1,242 research outputs found

    Random-energy model in random fields

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    The random-energy model is studied in the presence of random fields. The problem is solved exactly both in the microcanonical ensemble, without recourse to the replica method, and in the canonical ensemble using the replica formalism. The phase diagrams for bimodal and Gaussian random fields are investigated in detail. In contrast to the Gaussian case, the bimodal random field may lead to a tricritical point and a first-order transition. An interesting feature of the phase diagram is the possibility of a first-order transition from paramagnetic to mixed phase.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures (included

    Quality of work life: an analysis in a commercial steel organization in the state of Ceará

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    This study aims to investigate the perception of Quality of Work Life (QWL) of workers in a steel commercial organization with 3 branches in the state of Ceará, in the cities of Fortaleza, Sobral and Juazeiro do Norte, based on the model of Richard Walton (1973). The study presents the evolution of the concepts of Quality of Work Life, the main models of QWL and metrics of other studies addressing the same theme. For that, the exploratory, qualitative, descriptive method was applied, and the questionnaire was used as the medium for data collection. The results indicate that the criterion of growth opportunities did not present the same significant result as the other evaluated criteria. On the other hand, the criterion of social relevance of work was highlighted, showing that even with some other difficulties identified, the workers are proud to belong to this company. It is estimated that this research can serve to make decisions and assist managers and human resources policies, directing greater efforts to quality of work life and power that it can exercise within the institution.This study aims to investigate the perception of Quality of Work Life (QWL) of workers in a steel commercial organization with 3 branches in the state of Ceará, in the cities of Fortaleza, Sobral and Juazeiro do Norte, based on the model of Richard Walton (1973). The study presents the evolution of the concepts of Quality of Work Life, the main models of QWL and metrics of other studies addressing the same theme. For that, the exploratory, qualitative, descriptive method was applied, and the questionnaire was used as the medium for data collection. The results indicate that the criterion of growth opportunities did not present the same significant result as the other evaluated criteria. On the other hand, the criterion of social relevance of work was highlighted, showing that even with some other difficulties identified, the workers are proud to belong to this company. It is estimated that this research can serve to make decisions and assist managers and human resources policies, directing greater efforts to quality of work life and power that it can exercise within the institution


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    The Internal control is responsible to follow the procedures adopted in an institution, contributing in preventing the occurrence of frauds and mistakes, which are corrected when necessary. So, this article present the concepts and objectives of an Internal Control Unit, the laws applied to it and his importance on the execution of public expenditure generated, based on the activities of the Internal Control Unit of the Federal Court of Roraima. The Methodology used for the construction of this article was based in consulting of books, articles and legislations applied to the object of study, as well as use of questionnaires with servers from the Internal Control Unit of Federal Court of Roraima. In this sense, the article is about how the Internal Control of the Federal Court of Roraima operates evaluating the realization of public expenditure controlled by that agencyO controle interno como órgão responsável por estabelecer os procedimentos adotados no âmbito de uma instituição contribui na prevenção da ocorrência de erros e fraudes, sendo estes corrigidos quando necessários. Desta forma, este artigo versará sobre os conceitos e objetivos de uma Unidade de Controle Interno, as legislações aplicadas a ele, sua importância na Administração Pública, bem como sua atuação na execução das despesas públicas geradas, tendo como base as atividades da Unidade de Controle Interno da Justiça Federal de Roraima. Como metodologia, foi utilizada para a construção do presente artigo, consulta de livros, artigos e legislações que regulamentam os trabalhos do objeto de estudo, bem como, utilização de questionários com servidores da Unidade de Controle Interno da Justiça Federal de Roraima. Neste sentido o artigo versará sobre como o controle interno da Justiça Federal de Roraima atua no processo de avaliar a realização das despesas públicas geradas pelo referido órgão

    Myofibroma of the oral cavity. A rare spindle cell neoplasm

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    Myofibroma is an uncommon spindle cell neoplasm rarely found in oral cavity. Typically, this lesion is seen in neonates and infants with few cases reported in adults patients. In the oral cavity, myofibroma occurs within the submucosal or intramuscular tissue and has a predilection by the tongue, buccal mucosa and lips. Microscopically, a typical biphasic pattern can be observed. Misdiagnosis included benign and malignant spindle cell lesions of nerve tissue or smooth muscle origin, such as neurofibroma, leiomyoma and sarcomas. Thus, immunohistochemical staining is a useful tool to identify the nature of neoplastic cells and to reach an accurate diagnosis. An immunohistochemical panel consisting of antibodies to vimentin, SMA, HHF-35, S-100p and desmin must be achieved. In most cases, positivity for vimentin, SMA and HHF-25 can be observed. Our report describes a solitary myofibroma of the tongue of a 23-year-old man with emphasis in clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical features of this lesion

    Left ventricular mass and cardiothoracic index in patients with chronic renal disease on hemodialysis

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    Introduction:Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is an independent predictor of cardiovascular risk in patients with chronic renal disease (CRD) on hemodialysis (HD). Objective:To show the usefulness of chest radiography in the diagnosis of LVH in CRD patients on HD. Methods:Cross-sectional study including 100 patients (58 men and 42 women), mean age 46.2 ± 14.0 years, with CRD of all causes, for at least six months on HD. Were obtained echocardiogram and chest x-rays of patients, always up to one hour after the end of HD sessions. Results:LVH was detected in 83 patients (83%), of whom 56 (67.4%) had the concentric pattern and 27 (32.6%) with eccentric pattern of LVH. Cardiomegaly - defined by cardiothoracic index (CTI) > 0.5 - was present in 61 patients (61%). The following were the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy, respectively, for the variable ICT: 66.2%, 70.5% and 68.0%. The Pearson correlation between ICT and index of left ventricular mass (LVMI) was 0.552 (p 0,5 - esteve presente em 61 pacientes (61%). Foram os seguintes os valores de sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia, respectivamente, para a variável ICT: 66,2%, 70,5% e 68,0%. A correlação de Pearson entre ICT e índice de massa do ventrículo esquerdo (IMVE) foi de 0,552 (p < 0,05) e razão de verossimilhança positivo de 2,2. Conclusão:A radiografia de tórax é um exame seguro e útil como ferramenta diagnóstica de HVE em pacientes com DRC em HD.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde de AlagoasUniversidade de São PauloUniversidade Federal de AlagoasUniversidade Federal de SergipeUNIFESPSciEL

    Honorários de Auditoria e Ciclo de Vida Organizacional: Um Estudo em Empresas Listadas no Índice Novo Mercado da B3

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    O estudo tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre os custos de auditoria e os estágios de ciclo de vida organizacional de empresas não financeiras listadas na B3. A classificação da pesquisa tem fundamento descritivo, com embasamento documental e de caráter quantitativo. A coleta de dados foi realizada utilizando informações disponíveis na base de dados economática, nos formulários de referência e nas demonstrações consolidadas das 113 empresas listadas nos segmentos especiais durante o ano de 2020. Os resultados revelaram que a maioria das empresas está classificada no estágio de maturidade, com uma maior participação no segmento de governança do Novo Mercado. Cada estágio possui características distintas que influenciam o desempenho da empresa em diversos aspectos. Em consequência dessa diversidade, os custos dos serviços de auditoria variam de acordo com o estágio em que a empresa se encontra. Observou-se que as empresas em estágio de maturidade apresentaram uma média mais alta de custos com honorários de auditoria, enquanto as empresas em declínio e nascimento tiveram valores menores

    Ventricular mass and electrocardiographic criteria of hypertrophy: evaluation of new score

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    BACKGROUND: The left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is an important and independent cardiovascular risk factor. There is a scarcity of studies in Brazil designed to test the efficacy of the electrocardiogram (ECG) in the diagnosis of this important pathological process. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a new electrocardiographic score for the diagnosis of LVH by ECG: the sum of the highest amplitude of the S wave and the highest amplitude of the R wave on the horizontal plane, multiplied by the result of the QRS duration [(S+R) X QRS)] and comparing it with the classic electrocardiographic criteria. METHODS: The echocardiograms and ECG of 1,204 hypertensive patients receiving outpatient care were evaluated. The left ventricular mass index (LVMI) was assessed by the echocardiogram, with a diagnosis of LVH when the LVMI was > 96 g/m² for women and > 116 g/m² for men. Four classic criteria of LVH were analyzed at the ECG, in addition to the new score to be tested. RESULTS: In general, the studied ECG-LVH criteria showed significant statistical correlation to the echocardiographic LVMI. The (R+S) X QRS index, using 2.80 mm.s as the cutoff value, provided test accuracy regarding sensibility and specificity of 35.2% and 88.71%, respectively, representing the best correlation to LVMI (r=0.564) when compared to the other indexes: Romhilt-Estes (r=0.464); Sokolow-Lyon (r=0.419); Cornell voltage (r=0.377); Cornell product r=0.444). CONCLUSION: All the electrocardiographic criteria used for the assessment of the LV mass presented low sensitivity. The new score presented the best correlation with LVMI when compared to the other indexes.FUNDAMENTO: A hipertrofia ventricular esquerda (HVE) é um importante e independente fator de risco cardiovascular. Inexistem, no Brasil, estudos desenhados para testar a eficácia do eletrocardiograma (ECG) no diagnóstico desse grave processo patológico. OBJETIVO: Avaliar um novo escore eletrocardiográfico para diagnóstico de HVE pelo ECG: soma da maior amplitude da onda S com a maior da onda R no plano horizontal, multiplicando-se o resultado pela duração do QRS [(S+R) X QRS)] e comparando-o com os critérios eletrocardiográficos clássicos. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados os ecocardiogramas e ECG de 1.204 pacientes hipertensos em tratamento ambulatorial. Avaliou-se o índice de massa do ventrículo esquerdo (IMVE) pelo ecocardiograma, firmando-se o diagnóstico de HVE quando > 96 g/m² para mulheres e > 116 g/m² para homens. No ECG analisaram-se quatro critérios clássicos de HVE, além do novo escore a ser testado. RESULTADOS: Todos os índices estudados tiveram correlação estatisticamente significativa com a massa calculada do ventrículo esquerdo (VE). Porém, o novo escore foi o que apresentou maior correlação (r = 0,564). Os outros critérios apresentaram as seguintes correlações: Romhilt-Estes (r = 0,464); Sokolow-Lyon (r = 0,419); Cornell voltagem (r = 0,377); Cornell duração (r = 0,444). Para avaliação da acurácia do índice testado, utilizou-se o ponto de corte de 2,80 mm.s. Com esse valor foram obtidas as seguintes cifras para sensibilidade e especificidade: 35,2% e 88,7%, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Todos os critérios eletrocardiográficos para avaliação da massa do VE apresentaram baixa sensibilidade. O novo escore foi o que apresentou melhor correlação com o IMVE em relação aos outros avaliados.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Identification of physical activity level of school adolescents: sports basedhigh intensity physical education classes

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    This study aimed to identify undertaken activities during Physical Education (PE) school classes, such as their content and intensity, and investigate the relationship between PE school classes and the level of physical activity of the students. Fifty school adolescents averagely aging 14.3 years, 1.63m, height and 57.4kg body mass were evaluated. Intensity of PE classes was measured by heart rate monitoring. A PE class content observation instrument was utilized in order to evaluate the sessions. Additionally, IPAQ was used to assess the level of physical activity of the participants. 20% of the students were found to be overweight considering their age. It was noticed that 78% underwent from moderate to high intensity sports activity throughout the classes, without signifi cant gender differences. 96% of the studied subjects were classifi ed as active or very active. Therefore, most of the analyzed adolescents performed satisfactory physical activity, ensuring a high level of physical activity

    Disclosure de Boas Práticas de Governança Segundo Recomendações da ONU: Um Estudo nas Companhias Listadas no Segmento Novo Mercado sob a Perspectiva de Porte Empresarial

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    O estudo analisou os níveis de disclosure de boas práticas de governança corporativa de companhias brasileiras segundo as recomendações da ONU, levando em conta características relacionadas ao porte empresarial. De natureza descritiva e quantitativa, o estudo utilizou dados secundários oriundos de diversos documentos, como Demonstrações Financeiras Anuais e Formulário de Referência de 43 empresas listadas no segmento Novo Mercado, da BM&FBovespa. A análise baseou-se em estatísticas descritivas, coeficientes de correlação e testes de diferenças de médias, adotando-se como proxies para mensuração do disclosure o Guia de Boas Práticas de Governança Corporativa da ONU. Os resultados sugerem elevados índices de atendimento aos indicadores propostos pelo Guia da ONU, em especial pelas empresas de Utilidade Pública. Por meio dos testes de diferenças de médias, foi possível constatar que, de fato, as empresas maiores apresentam níveis mais altos de disclosure de governança. Assim, constata-se o alinhamento das empresas brasileiras ao disclosure das boas práticas de governança sugeridas pela ONU, tendo o porte empresarial influência determinante na adesão à divulgação