2,058 research outputs found

    Effects of microplastics on microalgae populations: a critical review

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    Microplastics are persistent contaminants accumulating in the environment. Aquatic ecosystems have been studied worldwide, revealing ubiquitous contamination with microplastics. Microalgae, one of the most important primary producers in aquatic ecosystems, could suffer from microplastic contamination, leading to larger impacts on aquatic food webs. Nonetheless, little is known about the toxic effects of microplastics on microalgae populations. Thus, the objective of this review was to identify these effects and the impacts of microplastics on microalgae populations based on currently available literature, also identifying knowledge gaps. Even though microplastics seem to have limited effects on parameters such as growth, chlorophyll content, photosynthesis activity and reactive oxygen species (ROS), current environmental concentrations are not expected to induce toxicity. Even so, microplastics could disrupt population regulation mechanisms, by reducing the availability or absorption of nutrients (bottom-up) or reducing the population of predator species (top-down). Microplastics' properties can also influence the effects on microalgae, with smaller sizes and positive surface charges having higher toxicity. Therefore, more research is needed to better understand the effects of microplastics on microalgae, such as adaptation strategies, effects on population dynamics and microplastics properties influencing toxicity.publishe

    Environmental exposure to microplastics: an overview on possible human health effects

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    Microplastics are ubiquitous environmental contaminants leading to inevitable human exposure. Even so, little is known about the effects of microplastics in human health. Thus, in this work we review the evidence for potential negative effects of microplastics in the human body, focusing on pathways of exposure and toxicity. Exposure may occur by ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact due to the presence of microplastics in products, foodstuff and air. In all biological systems, microplastic exposure may cause particle toxicity, with oxidative stress, inflammatory lesions and increased uptake or translocation. The inability of the immune system to remove synthetic particles may lead to chronic inflammation and increase risk of neoplasia. Furthermore, microplastics may release their constituents, adsorbed contaminants and pathogenic organisms. Nonetheless, knowledge on microplastic toxicity is still limited and largely influenced by exposure concentration, particle properties, adsorbed contaminants, tissues involved and individual susceptibility, requiring further research.publishe

    «Courseware» hipermedia: Evolução das NTI no Ensino (ou mera meNTIra)

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    Aceitando a premissa de que as novas tecnologias de documentação hipermedia podem vir a constituir um excelente meio de apoio ao Ensino Assistido por Computador, os autores sugerem neste artigo aigumas linhas de investigação que julgam necessárias para melhorar a sua adequação a uma utilização pedagógica.ABSTRACT: The new technologies of hipermedia documentation may become an excellent support to computer-assisted learning. In this paper, we suggest some research directions which are necessary to improve their adjustment to educational uses

    An easy method for processing and identification of natural and synthetic microfibers and microplastics in indoor and outdoor air

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    Microplastics and microfibers can contaminate every matrix, including in the atmosphere, thus leading to incidental inhalation. However, concentrations of airborne synthetic particle in indoor and outdoor environments are not well understood due to the complexities of sampling, sample processing and identification. This work aims at producing a simple protocol to determine the concentrations of airborne microplastics and fibers. This is accomplished by removing organic matter using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), followed by removal of mineral matter by density separation with sodium iodide (NaI). Finally, identification of fibers into synthetic or natural under the stereomicroscope can be achieved following a diagram produced by systematically observing the most common textile fibers. This method produces a recovery rate of 94.4 % for spiked samples and has been proven suitable for environmental samples. •Fibers and microplastics in air are easier to identify after carbonaceous matter removal;•No loss of microfiber is expected from the solutions used;•Recovery rates of spiked samples is 94.4 %.publishe

    Identifying a quick and efficient method of removing organic matter without damaging microplastic samples

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    Natural organic matter may confound the detection of microplastics, requiring a removal step. However, most available protocols are long and lack information on removal efficiency and polymer degradation. Thus, we have determined the digestion efficiency (%) for a pool of organic matter (algae, driftwood, feathers, fish muscle, paraffin, palm oil) for five digestion solutions, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), hydrogen peroxide with iron catalyst (H2O2 + Fe), potassium hydroxide (KOH), nitric acid (HNO3), and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), under two temperatures (room temperature at 25 °C, 50 °C) and two periods (1, 6 h). H2O2 + Fe and KOH at 50 °C for 1 h had the highest digestion efficiencies, of 65.9% and 58.3% respectively (mostly limited by driftwood and paraffin). Further testing revealed that H2O2 + Fe is more appropriate for plant material and KOH for animal tissue. Weight loss (%), Fourier transform infrared spectrometry and carbonyl index of 9 virgin and 6 weathered polymers (polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyethylene terephthalate, polyvinyl chloride, cellulose acetate, nylon) revealed that only identification of cellulose acetate was hindered. Filters were also tested revealing that quartz and glass fibre filters are resistant to these protocols. Thus, a digestion protocol based on H2O2 + Fe or KOH at 50 °C for 1 h may be used on microplastic samples.publishe

    A new approach for routine quantification of microplastics using Nile Red and automated software (MP-VAT)

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    Microplastics are widespread contaminants in the environment. However, most identification protocols rely on long and subjective visual counting, which could be improved using staining dyes. Thus, the objective of this work is to identify the best staining dye protocol and create an objective and quick automated counting software for microplastics. Tests were conducted to identify the most appropriate of eight staining dye solutions and of six wavelengths for virgin and weathered synthetic polymers, textile fibers, natural organic matter and filters. Nile Red produced the best results (without interfering in infrared spectra) rendering microplastics fluorescent at 254 nm, but with limited number of fluorescent polymers, and at 470 nm (with orange filter), with fluorescence of plastics as well as natural organic matter (requiring a digestion step). Next, a script was developed in ImageJ for the automatic quantification and characterization in shape (fiber, fragment, particle) and size of fluorescent microplastics, the Microplastics Visual Analysis Tool (MP-VAT). MP-VAT was evaluated, producing recovery rates in the range of 89.0-111.1% in spiked filters under 470 nm. Furthermore, this package is accompanied by a script that sets a scale from a known filter diameter, MP-SCALE, and a script that allows user threshold setting, MP-ACT.publishe

    Fractionation of potentially toxic elements in urban soils from five European cities by means of a harmonised sequential extraction procedure

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    The revised (four-step) BCR sequential extraction procedure has been applied to fractionate the chromium, copper, iron, manganese, nickel, lead and zinc contents in urban soil samples from public-access areas in five European cities. A preliminary inter-laboratory comparison was conducted and showed that data obtained by different laboratories participating in the study were sufficiently harmonious for comparisons to be made between cities and land types (e.g. parks, roadside, riverbanks, etc.). Analyte recoveries by sequential extraction, with respect to direct aqua regia digestion, were generally acceptable (100 ± 15%). Iron, nickel and, at most sites, chromium were found mainly in association with the residual phase of the soil matrix. Copper was present in the reducible, oxidisable and residual fractions, whilst zinc was found in all four sequential extracts. Manganese was strongly associated with reducible material as, in some cities, was lead. This is of concern because high lead concentrations were present in some soils (>500 mg kg−1) and the potential exists for remobilisation under reducing conditions. As would be expected, extractable metal contents were generally highest in older, more heavily industrialised cities. Copper, lead and zinc showed marked (and often correlated) variations in concentrations between sites within the same city whereas manganese and, especially, iron, did not. No overall relationships were, however, found between analyte concentrations and land use, nor between analyte partitioning and land use

    Mundos em miniatura: aproximação a alguns aspectos da cartografia portuguesa do Brasil (séculos XVI a XVIII)

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    This paper discusses the challenges of "miniaturizing" the world in Portuguese cartography at the dawn of the Modern Age. It draws attention to the process of amassing experience and geographic knowledge, and their deployment in the cartographic representations of Brazil throughout the first three centuries of its colonization