3,941 research outputs found

    Signatures of homoclinic motion in quantum chaos

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    Homoclinic motion plays a key role in the organization of classical chaos in Hamiltonian systems. In this Letter, we show that it also imprints a clear signature in the corresponding quantum spectra. By numerically studying the fluctuations of the widths of wavefunctions localized along periodic orbits we reveal the existence of an oscillatory behavior, that is explained solely in terms of the primary homoclinic motion. Furthermore, our results indicate that it survives the semiclassical limit.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The Poincare-Birkhoff theorem in Quantum Mechanics

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    Quantum manifestations of the dynamics around resonant tori in perturbed Hamiltonian systems, dictated by the Poincar\'e--Birkhoff theorem, are shown to exist. They are embedded in the interactions involving states which differ in a number of quanta equal to the order of the classical resonance. Moreover, the associated classical phase space structures are mimicked in the quasiprobability density functions and their zeros.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Full resolution figures available at http://www.df.uba.ar/users/wisniaki/publications.htm

    On the absence of acylated anthocyanins in some wild grapevine accessions

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    Our current research is focused on the anthocyanin composition of female grape accessions, mostly Spanish, preserved at El Encín Germplasm Bank. In 2008, berries of 126 accessions were taken at maturity. After the extraction from grape skins, total anthocyans were determined by spectrophotometry, and the anthocyanin fingerprint of grapes by HPLC, considering the relative amount of 15 anthocyanins. Among those 126 accessions, 23 genotypes (18.25 %) did not present acylated anthocyanins. Thus, those 23 genotypes presented a characteristic anthocyanin fingerprint, similar at a certain extent to that presented by some Rhine basin and Italian grape cultivars, e.g., 'Pinot Noir' and 'Gaglioppo'. Nevertheless, the absence of acylated anthocyanins has not been described in any Spanish grape cultivar. The examination of the anthocyanin fingerprint of wild grapes without acylated anthocyanins reveals that the regulation of the anthocyanin biosynthesis may differ in various wild grape accessions.

    Scarring by homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits

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    In addition to the well known scarring effect of periodic orbits, we show here that homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits, which are cornerstones in the theory of classical chaos, also scar eigenfunctions of classically chaotic systems when associated closed circuits in phase space are properly quantized, thus introducing strong quantum correlations. The corresponding quantization rules are also established. This opens the door for developing computationally tractable methods to calculate eigenstates of chaotic systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Graph theory analysis of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging in essential tremor.

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    Essential tremor (ET) is a neurological disease with both motor and non-motor manifestations; however, little is known about its underlying brain basis. Furthermore, the overall organization of the brain network in ET remains largely unexplored. We investigated the topological properties of brain functional network, derived from resting-state functional MRI data, in 23 ET patients vs. 23 healthy controls. Graph theory analysis was used to assess the functional network organization. At the global level, the functional network of ET patients was characterized by lower small-world values than healthy controls - less clustered functionality of the brain. At the regional level, compared with the healthy controls, ET patients showed significantly higher values of global efficiency, cost and degree, and a shorter average path length in the left inferior frontal gyrus (pars opercularis), right inferior temporal gyrus (posterior division and temporo-occipital part), right inferior lateral occipital cortex, left paracingulate, bilateral precuneus bilaterally, left lingual gyrus, right hippocampus, left amygdala, nucleus accumbens bilaterally, and left middle temporal gyrus. In addition, ET patients showed significant higher local efficiency and clustering coefficient values in the frontal medial cortex bilaterally, subcallosal cortex, posterior cingulate, parahippocampal gyri bilaterally (posterior division), right lingual gyrus, right cerebellar flocculus, right postcentral gyrus, right inferior semilunar lobule of cerebellum and culmen of vermis. In conclusion, the efficiency of the overall brain functional network in ET is disrupted. Further, our results support the concept that ET is a disorder that disrupts widespread brain regions, including those outside of the brain regions responsible for tremor.pre-print1168 K

    53BP1 supports immunoglobulin class switch recombination independently of its DNA double-strand break end protection function

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    Class switch recombination (CSR) is a DNA recombination reaction that diversifies the effector functions of antibodies. CSR occurs via the formation and non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) repair of programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) at the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus. The DNA repair factors 53BP1 and Rif1 promote NHEJ and CSR by protecting DSBs against resection. However, to what extent repression of DNA end resection contributes to CSR is unknown. Here, we show that B lymphocytes devoid of 53BP1-Rif1-dependent DSB end protection activity undergo robust CSR. Inactivation of specific sets of phospho-sites within 53BP1 N-terminal SQ/TQ motifs abrogates Rif1 recruitment and inhibition of resection but only mildly reduces CSR. Furthermore, mutations within 53BP1 oligomerization domain abolish CSR without substantially affecting DNA end processing. Thus, inhibition of DNA end resection does not correlate with CSR efficiency, indicating that regulation of DSB processing is not a key determinant step in CSR

    The phase difference between neural drives to antagonist muscles in essential tremor is associated with the relative strength of supraspinal and afferent input

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    The pathophysiology of essential tremor (ET), the most common movement disorder, is not fully understood. We investigated which factors determine the variability in the phase difference between neural drives to antagonist muscles, a long-standing observation yet unexplained. We used a computational model to simulate the effects of different levels of voluntary and tremulous synaptic input to antagonistic motoneuron pools on the tremor. We compared these simulations to data from 11 human ET patients. In both analyses, the neural drive to muscle was represented as the pooled spike trains of several motor units, which provides an accurate representation of the common synaptic input to motoneurons. The simulations showed that, for each voluntary input level, the phase difference between neural drives to antagonist muscles is determined by the relative strength of the supraspinal tremor input to the motoneuron pools. In addition, when the supraspinal tremor input to one muscle was weak or absent, Ia afferents provided significant common tremor input due to passive stretch. The simulations predicted that without a voluntary drive (rest tremor) the neural drives would be more likely in phase, while a concurrent voluntary input (postural tremor) would lead more frequently to an out-of-phase pattern. The experimental results matched these predictions, showing a significant change in phase difference between postural and rest tremor. They also indicated that the common tremor input is always shared by the antagonistic motoneuron pools, in agreement with the simulations. Our results highlight that the interplay between supraspinal input and spinal afferents is relevant for tremor generation

    Large scale relative protein ligand binding affinities using non-equilibrium alchemy.

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    Ligand binding affinity calculations based on molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and non-physical (alchemical) thermodynamic cycles have shown great promise for structure-based drug design. However, their broad uptake and impact is held back by the notoriously complex setup of the calculations. Only a few tools other than the free energy perturbation approach by Schrodinger Inc. (referred to as FEP+) currently enable end-to-end application. Here, we present for the first time an approach based on the open-source software pmx that allows to easily set up and run alchemical calculations for diverse sets of small molecules using the GROMACS MD engine. The method relies on theoretically rigorous non-equilibrium thermodynamic integration (TI) foundations, and its flexibility allows calculations with multiple force fields. In this study, results from the Amber and Charmm force fields were combined to yield a consensus outcome performing on par with the commercial FEP+ approach. A large dataset of 482 perturbations from 13 different protein-ligand datasets led to an average unsigned error (AUE) of 3.64 +/- 0.14 kJ mol(-1), equivalent to Schrodinger's FEP+ AUE of 3.66 +/- 0.14 kJ mol(-1). For the first time, a setup is presented for overall high precision and high accuracy relative protein-ligand alchemical free energy calculations based on open-source software

    Baybayin Character Instance Detection

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    The Philippine Government recently passed the "National Writing System Act," which promotes using Baybayin in Philippine texts. In support of this effort to promote the use of Baybayin, we present a computer vision system which can aid individuals who cannot easily read Baybayin script. In this paper, we survey the existing methods of identifying Baybayin scripts using computer vision and machine learning techniques and discuss their capabilities and limitations. Further, we propose a Baybayin Optical Character Instance Segmentation and Classification model using state-of-the-art Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) that detect Baybayin character instances in an image then outputs the Latin alphabet counterparts of each character instance in the image. Most existing systems are limited to character-level image classification and often misclassify or not natively support characters with diacritics. In addition, these existing models often have specific input requirements that limit it to classifying Baybayin text in a controlled setting, such as limitations in clarity and contrast, among others. To our knowledge, our proposed method is the first end-to-end character instance detection model for Baybayin, achieving a mAP50 score of 93.30%, mAP50-95 score of 80.50%, and F1-Score of 84.84%