1,381 research outputs found

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    Discipline-Based Planetary Education Research and Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Mars

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    This thesis originates from the testing and implementation of an IRB-approved interactive animation designed to help students understand what causes The Reasons For The Seasons (RFTS) on Earth. Results from the testing indicated a small improvement in student understanding after exposure to the animation. Next, using the 3-D mapping tool Google Earth, students explored seasons and other planetary features on Mercury, Venus, the Moon and Mars through IRB-approved interactive tours which were developed and tested for astronomy education. Results from the tests indicated that there were statistically significant learning gains (p-value \u3c 0.05) after students interacted with the tours compared to those who did not. The development of the tours inspired a geophysics study of the possibility of former plate motion (or plate tectonics) on Mars. A 2-D finite element convection model for the mantle of Mars was designed and solved using COMSOL Multiphysics 5.1, to investigate whether or not thermal gradients in a Mars-sized planet could cause vigorous upper mantle convection, consistent with plate tectonic processes. Results from this project indicated that stable convection could occur in the interior of a Mars-like planet assuming the presence of sufficiently high thermal gradients at about 0.8 times the mantle temperature of Earth. The convective patterns resembled hot upwelling and cool downwelling which may be similar to subduction-like features. Furthermore, increasing the temperature of the hot boundaries resulted in faster, more rigorous convective motions and a hotter average temperature

    A critical assessment of the theology of Camilo Torres in the light of Latin American theology : a theological paradigm for peace with justice for Colombia

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    The thesis aims to provide a critical assessment of Camilo Torres’ concept of efficacious love in the light of a hermeneutics and ethics of liberation, to contribute theoretically to theological reflection upon the mission of the Protestant and Roman Catholic churches in Colombia, and generally in Latin America. It proposes the thesis that the theology of Camilo Torres, viewed from the perspective of a hermeneutics and an ethics of liberation, can be foundational for seeking, constructing, and sustaining peace with justice in a context of oppression and violence. Based on the theological analysis, the academic and spiritual motivation should respond to two fundamental questions in our academic inquiry: what foundation exists in Camilo Torres’ theology for the construction of a just, peaceful, liberative society and to enable proximity to the excluded, victimized, and poor population in Colombia to be achieved? And how can we as Christians respond to the grace of God in living efficaciously the values of the Kingdom of God, in order to bring structural changes in Colombia? The implications of the answers to those questions would result in the possibility to execute an integrating theological proposal for peace with justice for the church in Colombia. In an interpretative mode, we consider critically the multidisciplinary interaction of some of the theological foundations of liberation theology. Our task consists in clarifying and constructing theological presuppositions for a dialectical examination of the historical and current situation in Colombia, viewed in the light of the internal problems and realities. Thus, it is our intention in order to attempt a significant interdisciplinary juncture, to examine and interpret such relevant concepts as efficacious love, faith with works, kenosis, hypostatic union, hermeneutics and ethics of liberation, social justice, personal and collective socio-political conversion, and a praxis of faith as the church’s mission in response to the Colombian context of poverty and violence

    Apunts d'art empordanès dels segles XVII-XVIII

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    Aportem noves dades esparses al coneixement d'algunes peces religioses d'art modestes, tant un retaule , dues dauradures de retaules com tres creus de plata, que es contractaren al llarg deis segles XVII i XVIII a l'Empordà -Arenys d'Empordà, Figueres, Taravaus, Viladamat- i un de Vilademuls i un altre per a una església del bisbat de Ripoll, així com algunes referencies del pas i del treball d'artistes perla nostra comarca

    El Col·legi de Procuradors Causídics de Figueres

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    El 1758 s’aprovaren les ordenances reguladores del nou Col·legi de Procuradors Causídics de Figueres, on es recull la normativa d’accés al cos i a l’exercici de la procuradoria a la capital altempordanesa, la pràctica eficaç de l’ofici dins del marc jurídic legal per tal d’evitar l’intrusisme i la competència deslleial, la resolució de conflictes entre els organismes oficials o amb particulars, l’organització de serveis comuns d’assistència i de previsió i, en general, la regulació de l’ofici que perduraria fins entrat el segle XX.In 1758, the official statutes of the new Barristers’ Association of Figueres were passed with the following regulations and norms: rules for membership and for practising in the jurisdiction of the capital of the Alt Empordà, efficient practice of the profession within the legal frame in order to avoid unlicensed or disloyal competition, conflict solving between institutions or individuals, organisation of communal services of assistance and prevention and the general regulations of the profession which would last until the beginning of the twentieth century

    Un estudi d'àmbit local

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    Un recull de records de Cadaqués

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