102 research outputs found

    Improving LAN Performance Based on IEEE802.1Q VLAN Switching Techniques

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    الشبكة المحلية الافتراضية هيه تعمل على توزيع المستخدمين في شبكات محلية منطقية او نطاقات التي يمكن من خلالها ان تتصل على شكل شبكة محلية واحدة النطاق او نفس النطاقت لتعدد الارسال. بروتوكول الاثرنيت مشهور جدا في عالم الشبكات بسب سهولة التنفيذ والاعداد. على اي حال, دعم جودة الخدمة هو اصبح ميزه مهمة لشبكات الاثرنيت. في هذا السياق, مشاكل الشبكات الكبيرة وزمن تاخير نقل البيانات اصبح مهم جدا. تخيف زمن التاخير من نهاية الى نهاية بواسطة تكنلوجيا الشبكة المحلية الافتراضية لتحسين اداء الشبكة. في هذا البحث, نحن نحلل ونقييم اداء الشبكات المحلية والشبكات المحلية الافتراضية في مختلف السيناريوهات. مؤشرات قياس الاداء الرئيسية مثل مرور الارسال ومرور الاستلام ومعدل التاخير ومعدل ارسال البيانات. المحاكاة نفذة باستخدام برنامج الاوبنيت نسخة الطالب 17.5. اثنين من السيناريهات المختلفة هيه مستعرضة لملاحظة الاداء لشبكة محلية وشبكة محلية افتراضية. نتائج المحاكاة تبين ذالك هنالك مرور كبير للبيانات في الشبكة التي لا تستخدم تكنلوجيا الشبكة المحلية الافتراضية. من هذا المنطلق, تكنلوجيا الشبكات المحلية الافتراضية تمنع الوصول الى مصادر الشبكة والاقسام الاخرى. كذالك, الشبكة المحلية الافتراضية تمتلك نصف زمن تاخير الانتظار او الطابور مقارنتا مع سيناريو الشبكة المحلية. لذالك, الشبكات المحلية الافتراضية تستطيع تحسين استخدام عرض الحزمة او النطاق والقدرة والسرعة والامان.VLAN is a set of users in different isolated logical LANs or broadcasting domains, they are communicated as a same LAN i.e. same broadcasting domain. Ethernet protocol is very popular over networks because it has a simple of implementation and ease of configuration. However, the support of Quality of Service (QoS) has become an essential merit of Ethernet network. In this context, the problems of large network and data transport delay have been regained significant importance. Alleviating the end to end delay by using the VLAN technology to enhance the network performance. In this paper, we analyze and evaluate the performance of LAN and VLAN networks in different scenarios. Measuring key performance indicators such as traffic sent, traffic received, average delay and throughput. The simulation was carried out by employing OPNET 17.5 Student Version. Two different scenarios are presented to observe the performance of LAN and VLAN networks. The simulation results illustrated that there is more existing traffic without VLAN technology. Hence, VLANs prohibit the access to the network resources of other departments. Also, VLAN has half average queuing delay compared with no VLAN scenario. Therefore, VLANs can improve bandwidth utilization, power, speed and security

    Performance evaluation of campus network involving VLAN and broadband multimedia wireless networks using OPNET modeler

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    Modern technology is essential for all healthy, economic, and educational sectors. Using modern technology involves high-performance networks in terms of quality of service (QoS) parameters such as delay, throughput, bandwidth, and security. A campus network involves wire and the wireless environment with and without virtual local area network (VLAN) technology has been simulated using optimized network engineering tools (OPNET). The simulation model includes four scenarios that involve heavy-loaded File transfer protocol (FTP) and web browsing applications with two logical groups of users. The simulation results show that the VLAN overcome LAN networks in terms of bandwidth and security. This has been done by reducing the throughput in both sending and receiving levels to the confidential servers. The VLAN has also reduced the broadcast domain which results in a high-power efficiency. Moreover, the VLAN network technology has been proved to have lower values of delay in transferring files and packets than LAN network technology. In addition, VLAN technology generally has been decreased values of throughput regardless of the way of connection between servers and workstations. This, in turn, allows taking advantage of wireless connection features in terms of flexibility of installation and speed of configuration

    Writer Independent Offline Signature Verification System using Global and Local Geometric Features

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    The objective of this paper is to propose an offline signature verification system (OSVS) designed for writer-independent applications. The system shall differentiate between original and forged signatures. The system encompasses key stages such as pre-processing, feature extraction, and model training and testing, employing the Support Vector Machine algorithm for classification. One challenge in creating a good OSVS is to find proper signature features to be used in the training/classification phases. In this research, global and local features are utilized. This includes signature area, mean, standard deviation, perimeter, number of connected components, number of vertical and horizontal edges, number of end points, number of branch points, and number of lines. The contributions of this paper are on several aspects of the offline signature verification process. Investigation in this study include data pre-processing techniques (normalization vs. standardization), kernel selection (Poly vs. RBF), dataset distribution for training and testing (80%-20% vs. 5-fold), and variations of the C and gamma parameters (C=1, 10, 100 and gamma=1, 10, 100). Improving the recognition rate involves removing of features with little or bad effect on the recognition rate. An algorithm for model-agnostic feature importance is executed, revealing that the most crucial features in the classification process are mean, standard deviation, perimeter, number of connected components, and number of end points. Signatures are classified as either original or forgery, and the model\u27s performance is assessed on the CEDAR dataset. Experimental results shows a 95.65% accuracy of the proposed system when utilizing standardization with the RBF kernel

    Reconocimiento óptico de fuentes en inglés en documentos de imágenes utilizando eigenfaces

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    Introduction: In this paper, a system for recognizing fonts has been designed and implemented. The system is based on the Eigenfaces method. Because font recognition works in conjunction with other methods like Optical Character Recognition (OCR), we used Decapod and OCRopus software as a framework to present the method. Materials and Methods: In our experiments, text typeset with three English fonts (Comic Sans MS, DejaVu Sans Condensed,Times New Roman) have been used. Results and Discussion: The system is tested thoroughly using synthetic and degraded data. The experimental results show that Eigenfaces algorithm is very good at recognizing fonts of synthetic clean data as well as degraded data. The correct recognition rate for synthetic data for Eigenfaces is 99% based on Euclidean Distance. The overall accuracy of Eigenfaces is 97% based on 6144 degraded samples and considering Euclidean Distance performance criterion. Conclusions: It is concluded from the experimental results that the Eigenfaces method is suitable for font recognition of degraded documents. The three percentage incorrect classification can be mediated by relying on intra-word font information

    Deep Venous Thrombosis after Arterial Surgery a Literature Review

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    AbstractObjectiveTo quantify the risk of DVT in arterial surgery, and to assess the need for prophylaxis.MethodsA search was carried out through Medline, Embase and Cochrane databases to identify published studies on DVT in arterial surgery. To quantify the risk of DVT both randomised and prospective non-randomised studies were included for analysis. However, to assess the need for prophylaxis only randomised controlled trials were considered.ResultsTwenty three prospective studies that evaluated DVT in arterial surgery were identified. Ten reported data about DVT in aortic surgery, seven studies evaluated DVT in general vascular surgery, three studied DVT in infra-inguinal vascular surgery and three studied DVT incidence in patients after limb amputations.ConclusionThere is a wide variation in the reported incidence of DVT in arterial surgery (2%–24%). This is mostly due to the diversity of screening methods used and the inclusion or exclusion of below knee DVT.There is insufficient evidence to make a valid conclusion regarding the routine use of anticoagulants prophylaxis in arterial surgery. However, until such evidence becomes available, DVT prophylaxis in patients undergoing arterial surgery will continue to be guided by evidence gained from studies of general surgical patients

    Litigation Claims in Vascular Surgery in the United Kingdom's NHS

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    A Study On The Effects Of Noise Level, Cleaning Method, And Vectorization Software On The Quality Of Vector Data.

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    In this paper we study different factors that affect vector quality. Noise level, cleaning method, and vectorization software are three factors that may influence the resulting vector data. Real scanned images from GREC'03 contest are used in the experiment. Three different levels of salt-and-pepper noise (5olo, l0%o, and l5o/o) are used. Noisy images are cleaned by six cleaning algorithms and then three different commercial raster to vector software are used to vectorize the cleaned images. vector Recovery Index (VRI) is the performance evaluation criteria used in this study to judge the quality of the resulting vectors compared to their ground truth data. Statistical analysis on the VRI values shows that vectorization software have the biggest influence on the quality of the resulting vectors

    Quranic Text Analysis (An Applied Theoretical Study)

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    الحمد لله أنزل على عبده الكتاب ولم يجعل له عِوَجاً، وصلى الله على رسوله المصطفى الذي لم يزل لسانه بترتيله لَهِجاً، وعلى آله الطيبين الطاهرين الذين جعلهم للبرية أعلاماً وحججاً، وعلى صحبه الذين اتخذوا شريعته سبيلاً ومنهجاً. وبعدُ؛ فإنّ هذا البحث يتناول موضوعاً من الموضوعات المهمة ذات الارتباط الوثيق بالقرآن الكريم من جهة؛ وباللغة العربيّة وعلومها من جهة أخرى؛ وهذا الموضوع هو (تحليل النصّ القرآنيّ)، وتتأتى أهميّة مادة تحليل النصّ القرآنيّ من جهتين، الجهة الأولى: أنّ هذه المادة تجمع بين علوم اللغة العربية التي يدرسها الطلبة؛ وهي: الصوت، والصرف، النحو، والدلالة والمعجم، والبلاغة، والجهة الثانية: أنّ هذه المادة من المواد التطبيقيّة؛ لأنّ الطالب فيها يطبّق ويوظّف ما تعلّمه من قواعد علوم اللغة العربيّة التي درسها. وقد اقتضت طبيعة البحث أن يقسّم على مطالب ستة، فكان المطلب الأول نشأة علم تحليل النصّ القرآنيّ، والمطلب الثاني تعريفه وبيان موضوعه، والمطلب الثالث أهميته، والمطلب الرابع شروطه، المطلب الخامس قواعده، والمطلب السادس مستوياته، سبقتهم هذه المقدمة وتلتهم خاتمة، والله أسأل أن يوفقنا لخدمة كتابه العزيز إنّه حميد مجيب.Praise be to God, He sent the book to His servant and did not make it a curse, and God prayed for His Messenger, who was still tongue by singing a tone, and to his good and pure family who made them for the wilderness flags and arguments, and to his companions who took his law as a way and a method. The nature of the research required that it be divided into six demands, so the first demand was the emergence of the science of the analysis of the Qur’anic text, the second demand is its definition and clarification of its subject, the third demand is its importance, the fourth demand is its conditions, the fifth demand is its rules, and the sixth demand is its levels, preceded by this introduction and devours a conclusion, and God I ask that May God grant us success in serving his dear book. He is Hamid Mujib.And after; On the one hand, this research deals with an important topic closely related to the Holy Qur’an. And in the Arabic language and its sciences on the other hand; This topic is (the analysis of the Qur’anic text), and the importance of the material for analyzing the Qur’anic text comes from two sides. The first is that this course combines the Arabic language sciences that students study; They are: sound, exchange, grammar, semantics, glossary, rhetoric, and the second aspect: that this article is applied materials; Because the student in it applies and employs what he learned from the rules of Arabic sciences he studied. &nbsp

    Medical and Surgical Treatment of Idiopathic Granulomatous Lobular Mastitis: A Benign Inflammatory Disease Mimicking Invasive Carcinoma

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    rare chronic inflammatory disease of the breast with obscure etiology that mimics invasive carcinoma both clinically and radiologically. The treatment of IGLM remains controversial. The aim of proper management is to use a combination of medical and surgical treatment of this benign condition to achieve a good cosmetic result and low recurrence rate. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 19 patients with IGLM is performed based on the findings of clinical, radiological, and pathological examinations. The results of two treatments are presented: medical treatment with oral corticosteroids, and consecutive surgical excision after a follow-up period of 20 months (range, 6-75 months). Results: The majority of patients treated in this paper were young (mean, 34 years) parous women with a history of hormonal medication use. The main clinical finding is large, irregular, and painful mass. Hypoechoic lobulated, irregular tubular or oval shaped masse