of the outcome variables was calculated overall and stratified by levels of per capita income, SGSSS insurance schemes and private health plan. Prevalence ratios were computed by means of Poisson regression models with robust variance, controlling for health care need. Results: There are inequities in favor of individuals of a higher socioeconomic status: in Colombia, in the three different care levels (primary, outpatient secondary and emergency care) and preventive activities; and in Brazil, in the use of outpatient secondary care services and preventive activities, whilst lower-income individuals make greater use of the primary care services. In both countries, inequity in the use of outpatient secondary care is more pronounced than in the other care levels. Income in both countries, insurance scheme enrollment in Colombia and holding a private health plan in Brazil all contribute to the presence of inequities in utilization. Conclusions: Twenty years after the introduction of reforms implemented to improve equity in access to health care, inequities, defined in terms of unequal use for equal need, are still present in both countries. The design of the health systems appears to determine access to the health services: two insurance schemes in Colombia with different benefits packages and a segmented system in Brazil, with a significant private component. © 2014 Garcia-Subirats et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd