16 research outputs found


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    Children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) frequently show difficulties in the acquisition of multiple repertoires, including verbal behavior. One type of verbal operant behavior is the intraverbal. It involves the emission of a verbal response under the control of a verbal discriminative stimulus, without point-to-point correspondence between them, and the response is maintained by a generalized conditioned reinforcer. This study focused on narrative retelling, which is a skill that comprises intraverbal chains. It is also discussed in the literature that the teaching of this repertoire may improve gains in text comprehension, which also involves the emission of intraverbals, that is, answering questions. Regarding this skill, previous research investigated procedures that may produce the emergence of answering comprehension questions referred as complex ABC intraverbals (related to the stimulus equivalence paradigm) in typically developing children. In general, they were exposed to cycles in which they first read short texts/sentences relating information on three different stimuli (A, B, and C), Thereafter, the children answered several questions representing all possible complex intraverbal relations among the three stimuli from the sentences. Some learners demonstrated the emergence of all complex relations, and further investigations were carried out with the teaching of simpler intraverbal relations of the type of exemplars and categories before the cycles of reading sentences – probing complex ABC intraverbals. Data indicated that more learners showed the emergence of all, or nearly all, complex relations. The present study comprised two systematic replication experiments, with the inclusion of a child with ASD as participant. Both also involved the teaching of sentence reading and retelling through script fading, to analyze the effects of narrative production on the possible emergence of complex intraverbals. In Experiment 1, cycles of teaching sentence reading and retelling – probing ABC intraverbals were administered. As a result, all possible complex relations emerged.  Experiment 2 involved the teaching of simpler intraverbal relations of the type of exemplars and categories before the cycles of teaching sentence reading and retelling – probing ABC intraverbals. All possible complex intraverbal relations also emerged. Data were discussed in the sense that, although positive, it is not clear whether the teaching of sentence retelling and simpler intraverbal relations facilitated the establishment of the complex intraverbals. It is possible that reading the sentences was sufficient. The limitations of the research were presented and discussed, as well as recommendations for future investigations that may more clearly isolate the effects of each manipulated independent variable. Anyway, the current study extended previous investigations by showing that complex intraverbal relations of the ABC type may also be established in a learner diagnosed with ASD.  Article visualizations

    Integration method of non-elementary exponential functions using iterated Fubinni integrals

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    The present work presents a new method of integration of non-elementary exponential functions where Fubinni\u27s iterated integrals were used. In this research, some approximations were used in order to generalize the results obtained through mathematical series, in addition to integration methods and double integrals. In addition to the integration methods, the Taylor series was used, where the value found and compatible with the values ​​of the power series that are used to calculate the value of the exponential function demonstrated in the work was verified. In addition to the methods described, a comparison of the values ​​obtained by the series and the values ​​described in the method was improvised, where it was noticed that the higher the value of the variable, the closer the results show a stability for the variable greater than the value 4, described in table 01. The conclusions point to a great improvement, mainly for solving elliptic differential equations and statistical functions

    A didactic proposal for the construction of the ellipse

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    The purpose of the present is to propose the construction of the ellipse in a didactic way in which the work deals with the exposure of a specific methodology for the 3rd year of high school when dealing with ellipse content. Followed by the results of the realization of a workshop aimed at the construction of the ellipse in a didactic way, constructed with low cost material, thereby proposing the teaching of mathematics in a more pleasant and effective way, where the ellipse equations were defined with the theoretical concept and afterwards, the gardener\u27s method was used to construct this curve in a terrain, using ropes and civil construction fasteners, so that the student could concretize and apply this content in practice. After that, it was used for construction in the classroom using thread threads or thin strings to make the tracing and to finish it used the Geogebra software to finish the work showing the perfection of the curve explained in the classroom. The didactic process carried out showed a real interest of the students mainly with the use of the field practice. In conclusion, teaching mathematics in a didactic and interactive way provides a favorable environment for learning, stimulating students with a critical sense and an investigative spirit

    Diagnosis and treatment of late jaundice in late preterm and term newborns: An integrative literature review / Diagnóstico e tratamento da icterícia tardia em recém-nascidos prematuros tardios e a termo: Uma revisão integrativa de literatura

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    Although it is a common clinical condition in neonatology, jaundice must have an adequate diagnosis and an on-time treatment since the excess of bilirubin can lead to the development of kernicterus – that, in rare cases, can lead to neonatal death. This study aimed to identify which diagnostic methods and treatment of late jaundice in late preterm and term show greater relevance, efficacy, and safety. An integrative review was performed through SciELO, Pubmed, and Bireme databases, of publications between 2015 and 2020, using the descriptors "neonatal jaundice", "neonatal hyperbilirubinemia", "neonatal jaundice" and "neonatal hyperbilirubinemia".  After the articles extraction, they were stratified in a dataset, from which 17 articles that deal with the diagnosis and / or treatment of late preterm newborns and / or suitable for gestational age were selected and arranged in narrative and charts. It was possible to establish that although serum bilirubin testing is widely used, extracorporeal methods are a good option in the diagnosis of jaundice, with good accuracy, for which phototherapy is the main treatment. There are effective, safe, and low-cost alternatives for the diagnosis and treatment of neonatal jaundice, that work by minimizing the risks of complications

    Algebraic Arithmaric of The Remainders

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    The new Algebraic language has the purpose of describing the demonstrations of modular arithmatic in a diferente language, providing its theorems and axioms in totally new and diferente way from what has been done until now. And in it has the proof and demonstration of Catalan Conjecture.&nbsp

    Aplicação algébrica para se calcular o valor da raiz quadrada de um número natural não-quadrado perfeito pelo método iterativo babilônico / An algebraic application for calculating the square root of a non-square perfect natural number by the iterative babylonian method

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    A matemática passou por muitas transformações ao longo da história da humanidade. Embora, as atuais mudanças a tornaram mais sofisticadas, do que no passado, e hoje se façam muitos cálculos, com o auxílio dos computadores atuais, na utilização de algoritmos preestabelecidos em softwares, não se deve esquecer como tais algoritmos foram criados.  Numa perspectiva para os leigos, que desconhecem a matemática desenvolvidas por civilizações antigas, muitos dos algoritmos que ainda operam hoje em avançados sistemas de computadores, foram criados por civilizações que dominaram os primeiros quatro milênios antes da era comum, como: os babilônicos e posteriormente gregos. Que, até hoje, estes povos despertam a admiração e beleza, para a aqueles que, apreciam a arte que as generalizações matemáticas podem alcançar. Logo, o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar, entre tantos métodos existentes, o método iterativo babilônico para se calcular a raiz quadrada de um número natural não quadrado perfeito, como forma alternativa, em relação ao métodos das tentativas e a utilização da calculadora e outros dispositivos eletrônicos que de longe são os mais utilizados para se calcular raiz quadrada

    Didactic Sequence for Teaching Exponential Function

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    This paper presents a methodological proposal for the teaching of exponential function, resulting from the application of a didactic sequence involving exponential function, where evidence of learning and the consolidation and application of mathematical concepts in problem solving were identified and analyzed. The Didactic Engineering of Michèle Artigue (1988) was used as a research methodology. As theoretical contributions that guided and enabled the development of the research, we chose the use of Mathematical Investigation in the classroom; Didactic Sequence in the conception of Zabala (1999); the Articulated Units of Conceptual Reconstruction proposed by Cabral (2017) and assumptions of Vygotsky\u27s theory. A didactic sequence composed of five UARC\u27s was elaborated to work the exponential function, with a view to minimizing the difficulties naturally imposed by the content to be explained. Microgenetic analysis of verbal interactions between teacher and students was used to analyze the results of the application. The results show that the students participating in the experiment showed evidence of learning, recorded during the process, and began to have a good understanding of the concepts and properties related to the topic, in addition to a good performance in carrying out the activities, facts that corroborate the potential of the didactic sequence proposed herein

    Fatores que podem influenciar na evasão no ensino superior: uma análise estatística do curso de engenharia florestal no campus de Parauapebas da universidade federal rural da Amazônia / Factors that may influence higher education dropout: a statistical analysis of the forest engineering course at the Parauapebas campus of the universidade federal rural da Amazônia

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    Uma maneira de conhecer um aluno e evitar uma evasão destes durante a realização do ensino superior, é estudar o seu perfil socioeconômico e cultural. Pensando nisso, esse trabalho tem por objetivo identificar como é o comportamento social, econômica e cultural, de graduandos em Engenharia Florestal da Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, campus de Parauapebas (UFRA). Para obter os resultados, foi coletado dados com elementos descritivos de 38 dos 40 alunos inscritos no primeiro semestre do curso do ano de 2020 do curso de engenharia florestal. Como resultado, observou-se uma média de idade desses alunos de 20 anos e muitos desses estudantes moravam em outros locais do estado onde está localizada a universidade e até de outros estados, e diferente de outras engenharias, uma característica do curso da UFRA-Parauapebas, é que a maior parte dos alunos são mulheres. Constata-se também a falta de recursos doe estudante que podem dificultar o seu proveito no curso.  Sintomas psicológicos também estão presentes nesses alunos, pois um percentual desses responderam que possuem algum indício de problema psicológico, podendo afetar numa saída do curso

    Satisfação docente e a valorização profissional na instituição da Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia - Campus de Parauapebas – Pará – Brasil / Teacher satisfaction and professional appreciation at the institution of the Federal Rural University of the Amazon - Campus de Parauapebas - Pará – Brazil

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal apresentar dois modelos probabilísticos via regressão logística múltipla, que represente a satisfação do docente em relação a sua valorização profissional dentro da instituição da Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia - Campus de Parauapebas, e a respeito de sua remuneração salarial no sistema federal de ensino. Para tanto, utilizou-se as técnicas estatísticas de análise descritiva para descrever as variáveis utilizadas no modelo e a regressão logística múltipla. A partir do resultado da análise descritiva, constatou-se que as variáveis: condições de trabalho e apoio institucional apresentaram relevantes informações acerca do modelo para a valorização profissional, por consequência, compuseram o modelo, e que as variáveis infraestrutura do Campus e seu relacionamento com colegas e superiores no seu trabalho, apresentaram relevantes informações para o modelo com variável resposta remuneração salarial. Além disso, a partir da técnica de regressão logística conclui-se que, quem estar satisfeito com o apoio da instituição e com as condições de trabalho, tem maiores probabilidades de estar satisfeito com sua valorização profissional dentro da UFRA, e também que os servidores satisfeitos com a infraestrutura do campus (salas de aulas, laboratórios, gabinetes, entre outros) e com seu relacionamento com colegas e superiores, apresentam maiores probabilidades de estarem satisfeitos com a remuneração do magistério superior

    Avaliação das atividades antifúngica, antimicobacteriana e larvicida de Duroia macrophylla e D. saccifera

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    Bachground and objective: The wide Amazonian biodiversity has been identified as a source of natural product candidates to various pharmacological activities, particularly in combating infectious diseases. Some species, such as the genus Duroia, belonging to the Rubiaceae family, has been characterized by the production of secondary metabolites with important biological properties, but there are few studies with species of this genus. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the antimycobacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic activity of D. macrophylla and D. saccifera extracts by determining the minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum larvicide concentration. Methods: Were collected plant materials of the D. macrophylla and D. saccifera in Forest Reserve A. Ducke in Manaus AM, from which were prepared dichloromethane, methanol and aqueous extracts and determined the minimum inhibitory concentration and larvicidal concentration. Results: With regard to D. saccifera¸ extracts the dichloromethane extract of the branches was the most active against the fungal species and mycobacterial strains evaluated. On the other hand, the methanol and dichloromethane extract of the D. macrophylla leaves, were most active against Candida sp. and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, respectively, but none of the six evaluated extracts showed antiparasitic activity against Toxocara canis. Conclusion: These results demonstrate the antimicrobial properties of these Amazonian plants for the development of new therapies in the treatment of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and candidiasis.Justificativa e objetivos: A vasta biodiversidade amazônica tem sido apontada como uma fonte de produtos naturais candidatos a diversas atividades farmacológicas, principalmente no combate a doenças infecciosas. Algumas espécies, tais como as pertencentes ao gênero Duroia, da família Rubiaceae, têm sido caracterizadas pela produção de metabólitos secundários com propriedades biológicas importantes, porém são escassos os estudos com espécies deste gênero. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a atividade antimicobacteriana, antifúngica e antiparasitária de extratos de D. macrophylla e D. saccifera. Métodos: Foram coletados materiais vegetais de D. macrophylla e D. saccifera na Reserva Florestal A. Ducke em Manaus- AM, a partir dos quais foram preparados extratos diclorometânico, metanólico e aquoso e determinada a concentração inibitória e concentração larvicida mínima. Resultados: No que diz respeito aos extratos de D. saccifera¸ o extrato diclorometânico dos galhos foi o mais ativo frente às espécies fúngicas e as cepas micobacterianas avaliadas. Por outro lado, o extrato metanólico e o diclorometânico das folhas de D. macrophylla, foram os mais ativos frente a Candida sp. e Mycobacterium tuberculosis, respectivamente, porém, nenhum dos seis extratos avaliados apresentaram atividade antiparasitária frente a Toxocara canis. Conclusão: Esses resultados demonstram as propriedades antimicrobianas dessas plantas amazônicas para o desenvolvimento de novas alternativas terapêuticas no tratamento de doenças infecciosas, tais como a tuberculose e candidíase